- National postgraduate representative body
A national postgraduate representative body exists in many countries representing postgraduate students/researchers undertaking their doctorate (PhD) or postdoctoral research. Some have a broader remit to represent all postgraduates, including those taking Master's degrees. A few countries have no specific body but are represented by a national body representing all students, including undergraduates.
In Europe many of the national organisations have come together under the federation Eurodoc.
List of national postgraduate representative bodies by country
Specific postgraduate bodies
- Armenia – Ecosocium, Young Scientists NGO
- Australia - Council of Australian Postgraduate Associations [1]
- Belgium – Focus Research [2]
- Bulgaria – Asociacija na doktorantite v Bylgarija (ADB) [3]
- Denmark – Danske Ph.d.-stipendiaters netvaerk [4]
- Estonia – Eesti Noorte Teadlaste Akadeemia [5]
- France – Confédération des jeunes chercheurs (CJC) [6]
- Germany – Thesis [7]
- Greece – Elliniki Epistimoniki Etaireia Ypopsifion Didaktoron [8]
- Hungary – Doktoranduszok Országos Szövetsége (DOSZ) [9]
- Italy – Associazione Dottorandi e Dottori di Ricerca Italiani (ADI) [10]
- Lithuania – Lietuvos Jaunuju Mokslininku Sajunga [11]
- Moldova – ATCM Pro-Stiinta [12]
- Netherlands – Promovendi netwerk nederland (PNN) [13]
- Norway – Stipendiat-organisasjonene i Norge (SiN) [14]
- Poland – Sapere Aude [15]
- Portugal – Associação dos Bolseiros de Investigação Cientifica (ABIC) [16]
- Romania – Ad Astra [17]
- Russia – Young Researchers [18]
- Slovakia – Asociácia doktorandov Slovenska (ADS) [19]
- Slovenia – Drustvo Mladih Raziskovalcev Slovenije (DMRS) [20]
- Spain – Precarios [21]
- Sweden – Sveriges Doktorander (SDok) [22]
- United Kingdom – National Postgraduate Committee (NPC) [23]
- United States - National Association of Graduate-Professional Students (NAGPS) [24]
Represented by a body for all students
- Austria - Austrian National Union of Students (Österreichische HochschülerInnenschaft - ÖH) [25]
- Ireland - Union of Students in Ireland (USI) [26]
Categories:- National postgraduate representative bodies
- Education-related professional associations
- Education trade unions
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