Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries

Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries

Choice: Current Reviews for Academic Libraries, or simply Choice, is a magazine published by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). It is considered the premier source for reviews of academic books, electronic media, and Internet resources of interest to those in higher education.


Scope of influence

Most academic libraries in the United States use Choice for selecting and purchasing materials. According to the ACRL, Choice reaches 22,000 librarians and an estimated 13,000 higher education faculty in almost every undergraduate college and university library in the United States, along with many larger public libraries, and special and governmental libraries.

Reviews are published monthly in Choice magazine and Choice publishes approximately 7,000 reviews per year in 50 subdisciplines spanning the humanities, science and technology, and the social and behavioral sciences.

Outstanding Academic Titles

Every year, in its January issue, Choice chooses a selection of the books reviewed in the last year as "Outstanding Academic Titles" ("Outstanding Academic Books" until 2000). The selection covers around 10% of the roughly 7000 books reviewed annually.[1]


  1. ^ Choice, Outstanding Academic Titles, accessed 24 February 2010

External links