

Valdivia may refer to:

** Valdivia, Chile, a city and municipality in the Province of Valdivia
** Valdivia River, a river which begins in the city of Valdivia
** Valdivia Province, the Province of Valdivia
** Valdivian Coastal Range part of the bigger Chilean Coastal Range
** Valdivian Coastal Reserve a natural reserve south of the city of Valdivia
** Valdivia National Reserve a natural reserve south of the city of Valdivia
** Lo Valdivia a minor town in O'Higgins Region
** Valdivia Volcano an old name for Villarrica Volcano
** Valdivia Lake an old name for Llanquihue Lake
** Valdivia, Antioquia, a municipality in Antioquia Department, Colombia.
** Valdivia, Ecuador, a minor town in the province of Guayas.
** Valdivia, Badajoz, a minor town near Badajoz in Extremadura. Other places named Valdivia loans the name from this town. Pedro de Valdivia was born here.
*The Sub-Antarctic
**Cape Valdivia, on Bouvetøya.

** Ecuatorian Valdivia Culture
** Valdivia International Film Festival

* Valdivian temperate rain forests: a temperate broad-leaf and mixed forest ecoregion located on the west coast of southern South America
* Valdivian Fort System: Colonial fortifications made to protect the city of Valdivia ("The key of the South seas", "Gibraltar of the Pacific")
* Valdivia (Genus): A Genus in the Escalloniaceae Family
* Flag of Valdivia: the flag of the city of Valdivia
* Capture of Valdivia: a battle in the Chilean War of Independence
* Pedro de Valdivia Bridge: a bridge in Valdivia, Chile
* 2741 Valdivia an asteroid

* Pedro de Valdivia: the first royal governor of Chile and founder of several cities in the country, including that bearing his name.
* Jorge Valdivia: A Chilean football player currently playing for Al Ain
* Luis de Valdivia: A Spanish jesuit that advocated for a "defensive war" during the Arauco War.

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  • valdivia — f. Ecuad. Ave rapaz del orden de las Falconiformes que se alimenta de culebras y otros reptiles …   Diccionario de la lengua española

  • Valdivia — Para otros usos de este término, véase Valdivia (desambiguación). Valdivia …   Wikipedia Español

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