- Linnik's theorem
Linnik's theorem in analytic
number theory answers a natural question afterDirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions . It asserts that, if we denote "p"("a","d") the least prime in thearithmetic progression :"a" + "nd",
where "n" runs through the positive
integer s and "a" and "d" are any given positivecoprime integers with 1 ≤ "a" ≤ "d", then there exist positive "c" and "L" such that:: p(a,d) < c d^{L} ; .
The theorem is named after
Yuri Vladimirovich Linnik , who proved it in 1944. [Linnik, Yu. V. "On the least prime in an arithmetic progression I. The basic theorem" Rec. Math. (Mat. Sbornik) N.S. 15 (57) (1944), pages 139-178] [Linnik, Yu. V. "On the least prime in an arithmetic progression II. The Deuring-Heilbronn phenomenon" Rec. Math. (Mat. Sbornik) N.S. 15 (57) (1944), pages 347-368] Although Linnik's proof showed "c" and "L" to be effectively computable, he provided no numerical values for them.The constant "L" is called Linnik's constant and the following table shows the progress that has been made on determining its size.
Moreover, in Heath-Brown's result the constant "c" is effectively computable.
It is known that "L" ≤ 2 for
almost all integers "d". [E. Bombieri, J. B. Friedlander, H. Iwaniec. "Primes in Arithmetic Progressions to Large Moduli. III", "Journal of the American Mathematical Society" 2(2) (1989), pp. 215–224.]On the
Generalized Riemann Hypothesis it can be shown that: p(a,d) leq varphi(d)^2 ln^2 d ; ,
where varphi is the
totient function .It is also conjectured that:
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