- Lords of Chaos (book)
Infobox Book
name = Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground
author = Michael Moynihan, Didrik Søderlind
country =United States
language = English
genre =Non-fiction
publisher =Feral House
release_date = 1998 (orig.)
2003 (rev.)
pages =
isbn = 0-922915-48-2 (orig.)
0-922915-94-6 (rev.)"Lords of Chaos: The Bloody Rise of the Satanic Metal Underground" is a book by Michael Moynihan and Didrik Søderlind. The book presents itself as a
non-fiction account of theearly Norwegian black metal scene , with a focus on the string of church burnings and murders that occurred in the country around 1993. A film adaptation loosely based on the book and directed by documentaryfilm director Hans Fjellestad is inpre-production .cite web
title = "Lords of Chaos Movie to Go into Production in May"
work = blabbermouth.net
date =2006-04-11
url = http://www.roadrunnerrecords.com/blabbermouth.net/news.aspx?mode=Article&newsitemID=43850
accessdate = 2007-08-11] [ [http://www.hansfjellestad.com/film/ "Filmography"] on Hans Fjellestad's Homepage.] The book has been the subject of an amount of controversy over the alleged political leanings of author Michael Moynihan,Citation
last = Coogan
first = Kevin
title = How Black Is Black Metal?
newspaper = Hitlist
year = 1999
url = http://oraclesyndicate.twoday.net/stories/605560/] cite web
last = Klarmann
first = Michael
title = "Hasse deinen nächsten, wie dich selbst"
work = heise.de
date =2003-01-01
url = http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/13/13854/1.html
language = German
accessdate = 2007-08-11] though Moynihan denies these allegations. Dundas, Zach. " [http://web.archive.org/web/20060301162900re_/www.mumblage.com/story.php?id=36 The Notorious Michael Moynihan] "]Publication history
"Lords of Chaos" was originally published by
Feral House in 1998 (ISBN 0-922915-48-2). A second, revised edition was released in 2003 and expands the original book by fifty pages (ISBN 0-922915-94-6). A German edition was published in 2002 with a respective revised edition following in 2005 (ISBN 3-936878-00-5).List of Chapters
*1: Sympathies for the Devil
*2: Death Metal dies, Black Metal arrives
*3: A Blaze in the Northern Sky
*4: Mayhem in the Dead Zone
*5: Welcome to Hell
*6: Ashes
*7: Deathlike Silence
*8: Count Quisling
*9: Resurgent Atavism
*10: Their Satanic Majesties
*11: Furor Teutonicus
*12: Lords of Chaos
*13: RagnarokContents
The book focuses on the scene surrounding the extreme
heavy metal sub-genreblack metal in Norway between 1990 and 1993. The first few chapters give an outline of the progression of heavy metal from bands such asBlack Sabbath , Coven, and Black Widow to proto-black metal bands such as Bathory,Mercyful Fate , and Venom and finally to the early Norwegian black metal band Mayhem.The book then details the April 1991 suicide of Mayhem front man Per Yngve "Dead" Ohlin and the formation of a radicalized "inner circle" around Øystein "Euronymous" Aarseth, based out of his small black metal retail shop
Helvete (Norwegian for "hell") inOslo , Norway.In 1992 and 1993, members of the group became connected with a series of crimes, starting with the arson of the
Fantoft stave church onJune 6 ,1992 , although the book mentions that there had previously been a "small, ineffectual fire at Storeveit Church.".cite book
last = Moynihan
first = Michael
coauthors = Søderlind, Didrik
title = Lords of Chaos noitalic|(LOC)|publisher=Feral House
date = 1998
pages = p.79
isbn = ISBN 0-922915-94-6] Church arsons continue but with a steady decline up until the year 1995. (The cover of "Lords of Chaos" shows a "19th Century Swedish church in flames").cite web
last = Taylor
first = R. N.
coauthors = Sailing, Jasmine
title = "Exploring the Realms of Heathen Atavism: An Interview with Michael Moynihan"
work = cyberpsychos.netonecom.net
url = http://cyberpsychos.netonecom.net/cpaod8/8moyn.html
accessdate = 2007-08-11]An interview in a Norwegian Newspaper given by
Burzum founder Varg "Count Grishnackh" Vikernes, also a member of the Helvete group, leads to a media outrage condemning the arsons as acts ofSatanism . OnAugust 21 ,1992 Bård "Faust" Eithun of the band Emperor murders a homosexual man in the Olympic Park inLillehammer . He is subsequently convicted of this crime and sentenced to 14 years in prison (of which he subsequently serves nine years before being released in 2003). OnAugust 10 ,1993 Aarseth is murdered by Vikernes, who receives a 21 years sentence for the murder and several cases of arson related to the church burnings.The book also mentions other cases of "satanic" murderers, such as that of
Hendrik Möbus by members of the GermanNational Socialist black metal band Absurd andCaleb Fairley in the USA. It also devotes several pages to the case of a self-styled teen militia named "Lords of Chaos" that perpetrated murder and arson inFort Myers, Florida in April 1996,LOC, p. 293-300] but does not mention why the title " lords="" of="" chaos"="" was="" chosen="" for="" the="" book.=""Interview passages with Varg Vikernes are spread out through several sections of the book. On www.burzum.org Vikernes has said, that he would not use the term
Nazi any longer as self-descriptor, however, the statement is ambiguous. [ [http://www.burzum.org/eng/library/a_burzum_story07.shtml A Burzum Story: Part VII - The Nazi Ghost] ]An interview with Vikernes about
Nasjonal Samling founderVidkun Quisling , executed in 1945 forHigh treason by the Norwegian government after theoccupation of Norway by Nazi Germany , is the main source for Vikernes admiration of him, [LoC (1998): 163] and the source for the rumor that Quisling had some influence on certain extreme strains of Norwegian black metal. [ [http://www.bitsofnews.com/content/view/3965/2/ "The World According to Quisling"] by Gisle Tangenes, BitsofNews.com,19 September 2006 ]The book presents other interviews with
Anton LaVey , founder of theChurch of Satan , Tomas "Samoth" Haugen of Emperor andDani Filth ofCradle of Filth . Filth claims the existence of a "SatanicGestapo ", when he recounts an incident where he was apparently attacked on stage with a knife (which he states may have been a prop) during a concert in Germany.The book puts forward its own thesis about the reason behind the extreme music, the arsons and the cases of murder, interpreting these events as the appearance of an
odin ic archetype.LOC, p. 188] Within this scope, thepsychologist Carl Jung is quoted [LoC (1998): 176] and also a study "Pathological firesetting" from the year 1951. [ [http://worldcat.org/oclc/14656626 Book entry for Pathological firesetting] at WorldCat] [LoC (1998): 81]Satanism and the heathenism from which it ultimately descends are themselves the products of the archetypes and differentiated psyches of nations and peoples, and they therefore spring from the same “occult” or mystical sources as nationalism itself. Nationalism is the political manifestation of a folk’s unconscious; heathenism/Satanism is the spiritual manifestation. [LoC (1998): 314]
The book goes on to compare the state sought by the commission of these violent acts with the apocalyptic Norse tale
Ragnarök , but states that neither radicalized black metallers nor "their occasional allies, the right wing revolutionaries" may have found "the fuse on the powderkeg of alienated resentment which lies behind the façade of 20th century civilisation", yet that such a "powderkeg" exists nonetheless.LOC, p. 330]Critical reaction
Reviews of "Lords of Chaos" have been mixed, with several critics praising the book for offering an informative or at least interesting view on a relatively obscure sub-culture, and the book won the 1998 Firecracker Alternative Press Award.Zach Dundas. Willamette Week culture feature: "Lord of Chaos: ACTIVISTS ACCUSE PORTLAND WRITER AND MUSICIAN MICHAEL MOYNIHAN OF SPREADING EXTREMIST PROPAGANDA, BUT THEY'RE NOT TELLING THE WHOLE STORY. Available online: [http://wweek.com/html/leada081600.html] ] The publication was sometimes criticized for a perceived lack of distance towards its subject matter. This was considered especially alarming to groups and figures that had accused Moynihan of right-wing sympathies, charges which Moynihan has denied.
German online magazine "
Telepolis " questioned Moynihan's neutrality towards the ideologies portrayed in the book, as it leaves several far-right and racist statements by interviewees such as Vikernes uncommented on and uncriticized. The author's questions during these interviews are noted to resemble "cue-giving" at times.While a reviewer for the left-oriented German newspaper "
Die Tageszeitung " did not appreciate Moynihan earningroyalties from the sales of "Lords of Chaos", he still called it "the most thrilling non-fiction book since theOld Testament ". cite web
last = Brinkmann
first = Lars
title = "Satans Kirchen brennen"
work = taz.de
date =2002-11-30
url = http://www.taz.de/index.php?id=archiv&dig=2002/11/30/a0162
language = German
accessdate = 2007-08-11]
TelevangelistBob Larson stated that he and Moynihan were "poles apart spiritually and philosophically", but that he respected the book as an "exhaustive resource regarding the seamy and Satanic side of pop music and culture".Journalist
Kevin Coogan wrote an essay titled [http://static.twoday.net/oraclesyndicate/files/how%20black%20is%20black%20metal1.pdf "How Black Is Black Metal?"] in which he discusses several of the ideas purported in "Lords of Chaos". Coogan considers Moynihan's personal political beliefs to be "at work just below the surface of a text ostensibly devoted solely to analyzing an extremist musical sub-culture" and ultimately counters the book's apocalyptic thesis with the conclusion that the black metal/fascism connection hangs largely "on a thin evidentiary thread", namely Varg Vikernes, who had shown extremist tendencies well before entering the scene. Coogan states that Moynihan is "an extreme rightist whose fusion of politics and aesthetic violence shapes a not-so-hidden sub current that runs throughout LOC," Coogan writes that the book itself:...is not a "fascist" tract in the strict sense of the term, in part because Moynihan co-wrote the book with Didrik Søderlind, a former music critic for a mainstream Norwegian paper who is now "(as of 2005)" an editor at Playboy. Moreover, Feral House editor
Moynihan, in turn, has denied Coogan's allegations.Adam Parfrey clearly wanted to publish a popular book on the strange universe of black metal rather than a political polemic.:]Varg Vikernes , a primary focal point of the book, has expressed criticism towards the book. Vikernes states that the authors of 'Lords of Chaos' have no "insight into or even good knowledge about the subjects discussed and.. don't understand one bit what Black Metal was about on 1991 and 1992" and that they "have managed to fill the heads of a generation of metal fans with lies." [A review of M. Moynihan & D. Søderlind's " [http://www.burzum.org/eng/library/lords_of_chaos_review.shtml "Lords Of Chaos: The Bloody Rise Of The Satanic Metal Underground" review] "]However, an article on www.burzum.com that is allegedly written by Varg Vikernes evaluates the book differently. There it is said that "The book is pretty much objective.", [From burzum.com: [http://burzum.com/burzum/library/articles/lords_of_chaos/comment/ Varg Vikernes analyses the book Lords of Chaos, by Michael Moynihan and Didrik Søderlind] ] and although this statement is followed by a criticism of some of the people that were interviewed, it is far less polemical than the one on burzum.org. Vikernes states that www.burzum.org is the official site where he speaks out and has asked burzum.com to be shut down, though they refuse to do so for the reason that they believe that Vikernes does not understand what he is asking. [From burzum.com: [http://www.burzum.com/burzum/site/news/1004.html Burzum.com] ]
In a section on "Black Metal Blackshirts", an interview with
Jan Axel Blomberg ("Hellhammer") is given dating from 1994, where he says: "I'll put it this way, we don't like black people here. Black metal is for white people. ... I'm pretty convinced that there are differences between races as well as everything else. I think that like animals, some races are more...you know, like a cat is much more intelligent than a bird or a cow, or even a dog, and I think that's also the case with different races." [LoC 1998: 306] However, in a 2004 interview, Blomberg states:"I don’t give a crap if the fans are white, black, green, yellow, or blue. For me music and politics don’t go hand in hand." [ [http://thydoom.com/en/interviews/6.html ThyDoom.com] ]ee also
Black metal
* "Black Sun"
* "Gods of the Blood "
*Satan rir media
*Fascist satanism References
External links
* [http://feralhouse.com/titles/music/lords_of_chaos.php "Lords of Chaos" at Feral House]
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