Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd
Monster Hunter Portable 3rd.png
Official Japanese Cover Art
Developer(s) Capcom
Publisher(s) Capcom
Series Monster Hunter series
Platform(s) PlayStation Portable, PlayStation 3
Release date(s) PlayStation Portable
  • JP December 1, 2010
PlayStation 3
  • JP August 25, 2011
Genre(s) Action role-playing game
Mode(s) Singleplayer, Multiplayer
Media/distribution PlayStation Portable
Universal Media Disc, Download
PlayStation 3
Blu-ray Disc
System requirements

PlayStation Portable
System Software: Version 6.36 or higher

Monster Hunter Freedom 3[1], also called Monster Hunter Portable 3rd (モンスターハンターポータブル3rd?) in Japan is the latest installment in the Monster Hunter franchise for the PlayStation Portable system that was released in Japan on December 1, 2010. The game was released, as a part of the PlayStation Portable Remaster series, on PlayStation 3.[2] The game introduces new regions, monsters, and a revised Felyne combat system.[1] Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is not an update to Monster Hunter Freedom Unite or Monster Hunter Tri. Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is instead separate to the rest of the series, and most of the game has been entirely remade.[3][4]

Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD ver. is a high definition remastering of the game for the PlayStation 3, and is the first of Sony's "PSP Remasters" series for the PS3. The game was released in Japan on August 25, 2011[5] and features enhanced HD graphics, 3D support and shared save support with the PSP.[6]


New features

The new base of operations is Yukumo Village. This village has a feudal Japanese feel to it, both from its design to its residents. The player can take two Felynes out with him/her on a single player quest, up from the single companion of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite. When you take Felynes out on quests, monster attacks are divided between the player and the companions, making hunts easier. Also new to Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is the ability to customize the Felyne companions' equipment. Doing so will change the creature's physical appearance and properties. The player will be able to customize the Felynes in three areas: weapon, head parts and torso parts. A new field introduced in the game is Mountain Stream (渓流 Keiryū?). All the hunting fields in Monster Hunter Tri, along with the addition of the Mountain Stream field are included in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. Underwater quests, however, have been completely removed, therefore maps such as the Deserted Island and Flooded Forest have been revised to work around this.[3][4] Not all monsters from Monster Hunter Tri are present in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd - Lagiacrus, Gobul, and Ceadeus have been removed. Jinouga, the flagship monster of the game is shown on the cover art.

The Guild Hall now features a hot spring, similar to the Felyne Kitchen from previous games, which can be upgraded by clearing special 'Hot Spring Quests' which upgrade the effects of the hot spring, as well as the Felyne Whim Skills, which can now be chosen and selected by the player.


All weapon classes from previous games (Great Sword, Long Sword, Sword and Shield, Dual Blades, Hammer, Hunting Horn, Lance, Gunlance, Switch Axe, Light Bowgun, Heavy Bowgun and Bow) are present in the game. The four classes which were not present in Tri (Dual blades, Hunting Horn, Gunlance and Bow) have been revised. The equipment creation and fortification systems received a variety of changes. Producer Ryozo Tsujimoto claimed that this area of the game will keep what was good from Monster Hunter Freedom Unite and Monster Hunter Tri and add new elements.[3][4]

New Creatures

  • Aoashira, an armored, Bear-like Pelagus.
  • Urukususu, a rabbit/hare like Pelagus found in the Tundra region .
  • Gagua, a Ratite-like Bird Wyvern.
  • Rangurotora, an armadillo like Pelagus.
  • Dosufurogi, a large, poisonous, red and frog-like skin Bird Wyvern and closely related to Great Jaggi and Great Baggi.
  • Zuwaroposu, a green Rhinoceros-like herbivore. and lives in Flooded Forests and Volcano areas.
  • Hapurubokka a new Leviathan found in the Sandy Plains.
  • Doboruberuku a new Brute Wyvern found mostly in the mountain stream area.
  • Jinouga, an enormous, Wolverine-like Creature. It is the only member of its group, Fanged Wyverns. This creature is the flagship monster of Monster Hunter Portable 3rd.
  • Subspecies for monsters from previous installments: Nargacuga Subspecies,Barroth Subspecies,Agnaktor Subspecies,Qurupeco Subspecies,Barioth Subspecies,Tigrex Subspecies, and Royal Ludroth Subspecies.
  • Amatsumagatsuchi, a gargantuan Elder Dragon that can be fought in a special area called The Sacred Mountain. And looks like a cross between the Japanese dragon and the Leafy sea dragon.


Within two weeks of release by December 20, 2010, Monster Hunter Portable 3rd sold 2.58 million units in Japan[7]. According to the game's publisher, Monster Hunter Portable 3rd is “now the fastest selling PSP title ever in Japan” and “the fastest selling game in Capcom's history.” [8] By June 2011, the game's sales in Japan had reached 4.7 million units.[9]

Felyne Comrade

  • Felyne Comrades return, along with new features similar to ChaCha (MH Tri). Up to two Felyne Comrades can be taken into a quest at the same time to better simulate multiplayer.
    • Felyne Comrades may drop useful items such as herbs, rations etc.
    • Felyne Comrades now have 6 skill slots.
    • A health bar has been given to the Felyne Comrades. This bar is placed under its name, same as the health bar when in multiplayer.
  • Felyne armors can be customized in two parts: Helmet and Torso. They are seen wearing the armor of Rathalos, Rathian, Jaggi, Urukususu, Ludroth, Aoashira, Zuwaroposu, Rhenoplos, Qurupeco, Barroth, Nargacuga, Uragaan, and Tigrex in the trailer and screenshots.
    • There are also special felyne armor such as Knight, Bone, and Metal Gear Solid.
    • Felyne weapons can either be Slash or Impact damage. Weapons can also be customized.
  • The creation of Felyne equipment will use monster "scraps". These are obtained when you create armor, the scraps left over are used to create felynes equipment so they (the felynes) progress as you do.
  • New trailer shows two hunters fighting with two Felynes.
  • 1 Felyne for each hunter can be brought along in online quests. Only 2 hunters can bring a felyne into online quests.
  • Felyne data from Monster Hunter Diary: Felyne Village can be imported into MHP3rd and will also unlock a special armor.
  • New skills, such as bounce bombs and boomerangs, are available.
  • Felyne now have more emotions and features. Felyne when outraged will become mad and powerful with an ! over their head. Same feature when in panic or taunting, a symbol will appear.
  • Felyne now have 3 methods of attack (melee, boomerang, and bomb).
  • Felyne have targeting trends, they can mainly attack large or small foes, or even a balance of both.
  • All above features (with—symbol)are based on personality when it is obtained (same with fur color).
  • You can now change your Felyne's name.
  • When buying a Felyne, you can choose what type of Felyne you want with a new Felyne search feature.
  • A feature that lets one felyne place a shock trap, and another one to place a bomb.
  • During Jhen Mohran quests, Felynes can assists by using the cannon and ballista.


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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