Erebia epipsodea

Erebia epipsodea
Erebia epipsodea
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Class: Insecta
Order: Lepidoptera
Family: Nymphalidae
Genus: Erebia
Species: E. epipsodea
Binomial name
Erebia epipsodea
Butler, 1868
  • Erebia episodea
  • Erebia sineocellata Skinner, 1889
  • Erebia brucei Elwes, 1889
  • Erebia epipsodea rhodia
  • Erebia epipsodea freemani

The Common Alpine (Erebia epipsodea) is a member of the Satyrinae subfamily of Nymphalidae. It is found from Alaska south through the Rocky Mountains to northern New Mexico and east across the prairie provinces to southwest Manitoba.

The wingspan is 4251 mm. Adults are on the wing from mid June to early August.

The larvae feed on various grass species.


  • Erebia epipsodea epipsodea
  • Erebia epipsodea brucei
  • Erebia epipsodea sineocellata
  • Erebia epipsodea remingtoni

External links

Erebia epipsodea side.jpg