- Pickled tofu
Pickled tofu also called tofu cheese, preserved tofu, or fermented tofu) is a form of processed, preserved
tofu used in Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine.Production
In order to produce pickled tofu, cubes of dried tofu are allowed to fully air-dry under hay and slowly ferment from aerial bacteria and fungal spores. Commercially available pickled tofu is made by using dry firm tofu that has been
inoculate d with the fungal spores of "Actinomucor elegans ", "Mucor racemosus ", or "Rhizopus spp.".The dry fermented tofu is then soaked in
brine , typically enhanced with Chinese rice wine, vinegar, chili peppers or sesame oil, or a paste made of rice and soybeans. In the case of red pickled tofu (zh-tp|t=紅豆腐乳/南乳|p=hóng dòufu rǔ/nán rǔ),red yeast rice (cultivated with "Monascus purpureus ") is added for color. [The Hwang Ryh Shang Company of Taiwan, a major producer of pickled tofu, mislabels this ingredient as "red date" (jujube ) on the English-language list of ingredients on its product labels [http://www.yifanmall.com/english/product.asp?id=322] , although the Chinese list of ingredients on the same product lists 紅糟 (literally "red lees", i.e. red yeast rice).] Pickled tofu is generally sold in small glass jars.Characteristics
Pickled tofu has a special
mouthfeel similar to certain dairy products due to the breakdown of its proteins which takes place during the air drying and fermentation. Since it does not have a strong odor by itself, pickled tofu takes on the smells and taste of its soaking liquid. The texture and taste of pickled tofu resembles a firm, smooth paste not unlike creamyblue cheese . (Indeed, this kind of tofu is sometimes called "Chinese cheese" in English). When refrigerated, it can be kept for several years, during which time its flavor is believed to improve.Use
Pickled tofu is commonly added in small amounts, together with a little bit of its soaking liquid, to flavor stir-fried or braised vegetable dishes (particularly
leafy green vegetable s like water spinach). Often, it is eaten directly as a condiment with rice orcongee .Notes
External links
* [http://life.61soft.com/11/373059.htm Guide to making pickled tofu (Chinese)]
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