Marc Béziat

Marc Béziat
Marc Béziat
Born September 12, 1975(1975-09-12)
Aix-en-Provence, Bouches-du-Rhône
Genres Classical music, Electronic music
Occupations Composer
Instruments Keyboards
Years active Since 2004

Marc Béziat, born on September 12, 1975 in Aix en Provence, France, is a music composer.[1]



Marc Béziat has always been a music enthusiast, he began his career as a composer at the age of 28.[1]
To assess the competences which he has acquired as a self educated person, he begins in 2005 an education in musical writing and composition in the "Polyphonies organization".[2]
Thus, with a wealth of his new experience, he launched himself in 2007 as composer of his first album “Victory of the Spirit” which is followed in 2009 by a second: “Consolation” as well as two singles: "The Star of Peace” and “Gloria”, respectively in 2009 and 2010.[1]
Although he is a young composer, Marc Béziat has received many eulogistic comments from professionals who distributed his music.[3][4][5]


One of the compositions of Marc Béziat, “The Free Movement”, has won the “Song of the Year” competition in the category Instrumental / Jazz / World.[6][7]


Since 2008, the music of Marc Béziat is distributed on the air and the Web. (Francophonie diffusion,[8] Jango,[9] Live 365 Network[10])
It is also available on one of the principal legal download platform.



  • 2008: "Victory of the Spirit"
  • 2009: “Consolation”


  • 2009: "The Star of Peace"
  • 2010: “Gloria”


External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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