Mattstetten–Rothrist new line

MattstettenRothrist new line
Intercity train on the MattstettenRothrist line
Straight track
To Zurich
Junction from right
To Basel
Unknown BSicon "S+BHF"
39.3 Olten (396 m MSL)
Junction to right
to Solothurn
Track turning from left Unknown BSicon "ABZrl" Track turning from right
Born line on left
Small bridge over water Water turning from right Straight track
Kessiloch bridge 218 m
Enter tunnel Water Enter and exit short tunnel
Born / Aarburg tunnels (810 / 87 m)
Unknown BSicon "tSTR" Water Station on track
43.0 Aarburg-Oftringen (412 m MSL)
Exit tunnel Water Junction to left
To Lucerne
Straight track Water Junction from left
From Lucerne
Small bridge over water Water turning right Straight track
Aare bridge (319 m)
Unknown BSicon "AKRZo" Unknown BSicon "AKRZo"
A1 bridge (183 m)
Track turning left Unknown BSicon "ABZlr" Track turning right
Born line on left
Station on track
Rothrist (407 m MSL)
Non-passenger station/depot on track
55.2 Rothrist West
Track turning from left Junction to right
(55.2) New line on right
Straight track Enter tunnel
(49.2) Murgenthal tunnel (4,745 m)
Stop on track Exit tunnel
Murgenthal (414 m)
Track turning left Unknown BSicon "KRZo" Track turning from right
Murgbrücke (223 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel Straight track
(48.2) Aegerten tunnel (657 m)
Track turning from left Track turning right Stop on track
Roggwil-Wynau (432 m)
Straight track Waterway turning from left Unknown BSicon "mKRZu"
Aare Seeland mobil to Melchnau
Enter tunnel Urban straight track Straight track
(42.9) Langenthal tunnel (10,107 m)
Unknown BSicon "mtKRZ" Unknown BSicon "uABZlg" Straight track
Aare Seeland mobil to Niederbipp
Exit tunnel Unknown BSicon "uKHSTe" Station on track
Langenthal (472 m)
Track turning left Track turning from right Junction to left
BLS AG to Huttwil and Wolhusen
Enter and exit short tunnel Enter and exit short tunnel
(40.3) Thunstetten tunnel (889 m)
Straight track Unknown BSicon "eHST"
Bützberg, line moved away from former station
Enter and exit short tunnel Straight track
Badwald wildlife crossing (80 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel Straight track
(36.6) Gishübel tunnel (855 m)
Non-passenger station/depot on track Straight track
36.0 Wanzwil
Straight track Straight track Straight track
From Solothurn
Junction from left Junction to right Straight track
36.0 Connection to Jura foot line
Station on track Straight track Straight track
Straight track Straight track Straight track
To Neuchâtel
Straight track Unknown BSicon "eABZlg"
From Solothurn
Straight track Stop on track
Herzogenbuchsee (464 m)
Enter and exit tunnel Straight track
(33.1) Önzberg tunnel (3,173 m)
Enter and exit tunnel Straight track
(30.1) Hersiwil tunnel (1,000 m)
Straight track Unknown BSicon "eHST"
Riedtwil (496 m)
Enter and exit short tunnel Straight track
(24.4) Neuschläg wildlife crossing (60 m)
Straight track Stop on track
Wynigen (527 m)
Straight track Enter and exit tunnel
Burgdorf tunnel (510 m)
Straight track Large bridge
Grosse Emme-Brücke Burgdorf (55 m)
Enter tunnel Unknown BSicon "S+BHF"
Burgdorf (533 m)
Unknown BSicon "tKRZ" Junction to right
BLS AG to Solothurn
Exit tunnel Straight track
(19.3) Emmequerungs tunnel (1633 m)
Straight track Junction to left
BLS AG to Hasle-RüegsauLangnau/Thun
Enter and exit short tunnel Straight track
(18.4) Rüdtlingen tunnel (Chäs tunnel) (400 m)
Straight track Unknown BSicon "SHST"
Lyssach 517 m
Enter and exit short tunnel Straight track
(17.1) Birchiwald wildlife crossing (60 m)
Straight track Straight track
New line on left
Straight track Unknown BSicon "SHST"
Hindelbank 516 m
Track turning from left Unknown BSicon "KRZu" Junction to right
Unknown BSicon "eHST" Junction from left Track turning right
Straight track Non-passenger station/depot on track
12.3 Äspli bei Mattstetten
Straight track Enter tunnel
Grauholz Tunnel (6,295 m)
Unknown BSicon "SHST" Unknown BSicon "tSTR"
Junction from right Unknown BSicon "tSTR"
From Biel/Bienne
Unknown BSicon "SHST" Exit tunnel
Unknown BSicon "mKRZo" Unknown BSicon "mKRZo"
Track turning left Junction from right
Grauholz line branches to the right
Non-passenger station/depot on track
Small bridge
Worblaufen / Worblental (70/206 m)
Junction to left
To Thun
Unknown BSicon "SHST"
Junction from left
From Thun, Lötschberg and Interlaken
Unknown BSicon "eHST"
103.3 Bern Wylerfeld (Original Bern Station)
Bridge over water
Aare River, Lorraine viaduct (1,150 m)
Unknown BSicon "S+BHF"
Straight track
To Lausanne

The MattstettenRothrist new line is Switzerland's fastest railway, running between Mattstetten and Rothrist. It forms most of the OltenBern railway line, which makes up over half of the trunk route connecting Switzerland's main city, Zürich and its capital, Bern. The new line opened on 12 December 2004, as the centrepiece of the Rail 2000 project, a comprehensive upgrade of Swiss railways.

The line is almost 52 kilometres (32 mi) long, with one branch. At Wanzwil junction, a 10 kilometres (6.2 mi) upgraded former local line to Solothurn to connects to the rest of the "foot of the Jura" line (to Neuchatel, Yverdon and Geneva). The line has a maximum speed of 200 kilometres (120 mi) per hour and reduced the travel time between major Swiss hubs of Bern, Basel and Zurich to under an hour, allowing the regular interval timetable (German: Taktfahrplan) to be realized, where both express and stopping trains on all lines arrive and leave on the hour at Bern and Zurich stations, allowing a great number of convenient connections. The line was the longest new line built in Switzerland since 1926. Construction began in April 1996[1] and the last piece of rail was put in to place on 30 April 2004 at the Bern-Solothurn canton border at Inkwil on the connection to Solothurn.[2]

The MattstettenRothrist was the first in Switzerland to put the European Train Control System (ETCS) into regular operation. This was originally planned for December 2004 but had to be repeatedly postponed because of technical problems.[3] On 2 July 2006 testing at night was started and trains ran from 22:30 at up to 160 km/h (99 mph) with ETCS; from 23 July testing started at 21:30.[4] Switching from conventional signalling with external signals to in-cab ETCS signalling was successively brought into operation and in 18 March 2007, trains began to run with full ETCS signalling at up to 160 km/h (99 mph); since December 2007 they have run at up to 200 km/h (124 mph). The ETCS trackside equipment consists of a Radio Block Center, the required balises and an electronic interlocking.[5]


  1. ^ "Baubeginn" (in German). Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau 45 (10): 593. 1996. 
  2. ^ "Neubaustrecke MattstettenRothrist fertiggestellt" (in German). Eisenbahntechnische Rundschau 53 (6): 593. 2004. 
  3. ^ "Vorerst nur auf Neubaustrecken" (in German). Neue Zürcher Zeitung. 26 April 2007. 
  4. ^ "ETCS starts well". Today's Railways Europe (129): 57. September 2006. 
  5. ^ European Railway Review (3): 98. 2007. 

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