- Bramble Bank
The Bramble Bank, otherwise known simply as "The Brambles" is an arrowhead-shaped sandbar in the central
Solent which is uncovered at low water spring tides. At other times it presents either a significant navigational hazard or a useful escape from the strong Solent tides. The bank is moving very slowly westward. It is marked at its southeastern limit by the Brambles postsea mark and on its western limit by the West Knollbuoy .The Brambles post has comprehensive weather and
sea state monitoring equipment which is relayed in realtime to a website. [http://www.bramblemet.co.uk]The Bramble Bank is renowned as being the location of an annual
cricket match between theRoyal Southern Yacht Club and theIsland Sailing Club . The match takes place when the bank is exposed but never lasts very long before the tide returns. The undulating surface with large puddles ensures it is more a social occasion than a serious cricket match. The ultimate example of this is the scoring- the victor of the game is pre-determined as the two clubs simply take it in turns to "win" the match, regardless of how the match progresses. An interesting reference to this practice is found inHansard , the British parliamentary record, during the debate on the Licensing Bill (Lords) in Standing Committee D, on8 May 2003 . In this debate the Island's MP,Andrew Turner , is discussing the problems of licensing when the event to be licensed falls between two authorities, and in a light-hearted way cites the example of the Bramble Bank cricket match.External links
* [http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/cm200203/cmstand/d/st030508/am/30508s02.htm Link to the transcript]
* [http://www.sealasc.org.uk/Albums/2005/Bramble.html The 2005 Bramble Bank Cricket Match photo archive]
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