Davy's grey

Davy's grey
Davy's Grey
About these coordinates

— Colour coordinates —

Hex triplet #555555
RGBB (r, g, b) (85, 85, 85)
HSV (h, s, v) (-°, 0%, 33 [1]%)
B: Normalized to [0–255] (byte)

Davy's grey is a dark grey colour, made from powdered slate, iron oxide and carbon black named for Henry Davy.[2][3]

Another name for this colour is steel.[4]

The first recorded use of Davy’s grey as a colour name in English was in the 19th century (precise date uncertain).[5]


  1. ^ web.forret.com Color Conversion Tool set to h code 555555:
  2. ^ Paterson, Ian (2003), A Dictionary of Colour (1st paperback ed.), London: Thorogood (published 2004), p. 134, ISBN 1854183753, OCLC 60411025 
  3. ^ Eastaugh, Nicholas; Walsh, Valentine; Chaplin, Tracey; Siddall, Ruth (2004), Pigment Compendium: A Dictionary of Historical Pigments, Butterworth-Heinemann, p. 139, ISBN 9780750657495, OCLC 56444720 
  4. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 116
  5. ^ Maerz and Paul A Dictionary of Color New York:1930 McGraw-Hill Page 194; Color Sample of Davy’s Grey: Page 117 Plate 47 Color Sample A4