- Vietnamese people in Bulgaria
Infobox ethnic group
group=Vietnamese people in Bulgaria
population=c. 1,500cite book |title=Имиграцията в България |publisher=IMIR |last=Кръстева |first=Анна |coauhors=Евгения Мицева, et al. |location=София |year=2005 |isbn=954-8872-56-0 |chapter=Виетнамци |url=http://www.imir-bg.org/imir/books/Imigraciata%20v%20Balgaria.pdf |pages=pp. 67-79 ]
regions=Sofia ,Plovdiv , Dimitrovgrad andVarna
languages=Vietnamese, Bulgarian
religions=Mahayana Buddhism
related=Vietnamese people Vietnamese people ( _bg. виетнамци, "vietnamtsi") form the small immigrant community of
Overseas Vietnamese in Bulgaria today, but their numbers were much higher in the 1980s. As of 2005, the Vietnamese community inBulgaria numbers 1,500, including Bulgarian residents and/or citizens. They mainly live in the capitalSofia , but also inPlovdiv , Dimitrovgrad andVarna .The Vietnamese diaspora in Bulgaria dates to the 1960s. In 1950, Bulgaria and Vietnam had established
diplomatic relations and signed a mutual agreement to co-operate in cultural and educational affairs. As a result, the first Vietnamese students arrived in Bulgaria in 1960. The main subjects that the Vietnamese came to study wereagriculture ,economics ,tourism ,humanities ,arts ,medicine andconstruction .According to an international agreement of 1980, Bulgaria, along with other
Comecon members such asEast Germany ,Czechoslovakia and theSoviet Union , accepted Vietnamese guest workers in the country as a relatively cheapermanual labour workforce . According to one estimate, over 35,000 Vietnamese people have worked in Bulgaria between 1980 and 1991, and 5,000 Vietnamese students have completed their higher education in various Bulgarian universities.cite news |url=http://www.segabg.com/online/article.asp?issueid=2959§ionid=5&id=0001001 |title=Виетнамците идатmdash помним ли ги? |language=Bulgarian |publisher=Сега |date=2008-04-21 |last=Терзиев |first=Светослав |accessdate=2008-08-31 ]Plattenbau ten (панелка; "panelka") andmobile home hostel s were built in 1984 in theKrasna polyana municipality of Sofia to accommodate the Vietnamese; by 1990, the area had acquired the nickname "Little Saigon ". [cite news |title=Evolution in Europe; Vietnamese in Bulgaria: Bitter Times |url=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C0CE0D9113CF932A3575BC0A966958260 |publisher="The New York Times " |date=1990-08-01 |last=Sudetic |first=Chuck |accessdate=2008-08-31 ] The hostels are still known as "the Vietnamese hostels" today, although their demolition has been considered by the Capital Municipality as they have since decayed into an unregulated Roma-inhabitedslum . [cite news |url=http://www.zagrada.bg/show.php?storyid=488545&show=0 |title=Общината обмисля да събори Виетнамските общежития |publisher=zaGrada.bg |language=Bulgarian |accessdate=2008-08-31 |last=Антонова |first=Анелия ]The idea was to compensate Bulgaria's lack of sufficient manual workforce and at the same time to relieve
Vietnam of some of its growing population, with the trained workers potentially coming back. In practice, however, this co-operation was subject to much corruption in Vietnam, with many members of its richest class of merchants paying bribes equivalent to around €1,000 (in 1985) to be sent to Bulgaria, where they expanded their speculative business, engaging inblack market trade, production ofcounterfeit goods such asjeans , etc. As a consequence, shortly after the democratic changes of 1989, Bulgaria arranged the accelerated return of most of the Vietnamese workers to Vietnam, effective in 1991.Of the thousands of Vietnamese, all but the students and those who had married in Bulgaria left. Since 1991, Bulgaria has been a target country for economic immigrants from Vietnam, as the average wages remained higher despite the country's difficulties in the 1990s. Along with the Chinese,
Koreans ,Arabs and other immigrants, the Vietnamese have established a presence among the vendors in Sofia's well-known and frequentedbazaar Iliyantsi. [cite news |url=http://www.zagrada.bg/show.php?storyid=308493 |title=Евробитак "Илиянци" |publisher=zaGrada.bg |date=2007-02-01 |last=Шентов |first=Иван |language=Bulgarian |accessdate=2008-08-31 ] The number of Vietnamese immigrants is constantly rising, although they are yet to feature more prominently in Bulgaria's social life and media. [cite web |url=http://www.bghelsinki.org/index.php?module=pages&lg=bg&page=obektiv13011 |url=http://www.bghelsinki.org/obektiv/2006/130/130-11.pdf |title=Черно на бяло за „невидимите малцинства“ |last=Недева |first=Ирина |publisher=Български хелзинкски комитет |accessdate=2008-08-31 |language=Bulgarian ]In 2008, it was widely reported and discussed that Bulgaria, now a
European Union member, is again looking to employ Vietnamese workers, asunemployment in the country has been largely solved as an issue (with unemployment rates comparable to those inFrance orBelgium and lower than inSpain orGermany ) [Cf. references in theList of countries by unemployment rate [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_countries_by_unemployment_rate&oldid=235177296 as of]31 August 2008 .] and on the contrary, there is a lack of workers in the rapidly developing building and tourism branches in particular. Vietnamese would be offered jobs on contract terms with temporary residence in Bulgaria. [cite news |url=http://www.ft.com/cms/s/b9f1ee4c-4c70-11dd-96bb-000077b07658,Authorised=false.html?_i_location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2Fb9f1ee4c-4c70-11dd-96bb-000077b07658.html%3Fnclick_check%3D1&_i_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fnews.netinfo.bg%2F%3Ftid%3D40%26oid%3D1215315&nclick_check=1 |title=Bulgaria reopens labour links with Vietnam |publisher="The Financial Times " |date=2008-07-08 |last=Hope |first=Kerin |coauthors=Todor Troev |accessdate=2008-08-31 ] [cite news |url=http://news.netinfo.bg/?tid=40&oid=1215315 |title="Файненшъл таймс": България подновява използването на виетнамска работна ръка |date=2008-07-08 |language=Bulgarian |publisher=Нетинфо |accessdate=2008-08-31 ]ee also
Vietnamese people in the Czech Republic
*Vietnamese people in Russia
*Asian Europeans
*Chinese people in Bulgaria
*Immigration to Bulgaria References
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