Tier Two — ► See Tier One … Financial and business terms
Tier Two — /ˌtɪə tu:/ noun a second level of capital which banks have (this applies to undisclosed debts, and provisions against bad debts) to conform with the guidelines of the Basle Agreement … Dictionary of banking and finance
Tier One — is Scaled Composites program of suborbital human spaceflight using the reusable spacecraft SpaceShipOne and its launcher White Knight. The craft are designed by Burt Rutan, and the project is funded 20 million US Dollars by Paul Allen. In 2004 it … Wikipedia
Tier 1b — is Burt Rutan s nickname for the suborbital tourist human spaceflight platform in development at Scaled Composites with Mojave Aerospace Ventures by The Spaceship Company for Virgin Galactic. It is an evolutionary development of Tier One, the… … Wikipedia
tier — [tɪə ǁ tɪr] noun [countable] one of several levels of quality, usually three: • Investors are going for the better value represented by middle tier and lower tier junk bonds (= bonds that have a high risk of not being repaid ) . • Iberia will… … Financial and business terms
Tier 2 — may refer to: Tier 2 capital Tier 2 network or carrier Tier 2 Vehicle and Gasoline Sulfur Program; see United States emission standards Tier Two, orbital human spaceflight program This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the same… … Wikipedia
Tier One Zulieferer — Ein Systemlieferant entwickelt, dokumentiert und konstruiert Komponenten der Produkte eines Geräteherstellers (Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM), dt. Originalgerätehersteller). Darüber hinaus hat er auch die Möglichkeit, diese Komponenten… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tier One — Also known as core capital, this comprises equity, disclosed reserves and retained earnings. Under capital adequacy standards set for commercial banks by the Bank for International Settlements, at least half of the 8 percent of capital… … Financial and business terms
Two-tier health care — is a form of national health care systemFact|date=March 2008. It is a system in which a guaranteed public health care system exists, but where a private system operates in parallel competition. The private system provides the opportunity for… … Wikipedia
Tier 1 capital — is the core measure of a bank s financial strength from a regulator s point of view. It is composed of core capital,[1] which consists primarily of common stock and disclosed reserves (or retained earnings),[2] but may also include non redeemable … Wikipedia