Chilean Army order of battle

Chilean Army order of battle

This is a list of the various commands and military units of the Chilean Army.


All the infantry and artillery regiments are named after important battles of the Army plus various places in Chile, while the cavalry regiments are named after the various types of cavalry. These are the units:

Battle Order of the Chilean Army

Office of the Army Commander in Chief in Santiago, the Army's headquarters city where it is situated

  • Military Scenarios and Investigations Center
  • Office of the Army Secretary General
  • Office of the Army Auditor General

Army Ground Operations Command, headquartered in Concepcion, the base garrison of the Chacabuco 7th Reinforced Regiment

  • I Army Division. Regions II and III, with headquarters in Antofagasta. It is composed of 2 regiments, 1 armored brigade and 1 logistics Regiment.
    • 3rd Armoured Brigade "La Concepción" (3º Brigada Acorazada "La Concepción") in Antofagasta (formerly 20th Reinforced Regiment "La Concepción").
      • 7th Infantry Battalion "Esmeralda" ( 7º Batallón de Infantería "Esmeralda").
      • 10th Engineer Battalion "Pontoneros" (10º Batallón de Ingenieros "Pontoneros").
      • 8th Armored Cavalry Group "Exploradores" (8º Grupo de Caballería Blindada "Exploradores").
      • 5th Artillery Group "Antofagasta" (5º Grupo de Artillería "Antofagasta").
    • 1st Reinforced Regiment "Topater" in Calama. (1º Regimiento Reforzado "Topater")
      • 15th Motorized Infantry Battalion "Calama". (15º Batallón de Infantería Motorizada "Calama")
      • 10th Artillery Group "Borgoño". (10º Grupo de Artillería "Borgoño")
      • 1st Engineers Battalion "Atacama" (1º Batallón de Ingenieros "Atacama")
    • 23rd Infantry Regiment "Copiapo" in Copiapó. (23º Regimiento de Infantería "Copiapó")
      • 23rd Infantry Battalion "Copiapó" (23º Batallón de Infantería "Copiapó")
      • HQ Company.
      • Logistics Company.
      • Anti Tank Company.
    • 1st Division Logistics Regiment "Tocopilla" with Garrison in Antofagasta (1º Regimiento Logístico Divisionario "Tocopilla")
  • II Army Division. Regions IV, V, VI, VII and Santiago Metropolitan Region with headquarters in Santiago de Chile. This is the largest of the six Army Divisions, serving five regions and is where the Army Headquarters is located alongside some of the military academies that the Army operates in the Santiago Metropolitan Region. In addition, 6 regiments are assigned here, together with the Army Gen. Garrison Command in Santiago, composed of 3 regiments each.
    • 3rd Reinforced Regiment "Yungay" in Los Andes (3º Regimiento Reforzado "Yungay")
      • 18th Mountain Infantry Battalion "Guardia Vieja" (18º Batallón de Infantería de Montaña "Guardia Vieja")
      • 2nd Artillery Group "Arica" (2º Grupo de Artillería "Arica")
      • 2nd Mountain Engineering Company "Puente Alto" (2º Compañía de Ingenieros de Montaña "Puente Alto")
    • 1st Infantry Regiment "Buin" (1º Regimiento de Infantería "Buin")
      • 1st Mechanized Infantry Battalion "Buin" in Santiago (1º Batallón de Infantería Mecanizada "Buin")
      • Anti Tank Company.
    • 2nd Infantry Regiment "Maipo" in Valparaiso (2º Regimiento de Infantería "Maipo")
      • 2nd Mechanized Infantry Battalion "Maipo" (2º Batallón de Infantería Mecanizada "Maipo")
    • 16th Infantry Regiment "Talca" in Talca (16º Regimiento de Infantería "Talca")
      • Mountain Infantry Battalion
    • 19th Infantry Regiment "Colchagua" in San Fernando (19º Regimiento de Infantería "Colchagua")
      • Mountain Infantry Battalion
    • 21st Infantry Regiment "Coquimbo" in La Serena (21º Regimiento de Infantería "Coquimbo")
      • Infantry Battalion
  • III Army Division. Serving Regions VIII, IX, XIV, and X with headquarters in Valdivia, composed of 9 regiments, 1 logistics regiment and 3 independent companies.
    • 7th Reinforced Regiment "Chacabuco" in Concepción (7º Regimiento Reforzado "Chacabuco")
      • 6th Infantry Battalion "Chacabuco" (6º Batallón de Infantería "Chacabuco")
      • 3rd Artillery Group "Silva Renard" (3º Grupo de Artillería "Silva Renard")
      • 3rd Motorized Signals Company "Curicó" (3º Compañía Motorizada de Telecomunicaciones "Curicó")
      • Logistics Company
      • HQ Company
      • Military Police Company
      • 4th Historical Troops Company (represents the brave soldiers of the 6th Line Chacabuco Infantry Regt. 4th Company who fought in the Battle of La Concepcion on July 9 and 10, 1882, during the War of the Pacific)
    • 9th Reinforced Regiment "Arauco" in Osorno (9º Regimiento Reforzado "Arauco")
      • 13th Mountain Infantry Battalion "Andalién" (13º Batallón de Infantería de Montaña "Andalién")
      • 4th Engineers Battalion "Arauco" (4º Batallón de Ingenieros "Arauco")
      • Mounted Squadron
    • 17th Reinforced Regiment "Los Angeles" in Los Angeles (17º Regimiento Reforzado "Los Ángeles")
      • Mountain Infantry Battalion
      • Reiforced Engineers Company
      • Military Police Company
    • 8th Infantry Regiment "Tucapel" in Temuco (8º Regimiento de Infantería "Tucapel")
      • 8th Mountain Infantry Battalion "Tucapel" (8º Batallón de Infantería de Montaña "Tucapel")
    • 9th Infantry Regiment "Chillán" in Chillán (9º Regimiento de Infantería "Chillán")
      • 9th Infantry Battalion "Chillán" (9º Batallón de Infantería "Chillán")
      • Anti Tank Company
    • 12th Infantry Regiment "Sangra" in Puerto Varas (12º Regimiento de Infantería "Sangra")
      • 12th Infantry Battalion "Sangra" (12º Batallón de Infantería "Sangra")
    • 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment "Hussars" in Ángol (3º Regimiento de Caballería Blindada "Húsares")
      • Mounted Group "Húsares"
    • 2nd Artillery Regiment "Maturana" (2º Regimiento de Artillería "Maturana")
      • Artillery Group
    • 4th Signals Regiment "Membrillar" in Valdivia (4º Regimiento de Telecomunicaciones "Membrillar")
      • Signals Mechanized Battalion
    • 4th Divisional Logistics Regiment "Victoria" in Victoria (4º Regimiento Logístico Divisionario "Victoria")
    • 13th Commando Company "Scorpións" (13º Compañía de Comandos "Escorpión")
    • 3rd Intelligence Company (3º Compañía de Inteligencia)
    • HQ Divisional Company
  • IV Army Division. Region XI with headquarters in Coyhaique. This division consists of 3 regiments, a Logistics company, independent squad and an air platoon.
    • 14th Reinforced Regiment "Aysén" in Coyhaique (14º Regimiento Reforzado "Aysén")
      • 14th Motorized Infantry Battalion "Aysén" (14º Batallón de Infantería Motorizada "Aysén")
      • 8th Signals Company "Coihayque" (8º Compañía de Telecomunicaciones "Coyhaique")
      • Anti Tank Company
      • HQ Company
    • 8th Artillery Regiment "San Carlos de Ancud" in Coyhaique (8º Regimiento de Artillería "San Carlos de Ancud")
      • 8th Artillery Group "San Carlos de Ancud" (8º Grupo de Artillería "San Carlos de Ancud")
      • Exploration Platoon
    • 8th Engineers Regiment "Chiloé" (8º Regimiento de Ingenieros "Chiloé")
      • 8th Engineers Battalion "Chiloé" (8º Batallón de Ingenieros "Chiloé")
    • 4th Logistics divisional Company "Coihayque" (4º Compañía Logística Divisionaria "Coyhaique")
    • Mounted Independent Exploration Squad
    • 4th Aviation Platoon "Coihayque" (4º Pelotón de Aviación "Coyhaique")
  • V Army Division. Serving Region XII with headquarters in Punta Arenas, the division assigned to protect the Chilean Antarctic and the world's southernmost city consists of 4 regiments, an armored brigade, a logistics regiment, special forces company and an air platoon.
    • 4th Armoured Brigade "Chorrillos" (4º Brigada Acorazada "Chorrillos) in Punta Arenas (formerly 15th Reinforced Regiment "Dragoons" and 1 unit of 5th Reinforced Regiment "Lancers").
      • 25th Mechanized Infantry Battalion "El Roble" (25º Batallón de Infantería Mecanizada "El Roble").
      • 7th Artillery Group "Wood" (7º Grupo de Artillería "Wood").
      • 6th Armored Cavalry Group "Dragoons" (6º Grupo de Caballería Blindada "Dragones").
      • Mechanized Engineer Company.
      • Antiaircraft Artillery Platoon.
      • Platoon Armored Exploration.
    • 5th Cavalry Regiment "Lancers" in Puerto Natales (5º Regimiento de Caballería "Lanceros")
      • 5th Armored Cavalry Group "Lancers" (5º Grupo de Caballería Blindada "Lanceros")
      • 12th Artillery Group "Magallanes" (12º Grupo de Artillería "Magallanes")
    • 11th Reinforced Regiment "Caupolicán" in Porvenir (11º Regimiento Reforzado "Caupolicán")
      • 11th Motorized Infantry Battalion "Caupolicán" (11º Batallón de Infantería Motorizada "Caupolicán")
      • 13th Artillery Group "Tierra Del Fuego" (13º Grupo de Artillería "Tierra del Fuego")
      • Anti Tank Company
    • 10th Infantry Regiment "Pudeto" in Punta Arenas (10º Regimiento de Infantería "Pudeto")
      • 27th Motorized Infantry Battalion "Galvarino" (27º Batallón de Infantería Motorizada "Galvarino")
    • 5th Engineers Regiment "Punta Arenas" (5º Regimiento de Ingenieros "Punta Arenas")
      • 5th Engineers Battalion "Punta Arenas" (5º Batallón de Ingenieros "Punta Arenas")
    • 10th Commandos Company (10º Compañía de Comandos)
    • 5th Logistics Divisional Regiment "Magallanes" (5º Regimiento Logístico Divisionario "Magallanes")
    • 5th Aviation Platoon
  • VI Army Division. Serving Regions I and XV, with headquarters in Iquique. Three regiments make up this division, as well as 2 armored brigades, and a logistics regiment.
    • 1st Armored Brigade "Cuirassiers" in Arica (1º Brigada Acorazada "Coraceros")
      • 28th Mechanized Infantry Battalion "Bulnes" (28º Batallón de Infantería Mecanizada "Bulnes")
      • 9th Armored Cavalry Group "Vencedores" (9º Grupo de Caballería Blindada "Vencedores")
      • 4th Artillery Group "Miraflores" (4º Grupo de Artillería "Miraflores")
      • 9th Engineers Company "Zapadores" (9º Compañía de Ingenieros "Zapadores")
    • 2nd Armored Brigade "Cazadores" in Pozo Almonte (2º Brigada Acorazada "Cazadores"), with headquarters at the newly relocated Army Armored Cavalry School
      • 5th Mechanized Infantry Battalion "Carampangue" (5º Batallón de Infantería Mecanizada "Carampangue")
      • 7th Armored Cavalry Group "Guías" (7º Grupo de Caballería Blindada "Guías")
      • 9th Artillery Group "Salvo" (9º Grupo de Artilería "Salvo")
      • 7th Company Engineers "Aconcagua" (7º Compañía de Ingenieros "Aconcagua")
      • 1st Commandos Company "Iquique" (1º Compañía de Comandos "Iquique")
    • 4th Reinforced Regiment "Rancagua" in Arica (4º Regimiento Reforzado "Rancagua")
      • 4th Mechanized Infantry Battalion "Rancagua" (4º Batallón de Infantería Mecanizada "Rancagua")
      • 6th Engineers Battalion "Azapa" (6º Batallón de Ingenieros "Azapa")
      • Signal Company "San Marcos" (Compañía de Telecomunicaciones "San Marcos")
    • 24th Reinforced Regiment "Huamachuco" in Putre (24º Regimiento Reforzado "Huamachuco")
      • 24th Motorized Infantry Battalion "Los Andes" (24º Batallón de Infantería Motorizada "Los Andes")
      • 14th Artillery Group "Fontecilla" (14º Grupo de Artillería "Fontecilla")
    • 6th Signals Regiment "Tarapacá" in Pozo Almonte (6º Regimiento de Telecomunicaciones "Tarapacá")
    • 6th Logistics Divisional Regiment "Pisagua" (6º Regimiento Logístico Divisionario "Pisagua")
  • Army Aviation Brigade. with headquarters in Rancagua. (Brigada de Aviación del Ejército) It is the Army's aviation forces brigade, composed of 4 battalions and a logistics company.
    • Aircraft Battalion
    • Helicopter Battalion
    • Ground Support Battalion
    • Base Service Battalion
    • Logistics Company
  • Special Operations Brigade "Lautaro". with headquarters in Peldehue (Brigada de Operaciones Especiales "Lautaro")It is the Army's special forces brigade, named after one of Chile's national heroes.
    • Paratroopers and Special Forces School in Peldehue (Escuela de Paracaidistas y FF.EE)
    • 1st Parachutists Battalion "Pelantaru" (1º Batallón de Paracaidistas "Pelantaru")
    • Logistics Company
    • Special Mountain Troops Group

Army Institution and Doctrine Command (Commando Instituto y Doctrina)

  • Army Schools Division (Division Escuelas)
  • Army Education Division (Division de Educacion)
  • Army Doctrine Division (Division de Doctrina)

Army Force Services Command (Commando Apoyo de la Fuerza)

  • Army Logistics Division. with headquarters in Santiago (División Logística del Ejército)
    • 1st Logistic Regiment "Bellavista" in Santiago (1º Regimiento Logístico "Bellavista")
    • 2nd Logistic Regimient "Arsenales de Guerra" in Santiago (2º Regimiento Logístico "Arsenales de Guerra")
    • 3rd Logistic Regimient "Limache" in Santiago (3º Regimiento Logístico "Limache")
    • Army Department of the Antarctic
      • Army Antarctic Base "Gen. Bernardo O'Higgins"
  • Army Engineering Command (Commando de Ingenieros)
    • Military Workers Corps
    • Army Engineering Service
  • Army Communications Command
  • Army Infrastructure Command
  • Army Military Engineering and Industry Command
    • FAMAE Arms Factory
    • Military Geography Institute

Army Independent Commands

  • Army General Garrison Command in Santiago, serving the Santiago Metropolitan Region, reports directly to Army Headquarters
    • 1st Armored Cavalry Regiment "Grenadiers" (1º Regimiento de Caballeria "Granaderos") in Quillota, the former headquarters of the Army Armored Cavalry School, also functions as the Presidential Escort Regiment since 1840. Name attributes to the Argentine Regiment of Mounted Grenadiers "Gen. Jose De San Martin" and Ecuador's Tarqui Grenadiers and Tapi Grenadiers Regiments
    • 1st Military Police Battalion "Santiago" (1º Batallón de Policía Militar "Santiago")
    • 1st Artillery Regiment "Tacna" in San Bernardo (1º Regimiento de Artillería "Tacna"), reactivated on July 2009.
  • Army Medical Command in Santiago
    • Santiago Military Hospital (Hospital Militar de Santiago)
    • Northern Military Hospital in Antofagasta
    • Children's Rehabilitation Center
  • Army Administration Command

Army General Staff Office (Estado Mayor General del Ejército)

  • Finance Directorate
  • Logistics
  • Intelligence Directorate

See also

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