Advanced Level — Advanced Level, or A level, may refer to:*Advanced Level (UK), usually taken by students in the final two years of secondary education *Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination, normally taken by senior students at the end of their matriculation… … Wikipedia
Advanced Level — (A level), instaurado en 1951, es el nombre de un grupo de títulos de carácter optativo que pasan los estudiantes en Inglaterra, País de Gales e Irlanda del Norte al final de los dos últimos años de la enseñanza secundaria. En Escocia, este… … Wikipedia Español
Advanced Level (UK) — The A level , short for Advanced Level, is a General Certificate of Education qualification in England, Northern Ireland and Wales, usually taken by students during the optional final two years of secondary school (years 12 13, usually ages 16… … Wikipedia
Advanced-level — A level Le A level , abréviation de Advanced Level (Niveau Avancé), est un examen passé par les jeunes Britanniques (Angleterre, Écosse, Pays de Galles et Irlande du Nord) au cours des deux dernières années de leur éducation secondaire. En Écosse … Wikipédia en Français
Advanced Level — Das Advanced Level (General Certificate of Education Advanced Level), meist abgekürzt als A level, ist der höchste Abschluss des Schulsystems in England, Wales und Nordirland. In Schottland entspricht ihm das Advanced Higher Grade. Die 1951… … Deutsch Wikipedia
advanced level — noun Usage: usually capitalized A : a level 1 herein * * * advanced level see A level under ↑A3 • • • Main Entry: ↑advance * * * noun, pl ⋯ levels [count] Brit … Useful english dictionary
Advanced Level (Uganda) — Advanced Level or A Level is a level of secondary education in Uganda. In their second year of A Level, the students sit for a national exam called the Ugandan Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE). References*… … Wikipedia
Advanced level mathematics — Advanced Level (A Level) Mathematics is a qualification of further education taken in the United Kingdom and occasionally in other countries as well. In the UK A Level exams are traditionally taken by 18 year olds after a two year course at… … Wikipedia
Advanced level — Ad vanced .level n [U and C] ↑A level … Dictionary of contemporary English
Advanced level — noun Date: 1947 A level … New Collegiate Dictionary