- Judaea Coin Archive
The Judean Coin archives (also spelled as Judaean), is an online photo gallery archive of photos and information about ancient Jewish coinage, located at http://www.judaea.chimehost.net. The archive also has the only online search of Jewish coins on the web, with Proto-Hebrew letters.[1] The archive is one of the largest ancient Jewish coin databases online, with the legend search, gallery and basic numismatic terminology this is vital for a collector of ancient Jewish coins. The archive runs off of [[PHP].
The coin archive has many different categorys[2] all linked from the main page, including links to the gallery (Through the links of "View Archives", "Login [to the gallery]", "Gallery Search" and "Register [to the gallery]"). There is a "Contact us" link, a link to the Numismatic Terminology page and the Coin Legend Search.
Coin Lists
More recently, the site has added a list of most of the Hasmonean Coins ever published, and is called "The Hasmonean Coins List".[3] After, the same has been done with the coins of the First Jewish Revolt[4] , The Herodian Dynasty,[5] Bar-Kochba Revolt,[6] Yehud Coinage,[7] Jewish related[8] (such as the FISCI IVDAICI coin of Nerva), Nabatean,[9] Judaea Capta[10] and the Procurators of Judaea[11] and has been put in an index.[12] Most of the Hasmonean coins and First Revolt coins, and some Procuarator and Herodian coins have pictures, which are opened in a new window from a link, with a credit to the owner of the coins. Example of a coin listing from the site for First Revolt[13]:
Minted By: First Revolt
Coin type: Shekel
Metal: AR
Reference: Hendin 654, AJC II 259, 1
Obverse description: Omer cup/chalice, two beads under the rim, date “Aleph”(see notes) above, circle of dots around. Ancient Hebrew surrounding, meaning “Shekel of Israel”
Obverse legend: Shekel Yisrael
Reverse description: Three pomegranates on a branch (smaller than that of the Hendin 655), dot at base, circle of dots around. Ancient Hebrew text surrounds, reading “Jerusalem [the] Holy”
Reverse legend: Yerushalayim Kedusha
Year: 1 = 66/67 CE
Notes: The first Jewish coin minted in silver. The “Aleph” is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, meaning year 1. It is still unclear who minted these coins. This is the "prototype" of the Hendin 655. This coins reverse legend is Yerushalayim Kedusha, Jerusalem [the] Holy, and changes into Yerushalayim HaKedusha, Jerusalem the Holy, in the other 4 years.
This is an example of the slightly modified Hasmonean example, taken from the Hasmonean coins page (1):
Minted By: John Hyrcanus I and/or Antiochus VII Sidetes
In the name of: Antiochus VII Sidetes
Reference: Hendin 451
Obverse description: Lily
Reverse description: The text “King Antiochus, the Benefactor” around upside down anchor, date, AΠP ΒΠP or ΓΠP. Reverse legend: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΑΝTΙΟΧΟΥ ΕΥΕΠΓΕTΟΥ, ΑΠP, ΒΠP or ΓΠP
Year: AΠP = 181 = 131 BCE, BΠP = 182 = 130 BCE, ΓΠP = 183 = 129 BCE.
Notes: This coin is the first “Jewish” coin. The earlier Yehud coins, there are graven images of people and animals. Jerusalem mint.
ExamplesThe "More Features" Section
From the main page, you can access more features at http://judaea.chimehost.net/main/more.html. So far, the features are:
- "Latin to Greek Transliterator", where you can turn Latin characters (cese insensitive) into Greek capital letters, e.g. "basilews markou agrippa" (meaning "King Markus Agrippa") would make "ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΜΑΡΚΟΥ ΑΓΡΙΠΠΑ"
- "Numismatic Terminology", which discusses Numismatic terms like "Obverse", etc.
- "Submit a coin!", upload and send the coin to the website archive
- "Search the Website"
- "See the monetary conversion charts from the Hasmonean Period", converts Judaean coins into different denominations.
- "Learn how to read Proto-Hebrew and Aramaic", which shows how to read and transliterate Ancient Hebrew and Aramaic.
- "Learn Ancient Hebrew on Coins", which translates & transliterates ancient Hebrew words found on coins into English and Hebrew.
- "Learn Ancient Nabataean on Coins", which translates & transliterates ancient Nabataean words found on coins into English and Hebrew.
- "Learn how to read the date of Judaean coins!", which is an article about how to read dates on Judaean coins, in Hebrew, Greek and Aramaic.
- "Do the Jewish Coins quiz!", which is a short quiz to test your ability to read an identify Judaean coins.
The coins in the gallery are user submitted and must be in the following gallery:
- Pre-Hasmonean
- Hasmonean
- John Hyrcanus I
- Judah Aristobulus
- Alexander Jannaeus (Jonathan)
- Jonathan Hyrcanus II
- Antigonus Mattathias II (Mattityah)
- Herodian
- Herod the Great
- Herod Archelaus
- Herod Antipas
- Herod Philip II
- Herod Agrippa I
- Herod Agrippa II
- Procurators & Prefects
- First Jewish Revolt
- Bar-Kochba Revolt
- Shekels
- Partial Shekels
- Other
- ^ See the search page.
- ^ Found at the Main page.
- ^ See the Hasmonean Coins List
- ^ See the First Revolt List
- ^ See the Herodian Coins List
- ^ See the Bar-Kochba Coins List
- ^ See the Yehud (w/ Samaria) Coins List
- ^ See the Jewish Related Coins List
- ^ See the Nabatean Coins List
- ^ See the Judaea Capta Coins List
- ^ See the Procurators of Iudaea Coins List
- ^ See the List Index
- ^ This example was taken with permission from the site. See the List Index for details.
Categories:- Numismatics
- Hasmoneans
- Herodian dynasty
- Coins
- Ancient Jewish history
- Jews and Judaism in the Roman Empire
- Ancient Jewish Greek history
- Ancient Jewish Persian history
- Ancient currencies
- Aramaic inscriptions
- Jewish websites
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.