- Semitic languages
Infobox Language family
region=Middle East ,North Africa , Northeast Africa andMalta
child1=East Semitic (extinct)
child2=West Semitic
child3=South Semitic
iso2=semThe Semitic languages are a
language family whose living representatives are spoken by more than 467 million people across much of theMiddle East ,North Africa , and theHorn of Africa . They constitute a branch of the Afro-Asiatic language family. They are the only branch of Afro-Asiatic to be spoken not only inAfrica but also inAsia .The most widely spoken Semitic
language today is Arabic [Including all varieties.] (322 million native speakers), [ [http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=arb Ethnologue report for language code:arb ] ] ( 422 million total speakers) [Languages Spoken by More Than 10 Million People=MSN Encarta [http://encarta.msn.com/media_701500404/Languages_Spoken_by_More_Than_10_Million_People.html] ] . It is followed by Amharic (27 million), [1994 Ethiopian census] [ [http://www.omniglot.com/writing/amharic.htm Amharic alphabet, pronunciation and language ] ] Tigrinya (about 6.7 million), [In 2005, Ethnologue estimated a total of 4.45 million Tigrinya speakers ranging over all countries; 3.2 million in Ethiopia, 1.2 million in Eritrea, 10,000Beta Israel s in Israel (the remaining 15,000 are unaccounted for). [http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=tir] The Tigrinya ethnic group, almost entirely Tigrinya speakingFact|date=March 2007, is estimated at 3.3 million by Ethnologue, whereas other estimates indicate 4.3 million in Ethiopia ( [http://www.csa.gov.et/text_files/2005_national_statistics.htm CSA 2005 National Statistics] , Table B.3.), 2.4 million in Eritrea (July 2006). [https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/er.html] ] and Hebrew (about 5 million).wikicite|id=GOR|reference=Gordon, Raymond G., Jr. (ed.), 2005. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Fifteenth edition. Dallas, Tex.: SIL International. Online version: http://www.ethnologue.com/. (Hebrew->Population total all countries, [http://www.ethnologue.com/show_language.asp?code=heb] )]Semitic languages are attested in written form from a very early date, with texts in
Eblaite and Akkadian appearing from around the middle of the third millennium BC, written in a script adapted fromSumerian cuneiform. The other scripts used to write Semitic languages are alphabetic. Among them are the Ugaritic, Phoenician, Aramaic, Syriac, Arabic, South Arabian, and Ge'ez alphabets. Maltese is the only Semitic language to be written in theLatin alphabet . It is also the only official Semitic language within theEuropean Union .The term "Semitic" for these languages, after
Shem , the son ofNoah in theBible , isetymologically amisnomer in some ways (seeSemitic ), but is nonetheless in standard use.History
The Semitic family is a member of the larger
Afro-Asiatic family, all the other five or more branches of which are based in Africa. Largely for this reason, the ancestors of Proto-Semitic speakers are now widely believed to have first arrived in the Middle East from Africa, possibly as part of the operation of the Saharan pump, around the late Neolithic. [ [http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/citation/306/5702/1680c The Origins of Afroasiatic - Ehret et al. 306 (5702): 1680c - Science ] ] [http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0011-3204%28199802%2939%3A1%3C139%3ATALPAI%3E2.0.CO%3B2-J&size=LARGE] Diakonoff sees Semitic originating between the Nile Delta and Palestine as the northernmost branch of Afro-Asiatic. Blench even wonders whether the highly divergent Gurage indicate an origin in Ethiopia (with the rest of Ethiopic Semitic a later back migration). However, an opposing theory is that Afro-Asiatic originated in the Middle East, and that Semitic is the only branch to have stayed put; this view is supported by apparent Sumerian and Caucasianloanword s in the African branches of Afro-Asiatic. [Hayward 2000; http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/306/5702/1680c]In any event,
Proto-Semitic itself is assumed to have reached theArabian Peninsula by approximately the 4th millennium BC(E), from which Semitic daughter languages continued to spread outwards. When written records began in the mid 3rd millennium BC(E), the Semitic-speakingAkkad ians andAmorite s were enteringMesopotamia from the deserts to the west, and were probably already present in places such asEbla in Syria.2nd millennium BC(E)
By the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC(E), East Semitic languages dominated in Mesopotamia, while West Semitic languages were probably spoken from Syria to
Yemen , although Old South Arabian is considered by most to be South Semitic and data are sparse. Akkadian had become the dominant literary language of theFertile Crescent , using thecuneiform script they adapted from theSumer ians, while the sparsely attested Eblaite disappeared with the city, and Amorite is attested only from proper names.For the 2nd millennium, somewhat more data are available, thanks to the spread of an invention first used to capture the sounds of Semitic languages — the
alphabet . Proto-Canaanite texts from around 1500 BC(E) yield the first undisputed attestations of a West Semitic language (although earlier testimonies are possibly preserved inMiddle Bronze Age alphabets ), followed by the much more extensive Ugaritic tablets of northern Syria from around 1300 BC(E). Incursions of nomadicAramaeans from the Syrian desert begin around this time. Akkadian continued to flourish, splitting intoBabylonia n andAssyria n dialects.1st millennium BC(E)
In the 1st millennium BC(E), the alphabet spread much further, giving us a picture not just of Canaanite but also of Aramaic, Old South Arabian, and early Ge'ez. During this period, the case system, once vigorous in
Ugaritic , seems to have started decaying in Northwest Semitic. Phoenician colonies spread their Canaanite language throughout much of the Mediterranean, while its close relative Hebrew became the vehicle of a religious literature, theTorah andTanakh , that would have global ramifications. However, as an ironic result of theAssyria n Empire's conquests, Aramaic became the "lingua franca " of the Fertile Crescent, gradually pushing Akkadian, Hebrew, Phoenician, and several other languages to extinction (although Hebrew remained in use as aliturgical language ), and developing a substantial literature. Meanwhile, Ge'ez texts beginning in this era give the first direct record of Ethiopian Semitic languages.Common Era / A.D.
Syriac , a descendent ofAramaic used in the northernLevant andMesopotamia , rose to importance as a literary language of earlyChristianity in the 3rd to 5th centuries and continued into the earlyIslamic era.With the emergence of
Islam in the 7th century, the ascent of Aramaic was dealt a fatal blow by theArab conquests, which made another Semitic language — Arabic — the official language of an empire stretching fromSpain toCentral Asia .With the patronage of the
caliph s and the prestige of its liturgical status, it rapidly became one of the world's main literary languages. Its spread among the masses took much longer; however, as native populations outside theArabian Peninsula gradually abandoned their mother tongues for Arabic and asBedouin tribes settled in conquered areas, it became the main language of not only central Arabia, but also Yemen, [Nebes, Norbert, "Epigraphic South Arabian," in von Uhlig, Siegbert, "Encyclopaedia Aethiopica" (Wiesbaden:Harrassowitz Verlag, 2005), pps.335.] the Fertile Crescent, and Egypt. Most of theMaghreb (Northwest Africa) followed, particularly in the wake of theBanu Hilal 's incursion in the 11th century, and Arabic became the native language even of many inhabitants of Spain. After the collapse of theNubia n kingdom ofDongola in the 14th century, Arabic began to spread south of Egypt; soon after, theBeni Hassan broughtArabization toMauritania .Meanwhile, Semitic languages were diversifying in
Ethiopia andEritrea , where, under heavy Cushitic influence, they split into a number of languages, including Amharic and Tigrinya. With the expansion ofEthiopia under theSolomonic dynasty , Amharic, previously a minor local language, spread throughout much of the country, replacing languages both Semitic (such as Gafat) and non-Semitic (such as Weyto), and replacing Ge'ez as the principal literary language (though Ge'ez remains the liturgical language for Christians in the region); this spread continues to this day, with Qimant set to disappear in another generation.Present situation
Arabic is spoken natively by majorities from
Mauritania toOman , and fromIraq to theSudan . As the language of theQur'an and as a "lingua franca ", it is widely studied in much of the non-Arabic-speakingMuslim world as well. Its spoken form is divided into a number of dialects, some not mutually comprehensible, united by a single written form. Maltese, genetically a descendant of the extinctSiculo-Arabic dialect, is the principal exception, having adopted a Latin orthography in accordance with its cultural situation and the influence of Romance vocabulary and grammar over the language's history.Despite the ascendancy of Arabic in the Middle East, other Semitic languages are still to be found there. Hebrew, long extinct as a colloquial language and in use only in Jewish literary, intellectual, and liturgical activity, was revived at the end of the 19th century by the
Jew ish linguistEliezer Ben-Yehuda , and has become the main language ofIsrael , while remaining the language of liturgy and religious scholarship of Jews worldwide.Several small ethnic groups, especially the
Assyrians , continue to speakAramaic dialects (especiallyNeo-Aramaic , descended fromSyriac ) in the mountains of northernIraq , easternTurkey , northwesternIran , and northeastSyria , while Syriac itself, a descendant of Old Aramaic, is used liturgically by Syrian and Iraqi Christians.In Arabic-dominated
Yemen andOman , on the southern rim of theArabian Peninsula , a few tribes continue to speakModern South Arabian languages such asMahri and Soqotri, very different both from the surrounding Arabic and from the (presumably related) languages of theOld South Arabian inscriptions.Historically linked to the peninsular homeland of the
South Arabian languages,Ethiopia andEritrea contain a substantial number of Semitic languages, of which Amharic and Tigrinya in Ethiopia, and Tigre and Tigrinya in Eritrea, are the most widely spoken. BothAmharic andTigrinya are official languages of Ethiopia and Eritrea, respectively, while Tigre, spoken in the northern Eritrean and central lowlands, as well as parts of eastern Sudan, has over one million speakers. A number ofGurage languages are to be found in the mountainous center-south of Ethiopia, while Harari is restricted to the city ofHarar . Ge'ez remains theliturgical language for Christians in Ethiopia and Eritrea.Grammar
The Semitic languages share a number of grammatical features, although variation has naturally occurred - even within the same language as it evolved through time, such as Arabic from the 6th century AD to the present.
Word order
The reconstructed default word order in Proto-Semitic is
Verb Subject Object (VSO), possessed–possessor (NG), and noun–adjective (NA). In Classical and Modern Standard Arabic, this is still the dominant order: "ra'ā muħammadun farīdan." (lit. saw Muhammad Farid, "Muhammad saw Farid"). However, VSO has given way in most modern Semitic languages to typologically more common orders (e.g. SVO); in many modern Arabic dialects, for example, the classical order VSO has given way to SVO, and the same happened in Hebrew and Maltese (due toEuropeanisation ). Modern Ethiopian Semitic languages are SOV, possessor–possessed, and adjective–noun, probably due to Cushitic influence; however, the oldest attested Ethiopian Semitic language, Ge'ez, was VSO, possessed–possessor, and noun–adjective [http://books.google.com/books?ie=UTF-8&hl=en&id=n2F3KfTWX_AC&pg=PA157&lpg=PA157&dq=geez+%22word+order%22+verb&prev=http://books.google.com/books%3Fq%3Dgeez%2B%2522word%2Border%2522%2Bverb%26lr%3D&sig=7UeMpU-Fgts4OE_uQWgRsbmKlVs] .Cases in nouns and adjectives
The proto-Semitic three-case system (
nominative , accusative andgenitive ) with differing vowel endings (-u, -a -i); fully preserved in Qur'anic Arabic (seei`rab ), Akkadian, andUgaritic ; has disappeared everywhere in the many colloquial forms of Semitic languages, although Modern Standard Arabic maintains such case endings in literary and broadcasting contexts. An accusative ending -n is preserved in Ethiopian Semitic. [cite journal | first=Sabatino | last=Moscati | year=1958 | title=On Semitic Case-Endings | journal=Journal of Near Eastern Studies | volume=17 | issue=2 | pages=142–43 | doi=10.1086/371454 "In the historically attested Semitic languages, the endings of the singular noun-flexions survive, as is well known, only partially: in Akkadian and Arabic and Ugaritic and, limited to the accusative, in Ethiopic.] Additionally, Semitic nouns and adjectives had a category of state, the indefinite state being expressed bynunation .Number in nouns
Semitic languages originally had three
grammatical number s: singular, dual, andplural . The dual continues to be used in contemporary dialects of Arabic, as in the name for the nation of Bahrain ("baħr" "sea" + "-ayn" "two"), and sporadically in Hebrew ("šana" means "one year", "šnatayim" means "two years", and "šanim" means "years"), and in Maltese ("sena" means "one year", "sentejn" means "two years", and "snin" means "years"). The curious phenomenon ofbroken plural s - e.g. in Arabic, "sadd" "one dam" vs. "sudūd" "dams" - found most profusely in the languages of Arabia and Ethiopia, and still common in Maltese, may be partly of proto-Semitic origin, and partly elaborated from simpler origins.Verb aspect and tense
The aspect systems of West and East Semitic differ substantially; Akkadian preserves a number of features generally attributed to Afro-Asiatic, such as gemination indicating the imperfect, while a stative form, still maintained in Akkadian, became a new perfect in West Semitic. Proto-West Semitic maintained two main verb aspects: perfect for completed action (with pronominal suffixes) and imperfect for uncompleted action (with pronominal prefixes and suffixes). In the extreme case of Neo-Aramaic, however, even the verb conjugations have been entirely reworked under Iranian influence.
Morphology: triliteral roots
All Semitic languages exhibit a unique pattern of stems consisting typically of "triliteral", or 3-consonant
consonantal root s (2- and 4-consonant roots also exist), from which nouns, adjectives, and verbs are formed in various ways: e.g. by inserting vowels, doubling consonants, and/or adding prefixes, suffixes, orinfix es.For instance, the root k-t-b, (dealing with "writing" generally) yields in Arabic:
:"kataba" كتب "he wrote" (masculine):"katabat" كتبت "she wrote" (feminine):"kutiba" كتب "it was written" (masculine):"kutibat" كتبت "it was written" (feminine):"kitāb- " كتاب "book" (dash - here shows end of stem before various case endings):"kutub- " كتب "books" (plural):"kutayyib- " كتيب "booklet" (diminutive):"kitābat- " كتابة "writing":"kātib- " كاتب "writer" (masculine):"kātibat- " كاتبة "writer" (feminine):"kātibūn(a) " كاتبون "writers" (masculine):"kātibāt- " كاتبات "writers" (feminine):"kuttāb- " كتاب "writers" (broken plural):"katabat- " كتبة "writers" (broken plural):"maktab- " مكتب "desk" or "office":"maktabat- " مكتبة "library" or "bookshop":"maktūb- " مكتوب "written" (participle) or "postal letter" (noun)
and the same root in Hebrew (where it appears as k-t-Unicode|ḇ):
:"kataUnicode|vti" כתבתי "I wrote":"kataUnicode|vta" כתבת "you ("m") wrote":"kataUnicode|v" כתב "he wrote" or "reporter" ("m"):"katteUnicode|vet" כתבת "reporter" ("f"):"kattaUnicode|va" כתבה "article" (plural "katavot" כתבות):"miUnicode|ḵtaUnicode|ḇ" מכתב "postal letter" (plural "miUnicode|ḵtaUnicode|ḇim" מכתבים):"miUnicode|ḵtaUnicode|ḇa" מכתבה "writing desk" (plural "miUnicode|ḵtaUnicode|ḇot" מכתבות):"ktoUnicode|ḇet" כתובת "address" (plural "ktoUnicode|ḇot" כתובות):"ktaUnicode|ḇ" כתב "handwriting":"katuUnicode|ḇ" כתוב "written" ("f" "ktuUnicode|ḇa" כתובה):"hiUnicode|ḵtiUnicode|ḇ" הכתיב "he dictated" ("f" "hiUnicode|ḵ
tiUnicode|ḇa" הכתיבה):"hitkatteUnicode|ḇ" התכתב "he corresponded ("f" "hitkatUnicode|ḇa" התכתבה):"niUnicode|ḵtaUnicode|ḇ" נכתב "it was written" ("m"):"niUnicode|ḵteUnicode|ḇa""' נכתבה "it was written" ("f"):"ktiUnicode|ḇ" כתיב "spelling" ("m"):"taUnicode|ḵtiUnicode|ḇ" תכתיב "prescript" ("m"):"meUnicode|ḵuttaUnicode|ḇ" מכותב "a person on one's mailing list" ("meUnicode|ḵutteUnicode|ḇet" מכותבת "f"):"ktubba" כתובה "ketubah (a Jewish marriage contract)" ("f") (note: b here, not Unicode|ḇ)
In Maltese, the consonantal roots are referred as the "mamma" of each word, which can be determined by reference to the masculine past tense of the applicable verb. In the case of the verb "to write", the masculine past tense would be "kiteb" (k-t-b), so that the following nouns and verbs can be formed, using the same "mamma" always in the same order, but inserting different vowels and, occasionally additional consonants:
:"jiena ktibt" "I wrote":"inti ktibt" "you wrote" ("m" or "f"):"huwa kiteb" "he wrote":"hija kitbet" "she wrote":"aħna ktibna" "we wrote":"intkom ktibtu" "you ("pl") wrote":"huma kitbu" "they wrote":"huwa miktub" "it is written":"kittieb" "writer":"kittieba" "writers":"ktieb" "book":"kotba" "books"
In Tigrinya and Amharic, this root survives only in the noun "kitab", meaning "amulet", and the verb "to vaccinate". Ethiopic-derived languages use a completely different root (Unicode|ṣ-Unicode|ḥ-f) for the verb "to write" (this root exists in Arabic and is used to form words with close meaning to "writing", such as ṣaḥāfa "journalism", and ṣaḥīfa "newspaper" or "parchment").
Verbs in other non-Semitic
Afro-Asiatic languages show similar radical patterns, but more usually with biconsonantal roots; e.g. Kabyle "afeg" means "fly!", while "affug" means "flight", and "yufeg" means "he flew" (compare with Hebrew "uf", "te'ufah" and "af").Common vocabulary
: "Main article:
List of Proto-Semitic stems ."ambox
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If you would like to contribute to the discussion, please see the talk page.Due to the Semitic languages' common origin, they share many words and roots in common. For example:
Sometimes certain roots differ in meaning from one Semitic language to another. For example, the root "Unicode|b-y-ḍ" in Arabic has the meaning of "white" as well as "egg", whereas in Hebrew it only means "egg". The root "Unicode|l-b-n" means "milk" in Arabic, but the color "white" in Hebrew. The root "Unicode|l-ḥ-m" means "meat" in Arabic, but "bread" in Hebrew and "cow" in
Ethiosemitic languages; the original meaning was most probably "food". The word "medina" (root: m-d-n) has the meaning of "city " in Arabic, and "metropolis " in Amharic, but in Modern Hebrew it means "state ".Of course, there is sometimes no relation between the roots. For example, "knowledge" is represented in Hebrew by the root "Unicode|y-d-ʿ" but in Arabic by the roots "Unicode|ʿ-r-f" and "Unicode|ʿ-l-m" and in Ethiosemitic by the root "Unicode|ʿ-w-q" and "Unicode|f-l-ṭ".
The classification given below, based on shared innovations - established by
Robert Hetzron in 1976 with later emendations by John Huehnergard and Rodgers as summarized in Hetzron 1997 - is the most widely accepted today, but is still disputed. In particular, several Semiticists still argue for the traditional view of Arabic as part of South Semitic, and a few (e.g.Alexander Militarev or the German-Egyptian professorArafa Hussein Mustafa [ [de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arafa_Hussein_Mustafa ] ] ) see the South Arabian languages as a third branch of Semitic alongside East and West Semitic, rather than as a subgroup of South Semitic.Roger Blench notes that theGurage languages are highly divergent and wonders whether they might not be a primary branch, reflecting an origin of Afro-Asiatic in or near Ethiopia. At a lower level, there is still no general agreement on where to draw the line between "languages" and "dialects" - an issue particularly relevant in Arabic, Aramaic, and Gurage below - and the strong mutual influences between Arabic dialects render a genetic subclassification of them particularly difficult.The traditional grouping of the Semitic languages (prior to the 1970s), based partly on non-linguistic data, differs in several respects; in particular, Arabic was put in South Semitic, and Eblaite had not been discovered yet.
East Semitic languages * Akkadian — extinct
* Eblaite — extinctWest Semitic languages Central Semitic languages Northwest Semitic languages * Amorite — extinct
* Ugaritic — extinct
*Canaanite languages
** Ammonite — extinct
** Moabite — extinct
** Edomite — extinct
** Hebrew
*** Biblical Hebrew — Used by scholars and Rabbis and in the public reading of the Torah.
*** Mishnaic Hebrew — Used in the reading of the Talmud and other Rabbinic writings. Probably spoken among Rabbis in the Middle Ages.
*** Medieval Hebrew — Developed into Modern Hebrew.
*** Mizrahi Hebrew — Spoken in Israel, Yemen, Iraq, Puerto Rico, and New York etc.
*** Teimani Hebrew — Spoken mainly by Yemenite Jews.
*** Sephardi Hebrew — Major basis of modern pronunciation.
***Ashkenazi Hebrew — live descendants
*** Samaritan Hebrew — Spoken in Holon, Tel Aviv and Nablus (Palestinian Authority territory).
*** Modern Hebrew — Spoken mostly in Israel.
** Phoenician — extinct
*** Punic — extinct
*Aramaic languages
**Western Aramaic languages
*** Nabataean — extinct
***Western Middle Aramaic languages
**** Jewish Middle Palestinian Aramaic — extinct
**** Samaritan Aramaic — live descendants
**** Christian Palestinian Aramaic — extinct
*** Western Neo-Aramaic (Ma'aloula) — live descendants
**Eastern Aramaic languages
***Biblical Aramaic — extinct
*** Hatran Aramaic — extinct
*** Syriac — live descendants
*** Jewish Middle Babylonian Aramaic — extinct
*** Chaldean Neo-Aramaic (Alqosh) — live descendants
*** Assyrian Neo-Aramaic (Urmia and Hakkari) — live descendants
*** Senaya — live descendants
***Koy Sanjaq Surat — live descendants
*** Hertevin — live descendants
*** Turoyo — live descendants
*** Mlahso — extinct
*** Mandaic — live descendants
*** Judaeo-Aramaic — live descendantsArabic languages *
Old North Arabian — extinct
* Arabic
** "Fusha" — (اللغة العربية الفصحى literally "eloquent"), the written language, divided by specialists into:
***Classical Arabic — the language of the Qur'an and early Islamic Arabic literature,
***Middle Arabic — a generic term for premodern post-classical efforts to write Classical Arabic, characterized by frequenthypercorrection s and occasional lapses into more colloquial usage. Not a spoken language.
***Modern Standard Arabic — modern literary (non-native) language used in formal media and written communication throughout the Arab World, differing from Classical Arabic mainly in numerous neologisms for concepts not found in medieval times, as well as in occasionalcalque s on idioms from Western languages.Fact|date=February 2007
*Numerous Modern Arabic spoken dialects — roughly divided by theEthnologue into:
**Eastern Arabic dialects
***Arabian Peninsular dialects
****Dhofari Arabic — Oman/Yemen
****Hadrami Arabic — Yemen
****Hijazi Arabic — Saudi Arabia
****Najdi Arabic — Saudi Arabia
****Omani Arabic
****Sana'ani Arabic — Yemen
****Ta'izzi-Adeni Arabic — Yemen
****Judeo-Yemeni Arabic
***Bedouin/Bedawi Arabic dialects
****Eastern Egyptian Bedawi Arabic
****Peninsular Bedawi Arabic — Arabian Peninsula
***Central Asian dialects
****Central Asian Arabic
****Khuzestani Arabic
****Shirvani Arabic — extinct
***Egyptian Arabic — Cairo and Delta region
****Saidi Arabic — Upper Egypt
***Gulf dialects — includes speakers in Iran
****Baharna Arabic — Bahrain
****Gulf Arabic — Persian Gulf (all bordering countries)
****Shihhi Arabic —UAE
***Levantine Arabic dialects
****Cypriot Maronite Arabic
****North Levantine Spoken — Lebanon, Syria
*****Lebanese Arabic
****South Levantine Spoken — Jordan, Palestinian Authority, West Bank, Israel
*****Palestinian Arabic
***Iraqi Arabic — Iraq
****Judeo-Iraqi Arabic
***Sudanese Arabic
**Maghrebi Arabic dialects
***Algerian Arabic
***Saharan Arabic
***Shuwa Arabic — Chad
***Hassaniya Arabic — Mauritania and Saharan area
***Libyan Arabic
****Judeo-Tripolitanian Arabic — Libyan dialect
***Andalusi Arabic Old Iberian Arabic — extinct
***Siculo-Arabic — Sicily, extinct
****Maltese language — separate language from, but ultimately derived from Arabic and member of the Arabic family of languages/dialects
***Moroccan Arabic
****Judeo-Moroccan Arabic
***Tunisian Arabic
****Judeo-Tunisian Arabic Several Jewish dialects, typically with a number of Hebrew loanwords, are grouped together with classical Arabic written in Hebrew script under the imprecise term
Judeo-Arabic .South Semitic languages Western South Semitic languages *
Old South Arabian languages — extinct, formerly believed to be the linguistic ancestors of modern South Arabian and Ethiopian Semitic languages (for which see below)
** Sabaean — extinct
** Minaean — extinct
** Qatabanian — extinct
** Hadhramautic — extinct*
Ethiopic languages (Ethio-Semitic, Ethiopian Semitic):
** North
*** Ge'ez (Ethiopic) — extinct, liturgical use inEthiopian Orthodox andEritrean Orthodox Churches
***Tigrinya — national language of Eritrea
*** Tigré
***Dahlik language — "newly discovered"
** South
*** Transversal
***** Amharic — national language of Ethiopia
***** Argobba
**** Harari-East Gurage
***** Harari
***** East Gurage
****** Selti (also spelled Silt'e)
****** Zway (also called Zay)
****** Ulbare
****** Wolane
****** Inneqor
**** Outer
***** n-group:
****** Gafat — extinct
****** Soddo (also called Kistane)
****** Goggot
***** tt-group:
****** Mesmes — extinct
****** Muher
****** West Gurage
******* Masqan (also spelled Mesqan)
******** CPWG
********* Central Western Gurage:
********** Ezha
********** Chaha
********** Gura
********** Gumer
********* Peripheral Western Gurage:
********** Gyeto
********** Ennemor (also called Inor)
********** EndegenEastern South Semitic languages These languages are spoken mainly by tiny minority populations on the Arabian peninsula in
Yemen andOman .* Bathari
* Harsusi
* Hobyot
* Jibbali (also called Shehri)
* Mehri
* Soqotri — on the islands ofSoqotra ,Abd el Kuri andSamha (Yemen) and in the UAE.Living Semitic languages by number of speakers
ee also
List of Proto-Semitic stems
*Proto-Canaanite alphabet
*Middle Bronze Age alphabets Notes
* Patrick R. Bennett. "Comparative Semitic Linguistics: A Manual". Eisenbrauns 1998. ISBN 1-57506-021-3.
*Gotthelf Bergsträsser , "Introduction to the Semitic Languages: Text Specimens and Grammatical Sketches". Translated byPeter T. Daniels . Winona Lake, Ind. : Eisenbrauns 1995. ISBN 0-931464-10-2.
* Giovanni Garbini. "Le lingue semitiche: studi di storia linguistica". Istituto Orientale: Napoli 1984.
* Giovanni Garbini & Olivier Durand. "Introduzione alle lingue semitiche". Paideia: Brescia 1995.
*Robert Hetzron (ed.) "The Semitic Languages". Routledge: London 1997. ISBN 0-415-05767-1. (For family tree, see p. 7).
* Edward Lipinski. "Semitic Languages: Outlines of a Comparative Grammar". 2nd ed., Orientalia Lovanensia Analecta: Leuven 2001. ISBN 90-429-0815-7
* Sabatino Moscati. "An introduction to the comparative grammar of the Semitic languages: phonology and morphology". Harrassowitz: Wiesbaden 1969.
*Edward Ullendorff , "The Semitic languages of Ethiopia: a comparative phonology". London, Taylor's (Foreign) Press 1955.
* William Wright & William Robertson Smith. "Lectures on the comparative grammar of the Semitic languages". Cambridge University Press 1890. [2002 edition: ISBN 1-931956-12-X]
*Arafa Hussein Mustafa . "Analytical study of phrases and sentences in epic texts of Ugarit." (German title: Untersuchungen zu Satztypen in den epischen Texten von Ugarit). PhD-Thesis. Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany: 1974.External links
* [http://www.bartleby.com/61/tree.html Chart of the Semitic Family Tree] American Heritage Dictionary (4th ed.)
* [http://community.livejournal.com/terra_linguarum/95880.html Semitic genealogical tree] (as well as the Afro-Asiatic one), presented byAlexander Militarev at his talk “Genealogical classification of Afro-Asiatic languages according to the latest data” (at the conference on the 70th anniversary ofV.M. Illich-Svitych , Moscow, 2004; [http://community.livejournal.com/terra_linguarum/95627.html short annotations of the talks given there] ru icon)
* [http://www.ethnologue.com/show_family.asp?subid=89998 "Semitic" in SIL's Ethnologue]
* [http://www.usatoday.com/tech/science/discoveries/2007-01-23-snake-spell_x.htm Ancient snake spell in Egyptian pyramid may be oldest Semitic inscription]Template group
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