Emprise Bank

Emprise Bank

company_name = Emprise Financial Corporation
company_type = Private
company_slogan = All of us, for each of you.
foundation = Wichita, Kansas
location = Kansas
key_people = Mike Michaelis, Chairman; Tom Page, President
industry = Finance
products = Banking
revenue = unknown
homepage = [http://www.emprisebank.com]

Emprise Bank is a Kansas-based, community bank headquartered in Wichita, Kansas with more than $1 billion in assets. Emprise has 40 locations across the state of Kansas, including branches in Wichita, Hays, Hillsboro, Council Grove, Valley Center, Andover, El Dorado, Potwin, Eureka, Toronto, Iola, Humboldt, Chanute, Lawrence, Moran, Goddard, Augusta, Maize, Mulvane, Derby, Haysville, Rose Hill, and Park City.


The bank got its start in 1910 as Stockyards National Banks in the north end of Wichita, Kansas. By 1965, it had grown to $20 million in deposits. In that same year, the bank was purchased by the Michaelis family, which owned two other banks in the area (National Bank of Wichita and Wichita State Bank). In 1972, the bank's name was changed to United American Bank & Trust company. Emprise as its known today was formed in 1989 with the separate mergers of National Bank of Wichita, United American Bank & Trust Company, and Wichita State Bank.

In 2006, Emprise purchased Prairie State Bank, adding eleven more branches to the company.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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