- List of magicians in fantasy
magicians in fantasy fiction include the following:Fairy Tales, Myths and Legends
Circe -- Greek sorceress
* Merlin - the famous wizard from Arthurian legends and their modern retellings.
*Morgan le Fay -- an enchantress in both theMatter of Britain and theMatter of France
* TheTelchines - four wizards of ancient Greek myths.
*Väinämöinen - the grand wizard ofKalevala
*Gwydion -- Welsh
* Atlantes -- an evil sorcerer in theMatter of France
* The wizard in thefairy tale of "The Wizard King ".
*Farmer Weathersky
*Baba Yaga
* Jannes and Jambres from Hebrew theology.
* Fitcher in the fairy tale "Fitcher's Bird "
* Maestro Lattantio in "Maestro Lattantio and His Apprentice Dionigi "
* The master in the fairy tale "The Thief and His Master "
* The master in the fairy tale "Master and Pupil "
* The magician king in the fairy tale "Penta of the Chopped-off Hands "
* Fioravante in the fairy tale "Cannetella "
* The witch in the fairy tale "Prunella"
* The witch in the fairy tale "The Canary Prince "
* The old woman in the fairy tale "The She-Bear "
* The wizard in the fairy tale "Aladdin "
* The witch in the fairy tale "The Bird of Truth "
* The witch in the fairy tale "Esben and the Witch "
* The wizard in the fairy tale "The False Prince and the True "
* The magician in the fairy tale "The Glass Coffin "
* The magician in the fairy tale "The Magician's Horse "
* The witch in the fairy tale "The Old Witch "
* The witch in the fairy tale "The White Dove"
* The witch in the fairy tale "Rapunzel "
* The troll witch in the fairy tale "The Twelve Wild Ducks "
* The magician in the fairy tale "Water and Salt "
* Fairy tales about good and bad wizards are collected in "A Book of Wizards ", byRuth Manning-Sanders Written fiction
Abhaydatta is the wizard/healer from the fantasy series,The Conch Bearer , created by the authorChitra Banerjee Divakaruni .
*Aes Sedai are female wielders of the One Power fromRobert Jordan 's Wheel of Time series. They are human beings born with either the spark of the ability in them or the opportunity to learn (2% of total population). Aes Sedai is an Order, not the general name for a female Channeler. Aes Sedai were once an Order of both men and women but this has changed because of historical events.
*Akthuri is the wizard fromThe Dragonfighters of Kulamain , young adult fantasy/adventure novel by Karen M. Penn ref|penn.
*Allanon is a wizard, also known as a druid andhistorian , from theShannara series, which was created byTerry Brooks .
* An anonymous magician in "The Charwoman's Shadow " byLord Dunsany both dispenses magic and threatens the other characters by tricking them into giving up their shadows.
*Archimago -- an evil enchanter in "The Faerie Queene ".
*Asha'man are male wielders of the One Power fromRobert Jordan 's Wheel of Time series. They are human beings born with either the spark of the ability in them or the opportunity to learn. As with the Aes Sedai the Asha'man is only an Order and not the general name of a male Channeler.
*Belgarath - created byDavid Eddings as a leading character for "The Belgariad " series of fantasy novels (also called 'Belgarath the Sorcerer' or 'The Eternal Man').
* Ben Adeaphon Delat (Quick Ben) is a Mage of reputation in the 'Malazan books of the Fallen' BySteven Erikson .
* Bloyse - also known as Blaise, Blaze; Merlin's master/instructor in the Arthurian tradition.
* Channeler, a wielder of the One Power inRobert Jordan 's Wheel of Time. Different titles are given to Channelers of different gender and in different cultures.
*Chun the Unavoidable,Mazirian the Magician ,Rhialto the Marvelous, and others - fromJack Vance 's "Dying Earth " stories.
*Chrestomanci in "Charmed Life" and sequels byDiana Wynne Jones
*Dallben is a magician inThe Chronicles of Prydain byLloyd Alexander .
* In the "Discworld " series byTerry Pratchett , wizards are numerous, and can normally be found in theUnseen University . One of the predominant wizards in the series isRincewind , although he only uses magic on extremely rare occasions.:* The Dean ofUnseen University inTerry Pratchett 's "Discworld " series is not named, but is a senior wizard and recurring character.:*Mustrum Ridcully - Archancellor ofUnseen University throughout most ofTerry Pratchett 's "Discworld " series.:*Ponder Stibbons is the Head of Inadvisably Applied Magic atUnseen University inTerry Pratchett 's "Discworld " novels.:*Rincewind - strictly a "Wizzard" (it says so on his hat) and the wizards ofUnseen University - from many ofTerry Pratchett 's "Discworld " novels.
*Elric of Melniboné - often called a sorcerer or a wizard - fromMichael Moorcock 's "Elric of Melniboné" and its sequels.
* Eric, from "Eric" byTerry Pratchett
* Eridanus, Nequam, Djutoris and others - from the Guptara Twins' "Insanity Saga " ("Conspiracy of Calaspia " and sequels)
*Gandalf ,Saruman , Radagast,Alatar andPallando - from J. R. R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings " - are called Wizards, but are really supernatural beings called Maia. In theMiddle-earth legendarium, "wizard" is a term applied only to the five members of the Order of the Istari. While other practitioners of magic exist in Middle-earth, they are never referred to as wizards. No purely human character has power to work magic. Non-wizard naming examples include: Sorceress of the Golden Wood, TheWitch-king of Angmar , and The Necromancer.
*Goblin ,One-Eye ,Silent ,Tom-Tom ,The Lady andThe Ten Who Were Taken From Glen Cook'sThe Black Company
* Ogion andGed (Earthsea) (Sparrowhawk) fromUrsula Le Guin 's "Earthsea " book series, the most well-known of which is "A Wizard of Earthsea ", first published in 1968.
* "Gereth Yaztromo" is a major wizard in the world of Titan, which was created by Steve Jackson andIan Livingstone .
*Gideon is a 13th century wizard in the Hatching Magic series byAnn Downer . Other wizards in the series include Iain Merlin O'Shea, Harvard professor, Margery MacVanish, and Septimus Silvertongue.
*Harry Potter ,Albus Dumbledore ,Severus Snape ,Lord Voldemort , and all other non-Muggle male characters fromJ. K. Rowling 's "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone " and its sequels are called wizards. The female practitioners of magic (such asHermione Granger ) are calledwitch es.
*Harry Dresden is a Wizard up for hire for investigating crimesThe Dresden Files series byJim Butcher .
* Howell Jenkins in Dian Wynne Jones bookHowl's Moving Castle
* Iucounu the Laughing Magician. FromJack Vance 'sDying Earth series.
*J. Wellington Wells ("a dealer in magic and spells") - the eponymous Sorcerer ofGilbert and Sullivan 'soperetta , who also features in two books byTom Holt . * Mauryl Gestaurien, last of the ancient Galasieni race ofC. J. Cherryh 's "Fortress" series
*Michael Scot - protagonist ofMichael Scott Rohan 's "The Lord of Middle Air" - a historical figure and an ancestor of the author!
* Merlin, the wizard, associated withKing Arthur , also in Spenser's "The Faerie Queene ".
* Morgon was the riddlemaster ofHed in books by authorPatricia A. McKillip .
* Nathaniel a.k.a.John Mandrake and other magicians from "The Bartimaeus Trilogy " byJonathan Stroud .
*Ningauble of the Seven Eyes andSheelba of the Eyeless Face are the sorcerous advisors forFafhrd and the Gray Mouser , in Fritz Leiber's Swords series. They are (apparently) unhuman, and they aid (in other words, complicate the lives of) the two rogue heroes. Sheelba is noted as being female in "Knight and Knave of Swords."
*Polgara the Sorceress - The Belgeriad.
*Prospero , ("The Tempest" by Shakespeare)
* Proteus - converted from Greek god to magician in Spenser's "The Faerie Queene ".
* Pug (also known as Milamber) is the wizardprotagonist of thefantasy books byRaymond E. Feist .
*Richard Rahl andZeddicus Zu'l Zorander - Wizards; central characters fromSword of Truth series byTerry Goodkind .
*Randall Flagg , an evil entity fromStephen King 's epicThe Stand , often appears as a "wizard" in the author's other works. Notably in the "Dark Tower series " as Walter o'Dim (The Man in Black) andMarten Broadcloak (Steven Deschain's magician). He also plays the part of the antagonist in "Eyes of the Dragon " as "Flagg," King Roland's advisor.
* Tayschrenn, High Mage of theMalazan Empire in the Malazan books of the Fallen bySteven Erikson .
*Thoth-amon in "The Phoenix on the Sword ",Tsotha-lanti in "The Scarlet Citadel " andYara in "The Tower of the Elephant " are examples of evil wizards from the stories aboutConan the Barbarian byRobert E. Howard .
* Väinämöinen ("Kalevala ")
*The Wizard and TheWicked Witch of the West fromL. Frank Baum 's "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ". The wizard is a stage magician pretending to be a genuine wizard. In the 1939 movie version the wizard was also a fake. However, in later Oz stories, he studies magic withGlinda and becomes a genuine wizard. SeeWizard (Oz) .
*Wizard Whitebeard inMartin Handford 'sWhere's Wally? series is often the instigator ofWally 's travells.
*Young Wizards :Diane Duane describes wizards as emissaries of "the One" (seeGod ), who take anoath to use powers beyond the comprehension of a non-wizard in the service oflife , to keepentropy , personified as a Lone Power, under control and therefore delay the demise of theuniverse . They are said to still exist in the present day, but due to negative public perception, work undercover.
*Zeddicus Zu'l Zorander is a prominent wizard in theSword of Truth series byTerry Goodkind .
*Zhuge Liang ,Sima Yi , andPang Tong , although not truly mentioned in the story, was a magician who called on mystic powers to aid them inRomance of the Three Kingdoms .Dungeons & Dragons
The role-playing game
Dungeons & Dragons byTSR , later bought out byWizards of the Coast and thenHasbro , has several settings in which novels have been written. See also .
*Greyhawk : Wizards of Greyhawk includeMordenkainen , Bigby,Drawmij ,Evard ,Leomund ,Melf ,Nystul ,Otiluke ,Rary ,Tasha , andTenser .
*Forgotten Realms : Wizards are featured in many of theForgotten Realms fantasy novels and RPGs. The most famous wizards areElminster andKhelben .
*Dragonlance :Raistlin Majere was a very powerful mage in theDragonlance fantasy series. Other mages inDragonlance includeMagius ,Palin Majere ,Par-Salian ,Dalamar andFistandantilus among (many) others. Fizban is the mortal avatar of the god Paladine from theDragonlance fantasy novels.
*Mystara : Countless Wizards exist on Alphatia, while some notable wizards of the Known World are Ètienne d'Amberville, Bargle the Infamous, Haldemar of Haaken, Claransa the Seer, Jagger von Drachenfels, Dolores Hillsbury, and Kol XIV.Comics and animation
Avatar One of the prophesied twins born in the post apocalyptic movie "Wizards". Avatar, the good son, is human and seeks a passive life of non-aggression in order to avoid responsibility for the bloodshed and despair prophesied. He defeats his evil brother Blackwolf, who tries to take over their world machinery gleaned from an old Nazi war reel.
*Blackwolf The evil twin of Avatar, who uses magic to create Nazi machinery from an old projector and war film. Blackwolf's disastrous attempts to assassinate his brother compel Avatar to marshal forces against Blackwolf, leading to the ultimate confrontation.
*Doctor Fate is a sorcerer andsuperhero in stories published byDC Comics .
*Doctor Strange is asuperhero andSorcerer Supreme appearing in theMarvel Universe .
*Doctor Doom is asupervillian and next in line forSorcerer Supreme appearing in theMarvel Universe .
* Henrot, Necross the Mad, the Flame Jewel Wizard, and Charles X. Claremont are all wizards in theCerebus universe.
* Shazam, theancient Egypt ian wizard who gives Captain Marvel and theMarvel Family their powers.
* The "Sonic the Hedgehog" cartoon series mentions two wizards; one named Lazaar who had slept for centuries until his computer of magic spells was stolen, forcing the title character to retrieve it for him with his famous speed as collateral, and another named Naugus who creates an alternate dimension known as the Void, only to be double-crossed byRobotnik and trapped inside it. Naugus also appears in the comic books based on the cartoon, wherein he was shown to be able to control the elements of wind, fire, water, and earth before being robbed of his intelligence, now wielding a form of shadow magic, allowing him to slip in and out of shadows at will.
* Tim Hunter, the young wizard in the "Books of Magic " comic byNeil Gaiman and others.
*John Constantine , ofHellblazer
*Wizardmon of theDigimon series is one example of the few Wizard-type Digimon.
* There are at least two wizards inThe World of David the Gnome . The first is Tiraland, a mischievous little wizard who could turn rocks into gold. Then he stole all the gold from the king. The second is Pondent do Rey, a human wizard and friend of David's. He lives in the Himalays, and he has many magic mirrors.Television and film
* Astoroth, the medieval wizard whose spells are central to the plot of the Disney film "Bedknobs and Broomsticks "
*Catweazle of the British TV-series with the same name. A magician fleeing from the Normans to modern England.
*Sorcerers and sorcery are a staple of Chinesewu xia fiction and are dramatically featured in manymartial arts movies .
*Max Russo ,Alex Russo , andJustin Russo are all wizards in the Disney Channel Original Series "Wizards of Waverly Place "Video games
*Crispin is the wizard that helped
King Graham in theKing's Quest computer game series created byRoberta Williams and produced by thegame companySierra Entertainment .
*Manannan andMordack are evil wizards who are also featured in the King's Quest series
*Mondain , Minax and Exodus opposed the player in the first three Ultima games.
*Khadgar,Medivh , andGul'Dan are all prominent wizards of the WarCraft universe (the latter being of the warlock variety).
*In theKingdom Hearts Series , the Disney CharacterDonald Duck is portrayed as the magician of King Mickey's Court.Note
In some fictional and game settings, "wizard" or a similar term is the name for a "race" or species, not just a job title.
For example:
* "Black Mage s" and "White Mage s" and occasionally even "Red Mage s" and "Blue Mage "s in the video game seriesFinal Fantasy .
* "Demon Sorcerers " in the TV show "Jackie Chan Adventures "
*In some of the "Legend of Zelda" series, some antagonist magicians appear as beings called Wizrobes. They can appear as a hooded bird or simply an old man with a cane.
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