Obstruction theory

Obstruction theory

In mathematics, obstruction theory is a name given to two different mathematical theories, both of which yield cohomological invariants.


In homotopy theory

The older meaning for obstruction theory in homotopy theory relates to a procedure, inductive with respect to dimension, for extending a continuous mapping defined on a simplicial complex, or CW complex. Traditionally called Eilenberg obstruction theory, after Samuel Eilenberg. It involves cohomology groups with coefficients in homotopy groups to define obstructions to extensions. For example, with a mapping from a simplicial complex X to another, Y, defined initially on the 0-skeleton of X (the vertices of X), an extension to the 1-skeleton will be possible whenever Y is sufficiently path-connected. Extending from the 1-skeleton to the 2-skeleton means filling in the images of the solid triangles from X, given the image of the edges. However, further extending to 3-skeleton involves the opposite – i.e. the solid triangle images are removed from X.

In geometric topology

In geometric topology, obstruction theory is concerned with when a topological manifold has a piecewise linear structure, and when a piecewise linear manifold has a differential structure.

In dimension at most 2 (Rado), and 3 (Moise), the notions of topological manifolds and piecewise linear manifolds coincide. In dimension 4 they are not the same.

In dimensions at most 6 the notions of piecewise linear manifolds and differentiable manifolds coincide.

In surgery theory

The two basic questions of surgery theory are whether a topological space with n-dimensional Poincaré duality is homotopy equivalent to an n-dimensional manifold, and also whether a homotopy equivalence of n-dimensional manifolds is homotopic to a diffeomorphism. In both cases there are two obstructions for n>9, a primary topological K-theory obstruction to the existence of a vector bundle: if this vanishes there exists a normal map, allowing the definition of the secondary surgery obstruction in algebraic L-theory to performing surgery on the normal map to obtain a homotopy equivalence.

See also


  • Scorpan, Alexandru (2005). The wild world of 4-manifolds. American Mathematical Society. ISBN 0-8218-3749-4.