- Fiber bundle
mathematics , in particular intopology , a fiber bundle (or fibre bundle) is a space which looks locally like aproduct space . It may have a different global topological structure in that the space as a whole may not behomeomorphic to a product space. Every fiber bundle consists of a continuous surjective map:pi : E o B
where small regions in the total space "E" look like small regions in the
product space "B" × "F". Here "B" is the base space while "F" is the fiber space. For example, setting "E" as the product space "B" × "F", equipped with π = pr1 (projection onto the first coordinate), is a fiber bundle. This is called the trivial bundle. One goal of the theory of bundles is to quantify, viaalgebraic invariant s, what it means for a bundle to be "non"-trivial, or in other words twisted in the large.Fiber bundles generalize
vector bundle s, where the main example is thetangent bundle of amanifold , as well asprincipal bundle s. They play an important role in the fields ofdifferential topology anddifferential geometry . They are also a fundamental concept in the mathematical formulation ofgauge theory . Fiber bundles specialize the more general bundle.Formal definition
A fiber bundle consists of the data ("E", "B", π, "F"), where "E", "B", and "F" are
topological spaces and π : "E" → "B" is a continuous surjection satisfying a "local triviality" condition outlined below. "B" is called the base space of the bundle, "E" the total space, and "F" the fiber. The map π is called the projection map (or bundle projection). We shall assume in what follows that the base space "B" is connected.We require that for any "x" in "B", there is an open neighborhood "U" of "x" (which will be called a trivializing neighborhood) such that π−1("U") is
homeomorphic to the product space "U" × "F", in such a way that π carries over to the projection onto the first factor. That is, the following diagram should commute:where proj1 : "U" × "F" → "U" is the natural projection and φ : π−1("U") → "U" × "F" is a homeomorphism. The set of all {("U""i", φ"i")} is called a local trivialization of the bundle.
For any "x" in "B", the
preimage π−1({"x"}) is homeomorphic to "F" and is called the fiber over "x". A fiber bundle ("E", "B", π, "F") is often denoted:to indicate ashort exact sequence of spaces. Note that every fiber bundle π : "E" → "B" is anopen map , since projections of products are open maps. Therefore "B" carries thequotient topology determined by the map π.A smooth fiber bundle is a fiber bundle in the category of
smooth manifold s. That is, "E", "B", and "F" are required to be smooth manifolds and all the functions above are required to besmooth map s.Examples
Trivial bundle
Let "E" = "B" × "F" and let π : "E" → "B" be the projection onto the first factor. Then "E" is a fiber bundle (of "F") over "B". Here "E" is not just locally a product but "globally" one. Any such fiber bundle is called a trivial bundle.
Möbius strip
Perhaps the simplest example of a nontrivial bundle "E" is the
Möbius strip . It has thecircle that runs lengthwise along the center of the strip as a base "B" and a line segment for the fiber "F", so the Möbius strip is a bundle of the line segment over the circle. A neighborhood "U" of a point "x" ∈ "B" is an arc; in the picture, this is the length of one of the squares. The preimage pi^{-1}(U) in the picture is a (somewhat twisted) slice of the strip four squares wide and one long. The homeomorphism φ maps the preimage of "U" to a slice of a cylinder: curved, but not twisted.The corresponding trivial bundle "B" × "F" would be a cylinder, but the Möbius strip has an overall "twist". Note that this twist is visible only globally; locally the Möbius strip and the cylinder are identical (making a single vertical cut in either gives the same space).
Klein bottle
A similar nontrivial bundle is the
Klein bottle which can be viewed as a "twisted" circle bundle over another circle. The corresponding trivial bundle would be atorus , "S"1 × "S"1.Covering map
A covering space is a fiber bundle such that the bundle projection is a
local homeomorphism . It follows in particular, that the fiber is adiscrete space .Vector and principal bundles
A special class of fiber bundles, called
vector bundle s, are those whose fibers arevector space s (to qualify as a vector bundle the structure group of the bundle — see below — must be a linear group). Important examples of vector bundles include thetangent bundle andcotangent bundle of a smooth manifold. From any vector bundle, one can construct theframe bundle of bases which is a principal bundle (see below).Another special class of fiber bundles, called
principal bundle s, are bundles on whose fibers a free and transitive action by a group "G" is given, so that each fiber is aprincipal homogeneous space . The bundle is often specified along with the group by referring to it as a principal "G"-bundle. The group "G" is also the structure group of the bundle. Given a representation ρ of "G" on a vector space "V", a vector bundle with ρ("G")⊆Aut("V") as a structure group may be constructed, known as theassociated bundle .phere bundles
A sphere bundle is a fiber bundle whose fiber is an "n"-sphere. Given a vector bundle "E" with a metric (such as the tangent bundle to a
Riemannian manifold ) one can construct the associated unit sphere bundle, for which the fiber over a point "x" is the set of all unit vectors in "E""x". When the vector bundle in question is the tangent bundle T("M"), the unit sphere bundle is known as theunit tangent bundle , and is denoted UT("M").A sphere bundle is partially characterized by its
Euler class , which is a degree "n"+1cohomology class in the total space of the bundle. In the case "n"=1 the sphere bundle is called acircle bundle and the Euler class is equal to the firstChern class , which characterizes the topology of the bundle completely. For any "n", given the Euler class of a bundle, one can calculate its cohomology using along exact sequence called theGysin sequence .Mapping tori
If "X" is a
topological space and "f":"X" → "X" is ahomeomorphism then themapping torus "Mf" has a natural structure of a fiber bundle over thecircle with fiber "X". Mapping tori of homeomorphisms of surfaces are of particular importance in 3-manifold topology.Quotient spaces
If "G" is a
topological group and "H" is aclosed subgroup , then under some circumstances, thequotient space "G"/"H" together with the quotient map π : "G" → "G"/"H" is a fiber bundle, whose fiber is the topological space "H". A necessary and sufficient condition for ("G","G"/"H",π,"H") to form a fiber bundle is that the mapping π admit local cross-sections harv|Steenrod|1951|§7.The most general conditions under which the quotient map will admit local cross-sections are not known, although if "G" is a
Lie group and "H" a closed subgroup (and thus a Lie subgroup), then the quotient map is a fiber bundle. One example of this is theHopf fibration , "S"3 → "S"2 which is a fiber bundle over the sphere "S"2 whose total space is "S"3. From the perspective of Lie groups, "S"3 can be identified with thespecial unitary group SU(2). The abelian subgroup of diagonal matrices is isomorphic to thecircle group U(1), and the quotient SU(2)/U(1) is diffeomorphic to the sphere.More generally, if "G" is any topological group and "H" a closed subgroup which also happens to be a Lie group, then "G" "G"/"H" is a fiber bundle.
A section (or cross section) of a fiber bundle is a continuous map "f" : "B" → "E" such that π("f"("x"))="x" for all "x" in "B". Since bundles do not in general have globally-defined sections, one of the purposes of the theory is to account for their existence. The obstruction to the existence of a section can often be measured by a cohomology class, which leads to the theory of
characteristic class es inalgebraic topology .The most well-know example is the
hairy ball theorem , where theEuler class is the obstruction to thetangent bundle of the 2-sphere having a nowhere vanishing section.Often one would like to define sections only locally (especially when global sections do not exist). A local section of a fiber bundle is a continuous map "f" : "U" → "E" where "U" is an
open set in "B" and π("f"("x"))="x" for all "x" in "U". If ("U", φ) is a local trivialization chart then local sections always exist over "U". Such sections are in 1-1 correspondence with continuous maps "U" → "F". Sections form a sheaf.tructure groups and transition functions
Fiber bundles often come with a group of symmetries which describe the matching conditions between overlapping local trivialization charts. Specifically, let "G" be a
topological group which acts continuously on the fiber space "F" on the left. We lose nothing if we require "G" to act effectively on "F" so that it may be thought of as a group ofhomeomorphism s of "F". A "G"-atlas for the bundle ("E", "B", π, "F") is a local trivialization such that for any two overlapping charts ("U""i", φ"i") and ("U""j", φ"j") the function:phi_iphi_j^{-1} : (U_i cap U_j) imes F o (U_i cap U_j) imes Fis given by:phi_iphi_j^{-1}(x, xi) = (x, t_{ij}(x)xi)where "t""ij" : "U""i" ∩ "U""j" → "G" is a continuous map called a transition function. Two "G"-atlases are equivalent if their union is also a "G"-atlas. A "G"-bundle is a fiber bundle with an equivalence class of "G"-atlases. The group "G" is called the structure group of the bundle; the analogous term in physics isgauge group .In the smooth category, a "G"-bundle is a smooth fiber bundle where "G" is a
Lie group and the corresponding action on "F" is smooth and the transition functions are all smooth maps.The transition functions "t""ij" satisfy the following conditions
#t_{ii}(x) = 1
#t_{ij}(x) = t_{ji}(x)^{-1}
#t_{ik}(x) = t_{ij}(x)t_{jk}(x)The third condition applies on triple overlaps "Ui" ∩ "Uj" ∩ "Uk" and is called the cocycle condition (seeČech cohomology ). The importance of this is that the transition functions determine the fibre bundle (if one assumes the Čech cocycle condition).A principal "G"-bundle is a "G"-bundle where the fiber "F" is a
principal homogeneous space for the left action of "G" itself (equivalently, one can specify that the action of "G" on the fibre "F" is free and transitive). In this case, it is often a matter of convenience to identify "F" with "G" and so obtain a (right) action of "G" on the principal bundle.Bundle maps
It is useful to have notions of mapping between bundles on "B" for the same type of fiber "F". These are called
bundle maps . The most common are the mappings between vector bundles that are linear on each fiber; these occur also for different bases, for example from onetangent bundle to another. Another kind is the bundle map of principal bundles, which is "G"-equivariant fiber by fiber.If p_i : E_i o B_i are fiber bundles for i=1,2 a bundle map from p_1 to p_2 consists of a pair of functions f : E_1 o E_2, g : B_1 o B_2 such that p_2 circ f = g circ p_1. If f and g are homeomorphisms (resp. diffeomorphisms), they are called an isomorphism of bundles.
Differentiable fiber bundles
In the category of
differentiable manifold s, fiber bundles arise naturally as submersions of one manifold to another. Not every (differentiable) submersion ƒ : "M" → "N" from a differentiable manifold "M" to another differentiable manifold "N" gives rise to a differentiable fiber bundle. For one thing, the map must be surjective. However, this necessary condition is not quite sufficient, and there are a variety of sufficient conditions in common use.If "M" and "N" are compact and connected, then any submersion "f" : "M" → "N" gives rise to a fiber bundle in the sense that there is a fiber space "F" diffeomorphic to each of the fibers such that ("E","B",π,"F") = ("M","N",ƒ,"F") is a fiber bundle. (Surjectivity of ƒ follows by the assumptions already given in this case.) More generally, the assumption of compactness can be relaxed if the submersion ƒ : :"M" → "N" is assumed to be a surjective
proper map , meaning that ƒ-1("K") is compact for every compact subset "K" of "N". Another sufficient condition, due to harvtxt|Ehresmann|1951, is that if ƒ : "M" → "N" is a surjective submersion with "M" and "N"differentiable manifold s such that the preimage ƒ-1{"x"} is compact andconnected for all "x" ∈ "N", then ƒ admits a compatible fiber bundle structure harv|Michor|2008|loc=§17.See also
Covering map
*Gauge theory
*Hopf bundle
*Principal bundle
*Pullback bundle
*Universal bundle
*Vector bundle References
* ("to appear").
*External links
* [http://planetmath.org/encyclopedia/FiberBundle.html Fiber Bundle] , PlanetMath
* [http://www.popmath.org.uk/sculpmath/pagesm/fibundle.html Making John Robinson's Symbolic Sculpture `Eternity']
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.