
Logo NeoLoad Transparent.png
Developer(s) Neotys
Written in Java
Operating system Microsoft Windows, Linux, Solaris
Available in English, French
Type Load Testing Tool
License Proprietary software

NeoLoad is a load and stress testing tool to measure the performance of the web applications and provide pragmatic solutions to developers to help optimize performance before the application goes into production on the website. NeoLoad is designed, developed and marketed by Neotys, a French company located in Gémenos.


NeoLoad works by simulating traffic up to thousands of users in order to determine application performance under load, effectively analyzing response times and the number of the simultaneous users which the web application is able to handle.

Besides simulating network traffic, NeoLoad also simulates end user transaction activity including common tasks like submitting forms or executing searches by emulating 'virtual' users accessing web application modules. NeoLoad provides the performance information required to troubleshoot bottlenecks for tuning the application as well as the supporting servers. NeoLoad monitors the newest web, database and application servers such as JBoss application server, HP-UX 11, Weblogic, WebSphere, Tomcat, and MySQL database.

NeoLoad "scripts" are developed via a GUI, which provides conditions, loops and other programming structures. JavaScript may be inserted for more advanced uses, such as password encryption. NeoLoad’s interface is clear and very user friendly to the point of saying no scripting is required.

  • NeoLoad supports Basic, Digest, NTLM and form-based authentication.
  • NeoLoad can record HTTPS requests and play them back. NeoLoad also supports client certificate authentication.
  • NeoLoad supports ActiveX components as long as communication with the server is via the HTTP protocol.
  • Neoload supports any type of web application including those using J2EE, .NET, AJAX, Flex, Silverlight, GWT, SOAP, PHP, Push technology, etc as long as they are HTTP 1.0 or 1.1 compliant.

Release history

Version Release date New optional modules
1.0 March 1, 2005 -
1.1 July 26, 2005 -
2.0 July 27, 2006 SOAP / Linux & Solaris platforms monitor / SNMP monitor / Apache monitor / WebLogic monitor / Websphere monitor
2.1 February 13, 2007 Apache Tomcat monitor / Oracle database monitor
2.2 July 17, 2007 AIX monitor / HP-UX monitor / JBoss monitor / MySQL monitor
2.3 December 3, 2007 OAS monitor / JOnAS monitor / DB2 database monitor / PostgreSQL database monitor
2.4 March 28, 2008 Adobe Flex / Oracle Forms / IIS monitor / SQL Server monitor / .Net monitor
2.4.2 May 19, 2008 Refactor of Telnet/SSH module in two modules Linux and Solaris.
2.4.4 July 3, 2008 dynaTrace
3.0 May 15, 2009 GWT
3.0.6 October 15, 2009 GlassFish / SAP / Adobe LCDS
3.1 June 8, 2010 Push / RTMP / Java Serialization
3.1.3 October 26, 2010 CA APM

See also

NeoLoad tested in ZDNet article, September 2005
NeoLoad faces JMeter on blog Xebia, October 2008
Adobe: load testing LiveCycle Workspace applications with NeoLoad, October 2009
NeoLoad on Adobe's blog, February 2010

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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