List of computer technology code names

List of computer technology code names

Following is a list of code names that have been used to identify computer hardware and software products while in development. In some cases, the code name became the completed product's name, but most of these code names are no longer used once the associated products are released.

See also List of Microsoft software codenames, List of Intel codenames, and List of Apple codenames.

ymbol and numbers

* ] [bApple ] [c
* ] [pApple ] [c
* 4CourseSun 4 x 1.05 GB 3.5" SCSI2 disks in Dinnerbox+ package
* 83%UHU Linux 1.1 Beta 4


* A-RodAMD "budget" Athlon 64 3000+
* AbileneInternet-2 Backbone
* AcehTurkix Linux 3.0
* Adam AntApple ] [c+
* AerynEridani Linux 6.3
* AirMandrake Linux 7.0
* AhnuhatiXMetaL Author 4.0 Service Pack 3
* AJApple Macintosh PowerBook 2300
* aKademyKDE World Summit
* AladdinApple Macintosh Performa 47x
* AladdinApple Macintosh Quadra 605
* AladdinApple Macintosh SE
* AlbatrossHaansoft Linux 2005
* AlderMicrosoft Windows CE 1.0 for Embedded Devices version 1.0
* AlderwoodIntel 925X chipset
* AllegroApple Mac OS 8.5
* AllouetteSun XGL
* AlmadorIntel i830M
* Alpha2Blag Linux 20000
* AlvisoIntel 915GM chipset
* AmazonApple Macintosh Quadra 950
* AmberAurox Linux 10.0
* AmberSun PCI single FC-AL host adapter
* AmethystLycoris Desktop/LX Build 43
* AndamanLinuxTLE 5.0
* AndromedaSun SunRay 1
* AnguaOpenLab GNU/Linux 3.0.5
* Animal FarmSunTCF (Technical Compute Farm)
* AnselApple Macintosh PowerBook Duo 250
* AnselAurora SPARC Linux 1.0
* AnselSun PhotoCD
* AntimonyApple Macintosh PowerBook (TiBook) G4 867MHZ/1GHZ
* AntinodeRIAA creating fake supernodes on P2P networks
* AowthaiLinuxTLE 5.5.91, 7.0-rc1 (code name remained the same through new version number)
* ApacheIBM RS64 processor
* ApolloApple Macintosh Classic II
* Apollo - Motorola PowerPC 7450 (G4) CPU used in PowerMac G4 computers
* ApolloAdobe Integrated Runtime (AIR)
* ApolloMicrosoft Windows CE 2.01 for Automotive PC version 1
* ApolloRed Hat Linux 5.2
* ApolloSun OC48 Packet Over SONET Adapter
* AppaloosaAMD Duron
* AraK-DEMar Linux 1.2
* ArgoIpod Rival Zune
* ArtemisApple Power Macintosh G3 A-I-O
* Artemis ResearchWebTV
* ArthurPowerPC 750 (G3) CPU used in Beige G3 Macintoshes
* ArthurSun UltraSPARC IIIi
* ArubaApple Macintosh Portable (backlit)
* ArubaIntel AR440BX
* AsahiApple Macintosh PowerBook 100
* AspenSun SunFire 50
* AsteroidApple FireWire interface for GarageBand
* AsteroidMicrosoft Windows 2000 Service Pack 1
* AsunaMomonga Linux 2
* AtayalChinese Linux Extension 1.0
* AthensAMD Opteron 800 series processors
* AtlanticApple Macintosh IIcx
* AtlantisSun CD-ROM for Lunchbox
* AtlasSun Developer Products
* Atlas2
* Auburni740
* AugustaAS810
* AuroraApple Macintosh IIcx
* AuroraDelphi 7 (for .NET)
* AuroraSun SPARCStation 5
* Aurora IIApple Macintosh IIci
* AutobahnApple Power Macintosh 9500/150
* AvalancheSun Netra st A1000
* AvalonMicrosoft graphics API for Longhorn
* AvalonSun Single Ended Ultra/Wide PCI SCSI
* AvengerVoodoo3
* AverillIntel desktop platform including the Conroe processor
* AzuriteAurox Linux 10.2


* B52 Rock LobsterCommodore Amiga 500
* BaikalASP Linux 7.2
* BaliBL440ZX
* BaliSun JavaEngine 1
* BambooMandrake Linux 9.1
* BaniasIntel 1st generation Pentium M processors
* BanisterIntel 440MX
* BantamSun SBus FDDI
* BarakStartCom Linux 4.0.0-AS
* Barcelona - AMD Opteron "K10" architecture
* BarneySun StorEdge T3 chassis
* Barracuda
* BartSun SPARCCompilers 5.x
* BartonAMD Athlon XP
* BatmanSun ATM SBus card
* BatphoneSun SBus card for ISDN
* BeagleNovell Linux desktop search and metadata technology due with SLES 10
* BecksApple Macintosh II
* BeetleSun SunRay 100
* BHAApple Power Macintosh 7100/66 ("Butt Head Astronomer" Carl Sagan)
* Big Electric CatAdobe Photoshop 4.0
* Big Foot
* Big SurApple Font Pack
* BigfishSun StorEdge 9900 series
* BigmacSun 100 MBit Ethernet SBus card
* BigTopSun SunPro 3.0 compilers
* BiltmoreRed Hat Linux 4.2
* BiminiBI440ZX
* BirchMicrosoft Windows CE 2.x for Embedded Devices version 2.x
* BismillahTurkix Linux 1.0
* BlackbeardSun PCI SCSI hardware RAID controller
* BlackbirdApple Macintosh IIfx
* BlackbirdApple Macintosh PowerBook 540
* BlackbirdSun UltraSPARC II
* Blackbird+Sun UltraSPARC II 250 MHz
* Blackbird LCApple Macintosh PowerBook 520/520c
* Blackcombold codename for Microsoft Windows 7
* BlackfordIntel processors
* BlackjackSun Netra E1 PCI System Expander
* BladerunnernVidia GeForce 2 Ultra
* BladerunnerSun GUI for Jumpstart profiles
* BlazeSun UltraSPARC II
* BlazeAdobe Flash CS3
* Blue BoxApple Mac OS compatibility layer for Rhapsody
* BluebirdMandrake Linux 8.2
* BluedogSun HPC ClusterTools 3.1
* BlueringerSun 4MB SBus Token Ring
* Blueringer IISun 16MB SBus Token Ring
* BluguApple Workgroup Server 60, 80
* BoDebian GNU/Linux 1.3
* BOB WApple Macintosh PowerBook Duo 210/230
* Bon EchoMozilla Firefox 2.0
* BongoApple Macintosh Performa 5200
* BongoApple Power Macintosh LC 5200
* BonjourTurkix Linux 10.0a
* Bordeaux - Fedora Core 5 Linux
* BorealisSun cPCI QuadFastEthernet
* BorrowBlag Linux 10000
* BraunSun JavaStation
* BrazilApple Macintosh IIvx
* Brazil 32Apple Macintosh Performa 600
* BreadboxASun enclosure for Netra NFS
* Breezy BadgerUbuntu 5.10
* Bride of BusterApple Mac OS 8.1
* BrimstoneAdobe Photoshop 2.5 for Windows
* BroadwaterIntel P965 chipset
* Broadwater GIntel G965 chipset
* BroadwaySun StorEdge Media Central
* BrokenboringKDE 3.2
* BrookdaleIntel i845 chipset
* BrooklynApple ] [x
* BrooksApple Macintosh PowerBook 160
* BruggeMCNLive CD Linux released May 3 2005
* BullfrogSun 4 mm DAT with stacker
* BullwinkleSun SCSI Expansion Pedestal
* BulverdeIntel PXA270 processor
* BurnabyXMetaL 3.0
* BuzzDebian GNU/Linux 1.1


* CabernetApple Macintosh II
* CacheOSSun AutoClient
* CadetIBM 1620
* CairoMicrosoft Windows NT 4.0
* CalaisSun Next generation JavaStation
* CalexicoIntel processors
* CalistogaIntel chipsets for Napa platforms
* CalvinSun SPARCStation 2
* CamaroAMD Mobile Duron
* CambridgeFedora Core Linux 1
* CamelotSun product family name for Arthur, Excalibur, Morgan
* CaminoIntel i820 chipset
* CampfireSun Ultra Enterprise 4000 and 5000
* Campfire+Sun Ultra Enterprise 4500 and 5500
* CampusSun SPARCStation 1
* Campus+Sun SPARCStation 1+
* Campus2Sun SPARCStation 10
* Campus2+Sun SPARCStation 10SX and 10BSX
* CanaryMicrosoft Windows CE for Smart Phones 2003
* CanterwoodIntel 875P chipset
* CaponeApple System Software 7.5
* Captain RaynoLunar Linux 1.3.2
* Carl SaganApple Power Macintosh 7100/66
* CarmelIntel i840 chipset
* CarmelSun StorEdge D2 Array
* CarreraCPU card in Sun3/140, 3/150, 3/160, 3/180
* CartmanRed Hat Linux 6.1
* CasanovaSun SPARCEngine CP1400
* CascadeSun Solarisbased NT server software
* CascadesIntel Pentium 3 Xeon
* CassiniSun PCI Fiber/Copper GEM cards
* Caswell 2Intel processor technology for WiFi due late 2005
* CatalystApple Power Macintosh 7200
* CatapultMicrosoft Proxy Server
* CatwomanSun ATM SBus card
* CauldronSun Dual Fast Ethernet and Dual SCSI PCI Adapter
* CaviarWestern Digital hard drives
* Cayenne
* CaymanCA810
* Cearatinysofa enterprise server Linux 2.0-classic
* CedarMicrosoft Windows CE 3.0 for Embedded Devices version 3.0
* Cedar MillIntel Pentium 4 65nm processor
* CedegaTransGaming WineX 4.0
* CenturySun 21" Color CRT
* ChablisApple Macintosh SE
* ChalupaSun UltraSPARC IIIi
* ChandlerMitch Kapor's open source challenger to Microsoft Outlook
* Charlotte
* CheakamusXMAX (XMetaL for ActiveX) 4.0 Service Pack 3
* CheerioSun ASIC for 10/100Mb Ethernet and PCI Bus
* CheetahApple Mac OS X 10.0
* CheetahSun UltraSPARC III
* Cheetah+Sun UltraSPARC IV
* Cheeze WhizAppleScript
* ChelsApple ] [c
* CherrystoneSun SunFire V440/V480
* ChicagoMicrosoft Windows 95
* Chilliwack XMetaL 3.1
* ChimeraApple Power Macintosh LC 5400
* ChimeraSun PCi II
* ChinookApple Workgroup Server 95
* ChivanoIntel processors
* ChrichtonSun SPARCEngine Ultra AXmp
* Chrysalis ClientSun skinny Solaris-x86 OS for Intel-based NC
* CinnamonApple Macintosh PowerBook Duo 210/230
* ClassicApple Macintosh PowerBook 100
* ClawHammerAMD Athlon 64 S754 130nm processor
* ClickOnceMicrosoft technology to speed application deployment in Longhorn
* CloudTrustix Secure Linux 2.0
* ClovertownIntel Xeon 5300 series processors
* CobaltPalm OS 6
* CobraApple Macintosh IIcx
* CobraSun 4100, 4/110, 4/150
* Cobra IIApple Macintosh IIci
* CocoaApple Mac OS X API
* Cold FusionApple Power Macintosh 8100/80
* ColgateRed Hat Linux 4.0
* ColoradoSun 150 MHz HyperSPARC HS11
* Colorado IISun 125 MHz HyperSPARC HS21
* Colorado IIISun 150 MHz HyperSPARC SM151
* ColossusSunSwift SBus
* Colt 45Apple Macintosh PowerBook 145
* ColumbiaSun 4-Disk 1.3GB IPI Elite disk tray
* ColumbusSiS 640
* ColusaIntel i860
* ComboSun SPARCStorage MultiPack and MultiPack 2
* CometApple Macintosh PowerBook 2400c
* CometMicrosoft Proxy Server 3.0
* CompanionApple Macintosh PowerBook 2300
* CondorSun 900 MB SMD disk drive
* Condor1G450
* Condor2G800
* ConroeIntel desktop processor based on Merom
* ConverseApple Macintosh PowerBook 180
* CookerMandrake Linux current unstable
* CopenhagenSOT Linux 2002
* CoplandApple Mac OS 8
* CoppermineIntel Pentium 3 180nm processor
* CopperriverIntel chipsets based on Grantsdale/Alderwood models
* CornbreadSun Netra NFS server
* CoronaMicrosoft Windows Media Player 9
* CoronaSun 19" monitor
* CortetVulcan elite CPU
* CortlandApple IIGS
* CorvetteAMD Mobile Athlon 4
* CovingtonIntel Celeron without L2 cache
* CoyoteSun Netra st D130
* CraneSun CG9
* CrescendoSun second DOE product
* CrestineIntel motherboard system logic
* CrestlineIntel GM965 chipset
* CrusaderApple Macintosh LC 630
* CrusaderApple Macintosh Performa 63006360
* CrusaderApple Macintosh Quadra 630638
* CrusoeTransmeta processor
* CryptoSun encryption card
* CrystalSun dual channel FC PCI card
* CubaSun Netra S220
* CurleySun LX/Classic I/O board
* CycloneApple Macintosh Quadra 840av
* CycloneSun 19" monitor
* CycloneSun Solstice Corporate Client


* DagwoodSun
* DaktariSun SunFire V880
* Dapper DrakeUbuntu 6.06 LTS
* Dark MatterAdobe Photoshop CS
* Dart LCApple Macintosh PowerBook 165
* DartanianApple Macintosh PowerBook 180
* Darth VaderCollege Linux 2.3
* DarwinApple Macintosh Quadra 900
* DarwinLow-Level Unix layer of Apple Mac OS X
* DarwinSun PCI-based Ultra workstations
* DaybreakLinux Multi-Disk Howto 0.17
* DaytonYellow Dog Linux 2.3
* DaytonaMicrosoft Windows NT 3.51
* DBLiteApple Macintosh PowerBook Duo 210/230
* DecafSun 14" monitor
* DeepcoveXMetaL Author 4.0
* DeerfieldIntel processors due 2003
* dejaVuSun PC file viewer
* DeloreanSun 72" StorEdge Expansion Cabinet
* DerringerApple Macintosh PowerBook 100
* DeschutesIntel Pentium 2
* DetroitMicrosoft Windows 95's cancelled successor
* DeuteriumSun Ultra 60
* DevelArch Linux 0.4
* DiamondSun cPCI FC dual port adapter
* DianaApple ] [e
* DieselAdobe Flash CS4
* DilbertSun SCSI2 RAID5 Storage, StorEdge A1000, StorEdge D1000
* DinnerboxSun 5 1/4" Full Height Lunchbox
* Dirty BirdLunar Linux 1.0
* DiscoverySun 1.3Gb SCSI disk
* DiscusSun ???
* DixonIntel Mobile Pentium 2
* DockyardArk Linux 1.0
* Dollhouse SimulatorThe Sims
* DolphinMandrake Linux 9.0
* DolphinNintendo Gamecube
* DothanIntel Pentium M 700-series 90nm processor
* DoveApple ] [x
* DoverSun next generation JavaStation
* Dobra VodaKDE 3.2 Beta 2 ("dobra voda" is Czech for "good water")
* DR1Apple Rhapsody developer release 1
* DR2Apple Rhapsody developer release 2
* DragonArch Linux 0.4
* DragonSun SPARCServer 2000
* Dragon+Sun SPARCCenter 2000E
* DublinSun Ultra Enterprise E150
* Duoan intel CPU core specification
* DuracellSun PDB 1.2 on Ultra Enterprise 2
* DuraflameSun Ultra Enterprise 3000
* Duraflame+Sun Ultra Enterprise 3500
* Dyne:traxdyne:bolic Linux 1.2 and 1.3


* EagleApple Hard Disk 400SC
* EagleSun UltraSPARC IIep
* Eagle RidgeXMetaL Author 4.0 SP4
* East ForkIntel digital home PC platform
* Echo LakeXMAX (XMetaL for ActiveX) 4.0
* EclipseApple Macintosh Quadra 900
* Edgy EftUbuntu [cite web| url=| title=Ubuntu starts planning for Edgy Eft| date=April 19 2006| accessdate=2006-04-21| work=Newsforge| author=Brockmeier, Joe| ]
* EdisonC++ Builder for MobileSet
* EgretSun SBus frame buffer
* Eierspassgrml Linux 0.4
* Eiger
* Eight BallMacromedia Flash 8
* EinsteinSun Ultra 5 360/440, Ultra 10 440/480
* ELBApple Macintosh Quadra 605
* ElectronSun Ultra 1 Model 170E
* ElfApple ] [c
* Elite ISeagate ST41600N
* ElixirApple Macintosh Performa 63006360
* ElmerApple Keyboard ] [
* ElsieApple Macintosh LC
* ElsieSun SPARCPrinter EC
* Elsie IIIApple Macintosh LC III
* EmeraldMicrosoft Systems Management Server
* EmeraldSun cPCI Dual Differential Ultra SCSI
* Emerald BayIntel EB440BX
* EmilyTinySofa Enterprise Linux 1.0-U2
* EmmaAMD processor for mobile devices
* EnchiladaSun UltraSPARC IIIi
* EncompassSun Enterprise Manager
* Endever
* EnergizerSun SPARCServer 1000PDB, SPARCCenter 2000PDB
* EnigmaRed Hat Linux 7.2
* EpicApple Macintosh PowerBook 1400c
* EquinoxXMetaL Author, XMetaL Developer, and XMAX (XMetaL for ActiveX) 4.6 Service Pack 1
* EricksonApple Macintosh IIsi
* EscherApple Macintosh PowerBook Duo 270c
* EspressoSun JavaStation JE
* EspritApple Macintosh Portable
* EspritTurbolinux 7.0S
* EstherVIA C7
* EszterUHU-Linux Live 2.2
* ETApple ] [c
* EtchDebian Linux 4.0
* EuropaMicrosoft Visual Foxpro 9.0
* EvereadySun E1000 dual AC power grid option
* EverestSun GEM FC-AL PCI card
* Everest -
* Evo 200Apple Macintosh Quadra 700
* ExcaliburApple Power Macintosh LC 5400
* ExcaliburSun Multiprocessor UltraSPARC III
* EzraCyrix C3 processor


* F-16Apple Macintosh IIfx
* F-19Apple Macintosh IIfx
* FafnirApple Macintosh SE/30
* FairbanksFB820
* FalconMicrosoft Message Transaction Service
* FanwoodIntel Itanium 2 1.6GHz processor
* Fanwood LVIntel low voltage Itanium 2 1.3GHz processor
* Fast EddyAdobe Photoshop 2.0
* Fat MacApple Macintosh 512k
* Fat TimbaSeagate ST410800WD
* FeintEnGarde Secure Linux 1.3.0
* Feisty DunnartLinux Kernel 2.6.2
* Feisty FawnUbuntu 7.04
* FernieXMetaL Developer 4.0
* FerrariSun 3/F
* FestenMandrake Linux 5.3
* FesterRIAA project to announce downloads at RIAA servers
* FFBSun Creator
* FFB2Sun Creator Series 2
* FFB2+Sun Creator Series 3
* FijiFJ440ZX
* FinestraEnGarde Secure Linux 1.0.1
* FireAurox Linux 9.1
* Fireball
* FireflyArch Linux 0.3
* FirestormBlue Linux 1.0
* FiretruckSun UltraSPARC
* FisherRed Hat Linux 7.0.90 (reference to Carrie Fisher)
* Five StarMandrake Linux 9.2
* FlagshipApple Power Macintosh 8100/110
* FlamingoSun VidIO
* FlapjackSun Netra t1 Model 105
* FlareSource Mage GNU/Linux 0.7
* FlipflopSun 3.5" floppy drive
* FlyweightSun Netra t1 Model 100
* FosterIntel Xeon 180nm processor (Pentium 4-based)
* Foster FarmsApple Macintosh LC II
* Four SquareApple Macintosh IIfx
* FredApple Two-Page Monochrome Monitor
* FreeportApple Macintosh SE
* FreestyleMicrosoft Windows XP Media Center Edition
* FreezeRIAA project to remotely hang computers searching for MP3 files
* FreonMicrosoft X Box
* FreshchoiceSunSwift PCI
* Freshchoice LiteSunFastEthernet PCI
* FridgeApple Macintosh Quadra 800
* FroggerApple Freedom Network
* FujiYellow Dog Linux 2.1
* Full MontySun Directory Services
* FullmoonSun single IP address cluster
* FusionMicrosoft Windows XP add-ons
* FusionSun UltraSPARC family
* FutureMagic Linux 1.1


* GagaChinese Linux Extension 1.1
* GalacticaSun StorEdge L20, L40, L60
* GalaxySun SPARCServer 600MP, 630MP, 670MP, 690MP
* GalianoXMAX (XMetaL for ActiveX) 4.0 Service Pack 4
* GalibaldiD850GB
* GalileoMicrosoft Windows CE 3.0 for Handheld PC version 4
* GalileoMicrosoft Enterprise Studio for .NET
* GalileoSun Ultra 10 cancelled replacement
* GallatinIntel Xeon MP or Pentium 4 Extreme Edition w/ 2MB L3 cache
* GarfieldSeagate ST1480N
* Gaston 2Intel wireless ethernet technology
* GeminiSun JavaOS 1.2
* GeminiSun UltraSPARC dual processor CPU due in 2004
* Gemini-64SCO project to adapt UnixWare to 64-bit processors
* General Protection FaultLunar Linux 1.4.0
* GenesisFrugalware Linux 0.1
* GenesisSun GE Medical special product
* GenieSun browser-based tool for Solaris
* GeorgiaMicrosoft Windows Me
* GershwinApple Mac OS 9
* GeyservilleSpeedStep
* GlenwoodIntel i955X chipset
* GideonKDevelop 3.0
* GobiCyrix processor
* GobiIBM 750GX processor
* GodzillaSun Ultra 10 cancelled replacement
* Golden GateApple ] [x
* GoldfishApple 16" Color Monitor
* GolemSun JavaPC Engine RC2
* GossamerApple Power Macintosh G3
* Granite BayIntel processors
* GrantsdaleIntel i915P and i915G chipsets
* Green JadeApple Macintosh SE/30
* GreencreekIntel processors
* GreenwichMicrosoft Office 2003 real-time collaboration
* GrendelsbaneRPM Live Linux CD 0.9
* GrimoireSorcerer Linux current unstable
* GrimoireSource Mage GNU/Linux current
* GrizzlySun SS20 with hyperSPARC
* GroverSun Next generation Darwin 10
* GryphonMicrosoft Windows CE 2.01 for Pocket PC version 1
* GuavaSun PGX64
* GuinnessApple Macintosh Portable
* GuinnessRed Hat Linux 7.0 (reference to Alec Guinness)
* GuinnessSilicon Graphics Indy Workstation
* GumbiSun QuadFastEthernet PCI
* GumbyApple IIGS
* Gutsy GibbonUbuntu 7.10
* GypsySun SPARCStation Voyager


* HaarlemMCNLive CD Linux released February 13 2005
* HadesAnnvix Linux 1.0
* HadjahaGimp 1.2
* HailstormBlue Linux 2.0
* HailstormMicrosoft .Net initiative
* 1.1.2
* HalfdomeSun SPARCPrinter E
* HalfDomeApple OneScanner
* HalibutCVS 1.10
* HalloweenRed Hat Linux 0.9
* HaloSun SunRay 150
* HamletSun SPARCClassic X
* HammDebian GNU/Linux 2.0
* HammerAMD K8 architecture
* HammerheadSun HPC 2.0
* Happy MealSun FEPS chip
* Hardy Heron - Ubuntu 8.04 LTS
* HarpertownIntel Xeon 5400 series processors
* HastingsPC1066 RDRAM
* HawaiiSun EXB-8500
* Hawk IISun GT Graphics Tower
* HawkSun EXB-8500
* HeckelSeagate ST3610N
* HedwigRed Hat Linux 6.0
* HeidelbergFedora Core Linux 3
* HekkUHU-Linux 1.2-rc1
* HeliosMandrake Linux 6.1
* HeliumMandrake Linux 7.1
* HerculesSun 24" color HDTV monitor
* HerkulesUHU-Linux 1.2-beta0
* HermesMicrosoft Windows CE 2.11 for Web Phones
* Hoary HedgehogUbuntu 5.04
* HobbesSun SPARCStation IPX
* HoboSun 4800b keyboard/mouse for Gypsy
* HokusaiApple Macintosh PowerBook 180c
* HomerArch Linux 0.1
* Hook 33Apple Macintosh LC 550
* HookApple Macintosh Performa 550
* HooperApple Macintosh PowerBook 3400c
* HorizonTrustix Secure Linux 2.1
* HornetSun UltraSPARC I
* HotJavaSun web browser written in Java
* HoudiniAdobe Acrobat
* Hulk HoganApple A/UX 3.0
* HummingbirdSun StorEdge L1000
* HurricaneBlue Linux 1.0 RC2
* HurricaneRed Hat Linux 5.0
* HurricaneSun 21" monitor
* Hustenstoppergrml Linux 0.3
* HydraAdobe AIF Toolkit -
* HydraMicrosoft Windows NT 4.0 Terminal Server Edition
* HydraSun 3/80
* HyperbolicApple Power Macintosh with Exponential X704


* IbisSun CG8
* ICE-TSun Java front-end development tool client/server C/C++ apps
* Ice CreamSunOS 4.1.1-B
* IcebergBLAG Linux 30000
* — (I Can't Say Nothing)
* IgenUhu Linux 2.0
* IkkiApple Macintosh II
* IndigoMicrosoft .NET communication technologies
* IndiumLunar Linux 1.5.0
* Infinite Improbability DriveTransGaming WineX 3.3
* InstatowerApple Macintosh Performa 6400
* Intrepid Ibex - Ubuntu 8.10
* IrongateAMD-751 chipset
* IronsidesSun L700 tape system
* IrwindaleIntel Xeon 90nm processor w/ 2MB L2 cache
* ItalyAMD Opteron 200-series 90nm dual-core processor
* ItaniumIntel IA-64 processor
* IvorySun dual channel FC-AL SBus card
* IvySun 17" entry level


* JacksonHyper-Threading
* Jackson PollockApple QuickDraw 32-bit
* JaguarApple Mac OS X v10.2
* JaguarSun VME/SMD-4 disk controller
* JalapeñoSun ASIC for Nachos/SunVideo
* JanusMicrosoft Windows 3.1
* JasmineSun 17" premium monitor
* JasonApple ] [c
* JasperSun StorEdge PCI Dual Ultra3 SCSI Adapter
* JavelinSun 2 CPU PCI midrange workgroup server
* JayhawkIntel Xeon processor based on Tejas; project cancelled
* JeckleSun 3.5" 535 MB disk
* JediCollege Linux 2.1
* JediCyrix processor
* JeDIApple Macintosh PowerBook 150 ("Just Did It")
* JedySiS 5581/5582
* JeevesSun Java-powered Internet Server software (Java Web Server)
* JetSun VX, MVX
* JiroSun Project StoreX
* JohnConner CFP1080E
* JohnIBM DPES-31080
* JonahIntel 3rd generation Pentium M core (also known as Yonah)
* JoshuaCyrix processors
* Juhhu!UHU Linux 1.0
* JumanjiSun StorEdge A7000
* JuneauIntel JN440BX
* JuniorAlt Linux 1.1
* JuniorAlt Linux 2.0
* JupiterMicrosoft Windows CE 2.11 for Handheld PC version 3
* JupiterMicrosoft XML-based web services products
* JupiterSunOS 5.0 (Solaris 2.0)


* K2Adobe Indesign
* KaedeMomonga Linux 1
* KahluaSun 17" entry level monitor
* KamionUHU Linux 1.1
* KangaApple Macintosh PowerBook 3500
* KansasApple Power Macintosh 8600 and 9600
* KaratuTurbolinux 3.0
* KareliaASP Linux 10
* KatanaSega Dreamcast
* KatmaiIntel Pentium 3 250nm processor
* KauaiKU440EX
* KauaiSun KJava VM
* KelownaXMetaL Author 4.0 Service Pack 1
* KetchupUHU Linux 1.2-beta2
* KhepriIBM two-way processors
* KkachiWOWLinux 7.0
* KlamathIntel Pentium 2 350nm processor
* KlingonSeagate ST12400N
* KodiakMicrosoft Exchange Server
* KodiakSun SPARCStation 20
* KollegeKDE 3.3 Beta 2
* KonaSeagate ST5660N
* KongApple Two-Page Monochrome Monitor
* KootenayOEone HomeBase Linux 1.7
* KopernicusKDE 2.0
* KrakatoaSun GUI/deskset tools for JavaStation, HotJava Views
* KransDEC TOPS-20
* KrumTilix Linux 0.5
* KrupsSun 2nd Generation JavaStation
* KryptoniteAMD K5, K6 processors
* KyotoTurbolinux 1.0
* KyreneIntel processors


* Lady KenmoreApple Macintosh Performa 200
* LadnerXMetaL Developer 4.0 Service Pack 1
* LaGrandeIntel's security features in new processors
* LagunaApple Macintosh Portable
* LakeportIntel i945 chipset
* LandsharkHP 9000 PA-RISC 8600 processor PCX-W+
* LAWApple Power Macintosh 7100/66 ("Lawyers Are Wimps")
* LCA — (Low Cost Apple) Apple ] [e
* LD50Apple Macintosh TV
* LeadvilleSun StorEdge network foundation software
* LearyApple Macintosh PowerBook 140
* LegendSCO OpenServer 6
* LegoSun CG6
* LegoASun GX CG6
* LeelooMandrake Linux 5.2
* LennyDebian GNU/Linux 5.0?
* LeoSun ZX
* Leo IISun ZX+
* Leopard - Apple Mac OS X 10.5
* LiberationWhite Box Enterprise Linux 3.0
* LibertySql Server 2000 (64 Bit)
* LightweightSun NEBS-compliant Ultra server
* LilacSun 17" premium color monitor
* LimboRed Hat Linux 7.3.29 / 7.3.93 / 7.3.94
* LindenhurstIntel Chipset
* Liquid SkyAdobe Photoshop 7.0
* LisaApple Lisa
* Little Big MacApple Macintosh II
* LittleneckSun SunFire 280R
* LogoApple Color StyleWriter Pro
* Lokar
* LollieApple ] [c
* Lonestar - Windows XP Tablet PC 2005
* LonghornWindows Vista and Windows Server 2008
* LoraxRed Hat Linux 6.1 Beta
* LorraineAmiga
* Love ShackApple Macintosh Portable (backlit)
* Lumumbadyne:bolic Linux 1.4
* LunaSun JavaOS 1.1
* LunchboxSun Desktop Disk Pack
* Lutra sumatranaTA-Linux 0.2.0-rc1
* LuzonSun TDMA IWF for Lucent Technologies
* LyraK-DEMar Linux 2.2


* M2Apple Macintosh PowerBook 5300
* M64Sun PGX PCI 8-bit color
* Mac ±Apple Macintosh SE
* MacallanMicrosoft Windows CE .NET
* MaccabbeeStartCom Linux 3.0.1-AS
* Mach5PowerPC 604e
* MacintoshApple Macintosh
* Macintosh IIceApple Macintosh Quadra 700
* Macintosh IIexApple Macintosh Quadra 900
* Macintosh IIvmApple Macintosh Performa 600
* Macintosh IIxiApple Macintosh IIfx
* MACIOSun Ethernet, Parallel and SCSI ASIC chip
* Mad HatterSun Java Desktop
* MadisonIBM x450 server
* MadisonIntel Itanium 2 130nm processor w/ up to 6MB L3 cache
* Madison 9MIntel Itanium 2 130nm processor w/ 9MB L3 cache
* MafaldaSun SunConnect OSI 8.0
* MagnetoSun 66/33 MHz PCI bus card
* MagnoliaAmd Athlon
* MagnumSun Datacenter Switch 3456
* Mai TaiApple 12" RGB Monitor
* Main StreetApple Macintosh PowerBook G3/350-400
* MakaluRocks Cluster Linux 3.3.0
* MakoSun HPC ClusterTools 3.0
* MakrolabDyne:bolic GNU/Linux 1.x
* MalibuApple Macintosh Portable
* MambaSun 16-port FC-AL switch
* MammothSun EXB-8900
* ManchesterAMD Athlon 64 X2 dual core processor w/ 2*512KB L2 cache
* MangoSun PGX32
* ManhattanRed Hat Linux 5.1
* ManifestWhite Box Enterprise Linux 4
* ManilaAMD Sempron 90nm processor (Socket AM2 w/ DDR2-667)
* Manitoba
* MantaraySun-4/370 deskside, 12-slot pedestal system
* MarathonIntel 2700G graphics accelerator
* MarbleheadXMAX (XMetaL for ActiveX) 4.0 Service Pack 1
* Mark TwainApple ] [gs
* MarsSunOS 5.1 (Solaris 2.1)
* MascarponeUHU-Linux 1.2-rc3
* MasterAlt Linux 2.0
* MatterhornRocks Cluster Linux 3.1.0
* MatterhornSun ACL 4/52, ETL 4/1000
* Matterhorn2Sun ACL 4/100, ETL 4/1800, StorEdge L1800
* MatthewCyrix processor
* MauiApple Macintosh SE
* MauiMU440EX
* MauiSun EXB-8505
* MauiXLSun EXB-8505XL
* MaxcatSun 104-way server
* McKinleyIntel Itanium 2
* MeerkatSun Serengeti System Controller board
* MemphisMicrosoft Windows 98
* MenagineApple Workgroup Server 95
* MendingSource Mage GNU/Linux 0.8
* MendocinoIntel Celeron 250nm processor with L2 cache
* MercedIntel Itanium processor
* MercuryIntel 430MX
* MercuryMicrosoft Windows CE 2.00 for Handheld PC version 2
* MercurySun encryption card
* Merl
* MerlinAdobe Photoshop 2.5 for Mac
* MerlinIBM OS/2 Warp 4.0
* MerlinMicrosoft Windows CE 3.0 for Pocket PC version 2.1
* MerlinSun 18.1" flat panel
* MeromIntel Core 2 Duo Mobile processor
* MetroSun Visual Workshop 3.0
* MidasApple Trackpad 1.0
* Midnight RunApple Macintosh SE
* MidwayMicrosoft X Box
* Mighty CatApple Macintosh PowerBook 2400c
* MikeyHitachi mini-Microdrive
* MillenniumMicrosoft Windows ME
* MillenniumSun UltraSPARC V
* MillingtonIntel dualcore two-way Itanium 2 processor due mid-2005
* MilwaukeeApple Macintosh II
* MinnowSun Storedge 3310 disk array
* MiraMicrosoft Windows CE for Smart Displays (cancelled 12/2003)
* MishtehStartCom Linux 3.0.3-ML
* Mistral
* Mobile TritonIntel 430MX
* MojaveCyrix processor
* MonadMicrosoft Shell
* MonetApple Macintosh PowerBook 165c
* MontanaApple Macintosh Classic II
* MontanaApple Power Macintosh 8600 and 9600
* Montara GMLIntel processors
* Monte CarloSun Netra ct 800
* MontecitoIntel IA-64 processors
* MonteraIntel processors
* MontereySCO/IBM/Sequent Unix
* MontvaleIntel successor to Montecito processors due 2007
* MonzaTurbolinux 7W
* MoochTao Linux 1.0-U3
* MoonbaseLunar Linux current
* MoonshineSun backplane bus for 12 and 16 slot chassis, also Fedora 7 Linux
* Moosehead - Silicon Graphics O2 Workstation
* MorganAMD Duron processor
* MorganSun 1-way UltraSPARC IIIi
* MoriartySun System Handbook
* MosesApple Mac OS X Server-Based Mac
* Mother's DayRed Hat Linux 1.0
* Mother's Day .1Red Hat Linux 1.1
* Mount ProspectIntel MP440BX
* MousexLunar Linux 1.3
* MoxieAdobe Flex 3.0
* MozillaNetscape Navigator (since spun off as its own name and browser)
* Mr. CoffeeSun 1st generation JavaStation 1
* Mr. TApple Macintosh Plus
* MriyaASP Linux 7.1
* Mucho GrandeMG8
* MulliganApple Macintosh Portable (backlit)
* MustangAMD processor
* MustangRed Hat Linux 4.9 / 4.9.1 / 4.96
* MustangSun Java 2 Standard Edition 6.0 (due 2006)


* N10Intel i860 processor
* N11Intel i860XP processor
* NachosSunVideo
* NahantRed Hat Enterprise Linux 3.94
* NanoLunar Linux 1.1.2
* NapaIntel Centrino 3rd-generation
* NashvilleMicrosoft Windows 96 (discontinued)
* NatomaIntel 440FX
* NautilusApple Macintosh PowerBook 2400c
* NavigatorIBM 3174
* NehalemIntel's 45 nm Technology Process
* NehemiahCyrix C4 processor
* NellSun PCMCIA adapter
* NeptuneIntel 430NX
* NeptuneMicrosoft Windows Neptune (discontinued)
* NeptuneSun SPARCEngine EC
* NeutronSun Ultra 1
* NevadaApple Power Macintosh 9500/180-200
* NevadaCurrent development releases of the Solaris Operating System
* NewcastleAMD Athlon 64 processor with 512KB L2 cache
* NewtonProgeny Linux 1.0
* NiagaraSun UltraSPARC 8-processor CPU, successor to Gemini, due in 2005
* NiagraSun Tape Backup Tray
* NighthawkSun TurboSPARC-based SS5
* NinevahIntel ethernet chip
* NitroApple Power Macintosh 8500/120
* NoconaIntel 64-bit Xeon processors
* NodewarriorSun SPARCStation ELC
* NoodleROOT GNU/Linux 1.3
* NordicaSun SPARCEngine CP1500
* NorthAppleTalk Internet Router
* NorthbridgeAMD-762
* NorthwoodIntel Pentium 4 130nm processor
* NovaArch Linux 0.5
* NuKernelApple kernel
* nullRed Hat Linux 8.0
* NV35NVidia GeForce FX 5900
* NV36NVidia GeForce FX 5700
* NV38NVidia GeForce FX 5950


* OakSun Java
* OberoNLinux Smart Card Howto 1.0.4
* Obi WanCollegeLinux 2.5
* OceanicApple Macintosh IIsi
* OdemIntel processors
* OdinTinySofa Enterprise Server Linux 2.0
* OdyseeMicrosoft Windows 2000's cancelled successor
* OdysseyMandrake Linux 7.2
* OdysseySiS 740
* OffcampusSun SPARCStation SLC
* OkinawaTurbolinux 2.0
* OmegaApple Macintosh PowerBook 190/190c
* OptimusApple Macintosh LC 575
* OrbitSun SolarNet PC-X terminal software
* OrcaSun E4000/E5000
* OreoSun Netra j 3.0
* OrionMicrosoft Windows CE 2.11 for Pocket PC version 1.1
* OrionYellow Dog Linux 4.0
* Orion DTIntel 450KX
* Orion STIntel 450GX
* OrleansAMD Athlon 64 90nm processor (Socket AM2 w/ DDR2-667)
* OS04grml Linux 0.1
* OsloSun QIC-2.5GB 1/4" Tape
* OsmiumExchange 5.5
* OsoyoosXMetaL Author and Developer 4.0 Trial Version
* OspreySun Millennium-based workgroup server
* OthelloSun cPCI 500 MHz USIIe CPU
* OtterSun Ultra 5
* OwensSun NetDynamics Release/Rev 5


* PacificApple Macintosh IIci
* PacificaAMD processor virtualizat ion features
* PalermoAMD Sempron S754 90nm processor
* PalladiumMicrosoft ???
* Palomi noAMD Athlon XP/MP 180nm processor
* PanamaRed Hat Enterprise Linux 2.1 ES
* PandaSun SS20 with 75 MHz Voyager
* PantherApple Mac OS X 10.3
* PantherSun SPARCEngine Ultra AXi
* ParamountSuperSavage
* ParanWOWLinux 7.1
* ParanR2WOWLinux 7.3 Beta
* ParheliaG1000
* ParisAMD Sempron S754 130nm processor
* ParisApple Macintosh II
* PaulConner CFP1080S
* PBoxSun External Expansion Module
* PeanutsSun low cost 207 MB disk
* PegasusMicrosoft Windows CE 1.0 for Handheld PC version 1
* PendolinoSmoothWall Linux 2.0 Beta 7
* PenguinSun PCibased SunPC card
* Penryn - Intel Core 2 "Core architecture" 45nm die shrink with SSE4
* PensacolaRed Hat Linux AS 2.1 / RHEL 2.1 AS
* PerestroikaApple A/UX 2.0
* PerigreeSun SPARCStation 4
* PersistenceTinySofa Enterprise Linux 2.0-pre3
* Peter PanApple Macintosh TV
* PhantasmalSource Mage GNU/Linux 0.6
* PharaohStartCom Linux 3.0.0-DL
* PhiphiLinuxTLE 4.1
* PhoebeRed Hat Linux 8.1
* PhoenixApple IIGS
* PhoenixApple Power Macintosh LC 5420/5500
* PhoenixSun SPARCStation IPC
* PhotonSun Enterprise Network Array A5000
* PicassoRed Hat Linux 3.0.3
* PicoLunar Linux 1.2
* PigletRed Hat Linux 6.1.92
* PigletSun realtime MPEG2 decoder
* Pike's PeakApple Macintosh PowerBook 145B
* Piltdown ManApple Power Macintosh 6100/60
* PinballApple Macintosh LC
* PineappleSun PCI framebuffer/graphics for U30
* PingPongApple OneScanner
* PinnacleLSI HyperSPARC chip
* PinstripeRed Hat Linux 6.9.5
* PippinApple ] [c
* PismoApple PowerBook G3 (version with Firewire Ports)
* PizzaApple ] [c+
* PlacerIntel processors
* PlanoSun 19" monitor
* PlatinumSun next generation Crichton
* Platte
* PliskaTilix Linux 0.3
* PlumasIntel processors
* PlusWOWLinux 6.1
* PlusPlusApple Macintosh SE
* PlutoSun SPARCStorage Array Model 101, 102, 112
* PolarisSun3, SPARC, Sun4/E
* PommesROOT GNU/Linux 1.4 Beta
* PomonaYellow Dog Linux 2.0
* PoohSun real-time MPEG2 decoder
* PoppySun 17" entry level
* Portland
* Portolai752
* PotatoDebian GNU/Linux 2.2
* PotomacIntel Xeon MP
* PowderhornSun StorEdge L6000
* Power ExpressApple Power Macintosh G3 Pro
* Power SurgeApple Power Macintosh PCI
* PowerwareSun SPARCWorks/Accelerator
* PreludeSun Solaris/Workshop for Objects
* Premise 500Apple Macintosh Quadra 900
* PrescottIntel Pentium 4 500 series, successor to Northwood
* PreslerIntel Pentium 4 6x1 series, successor to Prescott-2M
* PrestoniaIntel Xeon 130nm processor
* PrimusApple Macintosh LC 475
* PrimusApple Macintosh Quadra 605
* PrismApple Macintosh LC
* Private VariablesLunar Linux 1.3.3
* ProfusionIntel processors
* Project AtlantisNintendo Game Boy Advance
* Project ChessIBM PC
* Project
* Project KApple eMate 300
* Project Inc.
* Project Reality - Nintendo 64
* Project XThe Sims
* PropellerApple ] [c+
* PsycheRed Hat Linux 8.0
* Psycho+Sun UPA to PCI bus bridge
* PubertyWOWLinux 6.2
* PuffinGoogle desktop search application
* PulsarSun Ultra 2
* PumaApple Mac OS X 10.1
* PurpleSun RAID disk storage
* PythonSeagate ST42400ND
* P9Power Mac G4 Cube


* Q88Apple Mac Mini (headless affordable mac)
* Q97Apple FireWire interface for GarageBand
* QEDSun Quad Ethernet
* Quadra 1000Apple Macintosh Quadra 840av
* QuadroSun GX+
* QuahogSun E420R
* QuarkSun Ultra 30
* QuasarSun Ultra 80
* QuattroWindows Home Server
* QuattroXLSun QuadFastEthernet SBus Excel
* QuesnelXMetaL Author 4.5
* QuicksilverAurox Linux 10.1
* QuicksilverSun SelectMail


* R2 Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2
* RadianceSun WebCT
* RafficaApple Macintosh IIsi
* RaffikaApple Macintosh IIsi
* Rage6ATI Radeon 7200
* RaisinApple ] [c+
* Rajt!UHU-Linux 1.2
* RamboApple IIGS
* Rampage
* RapierMicrosoft Windows CE 3.0 for Pocket PC version 2
* RaptorApple operating system
* RaptorIBM z800
* RaptorSeagate ST32550N
* RavenIBM RS/6000 7017-S70
* RavenSeagate ST3500N
* RawhideRed Hat Linux unstable development tree
* RayBanApple Macintosh IIsi
* RazorSun E220R
* ReboundApple Macintosh Performa 5200
* ReboundApple Power Macintosh LC 5200
* Red PillAdobe Photoshop CS3
* RegattaIBM p690
* RembrandtRed Hat Linux 3.0.4 / 3.95
* RenaultApple File Exchange
* RenoApple Macintosh II
* ReplacementsApple Macintosh PowerBook 140
* RevolutionNintendo Wii
* RexDebian GNU/Linux 1.2
* RhapsodyApple Mac OS X Server 1.0 and enterprise OS
* RialtoSun StorEdge L280
* RichmondXMetaL Developer 4.5
* RingoConner CFP2105E
* RingoSeagate ST32430WC
* RioTinySofa Classic Server Linux 1.1
* Rio de JaneiroSOT Linux 2000R3
* RivieraApple Macintosh Portable
* Road WarriorApple Macintosh PowerBook 170
* RoadracerSun graphics card (GXi) for Sun386i
* RoadrunnerSun386i, RR150, RR250
* RoamSun remote mail client
* RochesterIntel RC440BX
* RockySun deskside system enclosure package
* RomeYellow Dog Linux 2.2
* RomeoSun SPARCEngine CP1400
* RosebudApple Macintosh PowerBook 100
* RosebudSun 16" mid-range monitor
* RostUHU-Linux 1.2-rc2
* RoswellRed Hat Linux 7.1.90 / 7.1.94
* Round One Inc.
* RoyaleMacromedia Flex 1.0
* RubiconPower Mac G4 Cube
* RudiKDE 3.2

* SabinTilix Linux 1.0-Beta1
* SabreSun MicroSPARC IIep
* SafariSun UltraSPARC III
* SagresCiaxa Magica Linux 8.0
* SaharaIBM 750FX processor
* SalemSA820
* SamilaLinuxTLE 5.5
* SamuelCyrix processor
* San DiegoAMD Athlon 64/FX S939 90nm processor
* Santa FeSun telco processor enhancer
* Santa RosaIntel Centrino 4th-generation
* SapphireSun UltraSPARC II
* SarahApple III
* SargeDebian GNU/Linux 3.1
* Saturagrml Linux 0.2
* SawtoothApple G4 tower
* Scimitar
* ScorpionSun SPARCServer 1000
* ScudSun DSBE/S
* Sea LionSun Ultra 10
* SeamSun p4bus Greyscale/Mono Frame Buffer
* SeattleIntel SE440BX
* Seattle2Intel SE440BX-2
* SeawolfRed Hat Linux 7.1
* SeawolfSun StorEdge L180
* SerengetiSun Enterprise Server family
* SevarTilix Linux 0.4
* Severnaborted Red Hat Linux 10 (transferred to the Fedora project)
* ShadowApple Macintosh Quadra 700
* ShakaZuluSun 400M trialngle graphics
* ShameRIAA project to distribute viruses in MP3 files
* SharkIBM Enterprise Storage Server (ESS)
* SharptoothAMD K6-3 processor
* ShastaRocks Cluster Linux 3.2.0
* ShastaSun 2-way UltraSPARC IIIi
* SheffieldSun Netra ft 1800
* Sheffield TeslaSun Netra ft 1800
* SheltonIntel Banias with no L2 cache (aka Banias-0)
* SherlockApple internet information retrieval application
* SherlockSun Answerbook viewable via HTML
* ShermanSun SPARCServer Voyager motherboard
* SherryApple ] [c
* ShillelaghSource Mage GNU/Linux 0.5
* ShilohMicrosoft SQL Server 2000 (8.0)
* Shiner HEApple Network Server 700
* Shiner LEApple Network Server 500
* ShitakeZen Linux 1.1
* Shogun
* Show & TellApple Macintosh LC 630
* Show & TellApple Macintosh Performa 630
* Show & TellApple Macintosh Quadra 630638
* Show BizApple Macintosh Quadra 630638
* ShrikeRed Hat Linux 9.0
* SiberiaASP Linux 9.2
* SibylSun Interface Converter
* SidDebian GNU/Linux unstable development distribution
* SidewinderATI Radeon2
* SilenceRIAA project to scan computers for MP3 files and delete them
* SilverdaleIntel processor virtualization features
* SilverstoneTurbolinux 8.W
* SiriusSun CPU card in Sun-3/260, 3/280
* SiriusYellow Dog Linux 3.0
* SisyphusALT Linux
* SkipjackRed Hat Linux 7.2.91
* SkyhawkSun cPCI Gigabit Ethernet MMF
* SLAVIOSun external serial port ASIC chip
* SledgeHammerAMD Athlon 64 FX S940 processor
* SliceApple Macintosh Color Classic
* SlinkDebian GNU/Linux 2.1
* SlipstreamSun 1/2" HP Front Load Tape Drive
* SmithfieldIntel Pentium D dual-core processor
* SnapshotSun VideoPix
* SnarkDEC TOPS-20
* SnowballMicrosoft Windows for Workgroups 3.11
* Snow LeopardApple Mac OS X 10.6
* SobeckIBM four-way processors
* SolanoIntel i815 chipset
* Solano2Intel i815E chipset
* SolarnetSun PCLAN admin utilities for PC enterprise users
* SolstizioLinux Netwosix 1.1
* SonataApple Mac OS 9.0
* SonomaIntel Centrino 2nd-generation
* SonomaSun StorEdge A3000
* Space CadetApple A/UX 2.0
* Space MonkeyAdobe Photoshop CS2
* Space MountainSun ACL 7/100
* SpamSun SX imaging accelerator ASIC on motherboard
* SparkleSun XM-5301B
* SparklerSun JDK 1.1.4
* SpartacusApple 20th Anniversary Macintosh
* Speedbump 610Apple Macintosh Quadra 610
* Speedbump 650Apple Macintosh Quadra 650
* SpeedwaySun tools for optimized Java apps
* SPIFFSun Serial Parallel Controller
* SpikeApple Macintosh Quadra 700
* SpikeBlag Linux 9001
* SpitfireAMD Duron
* SpitfireSun UltraSPARC I
* Splash MountainSun StorEdge L11000
* SpockApple Macintosh IIx
* SpongeTao Linux 4
* Sport20Sun UDWIS/S
* Sport8Sun SSHA
* SpringdaleIntel i865PE chipset
* Spruce GooseApple Macintosh PowerBook 540
* SpudSun 688 MB drive in expansion pedestal
* SputnikuOSThe Micro Operating System 0.81
* Sputnik BlueskySun CP2060
* Sputnik OrionSun CP2080
* SpuzzumXMAX (XMetaL for ActiveX) 4.5
* SqueakyApple Macintosh II 32-bit ROMs
* SR-71Apple Macintosh PowerBook 540
* Star TrekApple Macintosh OS for x86
* StarbuckRed Hat Linux 5.9
* StarbucksApple Workgroup Server 6150/60, 8150/80, 9150/80
* StarburstSun Solaris 2.5
* StarcatSun SunFire 15000
* StarfireSun Ultra Enterprise 10000
* StarterAurox Linux 8.0
* StealthApple Macintosh IIfx
* SteamHalfLife 2 online distribution network
* StenzFedora Core Linux 4
* StingerATI Radeon2
* StingerIBM DB2 8.2
* StingerMicrosoft Windows CE 3.0 for Smart Phones
* StingerSun 2.1GB disk card
* Stingrackdatacenter enclosure for Sun-4/390, 4/490
* StingrayApple Macintosh IIci
* Stingraydeskside enclosure for Sun-4/330
* StingrockSun 4/370
* Stoned BeaverLinux kernel 2.6.0-test10
* StoreXSun open disk API architecture
* StormAurox Linux 9.4
* Strange CargoAdobe Photoshop 4.0.1
* StratosApple Macintosh IIx
* SuckRIAA project to DOS sites offering MP3 files
* SumatraSU810
* SumatraSun SPARCEngine CP1200
* SummitApple Workgroup Server 7250/120, 8550/132
* SunboxSun SPARCCluster 1
* SunchildTrustix Secure Linux 2.2
* SunDialsSun
* SunDragonSun next generation JavaStation
* SunergySun SPARCClassic X
* SunFilerSun E220R + 1 -2 A1000 + Solaris 7 (StorEdge N8200)
* SunfireSun Ultra Enterprise 6000
* Sunfire+Sun Ultra Enterprise 6500
* SunflowerSun 20" premium color
* SunlightSun FDDI board
* SunLink PCSun TotalNet Advanced Server software
* SunrackSun 56" data center cabinet
* SunRaySun SPARC 4/400 series systems
* SunRay 1Syn Network Computer desktop system
* SunriseAurox Linux 9.0
* SunriseSun4/260, 4/280
* SunScreenSun SPF100 hardware/software firewall
* SunSwiftSun SBus 10/100 Mbit/s Ethernet and Fast/wide SCSI2
* Super ] [Apple ] [e
* SuperFetchMicrosoft technology in Windows Vista to speed application launch
* SuperGun
* SuperiorSun 20" premium greyscale
* SupernamiSun 66 MHz+ microSPARC II chip
* SusanOpenLab GNU/Linux 3.2
* SuzukaTurbolinux 10D
* SwiftSun microSPARC II
* SwingSun Java Foundation Classes
* SysyphusAlt Linux 2.?
* StrationsThe unbeatable warriors


* T-BirdRed Hat Linux 4.8
* T-RexIBM z990 mainframe computer
* TabascoSun Redundant Storage Module
* Tactical Domestic SimulatorThe Sims
* TadpoleSun 5GB 4 mm
* TaliskerMicrosoft Windows CE for Embedded Devices
* TalonSun SunDials
* TanglewoodIntel processors due 2006
* TannerIntel Pentium 3 Xeon 250nm processor
* TantalusSOT Linux 2003
* TanzaniaApple Power Macintosh 4400/7220
* TaroonRed Hat Enterprise Linux 3
* TarzanSun 2.1 GB Differential SCSI
* TattleRIAA project to scan computers and report them as pirates
* Taylor3Linux Multi-Disk Howto 0.32i
* TazmaxSun Ultra Enterprise 450 (A25)
* TazmoSun Ultra 450
* TeddyApple ] [c ("Testing Every Day")
* TehamaIntel i850 chipset
* TejasIntel processors due Q2 2005 and now cancelled
* TempestApple Macintosh Quadra 660av
* TempoApple Mac OS 8
* TeragridDistributed Terascale Facility
* TerminatorSun Network Terminal Server
* TervelTilix Linux 0.2
* TettnangFedora Core Linux 2.0
* The Considerable DuckGNOME 2.0.2 Desktop RC1
* ThorSun S493
* ThoroughbredAMD Athlon XP 130nm processor
* Thunder MountainSun StorEdge L1000
* ThunderbirdAMD Athlon processor
* ThunderbirdRed Hat Linux 4.8 / 4.8.1 / 4.95
* TigerApple Mac OS X 10.4
* TigerSun Java 2 Standard Edition 5.0
* Tiger Eye
* Tiger MountainAdobe Photoshop 3.0 for Mac
* TillamookIntel Mobile Pentium with MMX
* TimApple Macintosh PowerBook 170
* Tim LCApple Macintosh PowerBook 140
* Tim LiteApple Macintosh PowerBook 140
* TimbaSeagate ST43401ND
* TimnaIntel processors
* TNTApple Power Macintosh 7500 ("The New Tesseract")
* Today is gonna be the dayT2 Linux 2.1.0-beta
* ToddySun 14" monitor
* TofinoXMetaL Author 4.0 Service Pack 2
* TogoSun SPARCStorage UniPack
* Togo TallSun SPARCStorage FlexiPack
* TongaSun Netra ct 400
* TopazMicrosoft Systems Management Server
* TopcatSun microSPARC IIi + 256K cache module for Topdog
* TopdogSun Ultra AXe
* ToroSun Differential SCSI Expansion Pedestal
* TornadoMSN Messenger Service
* ToucanG400
* TrailXMetaL 4.5 Service Pack 3 (XMetaL Author, Developer, XMAX and Central)
* TrailblazerApple Power Macintosh LC 5200
* TraktopelMandrake Linux 8.0
* TransformerApple Macintosh Performa 5200
* TransformerApple Power Macintosh LC 5200
* TRexSeagate/IBM DFHP-34320 4.2 GB 1.6" 7200 rpm disk
* TribbleSun SPARCClassicX Rev 2.0 software
* TrikeBlag Linux 9002
* TrinitySiS 5597/5598
* TrinityPower Mac G4 Cube
* TritonIntel 430FX
* Triton/TXIntel 430TX
* Triton/VXIntel 430VX
* Triton2Intel 430HX
* TroyAMD Opteron 200 series processors
* TsunamiApple Power Macintosh 9500/120
* TsunamiSun microSPARC
* TualatinIntel Pentium III 130nm processor
* TukwilaIntel processors due 2006 (formerly called Tanglewood)
* TulipSun 15" color monitor
* TullochIntel i855 chipset
* TulsaIntel Xeon 7100 series
* TumwaterIntel processors
* TurboGXSun single SBus GX card with faster 2D/3D vector
* TurionAMD cpu name
* TwiggySun X6002A thin Floppy
* Twin CastleIntel E8500 chipset
* TwinPeaksSun Java interface to C/C++ library generator
* TwisterG100


* UclueletXMetaL Developer 4.0 Service Pack 2
* UlyssesMandrake Linux 7.2
* UltraPenguinSun port of Linux 2.2 kernel for UltraSPARC
* UnderdogSun PCI ATM
* UndergroundWOWLinux 6.2
* Union BayXMetaL 4.6 (XMetaL Author, Developer and XMAX)
* UnisunSun Campus/SPARCStation 1
* Update 1Lycoris Desktop/LX Build 44
* Update 2Lycoris Desktop/LX Build 46
* Update 3Lycoris Desktop/LX Build 142
* UralASP Linux 9
* UziApple Macintosh II


* VailApple Macintosh LC III
* ValandraudVine Linux 3.0
* ValhallaRed Hat Linux 7.3
* ValkyrieSunOS 4.1.3 (Solaris 1.1 Rev B)
* VancouverVC820
* VanderbiltRed Hat Linux 4.1
* VanderpoolIntel Virtualization Technology
* VegaArch Linux 0.2
* VegaSun StarOffice 5.1
* VeniceAMD Athlon 64 90nm processor w/ 512KB L2 cache
* VegasSun Aurora Technology 7-slot PCI Expander
* VeniceMandrake Linux 5.1
* VenusAMD Opteron 100 series processors
* VenusMandrake Linux 6.0
* VenusMicrosoft Windows CE for WebTV
* VenusSkolelinux 1.0
* Venus in FursAdobe Photoshop 6.0
* VernonXMAX (XMetaL for ActiveX) 4.0 Service Pack 2
* Vertex-TXsecond generation vulcan elite CPU
* VikingSun SuperSPARC chip
* VineSeedVine Linux current testing
* ViperAMD-756
* ViperTurbolinux 8.0S Beta
* Viper+AMD-766
* VirosDEC TOPS-20
* VirtueSource Mage GNU/Linux 0.9.3
* VisaSun SPARCEngine CP2000
* VitaminMandrake Linux 8.1
* VLC — (Very Low Cost) Apple ] [c
* VostokASP Linux 7.3
* VoyagerSun SuperSPARC II
* VulcanSeagate ST31200N
* ViennaMicrosoft Windows 7


* WaghorLinuxTLE 7.0
* Wall StreetApple Macintosh PowerBook G3
* WallopMicrosoft project that includes blogging, filesharing, etc.
* WallySun StorEdge D240
* WalrusSun Ultra 10 with 333 MHz
* Warm SpringsIntel WS440BX
* Warty WarthogUbuntu 4.10
* WaterAurox Linux 9.2
* WatneySun SunForum 3.2
* Wave3Sun Solaris 2.6
* Weed-WhackerApple Macintosh IIfx
* WhidbeyMicrosoft Visual Studio 2005
* WhistlerMicrosoft Windows XP
* WhistlerXMetaL Author 4.0 Service Pack 1 Localized (French and German)
* Whistler ServerMicrosoft Windows Server 2003
* WhitefieldIntel Xeon processors due in 2006, cancelled
* WhitneyIntel i810 chipset
* WhopperSeagate ST11200N
* Wide StingerSun 4.2GB, 8.4GB disk card
* WidgetArch Linux 0.6
* WillametteIntel Pentium 4 180nm processor
* WildcatSun high speed bus interconnect
* WildfireSun parallel UltraSPARC
* WildlifeROCK Linux 2.0.2
* WileySun StorEdge S1
* Winchesterfirst floating-head disk drive, IBM, 1973
* WinchesterAMD Athlon 64 90nm processor
* WindAurox Linux 9.3
* Windermere
* WindsorAMD Athlon 64 X2/FX 90nm processor (Socket AM2 w/ DDR2-800)
* WolfackWindows NT"Cluster Server"
* WolverineRed Hat Linux 7.0.91
* WombatArch Linux 0.7-beta1
* Wombat 33Apple Macintosh Quadra 800
* WonderboyTrustix Secure Linux 2.2-beta1
* WoodcrestIntel Xeon 5100 series processors
* WoodyDebian GNU/Linux 3.0
* Wren4Seagate 4.2GB 1.6" 5400 rpm disk
* WyomingSun full 64-bit version of Solaris
* WyvernMicrosoft Windows CE 2.11 for Power PC version 1.2


* XBOXSun SBus Expansion Subsystem
* XenaSun 21" monitor
* XenonMicrosoft Xbox 360 (Successor to the Microsoft Xbox)
* XOApple Macintosh Classic


* YaegerApple Macintosh PowerBook Duo 280c
* YamhillIntel processors
* YamiChinese Linux Extension 0.9
* YarrowFedora Core Linux 1.0
* YarrowIgnalum Linux 9
* Yellow BoxApple Rhapsody development platform
* YodaApple ] [c
* YonahIntel Core Duo processor
* YosemiteApple Power Mac G3
* YosemiteSun Developer Products SPARCCompilers
* YukonMicrosoft SQL Server 2005


* Zappa
* ZebraSun SPARCPrinter
* ZeldaApple ] [c
* ZephyrSun 64-bit compilers
* ZeusSun developer's release of SunOS based on SVR4
* ZippySunVideo Plus PCI
* ZirconSeagate ST31200WC
* Zircon IISeagate CFP1060E
* ZeotropeAlphaCrhome
* Zod - Fedora Core 6 Linux
* Zone 5Apple Macintosh IIfx
* ZootRed Hat Linux 6.2
* ZuluSun 200M triangle graphics
* ZXSun Leo 24-bit color frame buffer
* ZydecoApple Macintosh Quadra 950


* Smith, Tony, (April 11 2005), " [ Intel confirms 'Conroe'] ". Retrieved April 11 2005.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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