- SpaceShipOne flight 14P
Flight 14P of
SpaceShipOne was its third powered flight, which occurred onMay 13 2004 . The pilot wasMike Melvill .SpaceShipOne was released from White Knight at an altitude of 46,000 feet (14.0 km) and a speed of 120 knots (62
m/s ). After ten seconds therocket was lit, for a 55second burn.At burn-out the altitude was 150,000 feet (45.7 km) and the
Mach number was 2.5. The craft then coasted to anapogee altitude of 211,400 feet (64.3 km).At one point during the flight, the
avionics computer froze up and had to be rebooted. Melvill flew the aircraft manually until the computer became operable again.During reentry, the craft attained Mach 1.9 and deceleration of 3.5 "g" (34 m/s²). The craft switched to glider configuration at 55,000 feet (17.4 km). The craft returned to the spaceport and landed safely.
External links
* [http://scaled.com/projects/tierone/logs-WK-SS1.htm Scaled Composites' public flight log]
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