Craig Bartholomew

Craig Bartholomew
Craig Bartholomew
Full name Craig Bartholomew
Born Pinetown, Kwa Zulu Natal, South Africa
Era 21st-century philosophy
Region Western Philosophy
School Calvinism  · Philosophy
Main interests Worldview  · Post-Modernism · Biblical Interpretation  · OT Wisdom

Craig Bartholomew (MA, Potchefstroom University, PhD, Bristol University) is the H. Evan Runner Professor of philosophy at Redeemer University College. He has published a great number of works, and is involved in a number of different Academic communities. His intellectual pursuits tend to focus on the philosophical nature of the Christian Bible, as well as on Post-Modernism, and the Christian worldview.



Craig Bartholomew studied theology at the University of South Africa and then again at Oxford University. He was ordained to the ministry in the Church of England in South Africa (CESA), a traditional reformed Episcopal church (as in Hungary and Poland) and spent three years in the pastoral ministry before taking up a lecturing position at CESA's George Whitefield College in Cape Town, at which time he was involved in founding a movement called Christian Worldview Network. CWN inter alia did major work with Christian artists and published A Manifesto for Christians in the Arts.

He completed a Masters degree through Potchefstroom University on the composition of Deuteronomy, and then after doing a year of philosophy in Toronto studying inter alia with Calvin Seerveld, Craig Bartholomew did an interdisciplinary doctorate entitled Reading Ecclesiastes: Old Testament Exegesis and Hermeneutical Theory under the joint supervision of Gordon Wenham (Old Testament) and Christopher Norris (philosophy and literary theory) through the University of Bristol in the UK. He completed his doctorate in 1997. Prior to coming to Redeemer University College to take up the H. Evan Runner Chair in Philosophy in the year 2004, Craig Bartholomew was a senior research fellow in the Department of Religion and Theology at the University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, England.[1]

Bartholomew giving a lecture

Focus of Study

Bartholomew's main area of philosophical expertise is hermeneutics, particularly in how hermeneutics relates to a Christian perspective in other disciplines, particularly biblical studies. For the past nine years Bartholomew has directed the international Scripture and Hermeneutics Seminar which has published eight volumes in the Scripture and Hermeneutics Series (Paternoster and Zondervan). The final volume in the series, The Bible and the University, was published in 2007.[2]

Academic Involvement

With his former Redeemer colleague Mike Goheen, Craig Bartholomew is presently writing a three volume series on Bible, Christian Worldview, and Christian philosophy. The first volume, The Drama of Scripture: Finding our Place in the Biblical Story was published by Baker Academic in 2005. The second volume: Living at the Crossroads: An Introduction to Christian Worldview and Cultural Analysis was released in 2008 by Baker and SPCK. A third volume is planned: Liberating Christian Philosophy: An Introduction to Christian Philosophy.

Academic Societies/Activities

  • Old Testament Society of South Africa (OTSSA)
  • Tyndale Fellowship for Biblical and Theological Research, Cambridge UK.
  • The British Society for the Philosophy of Religion.
  • The Society for Old Testament Study (UK).
  • Society of Biblical Literature.
  • Member of the advisory board of Gospel and Culture, UK (concluded)
  • Founder of Paideia Centre for Public Theology
  • Member of Grove books [biblical] board, UK. (concluded).


  • Ph.D. (1997): Bristol University. Supervisors: Prof. Gordon Wenham (Old Testament, Cheltenham) and Prof.

Christopher Norris (Philosophy, literary theory, Cardiff). Dissertation title: "Reading Ecclesiastes: Old Testament Exegesis and Hermeneutical Theory." Doctoral research concerning the interrelationship of philosophy, literary theory and Old Testament hermeneutics, focused exegetically on readings of Ecclesiastes.

  • M.A. (1992): Potchefstroom University. Thesis title: The Composition of Deuteronomy. A Critical Analysis of the Approaches of E.W. Nicholson and A.D.H. Mayes. Major: Old Testament.
  • M.A. (1984/1988): Oxford University.
  • B.Th. (1982): University of South Africa. Majors: Old Testament and New Testament.
  • Diploma in Theology (1981): Bible Institute of South Africa, Cape.


Books, Articles and Chapters

  • Dominion as a Key to Understanding Art. In, Venster op Die Kunste: Christelike Perspektiewe, A Window on the Arts: Christian Perspectives, Potchefstroom: IRS, 1994, 41-57.
  • Response to Al Wolters' Paper. In Schrotenboer, P.G., Troost, A., van der Kooi, C., Spykman, G., Wolters, A., Bartholomew, C.G. 1994. God’s Order for Creation. Potchefstroom : IRS. 61-70.
  • The Challenge of Islam in Africa. Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol VI, No. 1/2, (1994) 129-146.
  • Critical Issues in Recent Developments in Reformational Philosophy: A Perspective. Koers 60(2) 1995:189-212.
  • Covenant and Creation: Covenant Overload or Covenantal Deconstruction. Calvin Theological Journal 30(1) April 1995:11-33.
  • Three Horizons: A Hermeneutics of the Cross/ Hermeneutics from the other end. An Evaluation of Anthony Thiselton‘s Hermeneutic Proposals. European Journal of Theology V (1996) 2: 121-135.
  • Post/Late ? Modernity as the Context for Christian Scholarship Today. Themelios 22(2) January 1997: 25-38. [Also published in abbreviated form in Catalyst 24/3 (1998):4-6.]
  • Casting Nets Towards Our Future. In, Contemplation. A Body of Work by Gert Swart. Pietermaritzburg: Tatham Art Gallery. 1997. 31-39.
  • The Relevance and Contours of a Christian Worldview. The South African Baptist Journal of Theology 1997 6:41-48.
  • The Healing of Modernity: A Trinitarian Remedy? A Critical Dialogue with Colin Gunton‘s The One, the Three and the Many. European Journal of Theology VI(1997):2 111-130.
  • Reading the Old Testament in Postmodern Times. Tyndale Bulletin 49.1 (1998): 91-114.
  • The Church and the World: the Power of Identity. In, Signposts of God’s Liberating Kingdom. Perspectives for the 21st Century. Volume 1. Potchefstroom, SA: IRS, Potchefstroom University for CHE, 1998. 21-30. Reading Ecclesiastes: Old Testament Exegesis and Hermeneutical Theory. Analecta Biblica 139, Rome: Pontifical Biblical Institute, 1998.
  • A Table in the Wilderness? Towards a Postliberal Agenda for Old Testament Study. In, R. Hess and G. Wenham, eds., Making the Old Testament Live (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998) 19-47.
  • Babel and Derrida: the Challenge of Postmodernism for Biblical Interpretation. Tyndale Bulletin 49.2 (1998): 305-328.
  • Qoheleth in the Canon?! Current Trends in the Interpretation of Ecclesiastes. Themelios 24/3 (May 1999): 4-20.
  • The Relevance and Contours of a Christian Worldview. In, Year of Jubilee, Cultural Mandate, Worldview, by J. Brouwer, A.M. Wolters, C. Bartholomew. Potchefstroom, South Africa: PU vir CHO, Scientific Contributions, Series F1 No 382. 34-42.
  • Christ and Consumerism. A Critical Analysis of the Spirit of the Age. Edited by C. Bartholomew and T. Moritz with introduction by C. Bartholomew. (Carlisle: Paternoster, 2000)
  • Consuming God's Word: Biblical Interpretation and Consumerism. Pages 81–99 in Christ and Consumerism: Critical Reflections on the Spirit of Our Age. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew, and Thorsten Moritz. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2000
  • Evangelicalism at the Outset of the 21st Century: A Review Essay. European Journal of Theology (2000) 9:1, 49-59.
  • Wisdom books, in T.D. Alexander, et al., eds., New Dictionary of Biblical Theology (Leicester: IVP, 2000) 120-122.
  • Introduction, Renewing Biblical Interpretation, editor. Volume 1 of the Scripture and Hermeneutics Series. (Zondervan and Paternoster) 2000, xxiii-xxxi.
  • Uncharted Waters: Philosophy, Theology and the Crisis in Biblical Interpretation. In, Renewing Biblical Interpretation, C. Bartholomew, et al., eds. Volume 1 of the Scripture and Hermeneutics Series. (Zondervan and Paternoster) 2000, 1-39. Editor of In the Fields of the Lord: A Seerveld Reader (Carlisle and Toronto: Piquant and Toronto Tuppence Press, 2000). Includes an introductory essay,
  • Bread, and not Stones by Craig Bartholomew and Gideon Strauss, 3-22.
  • Introduction. Pages xxi-xxxvi in After Pentecost: Language and Biblical Interpretation. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew, C. Greene, and Karl Möller. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 2. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2001; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001.
  • Before Babel and After Pentecost: Language, Literature and Biblical Interpretation. Pages 131-170 in After Pentecost: Language and Biblical Interpretation. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew, C. Greene, and Karl Möller. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 2. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2001; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001. Reading Proverbs with Integrity (Grove: Cambridge, 2001)
  • Introduction. Pages 1–11 in Praying by the Book: Reading the Psalms. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew and A. West Carlisle: Paternoster, 2001. Bartholomew, C. G.
  • Psalms 1 and 2—The Way of Blessing!. Pages 13–33 in Praying by the Book: Reading the Psalms. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew and A. West . Carlisle: Paternoster, 2001.
  • A God for Life and Not Just for Christmas! The Revelation of God in the Old Testament Wisdom Literature. In P. Helm and C. Trueman, eds., The Trustworthiness of God (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, Leicester: IVP, 2002) 39-57.
  • Introduction. Pages 1–45 in A Royal Priesthood? The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically: A Dialogue with Oliver O'Donovan. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew, J. Chaplin, R. Song, and A. Wolters. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 3. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2002; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002.
  • A Time for War and a Time for Peace: Old Testament Wisdom, Creation and O‘Donovan‘s Theological Ethics. Pages 91–112 in A Royal Priesthood? The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically: A Dialogue with Oliver O'Donovan. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew, J. Chaplin, R. Song, and A. Wolters. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 3. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2002; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002.
  • Virtues, Managers and Business People: Finding a Place for MacIntyre in a Business Context. With David Dawson. Journal of Business Ethics, Volume 48, Number 2 (2003), pp. 127–138.
  • Introduction: A Time to Reflect. Pages 11–14 in The Futures of Evangelicalism: Issues and Prospects. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew, R. Perry, and A. West. Leicester, England: InterVarsity Press, 2003; Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2004.
  • A Christian World-view and the Futures of Evangelicalism. Pages 194-220 in The Futures of Evangelicalism: Issues and Prospects. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew, R. Perry, and A. West. Leicester, England: InterVarsity Press, 2003; Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2004.
  • Introduction. Pages 1–16 in “Behind” the Text: History and Biblical Interpretation. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew, C. S. Evans, M. Healy, and M. Rae Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 4. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2003; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.
  • Warranted Biblical Interpretation: Alvin Plantinga‘s Two (or More) Kinds of Scripture Scholarship. Pages 58–78 in “Behind” the Text: History and Biblical Interpretation. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew, C. S. Evans, M. Healy, and M. Rae Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 4. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2003; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.
  • Introduction. Pages xii-xvi in Explorations in a Christian Theology of Pilgrimage. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew and F. Hughes. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 2004 .
  • Journeying On: A Concluding Reflection. Pages 201-215 in Explorations in a Christian Theology of Pilgrimage. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew and F. Hughes. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 2004 .
  • The Drama of Scripture: Finding our Place in the Biblical Story, with Michael Goheen (Baker Academic, 2004; shorter version published by SPCK in the UK)
  • Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation: Introduction. Pages 1–19 in Out of Egypt: Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew, M. Healy, K. Möller, and R. Parry. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 5. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2004; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2004. With Mike Goheen,
  • Story and Biblical Theology. Pages 172-184 in Out of Egypt: Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation. Edited by C. G. Bartholomew, M. Healy, K. Möller, and R. Parry. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 5. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2004; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2004.
  • True Story of the Whole World, with Michael Goheen. Grand Rapids: Faith Alive Christian Resources, 2009.

Edited Volumes

  • Bartholomew, C. G., S. Hahn, R. Parry, C. Seitz and A. Wolters (eds.). Canon and Biblical Interpretation. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 7. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2007; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2006.
  • Associate (OT) editor of the award winning Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible (Baker Academic, SPCK, 2006).
  • Bartholomew, C. G., J. B Green, and A. C. Thiselton (eds.). Reading Luke: Interpretation, Reflection, and Formation. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 6. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2006; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2005.
  • Bartholomew, C. G., and F. Hughes. Explorations in a Christian Theology of Pilgrimage. Burlington: Ashgate Publishing, 2004 .
  • Bartholomew, C. G., M. Healy, K. Möller, and R. Parry (eds.). Out of Egypt: Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 5. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2004; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2004.
  • Bartholomew, C., R. Perry, and A. West (eds.). The Futures of Evangelicalism: Issues and Prospects. Leicester, England: InterVarsity Press, 2003; Grand Rapids: Kregel, 2004.
  • Bartholomew, C. G., C. S. Evans, M. Healy, and M. Rae (eds.). “Behind” the Text: History and Biblical Interpretation. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 4. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2003; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2003.
  • Bartholomew, C. G., J. Chaplin, R. Song, and A. Wolters (eds.). A Royal Priesthood? The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically: A Dialogue with Oliver O'Donovan. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 3. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2002; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2002.
  • Bartholomew, C. G., C. Greene, and Karl Möller (eds.). After Pentecost: Language and Biblical Interpretation. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 2. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2001; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2001.
  • Bartholomew, C. G., and A. West (eds.). Praying by the Book: Reading the Psalms. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2001.
  • Bartholomew, C. G., and Thorsten Moritz (eds.). Christ and Consumerism: Critical Reflections on the Spirit of Our Age. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2000
  • Bartholomew, C. G. (ed.). In the Fields of the Lord: A Calvin Seerveld Reader. Carlisle: Piquant, 2000; Toronto: Toronto Tuppence Press, 2000
  • Bartholomew, C. G., C. Greene, and K. Möller (eds.). Renewing Biblical Interpretation. Scripture and Hermeneutics Series 1. Carlisle: Paternoster, 2000; Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2000.


  • Review of Levenson, J. 1993. The Hebrew Bible, the Old Testament and Historical Criticism. Calvin Theological Journal 30(2) November 1995: 525-530.
  • Review of Erickson, M.A. 1993. Evangelical Interpretation. Perspectives on Hermeneutical Issues. Old Testament Essays. New Series. 9(3): 535-538.
  • Review of Newbigin, L. 1995. The Open Secret. An Introduction to the Theology of Mission (London: SPCK). EJT (1997) 6:2 169-171.
  • Review of Walker, A. 1996. Telling the Story. Gospel, Mission and Culture (London: SPCK). EJT (1998) 7:2 147-149.
  • Review of D.K. Berry, An Introduction to Wisdom and Poetry of the Old Testament (Nashville: Broadman and Holman, 1995). JETS 42/4 (1999) 727-728. Review of L. Perdue, Proverbs, (John Knox Press, 2000, Interpretation) Themelios 27/3 (2002) 66-67
  • Review of Decolonizing Biblical Studies: A View From the Margins by Fernando F. Segovia (Maryknoll: Orbis, 2000) in JETS 45/4 (2002) 675 Review of M. Pei, China‘s Trapped Transition: The Limits of Developmental Autocracy (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2006) in Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies XIX (2007) 201-203


  • Commentary on Ecclesiastes with Baker Academic. Completed – due out early 2009.
  • Placemaking: A Christian View of Place for Today (Contracted with Baker Academic)
  • Hearing the Old Testament – SAHS volume to be published by Eerdmans, co-edited with David Beldman. *Introduction on ―A Trinitarian Hermeneutic for the Old Testament
  • Chapter on Philosophy and the Old Testament.
  • An Introduction to OT Wisdom Literature (co-authored with Ryan O‘Dowd, negotiating contract with IVP USA). *Chapter in SBL volume honoring Brevard Childs.


  • Editor of Journal of Theological Interpretation (2006–2007; editors rotate)
  • Series editor of the now complete eight-volume Scripture and Hermeneutics Series.
  • Series Editor with Gordon McConville of Eerdmans‘ Two Horizons Old Testament Commentary Series.
  • Series editor with Joel Green and Christopher Seitz of Studies in Theological Interpretation (Baker Academic).

Popular Publications and Activities

  • Editor of, Christians and the Arts in South Africa: A Manifesto. Art Care Trust, 1993. Also published as Manifesto. Christians and the Arts in South Africa In, 1994, Venster op die Kunste Christelike Perspektiewe, Window on the Arts Christian Perspectives, Potchefstroom: IRS, 475-490.
  • An Introduction to the Relationship between Theology and Philosophy. M2M Academic Supplement 1 1993: 2-9. *Author of the Bible Helps for the 1997 English edition of the Contemporary English Version, published under the title Into the Light.
  • The Text and the Message, in The New Lion Handbook to the Bible (Oxford: Lion, 1999), 58-59.
  • A Founder and Chairperson of Christian Worldview Network, and regular contributor to The Big Picture (Formerly the Many to Many).

Academic papers

  • 1989. A Christian Worldview and Artistic Temperament. Renaissance II conference at Durban Technikon, September 1989.
  • 1990. Arts conference at Potchefstroom University for CHE. Various presentations.
  • 1991. Arts conference at Potchefstroom University for CHE. Various presentations.
  • 1993. Respondent to Al Wolters' Stoker lecture on creation order, PU for CHE.
  • 1993. Seminar on Philosophy-Theology relationship at joint CWN, IRS, Potchefstroom University Philosophy Department conference. Opening twenty minute lecture on the relationship between theology and philosophy. Chairperson for seminar.
  • 1994. Stoker lecturer at Potchefstroom University for CHE on Critical Issues in Reformational Philosophy Today.
  • 1994. Postgraduate Lecture, Bible Institute and George Whitefield College: Reading the Bible in Postmodern Times.
  • 1995. Paper at Bristol University on Postmodernity, Biblical Hermeneutics and the Reading of Ecclesiastes.
  • 1995. Paper at Kings College London at Bible and Theology Conference on Philosophy, Theology and Biblical Interpretation: Watson, Dooyeweerd and Vanhoozer.
  • 1995. South Africa. Paper to theology faculty at UOFS on Post/High/Late ?? Modernity and the Practice of Christian Scholarship Today.
  • 1995. Postgraduate Lecture, Bible Institute and George Whitefield College, Reading Ecclesiastes.
  • 1995. Paper for Gloucestershire Philosophical Society on Theories of the Postmodern.
  • 1995. Paper for joint MA groups at Trinity College, Bristol in November. Three Horizons: A Hermeneutics of the Cross/ Hermeneutics from the other end. An Evaluation of Anthony Thiselton‘s Hermeneutic Proposals with Special Reference to the Old Testament.
  • 1997. Paper for Gloucestershire Philosophical Society on Christopher Norris, Postmodernism and the Prospects for Realism.
  • 1997. Paper at ICS conference on postmodernity and biblical interpretation in Toronto on Ecclesiastes. Is There Such a Text in This Class? The Reader, Indeterminacy and the Reading of Ecclesiastes.
  • 1997. Paper for Tyndale Philosophy of Religion Society meeting in Cambridge on Christopher Norris, Postmodernism and the Prospects for Realism. Strategies of Resistance.
  • 1997. April. Christ and Consumerism. Lecture to faculty at Redeemer College, Ancaster, Canada.
  • 1998. May. Paper at Hermeneutics Consultation in Cheltenham: Derrida and Searle: Speech Act theory and Postmodernism.
  • 1998. June. The Derrida-Searle debate. Paper at Gloucestershire Philosophical Society.
  • 1998. June. Annual Tyndale Philosophy of Religion Lecture in Cambridge: Derrida and Babel; the challenge of postmodernism for biblical interpretation.
  • 1998. 14–28 July. Overseas Research Fellow at University of the Free State, South Africa. Derrida and Biblical Interpretation. Lectures on this theme given at University of the Free State, University of the Western Cape, University of Cape Town and the University of Stellenbosch.
  • 1999. June 28 - July 2. Civitas Lecturer in Washington DC on the Bible and Politics. 5 3-hour seminars.
  • 1999. July 7–10. Plenary Speaker at Christian Scholarship in the Light of Scripture: Hermeneutical Issues *Conference at Redeemer College in Ancaster, Canada. Gave 2 papers: Divine Child Abuse or an Ethics of the Other. Derrida on Genesis 22, and Signs of Hermeneutics: Derrida and Saussure. Also by request of participants an hour long public dialogue between Bartholomew and Prof. Jim Olthuis on how and why we read Derrida so differently.
  • 1999. August 20. Speaker at Gegrapha Call to Truth conference in Chichester, UK. A gathering of 150+ Christian journalists from 33 countries. Paper entitled How to have a Unified Worldview in a Disintegrating World.
  • 2000. July. Civitas lecturer in Washington DC on the Bible and Politics. 5 3 hour seminars.
  • 2000. August. Plenary speaker at Redeemer University College conference, The Open Book and Christian Scholarship. Before Babel and After Pentecost.
  • 2001. June. Scripture and Hermeneutics consultation in Cheltenham: Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically. Chair and paper.
  • July. Civitas lecturer in Washington DC on the Bible and Politics. 5 3 hour seminars.
  • 10 October 2002 paper to Gloucestershire Philosophy Society on Derrida and Language.
  • 8 January 2002 organized and chaired a day consultation on a Christian theology of pilgrimage at FCH, Univ. of Gloucestershire.
  • 9 February 2002 organized day conference at FCH on The Futures of Evangelicalism. Also gave a paper on Christian Worldview and the Futures of Evangelicalism.
  • 25 February 2002. Paper on Faith and Scholarship to Staff Christian Fellowship, FCH, Univ. of Gloucestershire. *6 March 2002. Organizer and paper at 6th Form Conference: Thinking about God, Thinking about Evil. Paper on Faith and Reason: A Typology.
  • July 2002. July. Civitas lecturer in Washington DC on the Bible and Politics. five 3 hour seminars.
  • 19 August 2002 – Paper at Conference of Fellowship of Evangelical European Theologians on From Durban to Cheltenham: Lessons for Europe from the Missionary Churches.
  • 14 May 2003. Day of lectures to the 2nd year course of the Spirituality Network for Gloucestershire on the Bible and Spiritual Direction.
  • 19 May 2003. Paper on Modern Hermeneutics and Theological Interpretation for the Modern Doctrine Seminar at Oxford University.
  • July 2003. July. Civitas lecturer in Washington DC on the Bible and Politics. 5 3 hour seminars.
  • 23 July 2003. 2 lectures on the Bible and a worldview for the Open Theological College, at London Bible College.
  • 2004. Paper on Biblical Theology and Biblical Interpretation at Wycliffe College, Toronto.
  • 2004. Paper at conference at Baylor University.
  • 2004. Paper to doctoral students at McMaster Divinity School on biblical theology.
  • 2004. May 24–26 Paper on Bible and Politics in O‘Donovan's work in politics track at Scripture and the Disciplines Conference, Wheaton College.
  • September 2004. Paper at Oxford Scripture and Hermeneutics consultation, on Prayer and Exegesis in Luke‘s Gospel.
  • October 2004 – Respondent to Eric Jacobson at Work Research Foundation session on New Urbanism and the City Sidewalks in the Kingdom.
  • 2004. Keynote address at Conference on Evangelical Identities, Kings College, London. May 2005. Lectures at Chester University College. June 2005. Paper on Rome Scripture and Hermeneutics Consultation on monastic exegesis.
  • July 2005. Civitas lectures on Bible and public life.
  • July 2006. Lectures at Evangelical Seminary of Southern Africa, Pietermaritzburg, on The Bible and Evangelicalism for MA students; lecture on Spirituality to college as a whole.
  • October 2007. Lecture on Redemption at Trinity Western University, BC.
  • January 2008. Faculty Colloquium at RUC on Place in the Gospels.
  • March 2008, Visiting lecturer at Briercrest College.
  • March 2008, Faculty Soup Lunch at RUC, The Paideia Centre.


  1. ^ "Biblical Theology: About Us... Authors". Retrieved 2011-09-19. 
  2. ^ "Redeemer Spotlights". Retrieved 2011-09-19. 
  3. ^

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