- Hierarchical query
A hierarchical query is a type of SQL query that handles
hierarchical model data.The most common syntax is "CONNECT BY", used by
EnterpriseDB [ [http://www.enterprisedb.com/documentation/hierarchical-queries.html Hierarchical Queries] , EnterpriseDB] andOracle database . [ [http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/server.102/b14200/queries003.htm Hierarchical Queries] , Oracle]SELECT select_list FROM table_expression [ WHERE ... ] [ START WITH start_expression ] CONNECT BY { PRIOR parent_expr = child_expr | child_expr = PRIOR parent_expr } [ ORDER SIBLINGS BY column1 [ ASC | DESC ] [, column2 [ ASC | DESC ] ] ... [ GROUP BY ... ] [ HAVING ... ] ...
;For example: SELECT LEVEL, LPAD (' ', 2 * (LEVEL - 1)) || ename "employee", empno, mgr FROM emp START WITH mgr IS NULL CONNECT BY PRIOR empno = mgr;
The output from the above query would look like:
level | employee | empno | mgr -------+-------------+-------+------ 1 | KING | 7839
2 | JONES | 7566 | 7839 3 | SCOTT | 7788 | 7566 4 | ADAMS | 7876 | 7788 3 | FORD | 7902 | 7566 4 | SMITH | 7369 | 7902 2 | BLAKE | 7698 | 7839 3 | ALLEN | 7499 | 7698 3 | WARD | 7521 | 7698 3 | MARTIN | 7654 | 7698 3 | TURNER | 7844 | 7698 3 | JAMES | 7900 | 7698 2 | CLARK | 7782 | 7839 3 | MILLER | 7934 | 7782 (14 rows)Pseudocolumns
* CONNECT_BY_ISCYCLEunary operators
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.