Developer(s) Search Solutions
Written in C, C++
Operating system Cross-platform
Available in English, Korean, Japanese, Chinese
License GNU General Public License for server engine and BSD license for APIs and CUBRID Manager tool

CUBRID is a comprehensive open source relational database management system (RDBMS) highly optimized for Web applications, especially when complex business services process large amount of data and generate huge concurrent requests. By providing unique optimized features, CUBRID enables to process much more parallel requests at much less response time.[1]

In CUBRID users can create unlimited number of databases, tables, and rows. There can be 6400 columns in each row, and the length of a column name is limited to 254 characters. Users can also insert unlimited size BLOB / CLOB data into a CUBRID table.[2]


License Policy

CUBRID has a separate license for its server engine and its interfaces. The server engine adopts the GPL v2.0 or later license, which allows distribution, modification, and acquisition of the source code. The API interfaces have the Berkeley Software Distribution license in which there is no obligation of opening derivative works. The reason of adopting two separate license systems is that CUBRID does not want to create any limitations to Independent software vendors (ISV) for developing and distributing various CUBRID based applications.

The CUBRID license policy is different from that of other vendors. To distribute or sell MySQL applications, it is required to open the source code of applications or to purchase commercial license. However, CUBRID has two different license policies for interface and server to address the limitations of the traditional open source DBMS and provide excellent cost savings to companies.[3]

Product Name Origin

The name "CUBRID" is a combination of two words "Cube" and "Bridge".[citation needed] In case of CUBRID, "Bridge" stands of the "data bridge", while "Cube" is a sealed box which provides security for its contents. Thus, CUBRID means a secure software which holds sensitive information.[citation needed]

Platforms and Interfaces

The CUBRID server and official libraries are implemented in C and C++, while CUBRID Manager[4], the CUBRID database administration tool, is implemented in Java. All CUBRID Tools are developed at [].

CUBRID runs on Linux and Microsoft Windows platforms and provides language-specific APIs, including JDBC, PHP, ODBC, Ruby, Python and C-API. All CUBRID Interfaces are developed at [].

In addition, CUBRID provides command-line interface called CSQL[5]. There is also a web-based database administration tool CUBRID WebQuery[6].

Supported Features

The latest version as of November 2010 is CUBRID 2008 R3.1 Beta, which supports the following features[7]:

Note (1): Only CUBRID and Oracle provide unlimited size BLOB/CLOB feature.

Product Development History

  • July 1, 2011 - CUBRID 8.4.0 Stable release[8]
  • May 12, 2011 - CUBRID 8.4.0 Beta release[9]
  • December 31, 2010 - CUBRID 3.1 Stable release[10]
  • November 12, 2010 - CUBRID 3.1 Beta release[11]
  • October 4, 2010 - CUBRID 3.0 Stable release[12]
  • July 19, 2010 - CUBRID 2008 R3.0 Beta release[13]
  • April 30, 2010 - CUBRID 2008 R2.2 stable release[14].
  • February, 2010 - CUBRID Cluster alpha version was released.
  • December, 2009 - CUBRID 2008 R2.1 stable release.
  • October, 2009 - CUBRID Project web site lunched at Opened Official Open Source Community web site at
  • September, 2009 - CUBRID Cluster Project has been started.
  • August, 2009 - CUBRID 2008 R2.0 stable release.
  • March, 2009 - CUBRID 2008 R1.4 stable release.
  • February, 2009 - CUBRID 2008 R1.3 stable release.
  • January, 2009 - CUBRID 2008 R1.2 stable release.
  • November, 2008 - CUBRID became an open source project. CUBRID 2008 R1.1 stable was released.
  • October, 2008 - First internal release followed by CUBRID 2008 R1.0 stable release.
  • 2006 - The development of CUBRID DBMS started.

See also

Other RDBMS:


  1. ^ "About CUBRID". Retrieved 2010-09-27. 
  2. ^ "CUBRID RDBMS Size Limits". 2011-03-22. Retrieved 2011-03-22. 
  3. ^ "Meet CUBRID: One of Korea’s Top Open Source Projects". Open Source Buzz. 2010-06-21. Retrieved 2010-10-05. 
  4. ^ "CUBRID Manager". Retrieved 2011-01-03. 
  5. ^ "CSQL - Command Line SQL Interpreter". 2010-07-06. Retrieved 2010-09-27. 
  6. ^ "CUBRID WebQuery". Retrieved 2010-11-17. 
  7. ^ "CUBRID Key Features". Retrieved 2010-09-27. 
  8. ^ "CUBRID 8.4.0 GA is now available for download". CUBRID Official Blog. 2011-07-04. Retrieved 2011-07-14. 
  9. ^ "CUBRID 8.4.0 has arrived w/ x2 faster database engine!". CUBRID Official Blog. 2011-05-13. Retrieved 2011-05-17. 
  10. ^ "CUBRID 3.1 Stable is now available!". CUBRID Official Blog. 2010-12-31. Retrieved 2011-1-3. 
  11. ^ "CUBRID 3.1 Beta: New Data Types. New Functions.". CUBRID Official Blog. 2010-11-12. Retrieved 2010-11-17. 
  12. ^ "CUBRID 3.0 Stable has arrived!". CUBRID Official Blog. 2010-10-04. Retrieved 2010-10-05. 
  13. ^ "New CUBRID 2008 R3.0 Beta has been released". CUBRID Official Blog. 2010-07-20. Retrieved 2010-07-21. 
  14. ^ "New Version Release - CUBRID 2008 R2.2". CUBRID Official Blog. Retrieved 2010-05-07. 

External links

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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