Manitoba Métis Federation

Manitoba Métis Federation

The Manitoba Métis Federation is an aboriginal organization in Manitoba, Canada. Its current president is David Chartrand. MMF is an affiliate of the Métis National Council.


In 1967, at the annual meeting of the Indian and Métis Conference, sponsored by the Winnipeg Community Welfare and Planning Council, a number of Métis attending the meeting realized that they could only make their concerns heard if they had an independent voice.

They subsequently met in private and decided to form a Federation of Métis people. Thus the Manitoba Métis Federation was founded on October 1, 1967 and incorporated as a non-profit association under the Companies Act of Manitoba in December 1967. Those present at the first meeting, who can be called the founders of MMF, were Reverend Adam Cuthand, Elizabeth Isbister, Edward "Ed" Simard, Tom Eagle and Angus Spence. Dr. Adam Cuthand was appointed as the first voluntary non-paid president.


The first non-elected Board of Directors was Reverend Adam Cuthand, Joe Keeper and Alfred Disbrowe.

The successive presidents of the MMF have been:

President fron To
Dr. Adam Cuthand 1960 1970
Angus Spence 1970 1973
Connie Eyolfson 1973 1974
Ferdinand Guiboche 1974 1975
Edward Head 1975 1976
John Morrisseau 1976 1981
Don McIvor 1981 1984
W. Yvon Dumont 1984 1993
Ernie Blais 1993 1994
Billyjo DeLaRonde 1994 1997
David Chartrand 1997 present

Further reading

  • Barkwell, Lawrence J., Leah Dorion, and Audreen Hourie. Metis legacy Michif culture, heritage, and folkways. Metis legacy series, v. 2. Saskatoon: Gabriel Dumont Institute, 2006. ISBN 0920915809
  • Barkwell, Lawrence J., Leah Dorion and Darren Prefontaine. "Metis Legacy: A Historiography and Annotated Bibliography". Winnipeg: Pemmican Publications Inc. and Saskatoon: Gabriel Dumont Institute, 2001. ISBN 1-894717-03-1
  • Chartrand, Paul L. A. H. Manitoba's Métis Settlement Scheme of 1870. Saskatoon: Native Law Centre, University of Saskatchewan, 1991. ISBN 0888802420
  • Flanagan, Thomas. Metis Lands in Manitoba. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1991. ISBN 0919813879
  • McFee, Janice. Famous Manitoba Métis. Winnipeg: Manitoba Métis Federation Press, 1974.
  • Morrison, Sheila Jones. Rotten to the Core The Politics of the Manitoba Métis Federation. Victoria, B.C.: 101060, 1995. ISBN 1896239080
  • Pelletier, E. A Social History of the Manitoba Métis. Winnipeg: Manitoba Métis Federation Press, 1977. ISBN 0919213545
  • Sawchuk, Joe. The Metis of Manitoba Reformulation of an Ethnic Identity. Toronto: P. Martin Associates, 1978. ISBN 0887781772
  • Sealey, D. Bruce. Statutory Land Rights of the Manitoba Metis. Winnipeg, Man: Manitoba Metis Federation Press, 1975.
  • Sealey, D. Bruce. Education of the Manitoba Metis An Historical Sketch. Winnipeg: Dept. of Education, Native Education Branch, 1977.
  • St-Onge, Nicole J. M. Saint-Laurent, Manitoba Evolving Métis Identities, 1850-1914. Canadian plains studies, 45. Regina: Canadian Plains Research Center, University of Regina, 2004. ISBN 0889771731

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