Amateur radio frequency bands in India

Amateur radio frequency bands in India

Amateur radio or ham radio is a hobby that is practised by over 16,000 licenced users in India.cite news|url=|title=Government to promote amateur radio|last=Ramchandran|first=Ramesh|date=2005-03-03|work=The Tribune|accessdate=2008-07-27] Licences are granted by the Wireless and Planning and Coordination Wing (WPC), a branch of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. In addition, the WPC allocates frequency spectrum in India. The Indian Wireless Telegraphs (Amateur Service) Rules, 1978 lists five licence categories:Annexure V cite web|url=|title=The Indian Wireless Telegraphs (Amateur Radio) Rules, 1978 |date=1979|work=Ministry of Communications, Government of India|publisher=Controller of Publications, Civil Lines, New Delhi|pages=34|accessdate=2008-08-03]

To obtain a licence in the first four categories, candidates must pass the Amateur Station Operator's Certificate examination conducted by the WPC. This exam is held monthly in Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai, every two months in Ahmedabad, Nagpur and Hyderabad, and every four months in some smaller cities.Appendix II cite web|url=|title=The Indian Wireless Telegraphs (Amateur Radio) Rules, 1978|date=1979|work=Ministry of Communications, Government of India|publisher=Controller of Publications, Civil Lines, New Delhi|pages=34|accessdate=2008-08-03] The examination consists of two 50-mark written sections: Radio theory and practice, Regulations; and a practical test consisting of a demonstration of Morse code proficiency in sending and receiving.Annexure III, Appendix I, Section 2.3 cite web|url=|title=The Indian Wireless Telegraphs (Amateur Radio) Rules, 1978|date=1979|work=Ministry of Communications, Government of India|publisher=Controller of Publications, Civil Lines, New Delhi|pages=34|accessdate=2008-08-03] After passing the examination, the candidate must clear a police interview. After clearance, the WPC grants the licence along with the user-chosen call sign. This procedure can take up to one year.cite news|url=|title=Ham operators are a cut above the rest|date=2007-05-21|work=Times of India|publisher=Times Group|accessdate=2008-07-25] This licence is valid for up to five years.Section 12 cite web|url=|title=The Indian Wireless Telegraphs (Amateur Radio) Rules, 1978|date=1979|work=Ministry of Communications, Government of India|publisher=Controller of Publications, Civil Lines, New Delhi|pages=34|accessdate=2008-08-03]

Each licence category has certain privileges allotted to it, including the allotment of frequencies, output power, and the emission modes. This article list the various frequencies allotted to various classes, and the corresponding emission modes and input DC power.

Allotted spectrum

The following table lists the frequencies that amateur radio operators in India can operate on.

* Band refers to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) radio band designation
* Frequency is measured in Megahertz
* Wavelength is measured in metres and centimetres
* Type refers to the Radio frequency classification

Grade II

The Amateur Wireless Telegraph Station Licence, Grade–II licence requires the same scores as the Grade II Restricted, and in addition a demonstration of proficiency in sending and receiving Morse code at five words a minute. The minimum age is 12 years. The licence allows the user to make radiotelegraphy (Morse code) and radiotelephony transmission in 11 frequency bands. The maximum power allowed is 50 W.

A Grade II licence holder can only be authorized the use of radio telephony emission on frequency bands below 30 MHz on submission of proof that 100 contacts have been made with other amateurs operators using CW (Morse code).

;400 W sub-bands

ee also

* Amateur radio in India
* Amateur radio frequency allocations
* Amateur Station Operator's Certificate
* Amateur radio licence categories in India



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