- Rice distribution
Probability distribution
name =Rice
type =density
Rice probability density functions for various "ν" with σ = 0.25.
Rice cumulative distribution functions for various "ν" with σ = 0.25.
parameters =
support =
pdf =
cdf =Where is the Marcum Q-Function
mean =
median =
mode =
variance =
skewness =(complicated)
kurtosis =(complicated)
entropy =
mgf =
char =In
probability theory andstatistics , the Rice distribution, named afterStephen O. Rice , is a continuousprobability distribution .Characterization
The probability density function is:
where "I"0("z") is the modified
Bessel function of the first kind with order zero. When "v" = 0, the distribution reduces to aRayleigh distribution .Properties
The first few raw moments are:
where, "L"ν("x") denotes a Laguerre polynomial.
For the case ν = 1/2:
Generally the moments are given by
where "s" = σ1/2.
When "k" is even, the moments become actual polynomials in σ and "ν".
Related distributions
* has a Rice distribution if where and are two independent
normal distribution s and is any real number.*Another case where comes from the following steps:
:1. Generate having a
Poisson distribution with parameter (also mean, for a Poisson):2. Generate having a
Chi-squared distribution with 2"P" + 2 degrees of freedom.:3. Set
*If then has a
noncentral chi-square distribution with two degrees of freedom and noncentrality parameter .Limiting cases
For large values of the argument, the Laguerre polynomial becomes (see Abramowitz and Stegun [http://www.math.sfu.ca/~cbm/aands/page_508.htm §13.5.1] )
It is seen that as "ν" becomes large or σ becomes small the mean becomes "ν" and the variance becomes σ2.
See also
Rayleigh distribution
*Stephen O. Rice (1907–1986)
* TheSOCR Resource provides [http://socr.ucla.edu/htmls/SOCR_Distributions.html interactive Rice distribution] , [http://socr.ucla.edu/htmls/SOCR_Modeler.html Rice simulation, model-fitting and parameter estimation] .References
* Abramowitz, M. and Stegun, I. A. (ed.),
Handbook of Mathematical Functions , National Bureau of Standards, 1964; reprinted Dover Publications, 1965. ISBN 0-486-61272-4
* Rice, S. O., Mathematical Analysis of Random Noise. Bell System Technical Journal 24 (1945) 46–156.
* [http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WM3-4PK8B4Y-7&_user=1067359&_coverDate=11%2F20%2F2007&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000051243&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=1067359&md5=7ced136019d5f6faa50131ea0d21b3c9 I. Soltani Bozchalooi and Ming Liang,] A smoothness index-guided approach to wavelet parameter selection in signal de-noising and fault detection, Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 308, Issues 1-2, 20 November 2007, Pages 246–267.
* Proakis, J., Digital Communications, McGraw-Hill, 2000.External links
* [http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?objectId=14237&objectType=FILE MATLAB code for Rice distribtion] (PDF, mean and variance, and generating random samples)
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