

The term atavism (derived from the Latin "atavus", a great-grandfather's grandfather and, thus, more generally, an ancestor) denotes the tendency to revert to ancestral type. An atavism is an evolutionary throwback, such as traits reappearing which had disappeared generations ago.cite web|url=|title=29+ Evidences for Macroevolution: Part 2|author=TalkOrigins Archive|authorlink=TalkOrigins Archive|accessdate=2006-11-08] Atavisms occur because genes for previously existing phenotypical features are often preserved in DNA, even though the genes are not expressed in some or most of the organisms possessing them.


Examples observed include:
*hind legs on whales
*hind fins on dolphins
*extra toes on horses, as in archaic horses
* reemergence of sexual reproduction in "Hieracium pilosella" and Crotoniidae [Norton, R. (2007), "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences", April 24, cited in "Science News", vol. 171, p. 302]

Atavisms have been observed in humans as well. For example, babies have been born with a vestigial tail, called "coccygeal process", "coccygeal projection", and "caudal appendage". It can also be evidenced in humans who possess large teeth, like those of other apes. [ [,0,283979.story?coll=la-opinion-leftrail What our tails tell us - Los Angeles Times ] ]

Atavism in history

During the interval between the acceptance of evolution and the rise of modern understanding of genetics, atavism was used to account for the reappearance in an individual of a trait after several generations of absence. Such an individual was sometimes called a "throwback". The term is often used in connection with the unexpected reappearance of primitive traits in organisms.

The notion of atavism was used frequently by social Darwinists, who claimed that inferior races displayed atavistic traits, and represented more primitive traits than their own race. Both the notion of atavism, and Haeckel's recapitulation theory, are saturated with notions of evolution as progress, as a march towards greater complexity and superior ability.

In addition, the concept of atavism as part of an individualistic explanation of the causes of criminal deviance was popularised by the Italian criminologist Cesare Lombroso in the 1870s. He attempted to identify physical characteristics common to criminals and labeled those he found as atavistic, ‘throwbacktraits that determined 'primitive' criminal behavior. His statistical evidence and the notion that physical traits determine inevitable criminality (an idea closely related to the concepts of eugenics) have long since been debunked, but the concept that physical traits may affect the likelihood of criminal behavior in the individual remains popular in some circles.Fact|date=April 2008

The notion that somehow, atavisms could be made to accumulate by selective breeding led to breeds such as the Heck cattle. This had been bred from ancient landraces with selected primitive traits, in an attempt of "reviving" the extinct aurochs.

Cultural references to atavism

The term atavism is sometimes also applied in the discussion of culture. Some social scientists describe the return of older, "more primitive" tendencies (e.g., warlike attitudes, "clan identity," etc. -- anything suggesting the social and political atmosphere of thousands of years ago) as "atavistic." "Resurgent Atavism" is a common name for the belief that people in the modern era are beginning to revert to ways of thinking and acting that are throwbacks to a former time. This is especially used by sociologists in reference to violence.

The neo-pagan subculture also uses this same terminology ("atavism" or "resurgent atavism") to describe how modern, Western countries are experiencing both the decline of Christianity and the rise of religious movements inspired by the pagan religions of centuries past. Some cite the rise of environmentalism, scientific inquiry, and liberalization of society as contributing to an increasingly secular society, one in which religious sentiments are more frequently tied with an appreciation of the physical world rather than set against it.Fact|date=April 2007 Occasionally, the use of these terms in reference to "alternative" spirituality or in an occult context implies the use of violence to assert these changing religious views--for example, in the book "Lords of Chaos" a rash of church burnings across Scandinavia has been described as a part of this trend because many of the perpetrators were self-described "pagans" seeking to overthrow what they deemed to be centuries of religious oppression by Christianity.

Atavism is a key term in Joseph Schumpeter's explanation of World War I in 20th Century liberal Europe. He defends the liberal belief in international relations that an international society built on commerce will avoid war because of its destructiveness and comparative cost. His reason for WWI is termed "Atavism," in which he claims the vestigial governments in Europe (the German Empire, Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire, and Austro-Hungarian Empire) pulled the liberal Europe into war, and that the liberal structure of the continent did not cause it. He used this idea to say that liberalism and commerce would continue to have a soothing effect in international relations, and that war would not arise in nations who are built on commercial ties.

See also

* Vestigiality
* Atavistic regression
*Spandrel (biology)

External links

* [ Photograph, X-ray and description of three cases of human tail]
* [ Photographs of additional nipples along the milk lines of man and woman] (German)
* [ of an additional (third) hoof of cows]


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  • Atavism — • Duchesne introduced the word to designate those cases in which species revert spontaneously to what are presumably long lost characters Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Atavism     Atavism …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • atavism — ATAVÍSM s.n. Apariţie la un descendent animal sau vegetal a unor particularităţi (fizice sau psihice) proprii ascendenţilor îndepărtaţi. – Din fr. atavisme. Trimis de ana zecheru, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98  ATAVÍSM s. (biol.) reversie. Trimis de …   Dicționar Român

  • Atavism — At a*vism, n. [L. atavus an ancestor, fr. avus a grandfather.] 1. (a) The recurrence, or a tendency to a recurrence, of the original type of a species in the progeny of its varieties; resemblance to remote rather than to near ancestors; reversion …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • atavism — atavism. См. атавизм. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) …   Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.

  • atavism — 1833, from Fr. atavisme, attested by 1820s, from L. atavus ancestor, forefather, from at perhaps here meaning beyond + avus grandfather, from PIE *awo adult male relative other than the father (see UNCLE (Cf. uncle)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • atavism — *reversion, throwback …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • atavism — [at′ə viz΄əm] n. [Fr atavisme < L atavus, father of a great grandfather, ancestor < at , beyond + avus, grandfather < IE * ati, beyond + * awos, maternal grandfather] 1. appearance in an individual of some characteristic found in a… …   English World dictionary

  • atavism — noun Etymology: French atavisme, from Latin atavus ancestor, from at (probably akin to atta daddy) + avus grandfather more at uncle Date: 1833 1. a. recurrence in an organism of a trait or character …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • atavism — The appearance in an individual of characteristics presumed to have been present in some remote ancestor; reversion to an earlier biologic type, a throwback. [L. atavus, a remote ancestor] * * * at·a·vism at ə .viz əm n 1) recurrence in an… …   Medical dictionary

  • atavism —   n. reversion to remote ancestral type; throw back ; recurrence of hereditary feature after an interval of a generation or more.    ♦ atavistic, a. pertaining to remote ancestor.    ♦ atavist, n. person or thing marked by atavism …   Dictionary of difficult words

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