Murad Kajlayev

Murad Kajlayev
Murad Kajlayev
Born January 15, 1931(1931-01-15)
Origin  Soviet Union, Russia
Occupations Composer, conductor

Murad Magomedovich Kajlayev (Russian: Кажлаев, Мурад Магомедович) – well-known Soviet and Dagestani composer and conductor,[1] People's Artist of the USSR (1981), laureate of international premiums and contests, Artistic Director and chief conductor of the Great Academic Concert Orchestra named after Silantyev, professor and academician at Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.[2]



Murad Kajlayev was born on January 15, 1931 in Baku. He is lak by origin. He was graduated from Baku State Conservatoire from composition class at Boris Isaakovich Zeydman. He was expelled from there for his ardour for non-academic musical genres but soon he was reclaimed. He worked as a teacher at musical school named after P.I. Tscaikovsky, in Makhachkala, as chief conductor of symphonic orchestra of Dagestan radio (1957-1958), artistic director of Dagestan Philharmony (1963-1964), secretary of administration of the Union of Composers of the RSFSR (from 1968).[1] From 1990 to 2000, was in charge of Variety-Symphonic Orchestra named after Y.V.Silantyev.

Murad Kajlayev is the author of the first ballet of Dagestan- “Goryanka” (“Mountain dweller girl), the balletShamil”, musicalsMillions of the newlywed”, “Its time of red apples”, music to films and theatrical spectacles, and also songs. He worked with a poet R.G.Hamzatov a lot. In 2010, he established Dagestan Musical School for talented children, but in 2011, created the unique museum dedicated to musical culture of Dagestan under this school.

Awards and Prizes

Peoples Artist of the USSR (1981);

Honoured Art Worker of the RSFSR (1960);

State Premium of the RSFSR named after M.I.Glinka (1970) – for the balletGoryanka”;

State Premium of DASSR (1967);

•“Order of Merit for the Fatherlandof the 4th degree (1995);

•“Order for the Merit for Dagestan Republic”.


Wife-Valida khanim Islamzade, son-Murad and two granddaughters.


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