Mary Oliver (violinist)

Mary Oliver (violinist)

Mary Oliver (born in La Jolla, California) is an American performer on violin, viola, and Hardanger fiddle, in the areas of New Music, free improvisation, and avant-garde jazz.[1][2][3][4]

She currently lives in Amsterdam, where she is professor at the Hogeschol voor Kunst and musical director of the Magpie Music Dance Company.[1][4]



Oliver studied for her Master of Fine Arts in violin and viola at San Francisco State University and at Mills College.[4] In 1993 she obtained a doctorate from the University of California, San Diego in Theory and Practice of Improvisation (Constellations in Play: A Model of Improvisation), which substantially informed her methods as a performer.[1][2][4]


As a soloist she performs as much composed as improvised music, giving first performances of works by, for example, Richard Barrett, John Cage, Chaya Czernowin, Morton Feldman, Brian Ferneyhough, Liza Lim, George Lewis and Richard Teitelbaum.[1][4] Oliver is a member of the Nieuw Ensemble, SONOR and KIVA, as well as the ICP-Orchestra.[4][5]

She has performed with, among others, Ab Baars, Sean Bergin, Tobias Delius, Scott Fields, Ig Henneman, Tristan Honsinger, Achim Kaufmann, Joëlle Léandre, Thomas Lehn, George Lewis, Misha Mengelberg, Phil Minton, Michael Moore and Evan Parker.[2][4] She has received invitations to perform at festivals all over the world, such as the North American New Music Festival, Xenakis Festival in Buffalo, New York, Darmstadt Summer Course, Donaueschingen Festival and Ars Electronica (Linz).[2][4]

Critical acclaim

Mary Oliver is referred to as an internationally acclaimed Amsterdam violinist.[2] To quote the Austin Music Co-op website, "Her premieres of new works by John Cage, Richard Barrett, Brian Ferneyhough, and Iannis Xenakis speak to the level of virtuosity she has achieved. Her equally brilliant work as an improviser is a rarity in the ranks of first-rate classical interpreters."[2]

Partial discography

  • Witchfiddle ICP 038[3]
  • ICP-Orchestra, Oh,My Dog! ICP 040[5]
  • ICP-Orchestra, Aan en Uit ICP 042[5]
  • Ig Henneman Strijkkwartet, Pes Wig 05[6]


  1. ^ a b c d, Mary Oliver biography at the Ellison Ensemble website, Retrieved 09-30-2008
  3. ^ a b by Professor George E. Lewis,, Review of Mary Oliver's Witchfiddle, Retrieved 09-30-2008
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h, "About Mary Oliver", Retrieved 09-30-2008
  5. ^ a b c, "ICP Orchestra in Seattle, WA", Retrieved 09-30-2008
  6. ^, WIG CD Catalogue, "IG HENNEMAN TENTET", Retrieved 09-30-2008

External links

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