- List of scientific journals in earth and atmospheric sciences
This list presents representative
scientific journal s in earth andatmospheric science s and its various subfields.Multi-disciplinary
* "Eos" (
American Geophysical Union ; ISSN|0096-3941)
* "Geophysical Research Letters " (American Geophysical Union ; ISSN|0094-8276)
* "Nature Geoscience "Earth Science
* "
American Journal of Science "
* "Canadian Journal of Earth Science " ( [http://pubs.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/cgi-bin/rp/rp2_desc_e?cjes] journal home)
* "Earth and Planetary Science Letters "
* "Earth in Space "
* "Earth Interactions " (American Meteorological Society ; ISSN|1087-3562)
* "Earth-Science Reviews "
* "Global Environmental Change "
* "International Journal of Remote Sensing "
* "Zeitschrift für Geologische Wissenschaften (Journal for the Geological Sciences) "Hydrology
* "
Advances in Water Resources "
* "Journal of Hydrology "
* "Water Resources Research "Geochemistry and Mineralogy
* "
American Mineralogist "
* "Applied Geochemistry "
* "Canadian Mineralogist "
* "Chemical Geology "
* "Clays and Clay Minerals "
* "Geochemical Transactions "
* "Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta "
* "Geomicrobiology Journal "
* "Mineralogical Magazine "
* "Organic Geochemistry "
* "Physics and Chemistry of Minerals "
* "Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry "Geology
* "
Bulletin of Volcanology (International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of the Earth's Interior )
* "Canadian Mineralogist "
* "Geodinamica Acta "
* "Geofluids "
* "Geological Journal " ( [http://www.interscience.wiley.com/journal/gj] journal home) (John Wiley & Sons , ISSN|)
* "Geology" ( [http://www.gsajournals.org/gsaonline/?request=get-archive&issn=0091-7613 journal archive] ) (Geological Society of America , ISSN|0091-7613)
* "Geomorphology"
* "Holocene"
* "International Journal of Speleology " (Società Speleologica Italiana )
* "Journal of Geology "
* "Journal of Metamorphic Geology "
* "Journal of Sedimentary Research "
* "Journal of Structural Geology "
* "Journal of the Geological Society " ( [http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/gsl/publications/journals/jgs journal home] ) (Geological Society of London )
* "Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research "
* "Lithos"
* "Northeastern Geology "
* "Oil and Gas Journal "
* "Palaios "
* "Sedimentary Geology "
* "Sedimentary Petrolology "
* "Sedimentology"Oceanography
* "
Atmosphere-Ocean "
* "Deep-Sea Research Part I "
* "Deep-Sea Research Part II "
* "Journal of Physical Oceanography " (American Meteorological Society ; ISSN|0022-3670)
* "Limnology & Oceanography "
* " Marine Chemistry"
* "Marine Geology
* "Netherlands Journal of Sea Research "
* "Oceanography & Marine Biology "
* "Paleoceanography "
* "Progress in Oceanography "
* "Reviews in Aquatic Sciences "Unsorted
* "
Episodes " (International Union of Geological Sciences , ISSN|)
* "Geophysics" ( [http://seg.org/publications/geophysics/] journal home) (Society of Exploration Geophysicists , ISSN|)ISSN|0392-6672)
* "Journal of Earth System Science " ( [http://www.ias.ac.in/jessci/ Journal home page] )
* "Journal of Geophysical Research " (American Geophysical Union , ISSN|0148-0227)
* "Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets"
* "Journal of Geophysical Research - Solid Earth"
* "Reviews of Geophysics "
* "Journal of Glaciology " (International Glaciological Society , ISSN|0022-1430)
* "Annals of Glaciology " (International Glaciological Society , ISSN|0260-3055)Atmospheric Science
* "
Aerobiologica "
* "Agricultural and Forest Meteorology "
* "Atmosphere-Ocean "
* "Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics "
* "Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics " ( [http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net] journal home) (European Geosciences Union , ISSN|1680-7324)
* "Atmospheric Environment "
* "Atmospheric Research " (Elsevier , ISSN|0169-8095)
* "Atmospheric Science Letters " (Royal Meteorological Society , ISSN|)
* "Boundary-Layer Meteorology "
* "Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society " (American Meteorological Society ; ISSN|0003-0007)
* "Climate Dynamics "
* "Climatic Change "
* "Contributions to Atmospheric Physics "
* "Electronic Journal of Operational Meteorology " ( [http://www.nwas.org/ej/] journal home)
* "Electronic Journal of Severe Storms Meteorology " ( [http://www.ejssm.org/] journal home) (ISSN|1559-5404)
* "International Journal of Biometeorology " ( [http://www.springerlink.com/content/1432-1254/] journal home) (International Society of Biometeorology ; ISSN|0020-7128)
* "International Journal of Climatology "Royal Meteorological Society )
* "Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology " (American Meteorological Society ; ISSN|0894-8763)
* "Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology " (American Meteorological Society ; ISSN|0739-0572)
* "Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-terrestrial Physics "
* "Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry "
* "Journal of Climate and Applied Meteorology "
* "Journal of Climate " (American Meteorological Society ; ISSN|0894-8755)
* "Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres "
* "Journal of Hydrometeorology " (American Meteorological Society , ISSN|1525-755X)
* "Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences " (American Meteorological Society ; ISSN|0022-4928)
* "Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan " (Meteorological Society of Japan ; ISSN|)
* "Journal of Meteorology "
* "Journal of Paleoclimatology "
* "Meteorological Applications " (Royal Meteorological Society , ISSN|1350-4827)
* "Meteorological Monographs " (American Meteorological Society ; ISSN|0065-9401)
* "Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics "
* "Monthly Weather Review " (American Meteorological Society ; ISSN|0027-0644)
* "Progress in Biometeorology "
* "Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society " (Royal Meteorological Society ; ISSN|0035-9009)
* "National Weather Digest " (National Weather Association ; ((ISSN|)
* ""
* ""
* "Weather and Forecasting " (American Meteorological Society ; ISSN|0882-8156)
* "Weather" (Royal Meteorological Society ; ISSN|0043-1656)See also
List of scientific journals
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