Cervi Brothers

Cervi Brothers
Stamp of Kyrgyzstan with the seven Cervi Brothers

The Cervi Brothers (in Italian: Fratelli Cervi) were seven children of Alcide Cervi and Genevieve Cocconi belonged to a family of Italian patriots.

Upright men and deep democratic convictions, they took an active part in the resistance by paying with their lives for their fidelity to the ideals of freedom and social justice that had been transmitted to them from childhood by his father. Taken prisoners, they were shot by the fascists in the December 28, 1943 shooting of Reggio Emilia. Their story was told, among others, by his father Alcide Cervi.[1]

The seven brothers were called[2]: Gelindo, born in 1901; Antenore, born in 1906; Aldo, born in 1909; Ferdinando, born in 1911; Agostino, born in 1916; Ovidio, born in 1918; Ettore, born in 1921.They had two sisters, Diomira and Rina.


  1. ^ Alcide Cervi, I miei sette figli (My seven children), edizione Einaudi 2010.
  2. ^ "The story of Cervi". http://www.fratellicervi.it/content/view/14/29/. Retrieved 4 March 2011. 

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