- Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor
Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor Developer(s) Relic Entertainment Publisher(s) THQ Designer(s) Brian Wood, Blaine Smith Series Company of Heroes Engine Essence Engine
Havok (Physics Engine)Version 2.602 Platform(s) Microsoft Windows Release date(s) April 9, 2009[1] Genre(s) Real-time strategy Mode(s) Single-player, Multiplayer Rating(s) ESRB: M Media/distribution DVD, Steam Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor is a real time strategy video game stand alone expansion pack to Company of Heroes. It was announced on November 3, 2008 and was released on April 9, 2009.
Tales of Valor includes new units, additional maps and further multiplayer modes, such as 'Stonewall', where the player commands a small number of troops against waves of increasingly difficult enemies, and a feature called "direct-fire", where the player 'Points and shoots' (seen in Soldiers: Heroes of WWII, Faces of War and Men of War).
Company of Heroes: Tales Of Valor has three single-player episodes.
- Tiger Ace — Set in Villers-Bocage, the episode is a backstory of Kampfgruppe Lehr commander Major-General Maximillian Voss and Hauptmann Josef Schultz who is the main antagonist in the original. In the campaign, the two are members of a Tiger I tank crew as they penetrate the town. They are forced to abandon the tank because of mechanical problems and try to escape British forces in the area. The tank crew returns the following day in one of two new Tigers, spearheading a Panzergrenadier assault on the town. In the ending, it s revealed that Voss was promoted to major general and sent to Holland, setting the stage for the Opposing Fronts campaign. Schultz stayed in France and died during the defense of Autry.
- Causeway — Follows a company of paratroopers of the 82nd Airborne Division as they try to secure the La Fiere causeway for other Allied forces to pass through out of the Normandy beaches. The campaign focuses on Sgt Wilson and Sgt Frank Craft, who is seen as a dead weight to the group. After the 82nd's airdrop goes badly, Wilson's Able Squad links up with Baker Squad and together they find paratroopers to send to the town of Cauqigny. After the two squads take Chef du Pont town on the other side of the causeway, the paratroopers at Cauquigny fall back because of heavy German forces. The airborne forces retake the town and Wilson is run down by a German tank. As the Army's tank units head south from the beaches, the airborne finally takes the fight to the Germans with Craft leading the way. Able and Baker find and destroy the tank that killed Wilson as they assault a castle complex near the causeway. The ending cutscene reveals that Craft eventually took part in Operation Market Garden, where he dies in the successful defense of a bridge over the Maas river.
- Falaise Pocket — The campaign features a unit of SS Panzergrenadiers and Wehrmacht stationed in the town of Trun. Because of a bombing run over nearby Chambois town, the Germans figure that both towns must be held to allow the other units of Seventh Army to escape the area. The units in Trun find themselves facing the Canadian 18th Infantry Brigade that they must defend against an Allied assault while other German forces try to escape through the area.
The expansion pack introduces three new multiplayer game modes:[2]
- Assault: Very similar to the popular online Warcraft 3 mod Defense of the Ancients, with 3 members per team. They choose 7 "Heroes" each different in their Offensive, Defensive, and Support abilities. Ranging from a Pioneer/Engineer to Paratroopers/Recon, the goal of the game is to destroy the enemy's base, which requires the player to fight through three separate lines of defenses. Protected by mortar firing bunkers, these also act as the Player Respawn point. By destroying each bunker the player is able to progress closer towards the enemy headquarters. Once the gas tanks inside of a base has been blown up, that team that destroyed them has won and the game ends.
- Stonewall: 4 players are the defenders of a small town, defending against 16 waves of enemy attacks. Allies players face waves of Axis attacks progressing from a small band of Volksgrenadier to the mighty Tiger tanks; Axis players defend against waves ranging from Riflemen to M26 Pershing tanks. There are always four critical buildings in the town: the Church, that automatically heals units next to it; the Garage that repairs all allies' vehicles; the bank that gives a boost in manpower; and finally the Manor that gives an increase in population cap. The 4 players must work together in order to defend the town, as the team in Relic designed it so.
- Panzerkrieg (tank war): Similar to Assault, with the "Hero" units being replaced by tanks. The Axis Team can procure 3 tanks: the Hotchkiss, a small mobile tank hunter, the Panzer IV, the all-around tank, and the Panther tank, which specialize in head-on armor conflicts. The Allies have the M18 Hellcat, a mobile tank hunter, a Sherman tank that is meant to counter the Panzer IV, and the Churchill tank, which is the answer to the Panther.
Tales of Valor includes three new short campaigns; one where the player commands a Tiger I tank crew using the 'new' direct fire mode (Based on the Battle of Villers-Bocage), one as escaping Germans in the Falaise Pocket and one with US paratroopers based around taking a causeway.[3] There are new online units to replace old ones, such as the M18 Hellcat, T17 Armored Car, Schwimmwagen, H39 Geschützwagen (a conversion of captured H39 Hotchkiss tanks into a self-propelled tank destroyer), Tiger 205, Kangaroo Carrier and the Hotchkiss H35. There are also three new online multiplayer modes.
Reception Aggregate scores Aggregator Score Metacritic 70%[4] Review scores Publication Score Eurogamer 7/10[5] Game Informer 7.5/10[6] GameSpy [7]
The reception of Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor was mixed. Many reviewers were confused as to what the game had to offer.[8] Most of the reviewers appeared to brand the game as average and gave it a rating of around 70%. Citing that the game had some interesting features and game play modes, but only a short campaign and no new armies to command.[9]
- ^ Faylor, Chris (March 26, 2009). "Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor Gone Gold". Shacknews. http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/57868. Retrieved 2009-03-27.
- ^ THQ Inc. "Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor", Company of Heroes website. Retrieved 2010-03-8.
- ^ "We Just Played Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor". GameSpot. March 3, 2009. http://www.gamespot.com/news/blogs/preview-blog/909185203/26800088/we-just-played-company-of-heroes-tales-of-valor.html?om_act=convert&om_clk=gsupdates&tag=updates;title;7. Retrieved 2009-04-12.
- ^ "Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor Review - MetaCritic". MetaCritic. http://www.metacritic.com/games/platforms/pc/companyofheroestalesofvalor. Retrieved 2009-04-12.
- ^ Whitehead, Dan (April 9, 2009). "Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor Review - EuroGamer". EuroGamer. pp. 2. http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/company-of-heroes-tales-of-valor-review. Retrieved 2009-04-12.
- ^ Biessener, Adam. "Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor Review - Game Informer". Game Informer. http://www.gameinformer.com/NR/exeres/8F381FCE-FD3E-4A78-B620-2A879DADDBDF.htm. Retrieved 2009-04-12.
- ^ Rausch, Allen (April 9, 2009). "Company of Heroes: Tales of Valor Review - GameSpy". GameSpy. http://pc.gamespy.com/pc/company-of-heroes-tales-of-valor/971777p1.html. Retrieved 2009-04-12.
- ^ http://au.pc.gamespy.com/pc/company-of-heroes-tales-of-valor/971777p1.html
- ^ http://au.pc.ign.com/articles/972/972759p2.html
External links
Video games developed by Relic Entertainment Company of Heroes series Homeworld series Warhammer 40,000 series Dawn of War (Winter Assault • Dark Crusade • Soulstorm) • Dawn of War II (Chaos Rising • Retribution) • Space MarineOther titles Miscellaneous Relic Online • Essence Engine • Phoenix EngineCategories:- 2009 video games
- Company of Heroes
- Games for Windows certified games
- Real-time strategy video games
- THQ games
- Video game expansion packs
- Video games developed in Canada
- Windows games
- World War II video games
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