- Noncentral chi-square distribution
Probability distribution
name =Noncentral chi-square
type =density
parameters =k > 0, degrees of freedom
lambda > 0, non-centrality parameter
support =x in [0; +infty),
pdf =frac{1}{2}e^{-(x+lambda)/2}left (frac{x}{lambda} ight)^{k/4-1/2} I_{k/2-1}(sqrt{lambda x})
cdf =:sum_{j=0}^infty e^{-lambda/2} frac{(lambda/2)^j}{j!} frac{gamma(j+k/2,x/2)}{Gamma(j+k/2)},| mean =k+lambda,
median =
mode =
variance =2(k+2lambda),
skewness =frac{2^{3/2}(k+3lambda)}{(k+2lambda)^{3/2
kurtosis =frac{12(k+4lambda)}{(k+2lambda)^2}
entropy =
mgf =frac{expleft(frac{ lambda t}{1-2t } ight)}{(1-2 t)^{k/2 for 2t<1
char =frac{expleft(frac{ilambda t}{1-2it} ight)}{(1-2it)^{k/2In
probability theory andstatistics , the noncentral chi-square or noncentral chi^2 distribution is a generalization of thechi-square distribution . If X_i are "k" independent, normally distributed random variables with means mu_i and variances sigma_i^2, then the random variable:sum_{i=1}^k left(frac{X_i}{sigma_i} ight)^2
is distributed according to the noncentral chi-square distribution. The noncentral chi-square distribution has two parameters: k which specifies the number of degrees of freedom (i.e. the number of X_i), and lambda which is related to the mean of the random variables X_i by:
:lambda=sum_{i=1}^k left(frac{mu_i}{sigma_i} ight)^2.
Note that some references define lambda as one half of the above sum.
The probability density function is given by:f_X(x; k,lambda) = sum_{i=0}^infty frac{e^{-lambda/2} (lambda/2)^i}{i!} f_{Y_{k+2i(x),where Y_q is distributed as chi-square with q degrees of freedom.
From this representation, the noncentral chi-squared distribution is seen to be a Poisson-weighted mixture of central chi-squared distributions. Suppose that a random variable "J" has a
Poisson distribution with mean lambda/2, and theconditional distribution of "Z" given J=j is chi-squared with "k+2i" degrees of freedom. Then the unconditional distribution of "Z" is non-central chi-squared with "k" degrees of freedom, and non-centrality parameter lambda.Alternatively, the pdf can be written as:f_X(x;k,lambda)=frac{1}{2} e^{-(x+lambda)/2} left (frac{x}{lambda} ight)^{k/4-1/2} I_{k/2-1}(sqrt{lambda x})
where I_ u(z) is a modified
Bessel function of the first kind given by:I_a(y) := (y/2)^a sum_{j=0}^infty frac{ (y^2/4)^j}{j! Gamma(a+j+1)}
moment generating function is given by:M(t;k,lambda)=frac{expleft(frac{ lambda t}{1-2t } ight)}{(1-2 t)^{k/2.
The first few raw moments are:
:mu^'_1=k+lambda:mu^'_2=(k+lambda)^2 + 2(k + 2lambda) :mu^'_3=(k+lambda)^3 + 6(k+lambda)(k+2lambda)+8(k+3lambda):mu^'_4=(k+lambda)^4+12(k+lambda)^2(k+2lambda)+4(11k^2+44klambda+36lambda^2)+48(k+4lambda)
The first few central moments are:
The "n"th
cumulant is:K_n=2^{n-1}(n-1)!(k+nlambda).,
Hence:mu^'_n = 2^{n-1}(n-1)!(k+nlambda)+sum_{j=1}^{n-1} frac{(n-1)!2^{j-1{(n-j)!}(k+jlambda )mu^'_{n-j}.
Again using the relation between the central and noncentral chi-square distributions, the
cumulative distribution function (cdf) can be written as:P(x; k, lambda ) = sum_{j=0}^infty e^{-lambda/2} frac{(lambda/2)^j}{j!} Q(x; k+2j)
where Q(x; k) is the cumulative distribution function of the central chi-squared distribution which is given by
where gamma(k,z) is the lower incomplete Gamma function.
Derivation of the pdf
The derivation of the probability density function is most easily done by performing the following steps:
# First, assume without loss of generality that sigma_1=ldots=sigma_k=1. Then the joint distribution of X_1,ldots,X_k is spherically symmetric, up to a location shift.
# The spherical symmetry then implies that the distribution of X=X_1^2+ldots+X_k^2 depends on the means only through the squared length, lambda=mu_1^2+ldots+mu_k^2. Without loss of generality, we can therefore take mu_1=sqrt{lambda} and mu_2=dots=mu_k=0.
# Now derive the density of X=X_1^2 (i.e. "k=1" case). Simple transformation of random variables shows that :egin{align}f_X(x,1,lambda) &= frac{1}{2sqrt{xleft( phi(sqrt{x}-sqrt{lambda}) + phi(sqrt{x}+sqrt{lambda}) ight )\ &= frac{1}{sqrt{2pi x e^{-(x+lambda)/2} cosh(sqrt{lambda x}),\ end{align}
where phi(cdot) is the standard normal density.
# Expand the cosh term in a Taylor series. This gives the Poisson-weighted mixture representation of the density, still for "k=1". The indices on the chi-squared random variables in the series above are "1+2i" in this case.
# Finally, for the general case. We've assumed, wlog, that X_2,ldots,X_k are standard normal, and so X_2^2+ldots+X_k^2 has a "central" chi-squared distribution with "(k-1)" degrees of freedom, independent of X_1^2. Using the poisson-weighted mixture representation for X_1^2, and the fact that the sum of chi-squared random variables is also chi-squared, completes the result. The indices in the series are "(1+2i)+(k-1) = k+2i" as required.Related distributions
*If Z is chi-square distributed Z sim chi_k^2 then Z is also non-central chi-square distributed: Z sim {chi'}^2_k(0)
*If J sim Poisson(lambda/2), then chi'}_k^2(lambda) sim chi_{k+2J}^2
Many statistical software packages and libraries include functions for computing noncentral chisquare densities and probabilities. The table below gives commands for the following example problems:
# Density f_X(x;k,lambda) with "x=5.0", "k=3", lambda=1.5 (Answer: 0.097257)
# Cumulative probability P(x;k,lambda) with "x=5.0", "k=3", lambda=1.5 (Answer: 0.649285)
# Quantile: Find "x" in P(x;k,lambda)=a with "k=3", lambda=1.5, "a=0.5" (Answer: 3.668745)
# Random numbers: Generate 100 random observations from the distribution with "k=3", lambda=0.5Note: Any software that produces the answers 0.101384, 0.490071, 5.09848 for the first three problems is including a factor of 0.5 in the definition of the noncentrality parameter. This is standard in statistics texts (e.g. [R. Christensen, "Plane Answers to Complex Questions" (3rd edition, 2002), Springer, NY, p.424.] ), but apparently not among programmers who don't read before writing their code.
* Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I.A. (1972), "Handbook of Mathematical Functions", Dover. Section 26.4.25.
* Johnson, N. L. and Kotz, S., (1970), "Continuous Univariate Distributions", vol. 2, Houghton-Mifflin.
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