Homeomorphism (graph theory)

Homeomorphism (graph theory)

In graph theory, two graphs G and G' are homeomorphic if there is an isomorphism from some subdivision of G to some subdivision of G'. If the edges of a graph are thought of as lines drawn from one vertex to another (as they are usually depicted in illustrations), then two graphs are homeomorphic to each other in the graph-theoretic sense precisely if they are homeomorphic in the sense in which the term is used in topology.


In general, a subdivision of a graph "G" is a graph resulting from the subdivision of edges in "G". The subdivision of some edge "e" with endpoints {"u","v"} yields a graph containing one new vertex "w", and with an edge set replacing "e" by two new edges with endpoints {"u","w"} and {"w","v"}.

For example, the edge "e", with endpoints {"u","v"}:has a vertex (namely "w") that can be smoothed away, resulting in::

Determining whether for graphs "G" and "H", "H" is homeomorphic to a subgraph of "G", is an NP-complete problem.

Barycentric Subdivisions

The barycentric subdivision subdivides each edge of the graph. This is a special subdivision, as it always results in a bipartite graph. This procedure can be repeated, so that the "n"th barycentric subdivision is the barycentric subdivision of the "n-1"th barycentric subdivision of the graph. The second such subdivision is always a simple graph.

Embedding on a surface

It is evident that subdividing a graph preserves planarity. Kuratowski's theorem states that : a finite graph is planar if and only if it contains no subgraph homeomorphic to "K"5 (complete graph on five vertices) or "K"3,3 (complete bipartite graph on six vertices, three of which connect to each of the other three).

In fact, a graph homeomorphic to "K"5 or "K"3,3 is called a Kuratowski subgraph.

A generalization, flowing from the RobertsonSeymour theorem, asserts that for each integer "g", there is a finite obstruction set of graphs L(g) = {G_{i}^{(g)}} such that a graph "H" is embeddable on a surface of genus "g" if and only if "H" contains no homeomorphic copy of any of the G_{i}^{(g)}. For example, L(0) = {K_{5}, K_{3,3}} contains the Kuratowski subgraphs.


In the following example, graph G and graph H are homeomorphic.



If G' is the graph created by subdivision of the outer edges of G and H' is the graph created by subdivision of the inner edge of H, then G' and H' have a similar graph drawing:

G', H'

Therefore, there exists an isomorphism between G' and H', meaning G and H are homeomorphic.

ee also

*Minor (graph theory)
*Edge contraction



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