Maria Gaetana Agnesi

Maria Gaetana Agnesi
Maria Gaetana Agnesi

Born May 16, 1718(1718-05-16)
Died January 9, 1799(1799-01-09) (aged 80)
Residence Italy
Nationality Italy
Fields Mathematics
oldest of 21 children

Maria Gaetana Agnesi (May 16, 1718January 9, 1799) was an Italian linguist, mathematician, and philosopher. Agnesi ((Italian pronunciation: [a.ˈɲe.zi]; the "gn" digraph is pronounced with the palatal nasal /ɲ/) is credited with writing the first book discussing both differential and integral calculus. She was an honorary member of the faculty at the University of Bologna. According to Dirk Jan Struik, Agnesi is "the first important woman mathematician since Hypatia (fifth century A.D.)".

Her sister was Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini, a pianist and composer.


Early life

Bust of Maria Gaetana Agnesi in Milan.

Maria Gaetana Agnesi was born in Milan on May 16, 1718, to a wealthy and literate family. [1][2][3] Her father desired to elevate his family into the Milanese nobility. In order to achieve his goal, he had married in 1717 Anna Fortunata Brivio. Her mother's death provided her the excuse to retire from public life. She took over management of the household.

Having been born in Milan, Maria was recognized as a child prodigy very early; she could speak both Italian and French at five years of age. By her thirteenth birthday she had acquired Greek, Hebrew, Spanish, German, Latin, and was referred to as the "Walking Polyglot". She even educated her younger brothers. When she was 9 years old, she composed and delivered an hour-long speech in Latin to some of the most distinguished intellectuals of the day. The subject was women's right to be educated. When she was fifteen, her father began to regularly gather in his house a circle of the most learned men in Bologna, before whom she read and maintained a series of theses on the most abstruse philosophical questions. Records of these meetings are given in Charles de Brosses' Lettres sur l'Italie and in the Propositiones Philosophicae, which her father had published in 1738. Maria was very shy in nature and did not like these meetings. Although her father refused to grant this wish of joining a convent, he agreed to let her live from that time on in an almost conventual semi-retirement, avoiding all interactions with society and devoting herself entirely to the study of mathematics. During that time, Maria studied both differential and integral calculus. Her father, Pietro Agnesi, also married twice more after Maria's mother died, so that Maria Agnesi ended up the oldest of 21 children. In addition to her performances and lessons, her responsibility was to teach her siblings. This task kept her from her own goal of entering a convent. Fellow philosophers thought she was extremely beautiful and her family was recognized as one of the wealthiest in Milan.

Contributions to mathematics

Instituzioni analitiche

First page of Instituzioni analitiche (1748)

The most valuable result of her labours was the Instituzioni analitiche ad uso della gioventù italiana, a work of great merit, which was published at Milan in 1748 and "was regarded as the best introduction extant to the works of Euler." [4] The first volume treats of the analysis of finite quantities and the second of the analysis of infinitesimals. A French translation of the second volume by P. T. d'Antelmy, with additions by Charles Bossut (17301814), appeared at Paris in 1775; and an English translation of the whole work by John Colson (16801760), the Lucasian Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, "inspected" by John Hellins, was published in 1801 at the expense of Baron Maseres.

Witch of Agnesi

The Instituzioni analitiche..., among other things, discussed a curve earlier studied and constructed by Pierre de Fermat and Guido Grandi. Grandi called the curve versoria in Latin and suggested the term versiera for Italian, [5] possibly as a pun: [6] 'versoria' is a nautical term , "sheet", while versiera/aversiera is "she-devil", "witch", from Latin Adversarius, an alias for "devil" (Adversary of God). For whatever reasons, after translations and publications of the Instituzioni analitiche... the curve has become known as the "Witch of Agnesi".


Madame Agnesi also wrote a commentary on the Traité analytique des sections coniques du Marquis de l'Hôpital, which, though highly praised by those who saw it in manuscript, was never published. [7]

Agnesi's diploma from Università di Bologna

Later life

In 1750, on the illness of her father, she was appointed by Pope Benedict XIV to the chair of mathematics and natural philosophy and physics at Bologna. She was the first woman to be appointed professor at a university. After the death of her father in 1752 she carried out a long-cherished purpose by giving herself to the study of theology, and especially of the Fathers and devoted herself to the poor, homeless, and sick. After holding for some years the office of directress of the Hospice Trivulzio for Blue Nuns at Milan, she herself joined the sisterhood, and in this austere order ended her days, though the terms of her death are unknown.



  1. ^  "Maria Gaetana Agnesi". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913. 
  2. ^
  3. ^
  4. ^ [1]
  5. ^ C. Truesdell, "Correction and Additions for 'Maria Gaetana Agnesi'", Archive for History of Exact Science 43 (1991), 385-386. doi:10.1007/BF00374764
    • Per Grandi: "...nata da' seni versi, che da me suole chiamarsi la Versiera in latino pero Versoria..."
  6. ^ S.M.Stigler, "Cauchy and the witch of Agnesi: An historical note on the Cauchy distribution", Biometrika, 1974, vol. 61, no.2 p. 375-380
  7. ^ Encyclopedia Britannica, 1911, p. 378
  8. ^ Atlas of Venus, by Peter John Cattermole, Patrick Moore, 1997, ISBN 0521496527, p. 112

Further reading

  • Kramer, Edna E. (1970). "Agnesi, Maria Gaetana". Dictionary of Scientific Biography. 1. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. pp7577. ISBN 0684101149. 
  • Mazzotti, Massimo (2001). "Maria Gaetana Agnesi: Mathematics and the making of the Catholic Enlightenment." Isis. v. 92, n. 4: pp657683.
  • Mazzotti, Massimo (2007). The world of Maria Gaetana Agnesi, mathematician of God. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

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  • Maria Gaetana Agnesi — (1836). María Gaetana Agnesi (Milán, 16 de mayo de 1718 Milán, 9 de enero de 1799) se distinguió con gran precocidad como políglota y polemista ilustrada. Se la recuerda sobre todo como matemática, aunque también se la califica de …   Wikipedia Español

  • Maria Gaetana Agnesi — (* 16. Mai 1718 in Mailand; † 9. Januar 1799 ebd.) war eine italienische Mathematikerin und Philanthropin. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Leben …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Maria Gaetana Agnesi — Margarita Gaetana Angiolo Maria Agnesi (née le 16 mai 1718 à Milan et morte le 9 janvier 1799 dans la même ville) était une linguiste, mathématicienne et philosophe italienne. On attribue à Agnesi le premier livre traitant à la …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Maria Gaetana Agnesi —     Maria Gaetana Agnesi     † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Maria Gaetana Agnesi     Born at Milan, 16 May. 1718; died at Milan, 9 January, 1799, an Italian woman of remarkable intellectual gifts and attainments. Her father was professor of… …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Maria Gaetana Agnesi — María Gaetana Agnesi (Milán, 16 de mayo de 1718 Milán, 9 de enero de 1799) se distinguió con gran precocidad como políglota y polemista ilustrada. Se la recuerda sobre todo como matemática, aunque también se la califica de lingüista, filósofa, y… …   Enciclopedia Universal

  • Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini — (* 17. Oktober 1720 in Mailand; † 19. Januar 1795 ebenda) war eine italienische Komponistin und Cembalistin. Die jüngere Schwester der Mathematikerin Maria Gaetana Agnesi wurde als drittes Kind des von Pietro Agnesi di Monteviglia geboren. Auf… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini — (née le 17 octobre 1720 à Milan – morte dans la même ville le 19 janvier 1795) est une compositrice italienne du XVIIIe siècle. Elle était une claveciniste et a écrit des œuvres de musique pour le théâtre, des œuvres… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Maria Teresa Agnesi Pinottini — Maria Teresa Agnesi (October 17, 1720 – January 19, 1795) was an Italian composer. Though she was most famous for her compositions, she was also an accomplished harpsichordist and singer, and the majority of her surviving compositions were… …   Wikipedia

  • Agnesi, Maria Gaetana — • An Italian woman of remarkable intellectual gifts and attainments. Member of the Blue Nuns in Milan (1718 1799) Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 …   Catholic encyclopedia

  • Agnesi, Maria Gaetana — ▪ Italian mathematician born May 16, 1718, Milan, Habsburg crown land [now in Italy] died January 9, 1799, Milan  Italian mathematician and philosopher, considered to be the first woman in the Western world to have achieved a reputation in… …   Universalium

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