Mer group

Mer group
Mer Group Ltd.
Type Public company (B.M, Israel) (TASE: CMER)
Industry Manufacturing, Telecom, Construction, Civil Engineering, Public Safety, Security and Surveillance, Defense, Renewable Energy
Founded Israel , 1982
Headquarters Flag of Israel.svg Holon, Israel
Products Telecom Towers, RoIP systems

Mer Group,(TASE: CMER) is a holding company comprising 3 autonomous business divisions - each headed by a company with subsidiaries, manufacturing facilities and logistics chains. The company is a global systems integrator that delivers complete turnkey solutions for Wireless Networks; Security and Surveillance; Broadband Infrastructure; Customized Military Systems; Communication and Monitoring Mobile Systems; Environmental Monitoring and Renewable Energy Infrastructure. The companys share are traded on the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange.

Mer Group is globally active with over 30 subsidiaries in Africa, Latin America, Eastern Europe and Middle Asia, and with 1500 employees worldwide[1]. The company provides turnkey solutions for cellular infrastructure (including telecom towers design and manufacture, civil engineering and telecom implementation services), large scale security projects and broadband infrastructure solutions.


Subsidiary Companies under Mer Group

Mer Telecom - provides end-to-end Wireless Infrastructure Turnkey Solutions (network planning, site design, provision of telecom towers, site construction, equipment installation, network optimization and maintenance).

Mer Systems - provides security solutions for international sporting & cultural events, command control and intelligence centers for military and police forces, public safety monitoring ("Safe City"), land border access control and monitoring, air & seaport transportation security, and strategic sites security.

TechMer - provides multimedia solutions for military and civilian applications, advanced technology and combat-proven devices, currently used successfully in military applications, law enforcement, and emergency/rapid response organizations. Technical fields in which TechMer operates include video and audio compression and decompression, RoIP (Radio over IP) systems for tactical command and control, portable video surveillance systems, digital video and audio systems such as VoIP applications, wireless equipment (cellular and RF systems) including gateways, mobile communications systems for military field applications.

Athena - provides security solutions to governments, corporations and individuals. Athena provides operational concepts, procedures, training and management to address complex security threats across the globe. Its staff is composed of professionals from Israels Aviation Security Branch, Navy, MOSSAD, and other agencies focus on seven core areas of security: intelligence, critical infrastructure, aviation, maritime, corporate facilities and personnel, first responders, crisis management and business recovery.

Rotal - provides fiber-optics services, delivering FTTx, xDSL, DBS and CATV solutions for ISP, telecoms and cable operators. The company provides fiber optic systems and home networking resources. Rotal delivers solutions from the initial mapping stage to the final construction and testing stage, and assists customers during all phases of construction and maintenance. Services: CATV, DBS, Fiber-Optics, Broadband and Triple Play, Engineering and Design, Installation and Services.

See also


External links

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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