List of Apple codenames

List of Apple codenames

Apple codenames are the codenames given to products by Apple during development. The codenames are often used internally only for various reasons, but sometimes they are used externally, and sometimes they end up being the product name. This article contains a list of codenames used by Apple.

ymbol and numbers

* 101PowerBook G3 (Bronze Keyboard)
* 102PowerBook G3 (FireWire)
* 103PowerBook G4


* AJPowerBook Duo 2300c/100
* AladdinMacintosh SE
* AladdinMacintosh SE FDHD
* AladdinMacintosh Quadra 605
* AllegroMac OS 8.5
* AmazonMacintosh Quadra 950
* AnselPowerBook Duo 250
* AntaresSystem Software 6
* ApolloMacintosh Classic II
* ArtemisPower Mac G3 (All-in-One)
* AsahiPowerBook 100
* AtlantaMac OS X 10.4.1
* AtlanticMacintosh IIcx
* AuroraMacintosh IIcx
* Aurora IIMacintosh IIci
* AutobahnPower Macintosh 9500


* BecksMacintosh II
* BHA (Butt-Head Astronomer)Power Macintosh 7100
* Big BangSystem Software 7
* Big DealSystem Software 6
* BismoliBook
* BlackbirdMacintosh IIfx
* BlackbirdPowerBook 540/540c/550c/500 with PowerPC
* Blackbird LCPowerBook 520/520c/550c/500 with PowerPC
* BlueSystem Software 7
* BOB W (Best of Both Worlds)PowerBook Duo 210/230
* BongoPower Macintosh 5200/5300 LC
* Brazil 16cMacintosh IIvx
* Brazil 32cMacintosh IIvi
* Bride of BusterMac OS 8.1
* BrooksPowerBook 160


* CabernetMacintosh II
* CaponeSystem Software 7.5
* Carl SaganPower Macintosh 7100
* CatalystPower Macintosh 7200
* ChablisMacintosh SE
* ChablisMacintosh SE FDHD
* CheetahMac OS X 10.0
* ChimeraPower Macintosh 5400
* CinnamonPowerBook Duo 210/230
* CivicMacintosh Classic
* ClockworkPower Mac G4 (Digital Audio)
* CobraMacintosh IIcx
* Cobra IIMacintosh IIci
* Cold FusionPower Macintosh 8100
* Colt 45PowerBook 145
* Colt 45PowerBook 145B
* ColumbusiMac (Bondi Blue)
* CometPowerBook 2400c
* ConversePowerBook 180
* CrusaderMacintosh Quadra 630
* CrusaderPower Macintosh 6200
* Cube-ESystem Software 7.1
* CupidPower Macintosh 4400
* CyanMac OS X 10.0
* CycloneMacintosh Quadra 840AV
* CypherPower Mac G5 (Late 2005)
* C1iMac (Bondi Blue)


* Dart LCPowerBook 165
* DartanianPowerBook 180
* DarwinMacintosh Quadra 900
* DBLitePowerBook Duo 210/230
* DerringerPowerBook 100
* DragonkidMacintosh LC 580


* EclipseMacintosh Quadra 900
* ElixirPower Macintosh 6300
* ElroyiMac (Bondi Blue)
* ElsieMacintosh LC
* Elsie IIIMacintosh LC III
* EpicPowerBook 1400c/1400cs
* EricksonMacintosh IIsi
* EscherPowerBook Duo 270c
* EspiritMacintosh Portable
* Evo 200Macintosh Quadra 700
* ExcaliburPower Macintosh 5400


* FafnirMacintosh SE/30
* Fat MacMacintosh 512k/512ke
* FlagshipPower Macintosh 8100
* FortissimoMac OS 9.1
* Foster FarmsMacintosh LC II
* Four SquareMacintosh IIfx
* FreeportMacintosh SE
* FreeportMacintosh SE FDHD
* FridgeMacintosh Quadra 800
* F-16Macintosh IIfx
* F-19Macintosh IIfx


* GazellePower Macintosh 6500
* GeminiMacintosh DuoDock/Plus/II
* GossamerPower Mac G3
* Green JadeMacintosh SE/30


* HacksawPower Macintosh 6400
* HammerheadPowerBook G4 (17-inch)
* HarmonyMac OS 7.6
* HeroiMac G5 (17-inch)
* HeroiMac G5 (20-inch)
* HokusaiPowerBook 180c
* HookMacintosh LC 520
* Hook 33Macintosh LC 550
* HooperPowerBook 3400c
* HorizoniMac (15-inch USB 2.0)
* HorizoniMac (17-inch USB 2.0)


* I TripoliSystem Software 7.1
* IIceMacintosh Quadra 700
* IIexMacintosh Quadra 900
* IIxiMacintosh IIfx
* IkkiMacintosh II
* InstaTowerPower Macintosh 6400
* IvoryPowerBook G4 (DVI)


* JaguarMac OS X 10.2
* JediPowerBook 150


* KaleidoscopeMac mini (Early 2006)
* KangaPowerBook G3
* KansasPower Macintosh 8600
* KansasPower Macintosh 9600
* KiheiiMac/iMac DV/iMac DV+/iMac DV SE
* KivaiMac (Summer 2001)
* KodiakMac OS X Public Beta


* LagunaMacintosh Portable
* LanaiiBook
* LAW (Lawyers Are Wimps)Power Macintosh 7100
* LD50Macintosh TV
* LeopardMac OS X 10.5
* LeopardMac OS X Server 10.5
* Life SaversiMac (5 Flavors)
* LimelightMac OS 9.2.1
* LisaMacintosh XL
* Little Big MacMacintosh II
* LombardPowerBook G3 (Bronze Keyboard)
* LU1Mac OS 9.2.2


* MacintoshMacintosh 128K
* MalibuMacintosh Portable
* MauiMacintosh SE
* MauiMacintosh SE FDHD
* Medusa2Power Mac G4 (Gigabit Ethernet)
* MercuryPowerBook G4
* Mighty CatPowerBook 2400c
* MilwaukeeMacintosh II
* MinuetMac OS 9.0.4
* MonetPowerBook 165c
* MontanaMacintosh Classic II
* MontanaPower Macintosh 7300
* Montana 7600Power Macintosh 7600
* MoonlightMac OS 9.2
* MozartSystem Software 7.5
* Mr. TMacintosh Plus
* MysticPower Mac G4 (Gigabit Ethernet)
* M2PowerBook 5300
* M52Apple Time Capsule
* M80System Software 7


* NautilusPowerBook 2400c
* New OrleansApple Color OneScanner 1200/30
* NichromePower Mac G4 (Quicksilver)
* NitroPower Macintosh 8500
* Northern LightseMac (ATI Graphics)


* OceanicMacintosh IIsi
* OmegaPowerBook 190
* OmegaPowerBook 190cs
* OmegaPower Mac G5
* OnyxPowerBook G4 (Gigabit Ethernet)
* OptimusMacintosh LC 575


* PacificMacintosh IIci
* PantherMac OS X 10.3
* PantherMac OS X Server 10.3
* ParisMacintosh II
* PDQPowerBook G3 (September 1998)
* Peter PanMacintosh TV
* PhoenixPower Macintosh 5500
* Piltdown ManPower Macintosh 6100
* PinballMacintosh LC
* PismoPowerBook G3 (FireWire)
* PleiadesSystem Software 7
* PlusPlusMacintosh SE
* PlusPlusMacintosh SE FDHD
* PomonaTwentieth Anniversary Macintosh
* PowerBook 3500PowerBook G3
* Premise 500Macintosh Quadra 900
* PrimusMacintosh Quadra 605
* PrismMacintosh LC
* Project EPower Mac G4 (AGP Graphics)
* PumaMac OS X 10.1
* Purple 2iPhone
* P1iBook
* P1.5iBook (FireWire)
* P25PowerBook G4 (Gigabit Ethernet)
* P29iBook (Dual USB)
* P5Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics)
* P54iBook (14.1 LCD)
* P57Power Mac G4 (Mirrored Drive Doors)
* P58Power Mac G4 (FW 800)
* P69eMac
* P7iMac/iMac DV/iMac DV+/iMac DV SE
* P72BiBook (Opaque 16 VRAM)
* P72BiBook (32 VRAM)
* P73DiBook (800/900 MHz 32 VRAM)
* P79iMac (17-inch Flat Panel)
* P8PowerBook G3 (FireWire)
* P80iMac (Flat Panel)
* P88PowerBook G4 (1GHz/867MHz)
* P9Power Mac G4 Cube
* P92iBook (Late 2001)
* P99PowerBook G4 (12-inch)


* Quadra 1000Macintosh Quadra 840AV
* Q16PowerBook G4 (15-inch FW800)
* Q16APowerBook G4 (15-inch 1.5/1.33GHz)
* Q26BiMac (15-inch USB 2.0)
* Q26CiMac (17-inch USB 2.0)
* Q37Power Mac G5
* Q41PowerBook G4 (17-inch 1.33GHz)
* Q41APowerBook G4 (17-inch 1.5GHz)
* Q45CiMac G5 17-inch (Ambient Light Sensor)
* Q45DiMac G5 20-inch (Ambient Light Sensor)
* Q54PowerBook G4 (12-inch DVI)
* Q54APowerBook G4 (12-inch 1.33GHz)
* Q72iBook G4 (Early 2004)
* Q72BiBook G4 (Mid 2005)
* Q73iBook G4 (Early 2004)
* Q73BiBook G4 (Mid 2005)
* Q77Power Mac G5 (June 2004)
* Q78Power Mac G5 (June 2004)
* Q86JeMac (2005)
* Q87iMac G5 (17-inch iSight)
* Q87iMac G5 (20-inch iSight)
* Q88Mac mini


* RafficaMacintosh IIsi
* Ray BanMacintosh IIsi
* ReboundPower Macintosh 5200/5300 LC
* RenoMacintosh II
* RhapsodyMac OS X Server 1.0
* Rick Ford Release, TheMac OS 8.5.1
* RioApple Color OneScanner 600/27
* Road WarriorPowerBook 170
* RosebudPowerBook 100
* RubiconPower Mac G4 Cube

* SawtoothPower Mac G4 (AGP Graphics)
* ScimitarMac OS 8.1
* ShadowMacintosh Quadra 700
* Show BizMacintosh Quadra 630
* Show & TellMacintosh Quadra 630
* SilkPower Mac G3 (Blue & White)
* SixPackSystem Software 6
* SliceMacintosh Color Classic
* Smoke and MirrorsTwentieth Anniversary Macintosh
* SnakeBitePower Mac G4 (Gigabit Ethernet)
* Snow LeopardMac OS X 10.6
* Snow LeopardMac OS X Server 10.6
* Son of PismoiBook (14.1 LCD)
* SonataMac OS 9
* SpartacusTwentieth Anniversary Macintosh
* Speedbump 610Macintosh Quadra 610
* Speedbump 650Macintosh Quadra 650
* SpikeMacintosh Quadra 700
* SpockMacintosh IIx
* Spruce GoosePowerBook 540/540c
* SR-71PowerBook 540/540c/550c/500 with PowerPC
* StealthMacintosh IIfx
* StingrayMacintosh IIci
* StratosMacintosh IIx


* TailgateiMac (Bondi Blue)
* TangentPower Mac G4 (Digital Audio)
* TanzaniaPower Macintosh 4400
* TempestMacintosh Quadra 660AV
* TempoMac OS 8
* TerminatorSystem Software 6
* TesseraiMac (Flat Panel)
* TigerMac OS X 10.4
* TigerMac OS X Server 10.4
* TiggerMac OS X Server 10.2
* TimPowerBook 170
* Tim LitePowerBook 140
* TitanPower Mac G4 (Quicksilver)
* TNTPower Macintosh 7500
* TrailblazerPower Macintosh 5200/5300 LC
* TransformerPower Macintosh 5200/5300 LC
* TrinityPower Mac G4 Cube
* TsunamiPower Macintosh 9500
* TwiggyMac mini


* UziMacintosh II


* VailMacintosh LC III
* VeronicaMac OS 8.6


* WallstreetPowerBook G3
* Weed WhackerMacintosh IIfx
* WilmaApple Time Capsule
* Wombat 33Macintosh Quadra 800


* XOMacintosh Classic


* YeagerPowerBook Duo 280/280c
* Yikes! - Power Mac G4 (PCI Graphics)
* YosemitePower Mac G3 (Blue & White)
* Yosemite 1.5Power Mac G3 (Blue & White)


* Zone 5Macintosh IIfx
* ZydecoMacintosh Quadra 950

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