List of Honorverse characters

List of Honorverse characters

This is intended to be a comprehensive list of the names of even minor fictional character in the Honorverse, a series of military science fiction novels written by David Weber.

Characters are sorted by their last name. Some are sorted by first name since their last name has not been found in the books (or does not appear). Military characters are mentioned with the rank they had in the last novel in which they appear.

Although efforts have been made to include all characters, there are likely to be omissions and other errors. At any particular time, there will be variations in the level of brief detail, and there are some duplications, not all of which are errors as there is some name duplication amongst the characters.



TOC - Explanation of abbreviations



A, Abbot to Adams, Adcock to Albertson, Akimoto to Allman, Alquezar to Anderman, Prince Huang, Anders, William 'Five' to Archer, Ariel to Ash, Ashford to Avshari, B, Babcock to Bannister, Banshee to Bellefeuille, Ben-Fazal to Blaine, Blanchard to Bouvier, 'Boyce to Brentworth, Brigham to Burke, C, Cachat to Canning, Caparelli to Castellaño, Casterlin to Chernov, Chet to Clairdon, Clairmont to Clinkscales, Howard, Coatsworth to Corell, Cortez to Cukor, D, Dalipagic to D'Arezzo, Darlington to DeGeorge, Dekker to Descours, Desjardins to Detweiler, DeWitt to Divkovic, Djerdja to Downey, Draskovic to DuMorne, Dunlevy to Duvalier, E, Earhart to Eisenbrei, Eisley to Evans, F, Falco to Ferguson, Ferrero to Flairty, Flanagan to Fontein, Foraker to Fraser, Freemantle to Fulbright, G, Gaines to Genda, Georgides to Gisborne, Giscard to Gower, Gozzi to Gregory, Griggs to Gutierrez, H, Hagen to Hamer, Hammitt to Harahap, Harding to Harper, Harrington, Dr. Alfred to Harrington, Stephanie, Harris to Haughton, Hauptman to Haynesworth, Hearns to Helpern, Hemphill to Hernando, Herrick to Hill, Hines to Holtz, Honeker to Howard, Howell to Hurston, I, Illyushin to Ito, J, Jackson to Jankowski, Janseci to Jeffers, Jefferson to Jones, Jordan to Justin, K, Kaczmarczyk to Kellet, Kennedy to Kirkegard, Kleinmeuller to Kuzak, L, Lababibi to Langtry, Lao Than to Lecter, Lemaitre, Antoinette to Lewis, Lionheart to Luchner, M, MacAfee to Maddison, MaGuire to Mangrum, Manning, Allen to Marston, Martin to Maybach, Bruce, Mayhew, Alexandra to Mayhew, Theresa, Maynard to McKee, McKeon to Mincio, Monroe to Mueller, N, Nagchaudhuri to Nordbrandt, O, Obrien to Olivetti, Olson to Oversteegen, P, Pacelot to Panokulous, Panowski to Perot, Pete to Porter, Preston to Pyne, Q, R, Rabenstrange to Ramirez, R, Randal to Rhodes, Rice to Rontved, Rosenfeld to Ryder, S, Saganami to Sanderson, W, Sanford to Schubert, Schumacher to Shemais, Sherman to Silvetti, Simmons, G to Snellgrave, Sorbanne to Steiner, Stellingetti to Stokes, Stone to Sukowski, Sullivan, L to Sydon, T, Takahashi to Templeton, G, Tennard, J to Theodore, Therret to Thurgood, Thurman to Tobias, Tobin to Trajan, Wi, Tremaine to Truman, Truscot to Tyler, U, Ukovski to Usher, Kevin, V, Vale to Venizelos, Verrochio to Vorland, W, Walker to Waters, Webster to Wexler, White to Wilson, Winton-Henke, Anson to Wright, X, X, Isaac to X, Jeremy, Y, Yammata to Yanakov, Rachel, Yang, Rachel to Yestremensky, Younce to Young, Lord Stefan, Younger to Yviernau, Z, Zachary to Zidaru, Zilwicki to Zrubek

Explanation of abbreviations

Andermani Empire
Solarian League
IANS Imperial Andermani Naval Ship GSN Grayson Space Navy OFS Office of Frontier Security
INSS Imperial Naval Space Station GNS Grayson Naval Ship SMC Solarian Marine Corps
IAN Imperial Andermani Navy HSG Harrington Steadholders Guard SLN Solarian League Navy
SNS Solarian Naval Ship
Andie other Grayson other Sollie other
Star Kingdom of Manticore
CPS Committee of Public Safety ACS Astro Control Service
CRU Citizen's Rights Union ATC Advanced Tactical Course
CRP Citizens Rights Party CCFA Crown Council Financial Advisory
FIA Federal Investigation Agency HMAMS Her Majesty's Armed Merchant Ship
FIS Foreign Intelligence Service HMS Her Majesty's Ship
InSec Internal Security HMSS Her Majesty's Space Station
PN People's Navy ONI Office of Naval Intelligence
PNS People's Naval Ship RMA Royal Manticoran Army
PM People's Marines RMAIA Royal Manticoran Astrophysics Investigation Agency
RN Republican Navy RMMC Royal Manticoran Marine Corps
RHNS Republic of Haven Naval Ship RMMS Royal Manticoran Merchant Ship
SS State Security RMN Royal Manticoran Navy
PMV Parliamentary Medal of Valor
Peep other Mantie other

Other abbreviations

  • ATO: Assistant Tac Officer
  • CIP: Council for an Independent Prism
  • CO: Commanding Officer
  • COLAC: Commanding Officer, LACs
  • CN: Caliphate (Zanzibaran) Navy
  • CPO: Chief Petty Officer
  • DCC: Damage Control Center
  • ECM: Electronic CounterMeasures (methods to confuse enemy sensors)
  • EN: Erewhon Navy
  • ER: Erewhon star system
  • EVA: Extra-Vehicular Activity (derived from ancient NASA term)
  • EW: Electronic Warfare (also Energy Weapons?)
  • HH: Honor Harrington
  • INS: Interstellar News Service (one of a small number of more or less Galaxy wide news organizations), knock off of Old Earth International News Service
  • JNMTC: Joint Navy Military Transport Command (SKM)
  • KT: Star Kingdom of Torch
  • LAC: Light attack craft (not hyper capable)
  • MA: Masada star system
  • ME: Mesa star system
  • MN: Monican Navy
  • MO: Monica star system
  • OCTO: Officer Candidate Training Officer
  • PO: Petty Officer
  • ROE: Rules of Engagement
  • SAR: Search and Rescue
  • SC: regional star cluster and political entity Silesian Confederacy
  • SBA: Sick Bay Attendant (in RMN)
  • SCPO: Senior Chief Petty Officer
  • SIS: Special Intelligence Service (SKM term)
  • SO: Senior Officer
  • SUT: Sustained Use Thruster (usually in context of EVA suit thrusters)
  • TC: region near one of the SKM wormhole terminals Talbott Cluster, same as Talbott Quadrant.
  • TQ: See TC
  • VE: Verge system

Characters (Alphabetized)


TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's

Abbot to Adams

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Aberu, Ingeborg SLN Captain, operations officer, Frontier Fleet Task Group 3021. SI2
Abbot, Diego PRH Citizen Vice Admiral, Commander of Task Force 20 for the attack on the Candor System HH5
Abercrombie, Boniface RH Captain, COLAC of Gaston System Command during Eighth Fleets raid HH11
Abernathy, Haskel RMN Commander, Logistics officer in Admiral Yancey Parks' staff, Lord HH3
Abramowitz, Carla RMN Rating aboard HMS Minotaur HH8
Abruzzi, Malachai Solarian Permanent Senior Undersecretary of Education and Information, Solarian League (back on Old Earth). One of a quintet of permanent bureaucrats who actually control the Solarian government's actions.
(See also Innokentiy Arsenovich Kolokoltsov, Omosupe Quartermain, Nathan MacArtney, and Agatá Wodoslawski)
SI2, Ch. 47
Achilles SKM Treecat. Son to Nimitz and Samantha. HH7
Ackenheil, Jason RMN Commanding officer, captain, HMS LaFroye, involved in Operation Wilberforce (putting down slave trade) HH10
Ackroyd, Justin GSN Commodore, GSN. Current head of the GSN Office of Personnel HH7
(surname unknown)
- Prisoner held on Hades, killed by an SS pilot who tried to take his sister away HH8
(first name unknown)
GR Minister of Agriculture before the Mayhew Restoration HH7
Adams, Ludmilla SKM Klaus Hauptman's personal chauffeur, security chief and bodyguard HH6

Adcock to Albertson

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Adcock, Jonas RMN Vice Admiral of the Green, RMN. Fourth Space Lord of the Royal Manticoran Navy and head of the Bureau of Weapons HH7
Addison, Calvin PRH People's Commissioner to Citizen Captain Joanne Hall aboard PNS Schaumberg HH8
Adenauer, Dominica RMN Commander; operations officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 106; later operations officer, 10th Fleet. Not previously known to Henke before serving under her command. (Is from Sphinx, raised about thirty kilometers outside Twin Forks, the other side of the city from Duchess Harrington, her fifth cousin. Her accent is similar to HH's, and voice is considerably deeper than Henke's contralto, far less Honor's soprano.) SI2, Ch. 8+11
(first name unknown)
RMN Captain, CO of HMS Hydra HH9
Adolfsson, George TC Planetary President of Pontifex HHA4
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Lieutenant, Crewmember of a Havenite pinnace HH8
Agnelli, Federico SS Citizen Admiral, SS. Citizen Admiral in State Security's Navy. Reverted to warlordism after the fall of the People's Republic HH10
Agnelli, Joanna RMN Chief Steward to Aivars Terekhov. SI1; SI2, Ch. 5
Ainspan, Victor RMN Commander, A prisoner in Hades, former commanding officer of the light cruiser HMS Adonai HH8
al-Fanudahi, Daud ibn Mamoun SLN Captain, a Battle Fleet analyst assigned to the Office of Operational Analysis. SI2
al-Salil, Louis RMN Captain, Commanding Officer, LAC Group 1007 HH10
(first name unknown)
GSN Commanding officer, GNS Benjamin the Great. Admiral White Haven's (Hamish Alexander) flag captain HH8
Alcoforado, Filipa RMN Captain, CO, HMS Theseus. Shulamit Onasis' flag captain. SI2

Akimoto to Allman

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Joyce Akimoto RMN Lieutenant Commander, Staff astrogator for Admiral Wilson Kirkegard HH10
Lady Emily Alexander SKM Countess White Haven. Hamish Alexander's wife. Former HD actress, currently disabled after an aircar accident. Also a poet and political activist. Once acknowledged as the Kingdom's premiere holo-drama performer, she has remained one of its most beloved and respected writers and producers, but she was forced from the holodrama (HD) stage by the damage caused by an aircar collision. She has been left a total invalid. Her damaged nerves persistently refuse both grafts and regeneration, and not even modern medical science can build simulations for such extensive motor control center damage HH10-HH11
Lord Hamish Alexander RMN Thirteenth Earl of White Haven, Fleet Admiral, RMN (retired). Currently First Lord of the Manticoran Admiralty (civilian head of naval service), former CO of Eighth Fleet, Sixth Fleet and several other commands in the RMN. Also holds the rank of Fleet Admiral in the Grayson Navy (in War of Honor he was wearing RMN Fleet Admiral's insignia, but this was never otherwise referred to). Husband to Emily Alexander and brother of Lord William Alexander
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 1: ...The earl was ninety T-years old, though in a pre-prolong society he would have been taken for no more than a very well preserved forty, and even that would have been only because of the white stranded through his black hair. But there were new lines around his ice-blue eyes...
Alexander, Wayne PRH Political prisoner in the PRH for seventy years. Had the dubious distinction of being the longest-serving prisoner in Hades, being sent there for criticizing the People's Republic's Technical Conservation Act. Currently a business associate to Honor Harrington. HH9
Prime Minister William Alexander SKM Lord William McNeish, 1st Baron Grantville. Prime Minister of Manticore, head of the Centrist Party and former leader of the Opposition. Served as Chancellor of the Exchequer during the Cromarty Administration. Younger brother to Hamish Alexander. Created Baron Grantville on becoming PM.
Desc. from HH1, Ch. X: ...Xxxxx...

NOTE: 'McNeish' is spelled 'MacLeish' in HH1, Ch. 22.

HH1, HH8, HH10
(first name unknown)
- Andre Warnecke's personal bodyguard HH6
(first name unknown)
GSN Helmsman of GNS Intrepid HH9
(first name unknown)
GSN Commander, Executive officer aboard GNS Terrible HH5
Allfrey, Philip GSN Brigadier, the senior officer of the Solarian Gendarmerie for the Maya Sector WS02, Ch. 2
(first name unknown)
RMN Assistant engineer aboard the heavy cruiser HMS Fearless (CL-56 or CA-286 ?) HH2
(first name unknown)
- Deacon of the Church of Humanity Unchained HH5
Alonso y Yáñez, Engracia SLN Fleet Admiral, CO, Frontier Fleet, Solarian League Navy. SI2

Alquezar to Anderman, Prince Huang

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Joachim Alquezar TC Senior delegate to the Talbott Constitutional Convention from San Miguel, major stockholder Rembrandt Trade Union, leader of the Constitutional Union Party in the Convention.
Later on, the Prime Minister of the Talbott Quadrant, leader of the Constitutional Union Party.
SI1, SI2
(first name unknown, same or different than Joachim Alquezar?)
TC Prime Minister Alquezar
("red-haired, improbably tall and slender Alquezar said, shaking Micehlle's hand with a smile. Despite the low-gravity homeworld which had produced his physique, his grip was firm and strong.... least a full two meters tall")
SI2, Ch. 15
(first name unknown)
PN Tactical officer aboard PNS Katana HH7
Jason Alvarez RMN Commander, Commanding officer of the destroyer HMS Madrigal. Mercedes Brigham was his first officer. He was captured and tortured to death by Masadans. The Grayson Space Navy later named a class of heavy cruisers after him HH2
Baoyuan Anderman IAN Rank unclear - possibly Admiral. Victor at the Battle of the Farnham System HH9
Chien-lu Anderman IAN Herzog von Rabenstrange, Grossadmiral. Commanding officer of the Andermani forces in Silesia. Cousin of Emperor Gustav XI, fifth in line for succession to the Andermani throne.

Desc. from HH6, Ch. 10: "Like most citizens of New Berlin, he was of predominantly Chinese ancestry, and the skin around his eyes crinkled into a smile... He wore the white uniform of an IAN fleet admiral, but a small, rayed sun of worked gold glittered on the right side of his round, stand-up collar... ...that sun was worn only by individuals in the direct line of succession to the imperial crown..."

HH6, HH10
Emperor Gustav Anderman I AE Emperor Gustav I. Ancient mercenary and founder of the Andermani Empire, author of the military treatise Sternenkrieg. Believed himself to be the reincarnation of Frederick the Great Mentioned in HH6
Emperor Gustav Anderman VI AE Emperor Gustav VI. Emperor of the Andermani Empire. Quietly deposed for insanity (tried to appoint his rose bush as Chancellor) Mentioned in HH6
Emperor Gustav Anderman VII AE Emperor Gustav VII. Actually one of Gustav VI's sisters; succeeded in the fight for the Andermani throne after having herself legally declared as a man. Considered the best emperor the Andermani Empire ever had Mentioned in HH6
Emperor Gustav Anderman XI AE Emperor Gustav XI. Current Emperor of the Andermani Empire Mentioned in HH6
Prince Huang Anderman AE Prince. Younger brother to Emperor Gustav XI. Victim of assassination attempt by Col. Hofschulte. One of his children died Mentioned in HH10

Anders, William 'Five' to Archer

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
William 'Five' Anders RH Captain, RH. Member of Vice Admiral Shannon Foraker's staff at Bolthole HH10
(first name unknown)
GR Deacon of the Church of Humanity Unchained and deacon of Mayhew Cathedral Mentioned in HH5, HH9
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Lieutenant. Crewman of a Havenite courier boat Mentioned in HH8
Jason Andrews GSN Lieutenant, GSN. High Admiral Bernard Yanakov's flag lieutenant Mentioned in HH2
Andromeda SKM Treecat, child to Nimitz and Samantha. Mentioned in HH7
Franz Anhier ME Engineer, Jessyk Combine freighter Marianne SI1
Anisimovna, Aldona ME Member of the Manpower Incorporated Board of Directors; a senior operative of the Mesan Alignment. SI1, HH11, SI2.
Appleton, Martin RMN Lieutenant, XO, HMS Roland. SI2.
Clarissa Arbuckle RMN (Rank Unknown), former Steward to Adm. Henke. KIA at Battle of Solon.
(See also {Master Steward} Chris Billingsley.)
SI2, Ch. 8
Arai, Hugh - Biological Survey Corps, ____________ See also Marti Garner, Haruka Takano WS02
Gervais 'Gwen' Archer RMN Lieutenant Gervais Winton Erwin Neville Archer, or GWEN. Adm. Henke's new Flag Lieutenant. He was on board the Necromancer in the Battle of Solon. {father is Sir Roger Mackley Archer.}
HH commented- "His efficiency reports are top-notch, and I know Captain Cruickshank thought the world of him. He ‘tastes’ a lot like another Tim Mears..." Desc.- "flaming red hair, green eyes, and snub nose... at best an exceedingly remote cousin (of Adm. Henke). "...tallish young man, a good quarter-meter taller than {Helga Boltitz's} own hundred and sixty-two centimeters, although he was nowhere near the height of someone like Alquezar or someone else from San Miguel. He was built more for speed than brute strength..."
SI2, Ch. 7 & Ch. 15
Archer, Sir Roger Mackley _ "Gwen" Archer's father. SI2
(first name unknown)
RMN Chief Petty Officer, RMN. Yeoman to Honor Harrington aboard HMS Wayfarer HH6

Ariel to Ash

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Ariel SKM Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore's treecat. HH6
Adelina Arif SKM Doctor. Manticoran linguist who developed a method of communication with the Medusans HH9
Armstrong, Veronica RMN Captain of the List; Flag Captain (CO) of HMS Achilles, Adm. Henke's flagship.
"...on the tall side, somewhere between Michelle and Honor for height, with a strong face, dark green eyes, and chestnut hair, She was young for her rank,...just over twenty-five T-years younger than Michelle, in fact– and no one would ever consider her beautiful, or even exceptionally pretty. But there was character in that face, and intelligence, and the green eyes looked lively."
SI2, Ch. 11
Armstrong, Victoria ("Vicki") RMN Captain, commanding officer HMS Artemis ; vice Admiral Gold Peak's flight captain.
{See also Armstrong, Veronica (different spelling)}
SI2, (Character List Appendix.)
Jason Arner - "Commodore", "Chalice Cluster Navy". Pirate and senior officer in Andre Warnecke's "navy" HH6
Artemis SKM Treecat, member of Nimitz's immigrant clan. HH7
Gianna Ascher SKM Master Chief Petty Officer, RMN. Senior noncom in HMS Prince Adrian's CIC HH7, HH8
(first name unknown)
SKM San Martin's ambassador to Manticore HH9
(first name unknown)
- Lieutenant, Masadan Navy. Tactical officer aboard MNS Thunder of God HH2

Ashford to Avshari

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Stewart Ashford RMN Captain (J.G.), RMN. COLAC aboard HMS Incubus HH9
Askew, Maitland ("Matt") SLN Lieutenant, assistant tactical officer, SLNS Jean Bart. SI2
Kenneth Aston PRH People's Commissioner to Captain Stephen Holtz, CO PNS Achmed HH6
George Astrides RMN Rear Admiral, RMN. CO of the Ninth Battle Squadron HH10
Athena SKM Treecat, member of Nimitz's immigrant clan. HH7
Attunga, Marguerite _ a reporter for Manticoran News Service, Inc. SI2
(first name unknown)
RMN Manticoran admiral assigned to Task Force 34 HH10
Janina Auderska RMN Captain. Admiral Wilson Kirkegard's chief of staff HH10
(first name unknown)
RMN Lieutenant Commander, RMN. Officer assigned to the dreadnought HMS Bellerophon HH3


Babcock to Bannister

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Iris Babcock RMMC Sergeant Major, wife of Horace Harkness. Served as Sergeant Major of the Marine contingents aboard the heavy cruisers HMS Fearless (probably CA-286, not CD-56) and HMS Prince Adrian. She is an expert in Coup de vitesse and often works out with Honor Harrington. She is 88 Earth years old as of The Honor of the Queen, but her physical age is about 40 due to the prolong process.

Descr. in HH1, Ch. 7: "...from Gryphon, Manticore-B V. ...Babcock was a good twenty centimeters shorter (than Honor Harrington), with a much shorter reach, to boot. She was also just over twice Honor’s age, and ...she was first-generation prolong. The original treatment had stopped the aging process at a much later point than current techniques, and there were strands of gray in her red hair and crows-feet around her eyes...."

HH2, HH4, HH6
Thomas Bachfisch RMN Admiral, CO of armed merchant ship Pirate's Bane, owner of Pirate's Bane and Ambuscade. Conducts anti-piracy operations in the Silesian Confederacy, as well as working for RMN ONI, and running a small freight line. Honor Harrington's Captain for her midshipwoman cruise. Promoted Harrington to Ensign ahead of her classmates. HH0, HH10, HHA3
Frederick Bagwell GSN Captain, CO of GNS Honor Harrington. As Commander served as operations officer on the staff of Honor's first battle squadron command HH5, HH10
(first name unknown)
RMN Flight ops rating aboard HMAMS Wayfarer HH6
Anthony Baird - See James Shackleton HH9
Arthur Baker RMN Commander, COLAC aboard HMS Cockatrice HH10
Paulette Baker RHN Vice Admiral Shannon Foraker's flag lieutenant HH10
Barbara Bancroft GR "The Mother of Grayson", wife of Steadholder Bancroft. Left her husband to warn the Moderates about the Faithful's doomsday weapon, triggering a series of events that led to the end of the Grayson Civil War and the exile of the Bancroft faction to Masada. Known in Masada as the "Harlot of Satan" Mentioned in HH2, HHA4
Jeremiah Bancroft GR Steadholder Bancroft, Grayson historical figure; led the Faithful coup to take over the government, killing in the process 53 Steadholders and their heirs Mentioned in HH5
Trevor Bannister TC Chief Marshal, CO, Montana Marshals -Service SI1

Banshee to Bellefeuille

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Banshee SKM Treecat. Bonded with RMN Commander Roslee Orndorff. HH10
Isabella Banton RMN Commodore, senior divisional commander in Battlecruiser Squadron 5. Her flagship is HMS Achilles HH3
Bardasano, Isabel ME Cadet member of the Jessyk Combine Board of Directors (which is fully owned by Manpower Incorporated); senior intelligence specialist, Mesan Alignment. SI1, HH11, SI2
Henrietta Barloi PRH Secretary of Technology of the Republic of Haven HH10
Barregos, Oravil Maya
Sector Governor, Maya Sector, Solarian. He governs (theoretically) in the name of the Office of Frontier Security.
Appearance (WS02, CH. 1): "...Barregos' dark eyes hardened, and his deceptively round and gentle face suddenly looked remarkably ungentle..."
WS01, WS02
Linda Barstow RMN Senior Chief Petty Officer, Chief of the boat bay aboard HMS Prince Adrian. Imprisoned on Hades with the rest of Prince Adrian's crew HH7, HH8
Brigita Basaricek TC Colonel, CO, Kornatian National Police Force SI1
(first name unknown)
GR Master chef for Protector Benjamin IX HH9
Eldridge Beale RMN Ensign, RMN officer assigned to the Grendelsbane system HH10
Theresa Beasley RMN Rear Admiral Mark Sarnow's staff communications officer HH3
Gifford Bede SKM Managing communication in one of the towns on Sphinx when Scott MacDallan met Fisher HHA2
Jennifer Bellefeuille PN Admiral, CO of Chantilly System during Cutworm 2, managed to surprise the lead elements of Michelle Henke’s attack on Vespasian, Chantilly’s Planet. Further mentionings in passing to denote devious tactics employed in system defence

"Do you think they are trying to pull a Bellfeuille on us?"

HH11, SI2, Ch. 1

Ben-Fazal to Blaine

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Mudhafer Ben-Fazal CN Lieutenant Commander, CO of the Zanzibaran warship Al Nassir HH3
Frederick Bennington SKM Chief of Procurement for Grayson Sky Domes, Ltd HH5
Henri Benson-Dessouix GR Brigadier, formerly a Gaston Marine Lieutenant aboard GNS ship Dague. Captured by Havenite forces during the takeover and imprisoned on Hades. Companion/friend of, then married to Harriet Benson. He functioned as Camp Inferno's chief tailor. Relocated to Grayson after escape from Hades; joined the Grayson Marines HH8-HH10
Harriet Benson-Dessouix GSN Rear Admiral, formerly a Captain in the Pegasus System Navy. Captured by Havenite forces during the takeover of Pegasus, and imprisoned on Hades. Entered the Grayson Space Navy after escaping Hades and became CO of the First CLAC Squadron, Protector's Own HH8, HH9, HH10
Ronald Bergren PRH Former Secretary of State of the PRH under the old Legislaturalist government. Was the sole survivor of the Legislaturalist Cabinet because he was in transit to Earth to become RH Ambassador at the time of the Harris Assassination HH1, HH3
(first name unknown)
SS Sergeant, cell guard aboard PNS Tepes HH7
Ellen Bhadressa PN Chief of Staff for Citizen Vice Admiral Groenwald HH9
Chris Billingsley RMN Master Steward ; Replaced Adm. Henke's previous Steward (See also Clarissa Arbuckle) physically opposite of Clarissa, about James MacGuiness' age, a first-generation prolong recipient, solidly, if compactly, built with a rather luxuriant beard he'd grown since his capture. He's what the Service had always described as A Character. Knows where the nearest game of chance and distillery are. has "a checkered past," always popular with the officers he served under and the enlisted personnel he served with. SI2, Ch. 4
Duan Binyan ME CO, Jessyk Combine freighter Marianne SI1
Alvin Bjornstad MO Vice-President, Republic of Monica SI1
Blacket, Luke HSG Senior armsman assigned to James Harrington HH9
Blaine, Jessup RMN Vice Admiral; CO, Task Force 302, Lynx Terminus Station (and fortress Vigilant at the Lynx junction). "...tallish, bland-faced man with thinning hair and a thick beard. The beard was neatly trimmed, but the contrast between it and his far sparser hair made him look vaguely lopsided and scruffy" SI2, Ch. 13

Blanchard to Bouvier

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Pablo Blanchard RHN Commander, executive officer aboard RHNS Majestic HH10
Ariella Blanding RMN Supply officer aboard the light cruiser HMS Fearless (CL-56 (probably not also CA-286))
Desc. from HH1, Ch. 4: ...a small woman, with a sweet, oval face and blond hair, but her eyes moved back and forth endlessly, like a mouse trying to watch too many cats.
Gavin Bledsoe - Captain, Masadan Navy, turned ore transporter as a cover. Participant in the assassination attempt against Protector Mayhew and Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore HH9
(first name unknown)
IAN Kommodore, senior IAN officer in the Sachsen system HH6
Leonard Boardman PRH Second Deputy Director of Public Information of the PRH. Became Secretary of Public Information after the death of Cordelia Ransom. Directed the creation of the bogus footage of Honor's hanging which was distributed galaxy-wide HH7, HH8, HH9.
Yuri Bogdanovich PRHN Citizen Captain. Citizen Rear Admiral Lester Tourville's chief of staff HH7
(first name unknown)
RMN PO 1/c. Engineer of LAC-1961 and originator of LAC-1961's nickname, Cutthroat. HH9
Boltitz, Helga TC Minister Henri Krietzmann's senior personal aide; from Dresden.
(" of the most attractive women he’d ever seen... eyes, and her voice, with its harsh, sharp-edged accent...")
SI2, Ch. 15
Alenka Borderwijk PRHN Captain. Admiral Thomas Theisman's senior military aide HH10
Bouchard, Jerod RMN Commander; Achilles' astrogator also (earlier/later?): Lieutenant Commander, astrogator, HMS Artemis.
Lieut. Cmndr. info comes from SI2's Character List Addendum.
SI2, Ch. 13
Bourget, Hildegard ("Hildy") SLN Commander, XO, SLNS Jean Bart. SI2
Bourdeaux, Henri GSN Tactical officer aboard GNS Jason Alvarez HH3
(first name unknown)
PRHN Citizen Lieutenant. Courier boat crewman HH8
Boutin, Alain PRHN System President, New Tuscany. SI2
Bouvier, Adelbert RHN Captain, Republic of Haven Navy POW camp liaison responsible for Camp C7.
"Republican Navy's designated 'liaison officer' to its prisoner-of-war camps here on the Republic's capital world."
SI2, Ch. 4

Boyce to Brentworth

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(Full name unknown)
SS Citizen Staff Sergeant, SS. Ground troope aboard PNS Tepes. Runs much of the ship's illicit activities such as gambling HH7
Braga, Antonio RMN Lieutenant Commander, staff astrogator, Battlecruiser Squadron 81 (& Admiral Henke). SI2, Ch. 1
(Full name unknown)
RMN Tech Rating aboard HMAMS Wayfarer HH6
Brangeard, Toussaint RHN Lieutenant; CO of dispatch boat RHNS Comet SI2, Ch. 7
Brannigan, Howard GSN Communications officer aboard GNS Terrible HH5
Branscombe, Ray PM Citizen Captain, Marine officer assigned to PNS Vaubon HH6
Brantley, Harper RMN Staff communications officer for Admiral Honor Harrington HH10
(Full name unknown)
RMN Duty quartermaster on the HMS Fearless (CL-56, not CA-286) HH1
Brentworth, Mark GSN CO Protector's Own Second Battle Squadron. Formerly CO of GNS Jason Alvarez and later of First Battlecruiser Squadron HH2, HH3, HH5, HH10.
Brescatore, George RMN CO, HMS Sabertooth SI2.
Breshnikov, Adolf SLN Captain, CO, SLNS Restitution. Evelyn Sigbee's flag captain. SI2.

Brigham to Burke

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Mercedes Brigham RMN, GSN Commodore, RMN; Rear Admiral, GSN. Admiral Harrington's chief of staff. Previously served as ship's Sailing Master aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56 (probably not also CA-286)), executive officer aboard HMS Madrigal and staff officer for the Grayson Navy. Spent a short, but brutal period as a Masadan prisoner of war
Desc. from HH1, Ch. 4: ...Lieutenant Mercedes Brigham sat facing Blanding, as if she'd been placed deliberately to accentuate the contrast between them. Blanding was young and fair; Brigham was almost old enough to be Honor's mother, with dark, weathered-looking skin... ...yet her comfortable, lived-in face normally wore an air of quiet competence, though she had to know she would never advance beyond her present rank after so long in grade. And if she was as withdrawn as the others, at least she didn't seem physically afraid of her captain.
HH1, HH2, HH5, HH9, HH10
Brinkman, Clorinda RMN Chief Steward, Naomi Kaplan's personal steward. SI2
Bristow, Oliver SLN Lieutenant, sensor officer, Meyers Astro Control. SI2
Brosnan, Gail Maya
currently the Maya Sector's acting lieutenant governor
(following the death of Ingemar Cassetti.)
Brulé, Anne-Louise ___ an employee of the New Tuscany Ministry of Information. SI2
Brunner, Simon RMN Lieutenant, astrogator, HMS Reprise. SI2
Bryan, Joseph PN Major on the Masadan Navy Ship Thunder of God (former PNS Saladin) HH2
Buckeridge, Crawford GR Steadholder Mueller's personal steward HH9
Buckley, Joe RMN Lieutenant, HMLAC Cutthroat's tac officer HH9
Bukato, Ivan PN Citizen Admiral. De facto Chief of Naval Operations of the People's Navy (the title was considered to be "elitist" and was not used by the PRHN). Aided Esther McQueen in her scheme to replace the Committee of Public Safety HH8, HH9
Duke of Burgundy,
(first name unknown)
SKM Manticoran peer of the realm who opposed seating Pavel Young as a member of the House of Lords as a matter of principle. The effort failed HH4
Burke, Jessica SKM Countess of Green Vale. Manticoran Peer of the Realm, member of the Conservative Association and Government Whip in the House of Lords HH4
Butre, "Ganny"
Elfride Margarete
- 'Clan' leader of Parmley Station. Widow of Michael Parmley.
"...It was an impressive glare, too, for all that it came from a woman not much more than a hundred and forty centimeters tall. What made the glare all the more impressive was that, somehow, Butre managed to convey the sense that she was a tough old biddy despite—going simply by her physical appearance—looking like a woman no older than her late thirties or very early (and well preserved) forties."
WS02, Ch. 12+
Byng, Josef SLN Admiral, Frontier Fleet Task Group 3021. SI2


Cachat to Canning

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Victor Cachat PRH A rookie State Security officer who became, under the guidance of Kevin Usher, a member of the resistance to the Pierre/Saint Just regime, and a major player in the 'Manpower Incident' on Terra. Very loyal to the Republic of Haven, and one of the most capable agents it has developed. As an unofficial agent of Haven's Federal Investigative Agency (headed by Usher), was deeply involved in the events which led to the successful liberation operation against Verdant Vista (i.e., Congo) and its birth as the Kingdom of Torch. Left the FIS to become Chief of Station for Haven's Secret Service in Erewhon and Torch after the liberation of Torch. Worked closely with RMN Captain (inactive) Anton Zilwiki thereafter. Close personal and official relationship with Thandi Palane, Commander-in-Chief of the Torch Armed Forces.
Appearance (WS02, Ch. 4): "...square-faced and seemingly conventional man..."
HHA3, HHA4, WS01
(first name unknown)
RMN Crewman aboard HMS Minotaur HH8
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Commander. Chief of staff for Citizen Rear Admiral Paul Yearman HH8
(first name unknown)
GSN Commander, staff officer for Admiral Leon Garret HH2
Sylvester Callahan RHN Chief Petty Officer, steward for Vice Admiral Shannon Foraker HH10
Kevin Caminetti PN Citizen Lieutenant, Citizen Admiral Esther McQueen's communications officer HH9
Sean Caminetti PRH Private secretary for Oscar Saint-Just. Brother of Citizen Lieutenant Kevin Caminetti HH9
Hugh Candleman SS Citizen Private, StateSec ground trooper aboard PNS Tepes; assigned to watch over RMN "defector" Horace Harkness HH7
James Candless HSG Honor Harrington's second most senior armsman. Took a rear guard post during Honor's extration from special confinement and was killed protecting her aboard PNS Tepes before it was destroyed HH4-HH7
Wallace Canning PRH The People's Republic of Haven's consular representative on Medusa. Demoted to Prole after the Basilisk Incident (i.e., disaster to Havinite plans). After RHN failure at Basilisk, returned in disgrace to Haven and became a core member of the Pierre/Saint-Just conspiracy against the Legislaturalist government HH1, HH3

Caparelli to Castellaño

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Sir Thomas Caparelli RMN Admiral of the Green, First Space Lord of the Royal Manticoran Navy, Knight Grand Cross of the Order of King Roger. Put on half pay by the High Ridge Administration; reinstated as First Space Lord, when the High Ridge Administration resigned
Desc. from HH3, Ch. 11: "...a barrel-chested man with a weight-lifter's torso grafted onto a sprinter's legs. Although he was going just a bit to fat these days, the athlete whose bruising, physical style... ...was still recognizable..."
Capra, Vincent RMN Commodore, Vice Admiral Parks' chief of staff. Recommended a court martial for Pavel Young after the Battle of Hancock Station as a result of the Board of Inquiry HH3, HH4
Cardones, Rafael "Rafe" RMN Formerly assistant tactical officer and later tactical officer aboard HMS heavy cruiser Fearless (CL-56) and it's subsequent replacement Fearless (CA-286), seconded temporarily to ONI for sub rosa project in Silesia, tactical officer aboard HMS Nike, executive officer of HMAMS Wayfarer, all under Honor Harrington. Commander of LAC carrier Werewolf, commander of superdreadnought Imperator as Honor Harrington's flag captain with the rank of Captain (Senior Grade), personally saved from assassination by HH; close personal and official friend of HH.
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 6: "...a tall, dark-haired commander walked through it. He was built on long and lean lines, with a hawk-like nose and a ready smile. The breast of his tunic bore the white-barred blue ribbon of the Order of Gallantry and the red and white ribbon of the Saganami Cross, and, like Honor herself, the blood-red stripe of the Monarch's Thanks marked his right sleeve. He looked decidedly on the young side, even for a prolong recipient, to have acquired two of the Star Kingdom's four top medals for valor...".
HH1, HH3, HH4, HH6, HH8, HH9, HH10, HHA4
Cardot, Alesta ___ Minister of Foreign Affairs, New Tuscany. SI2
Carlson, Frederick RMN Captain, CO, HMS Quentin Saint-James. Sir Aivars Terekhov's flag captain. SI2
Carlucci, Al Erewhon of The Carlucci Industrial Group mentioned in WS02, Ch. 1
Carluchi, Cynthia RMMC Marine Commander at Basilisk Control Station HH8
Carmouche, Tanguy ___ Captain, a fictitious New Tuscan merchant captain portrayed by Oliver Ratté. SI2
Carson, Adrian SS Citizen General, StateSec officer that turned to warlordism after the fall of the People's Republic HH10
(first name unknown)
RMN Tactical officer aboard HMS Troubadour HH2
Carter, Jonathan RMN Rating aboard HMS Minotaur HH8
Carus, Joseph RMN Commander, CO, HMS Javelin; SO, Destroyer Division 265.2. SI2
Warner Caslet PN, GSN Captain, GSN; Citizen Commander, PN. Former Havenite naval officer who defected to Manticore aboard Tepes before it was destroyed. Entered service in the GSN's Protector's Own Squadron. Formerly CO of PNS Vaubon and Citizen Admiral Theisman's operations officer.
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 30: "...Hazel eyes..."
Cassandra SKM Treecat, kitten to Nimitz and Samantha. HH7
Ingemar Cassetti Maya(n)
Maya Sector lieutenant-governor. deceased via brutal assassination
See also: Barregos, Rozsak, Palane and Brosnan.
WS01 & WS02, Ch. 1
(first name unknown)
SKM Lieutenant, Landing City Police Department. Manticoran police officer and Master of the Field during Honor Harrington's duels with Denver Summervale and Pavel Young HH4
Casterlin, Sterling RMN Commander, astrogator, Battlecruiser Squadron 106; later astrogator, 10th Fleet. SI2

Casterlin to Chernov

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Jake Casterlin RMN Commodore; cousin of Sterling Casterlin, known to Adm. Henke, Liberal Party sympathies SI2, Ch. 13
Sterling Casterlin RMN Commander; Adm. Henke's command _(navigator???)_______, more conservative than his cousin Jake SI2, Ch. 8 & Ch. 13
(first name unknown)
RMN Manticoran midshipman and friend of Pavel Young, for whom he covered after Young's attempted rape of Honor Harrington HH3
Sir Simon Chakrabarti RMN Admiral of the Green, First Space Lord during the High Ridge Administration. Resigned office prior to resumption of the War with Haven HH10
Challon, Armand __ Deputy Minister of War, New Tuscany. SI2
Challon, Victor __ a powerful oligarch and politician in the New Tuscany System Parliament. SI2
Challot, Jessica PN Citizen Admiral Javier Giscard's logistics and supply officer HH8
(first name unknown)
- Silesian Governor of the Zoraster system; his connections with slavers were uncovered during Operation Wilberforce HH10
Chandler, Ambrose RMN Commander, Augustus Khumalo's staff intelligence officer. SI2
Chandler, Evelyn RMN Tactical officer and later Executive Officer of HMS Nike, replacing Michelle Henke

Desc. from HH2, Ch. 2: "..."...The diminutive tactical officer's flaming red head didn't reach even to Honor's shoulder, but she had a tough, no-nonsense look to her, and her blue eyes were as firm as her handshake."..."

HH3, HH4
Chang, Liam SLN Rear Admiral, CO, Battlecruiser Squadron 302. SI2
Chapman, ____ Maya
Admiral, Briefly mentioned by Rozsak, Luiz, Rear Admiral in Ch. 1. See also Glenn Horton. WS02
Chase, Julie RMN Lieutenant Commander, CO, HMS Lodestone. SI2
Chatterjee, Ray ("Bear") ?RMN? Commodore, CO, Destroyer Squadron 301; SO, Destroyer Division


Chavez, Meredith PN CO of Task Group 14.3 during Operation Dagger HH5
Cheney, Sid RMMS Chief of Engineering aboard RMMS Artemis HH6
Cheng, Hai-shwun SLN Admiral, CO, Office of Operational Analysis, Solarian League Navy. HH6
Chernock, Seth SS Citizen Major General, StateSec commander for the Shilo Sector, headquartered at Danak. Formerly a sociology professor and longtime friend of Citizen Brigadier General Dennis Tresca. Organized a relief expedition to Cerberus when he became suspicious about what might have happened there. Commanded the Havenite forces during the Battle of Cerberus HH8
Chernevsky, Anastasia __ head of naval research and development, Mesan Alignment. SI2
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Rear Admiral, CO of Task Group 14.1 during Operation Dagger HH5

Chet to Clairdon

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
GR Works for Howard Clinkscales HH5
(first name unknown)
RMN Admiral Higgins's chief of staff HH10
(first name unknown)
RMN Vice Admiral, CO of HMSS Hephaestus HH4
Clarise Childers PN Manticoran attorney, president and senior partner of the firm of Childers, Strauslund, Goldman, and Wu. Practice limited to Hauptmann Cartel matters until seconded by Hauptmann to do work for Honor Harrington. Thereafter, worked to establish ski resorts on the new Duchy of Harrington, etc. HH9, HH10
Genevieve Chin PN Citizen Rear Admiral, Havenite admiral who commanded the initial attack at the Battle of Hancock Station, was rehabilitated and assigned to the Martine Sector, and then given command of an RHN Fleet during the Battle of Manticore (Operation Beatrice) HH3, HH11, HHA4
Chong Chin-ri RHN Commander of a Havenite task force during Operation Thunderbolt HH10
Jacques Chou - Honor Harrington's maternal uncle. A resident of Beowulf and a member of the Society for Creative Anachronism. An old time powder weapon "gun nut" who taught his niece much about the handling of obsolete hand weapons such as the M1911 Mentioned in HH6
Doctor Jennifer Chou - Honor Harrington's maternal grandmother Mentioned in HH7
(first name unknown)
SKM Sir Edward Janáček's personal secretary HH10
David Clairdon GSN Admiral Niall MacDonnell's chief of staff HH10

Clairmont to Clinkscales, Howard

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
PN Legislaturalist naval officer falsely pronounced dead by State Security after Rob Pierre's coup HH8
Clapp, Mitchell RHN Havenite naval officer, an expert on small craft and leading developer for the Republic of Haven's first new-generation LACs at Bolthole HH10
Clarke, Donald Maya
senior economic adviser to (Solarian) Maya Sector Governor Oravil Barregos and effectively the Maya Sector's treasurer.
Appearance (WS02, Ch. 2): black-haired, gray-eyed Clarke
Clausel, Regina SKM Manticoran reporter, operative for the Liberal Party. Regular guest on many political-oriented talk shows HH10
(first name unknown)
SS Citizen Colonel, StateSec officer assigned to incriminate Citizen Admiral McQueen HH9
(first name unknown)
GR Brother of the Church of Humanity Unchained and chaplain of Mayhew Steading HH5
Clifford, Cheryl RMN Petty Officer First-Class, acting quartermaster, HMS Hexapuma. SI2
Clinkscales, Carson GSN Howard Clinkscales' nephew and a Grayson naval officer. Served under Honor Harrington as her flag lieutenant. Incredibly clumsy at first. Captured with Commodore Harrington aboard Prince Adrian and sent to Hades. Served with distinction in the escape from the Tepes. As of HH11, holds the rank of Lieutenant Commander. HH7, HH8
Howard Clinkscales GR Grayson's Minister of Security and First Regent of Harrington Steading. Began his career as armsman for Protector Benjamin's grandfather, later went on to head Planetary Security. CEO of Grayson Sky Domes, Ltd. Died of old age, succeeded as regent by his son Austen. HH2, HH4, HH5, HH7-HH11

Coatsworth to Corell

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
PN Commander of a Havenite reinforcement task force sent to Hancock Station HH3
Jasmine Coatsworth PN? Lieutenant, senior floor nurse SI2, Ch. 2
Johan Coglin PN Captain (Naval Reserve), ship's master of the Q-ship PMMS Sirius destroyed in Basilisk during the attempted Coup de main on Medusa HH1
Coker, Alan SLN Petty Officer2/c, sensor technician, Meyers Astro Control. SI2
Coleman, Theresa, MAN Commander, Frederick chief of staff, Task Force One. SI2
Colenso, Jennifer MAN Admiral, CO, Task Force Two. SI2
(first name unknown)
RMN Captain, CO of HMS Troubadour HH10
Conner, Jerome RMN Captain, CO, HMS Penelope. Senior officer, Battlecruiser Division 106.1. SI2
Connors, Sandra PRH People's Commissioner assigned to Citizen Admiral Alec Dimitri HH9
(first name unknown)
RMN Master Chief Petty Officer, helmsman aboard HMS Nike HH3
Cordwainer, The Hon. Alyce RMN Vice Admiral, Judge Advocate General of the Royal Manticoran Navy HH4
Corell, The Hon. Ernestine RMN Captain (Junior Grade), Rear Admiral Sarnow's chief of staff
Desc. from HH3, Ch. 17: "...fine-boned hand..."

Cortez to Cukor

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Sir Lucien Cortez
(Also spelled Lucian)
RMN Admiral of the Green, Fifth Space Lord of the RMN, i.e. head of the Bureau of Personnel (BuPers)
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 6: ", slightly balding... ...mild brown eyes..."
HH1; HH3; HH6; SI2, Ch. 8
Corvisart, Dame Amandine SKM Special representative from the Manticoran Foreign Office assigned to negotiate settlement with Republic of Monica. SI1
Coulter, Jackson RMN Power tech aboard HMAMS Wayfarer. One of the crew's troublemakers HH6
Courvosier, Raoul RMN Admiral of the Green, considered to be one of the greatest military minds of his time ("cherubic little gnome of a man with a bent for creating demonic tac problems"). Mentor to Honor Harrington, friend and mentor to Admiral Bachfisch. Former tactics instructor of Advanced Tactics at Saganami Island Naval Academy. Later assigned to the Foreign Office. He died when his squadron was ambushed by Alfredo Yu during the First Battle of Yeltsin.
Descr. at HH2, Ch. _- "...level blue eyes, ...cherub face..."
HH1; HH2
Cousins, Fred RMN Lieutenant, comm officer aboard HMAMS Wayfarer HH6
Cramer, Wesley RMN CO, HMS Devastation. SI2
Crandall, Sandra SLN Fleet Admiral, CO, Task Force 496. SI2
Crichton, Jeremiah SKM Military analyst with the Palmer Foundation who attempted to make Pavel Young appear to be the victim in the aftermath of his actions at Hancock Station HH4
Cukor, Olivia RMN Lieutenant (jg), LAC officer aboard HMS Hydra, assigned as senior officer on HMLAC Cutthroat HH9


Dalipagic to D'Arezzo

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Sybil Dalipagic SKM Lieutenant Commander, ACS. Manticoran Astro Control Service officer assigned to the Wormhole Junction Command Center HH10
Adam Damakos SKM Manticoran Liberal member of Parliament, ranking member of the House of Commons' Naval Affairs Committee and brother-in-law to Admiral Simon Chakrabarti HH10
Dances on Clouds SKM Treecat name for Honor Harrington
(first name unknown)
SKM Sergeant, former Manticoran Marine now in the Medusan Native Protection Agency HH1
Danville, Pryce RMN Surgeon Lieutenant, ship's surgeon, HMS Tristram. SI2
(first name unknown)
RMN Admiral, commanding officer of the 18th Battle Squadron HH3
(first name unknown)
PN Havenite commodore who supplies arms to the Citizens' Rights Union prior to the Harris Assassination HH3
Lucy Danvers RMN Admiral. Third Space Lord of the Royal Manticoran Navy and head of the Bureau of Ships (BuShips). Known for her short temper HH1, HH2, HH8
Isaiah Danville MA Commander. Commanding officer of the Masadan LAC MNS Bancroft HH2
Paulo D'Arezzo RMN Midshipman, Royal Manticoran Navy, assigned HMS Hexapuma SI1, SI2

Darlington to DeGeorge

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Da Orta e Diadoro, Jacinta __ Interior Minister, Solarian League. SI2
Dallas, Albert ("Al") RMN Commander, XO, HMS Artemis. SI2
Darlington, Gregor PN Citizen Rear Admiral. Commanding officer of Task Group 12.4.2 during Operation Icarus HH8
Marguerite Daumier RMN Captain, RMN. Commanding officer of the battlecruiser HMS Invincible HH8
(first name unknown)
GSN Captain. Commanding officer of GSNS Ararat HH10
Annette De Chabrol ME XO, Jessyk Combine freighter Marianne. SI1
George De La Sangliere PRH Secretary of Economy of the People's Republic of Haven, appointed to that office following the assassination of his predecessor Walter Frankel HH3
De Sangro,
(first name unknown)
SS Captain. Female StateSec officer (from San Martin) in charge of a brig detail aboard PNS Tepes after Nimitz killed the Major in charge HH7
Judita Debevic TC Leader, Kornatian Social Moderate Party. SI1
(first name unknown)
RHN Captain. Possible commander of a Havenite pod-laying superdreadnought HH10
Sam DeGeorge PN Lieutenant Commander. Purser onboard MNS Thunder of God (aka PNS Saladin) HH2

Dekker to Descours

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Hieronymus Dekker TC Chief factor, Rembrandt Trade Union, Montana System. SI1
Molly DeLaney RHN Captain. Admiral Lester Tourville's chief of staff for Second Fleet HH10
Ellen DeMarco SKM CEO and chief analyst of the brokerage firm DeMarco, Clancy and Jordan. Also a member of the Manticoran Crown Council of Financial Advisors HH10
Erika Dempsey - Chief Operating Officer of the Dempsey Cartel for the past 60 years, " and attractive...", respected by Klaus Hauptman (HH6, Ch. 2). HH6
Kirk Dempsey RMN Tech rating onboard HMAMS Wayfarer. One of Randy Steilman's victims HH6
(first name unknown)
RMN Commander in HMS Werewolf's LAC division and black belt with five knots in Coup de vitesse HH10
Denton, Lewis RMN Lieutenant Commander, CO, HMS Reprise. HH10
Lady Elaine Descroix SKM/ME Manticoran Peer of the Realm and leader of the Progressive Party. Became Foreign Secretary in the coalition government headed by Baron High Ridge. Resigns with the entire High Ridge Cabinet after Operation Thunderbolt and departs for Beowulf having diverted several tens of millions of government funds. An agent of sorts for Mesa / Manpower, who arranged that she would never be called to account or to testify. HH4, HH6, HH9, HH10, HH11
Sir John Descroix SKM Lady Elaine Descroix's dead husband. HH10
Henry Descours PN Citizen Lieutenant HH8

Desjardins to Detweiler

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
RMN Lieutenant. Chief of Flight Instruction at Saganami Island Naval Academy. HH4
DesMoines, John RMN Commander, CO, HMS Roland. "Bear" Chatterjee's flag captain. SI2
Francis DeSoto PN Commander, PN. Rear Admiral Genevieve Chin's operations officer. HH3
Henri Dessouix ? SEE: Henri Benson-Dessouix HH8, Ch. 12 & 22
Albrecht Detweiler ME Chairman and CEO of Manpower Incorporated The apparent Mesan chief executive, is possibly the descendant of Leonard Detweiler (who was a major proponent of genetic engineering and an opponent of the Cherwell Convention.) Possibly the wealthiest individual in the Honerverse.
(See also Benjamin, Collin, Daniel & Everett Detweiler)
HH11; SI1; SI2, Ch. 10
Benjamin Detweiler ME 'Son' of Albrecht Detweiler of Manpower Incorporated; Mesan Alignment director of military affairs. SI2, Ch. 10
Collin Detweiler ME 'Son' of Albrecht Detweiler of Manpower Incorporated; Mesan Alignment director of intelligence operations SI2, Ch. 10
Daniel Detweiler ME 'Son' of Albrecht Detweiler of Manpower Incorporated Openly involved with R&D programs; Mesan Alignment director of nongenetic R&D.. SI2, Ch. 10
Evelina Detweiler ME Albrecht Detweiler's wife; a senior genetic researcher for the Mesan Alignment. SI2, Ch. 10
Everett Detweiler ME 'Son' of Albrecht Detweiler of Manpower Incorporated Openly involved with R&D programs; Mesan Alignment director of genetic R&D. SI2, Ch. 10
Franklin Detweiler ME 'Son' of Albrecht Detweiler of Manpower Incorporated; Mesan Alignment director of political strategy. SI2, Ch. 10
Gervais Detweiler ME 'Son' of Albrecht Detweiler of Manpower Incorporated; Mesan Alignment director of foreign affairs. SI2, Ch. 10

DeWitt to Divkovic

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Augustus DeWitt RMN Commander. HMAMC Scheherazade's executive officer.

Desc. from HH6, Ch. 7: "...he looked competent and confident. He was brown-haired and brown-eyed, but his skin was as dark as Stillman's, with the weathered look that seemed to mark all natives of Gryphon—otherwise known as Manticore-B V. ...but it (Gryphon) seemed to produce a disproportionate number of good officers and NCOs . . . most of whom seemed to feel a moral obligation to keep the sissies who lived on their sister worlds in line...."
(See also: Samuel Houston Webster.)

Oliver Diamato PN Former tactical officer in PNS Schaumberg. Took over command after the death of Schaumberg's Captain Hall and her commissioner during the Second Battle of Hancock Station. After recovery in hospital, reported that the RMN used some new "super LACs" during that battle. His report was discounted for political reasons within much of the PRH Navy's ONI. Later promoted to Citizen Captain and given command of PNS William T. Sherman. After restoration of the Haven Constitution by Admiral Theisman, promoted to Admiral and served during the Battle of Manticore (Operation Beatrice) in a watching brief on the Manticoran Junction. HH8, HH9, HH11
Diego, Wilton RMN Commander; tactical officer for Flag Captain Armstrong, HMS Achilles, Adm. Henke's flagship
("stocky, broad-shouldered commander was as fair-skinned as Lecter and as red-haired as Archer.")
SI2, Ch. 11
(first name unknown)
RMN Commander. HMS Enchanter's executive officer. HH7
Alec Dimitri PN Citizen Admiral. Citizen Admiral Theisman's replacement as commander of the Barnett System. Forced to surrender Barnett to the Manticorans during Operation Buttercup. HH9
Drazen Divkovic TC Cell leader, Freedom Alliance of Kornati. SI1
Juras Divkovic TC Cell leader, Freedom Alliance of Kornati. SI1

Djerdja to Downey

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Darinka Djerdja TC Vuk Rajkovic's personal assistant. SI1
(first name unknown)
SS Citizen Private, SS. StateSec trooper onboard PNS Tepes, killed during Honor Harrington's breakout from imprisonment. HH7
(first name unknown)
RMN Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Merchant Marine. RMMS Artemis ' communications officer. HH6
Randal Donizetti SL Solarian weapons dealer who provides weapons for Masada's Faithful terrorists. Killed by order of Saint-Just after passing the weapons used by the Masadans in the attempt on Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore and Protector Benjamin. HH9
Jessica Dorcett RMN Commander. CO of the destroyer HMS Windsong and senior Manticoran officer in the Adler System following the near-total destruction of Commodore Yeargin's picket force by Citizen Rear Admiral Tourville. HH7
Ellen D'Orville RMN One of the Royal Manticoran Navy's greatest naval heroes. An empty crypt at King Michael's Cathedral in Landing honors her. HH8
Sebastian D'Orville RMN Admiral of the Green. Senior Manticoran naval officer, formerly commander of the Aggressor forces during the Fleet problem exercise prior to HMS Fearless's (CL-56) deployment to Basilisk. Served with great distinction during the first part of the War with Haven. Later placed on half-pay by the High Ridge Administration. Restored to active service and given command of Home Fleet prior to the Battle of Manticore (Operation Beatrice). HH1, HH3, HH6, HH10, HH11
Isaac Douglas KT(?) Cathy Montaigne's "butler". Former Manpower slave. Member of the Audubon Ballroom, and therefore also known as Isaac X CoW, SoS
Angela Downey PRH Citizen Secretary in the Committee of Public Safety. Killed during Citizen Admiral Esther McQueen's coup. HH9

Draskovic to DuMorne

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Josette Draskovic RMN Admiral of the Red. Fifth Space Lord of the Royal Manticoran Navy under the High Ridge government. Headed the Bureau of Personnel (BuPers) and considered one of the RMN's more "political" admirals. Forced out with the resignation of the High Ridge Administration after Operation Thunderbolt. HH10
Arnie Dreyfus RMN Lieutenant Commander, RMN. Executive officer aboard HMS Windsong and another survivor from the Battle of Adler. HH7
(first name unknown)
Manticore Whom the Dreyfus Protocol of the Code Duello is named.
Drewson, Ellis RMN Captain, CO, HMS Kodiak. SI2
W.E.B. Du Havel KT Prime Minister of Torch. Former genetic slave of Manpower Unlimited. Distinguished scholar and political scientist who, despite his hatred of the genetic slave trade and his personal vendetta to fight it in his own way, disagrees with the methods of Jeremy X and the Audubon Ballroom WS01
Patrick DuCain SKM Manticoran journalist and co-host of the political talk show "Into the Fire". Affiliated to the Crown Loyalist Party. HH4
Sarah DuChene RMN Lieutenant Commander, RMN. Astrogator aboard HMS Prince Adrian. Survives Havenite imprisonment and escapes to Hades. Given command of ENS (formerly PNS) Ishtar in the Elysian Space Navy. HH7, HH8
Duchovny, Agafia Denisevna RMN Captain, CO, HMS Horatius . SI2
(first name unknown)
RHN Lieutenant Commander, RHN. CO of the Trojan-class destroyer RHNS Hecate. HH10
Elaine Dumarest PRH The PRH's Secretary of War under the Legislaturalist regime. Ally of Admiral Parnell of Haven Naval Intelligence. HH1, HH3
(first name unknown)
? Lieutenant Commander, unknown service. POW held on Hades. HH8
Stephen DuMorne RMN Lieutenant Commander. HMS Fearless's (CA-286, not CL-56) astrogator. HH2

Dunlevy to Duvalier

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Thomas Dunlevy GR Second ranking Swordmaster on Grayson and Honor Harrington's personal teacher. HH5
Esmerelda Dunne RMN Captain; CO of the Perseus, BattleCruiser in BCS 106. SI2, Ch. 13
Andre DuPre RMN Major, Royal Manticoran Army. Officer in the Queen's Own Regiment. HH4
George DuPres PRH People's Commissioner for Citizen Rear Admiral Meredith Chavez. HH5
Henri DuPres PRH Minor member of the Committee for Public Safety. Killed during Esther McQueen's attempted coup. HH9
Tabitha Dupuy SKM Earl of White Haven's cook HH11
(first name unknown)
PRH Havenite politician and architect of the PRH's plans of conquest (aka the DuQuesne Plan) to avoid economic collapse of the Haven welfare state. Military installations and a superdreadnought class are named after him.
(first name unknown)
RMN RMN engineering rating aboard HMAMS Wayfarer. HH6
Dusserre, Damien _ Minister of security, New Tuscany. SI2
Ted Dutton PN Citizen Lieutenant, PN. Communications officer aboard PNS Vaubon. HH6
Hayne Duvalier ACS Manticoran Astro Control Service officer assigned to Basilisk Control. Subordinate to Captain Michel Reynaud, Manticore Astro-Control Service. HH1


Earhart to Eisenbrei

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Angela Earhart RMN Engineering crewmember aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56, not CA-286). Killed in the destruction of Fusion One during the battle with PMMS Sirius HH1
(last name unknown)
SKM Personal servant to Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore and Prince Consort Justin Zyrr-Winton HH9
(first name unknown)
GSN Captain, CO of GNS Magnificent HH5
Edwards, William ("Bill") RMN Lieutenant Commander, communications officer, Battlecruiser Squadron 106; later communications officer, 10th Fleet. Previously unknown to Henke before being under her command. Young of age, "just finished a stint with BuWeaps as one of Admiral Hemphill's assistants." SI2, Ch. 8
John Edwards PN Citizen Commander, tactical officer aboard PNS Kerebin HH6
Sir Roland T. Edwards RMN Captain of a convoy escort during a naval exercise HH3
Zeno Egervary ME Security Officer/Tactical Officer, Jessyk Combine freighter Marianne. Fired the shots that destroyed the pinnacle piloted by Midshipwoman Ragnhild Pavletic and was in turn killed by his CO Duan Binyan, who feared RMN retribution. SI1
Ulrike Eichbauer SOL Major, Solarian Gendarmerie. Brigadier Yucel's chief intelligence officer. SI1
Magnus Einarsson TC Captain, Nuncio Space Force. CO, NSS Wolverine. SI1
Anita Eisenberg RHN Lieutenant, Admiral Giscard's staff communications officer HH10
(first name unknown)
RMN Lieutenant, female officer assigned to HMS Gryphon HH3

Eisley to Evans

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
RMN Engineering rating onboard HMAMS Wayfarer HH6
(first name unknown)
Manticore Whom the Ellington Protocol of the Code Duello is named after.
Elliot SKM Chief speech writer for the 10th and 11th Earls of North Hollow HH4
(first name unknown)
RMN Commander, CO of the destroyer HMS Linnet HH6
(first name unknown)
RMN Captain, CO of HMS Royalist HH10
Ellis, Roberta RMN Lieutenant Commander, former CO of the destroyer HMS Plain Song. Captured and sent to Hades HH8
Engelmann, Binyan IAN Korvettenkapitän, IANS Gangying's executive officer HH10
Epstein, Jessica _ Lieutenant Commander, senior tracking officer, Perimeter Security Command, Manticore Binary System. SI2
(first name unknown)
PRH One of Hereditary President Sidney Harris' bodyguards HH3
(first name unknown)
SS StateSec Naval officer in charge of the boat bay in PNS Krashnark. Killed while attempting to repel boarders HH8
(first name unknown)
PN Male petty officer in service aboard the Masadan battlecruiser MNS Thunder of God (aka PNS Saladin) HH2
(first name unknown)
RHN Admiral who commanded the attack on the Tequila System during Operation Thunderbolt HH10


Falco to Ferguson

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Fabre, Martina Mesan Senior member of the Long-Range Planning Board
"...the silver-haired geneticist (who had to be at least a hundred and ten, standard...)"
WS02, Ch. 6+
(first name unknown)
SKM Manticoran ambassador to Masada HHA4
Kurt Fallon SS Citizen Sergeant assigned to the security detachment at the Havenite embassy on Earth. Killed by Victor Cachat HHA3
(first name unknown)
RMN Senior Chief Petty Officer, Bosun (=senior non-commissioned officer) aboard HMS Nike HH3
(first name unknown)
RMN Commander, CO of the destroyer HMS Attack HH3
Wanda Farley PRH Secretary of Technology of the People's Republic of Haven. Killed during Admiral McQueen's coup HH9, HHA3
Farragut GR Treecat. One of the "clan" of treecats that migrated to Grayson with Nimitz and Samantha. Became the first treecat to adopt a Grayson, Miranda LaFollet. HH7-HH10
Solomon Farrow - Masadan national and pilot of the slaver Felicia III WS01
Susan "Sue" Fawcett PN Citizen Rear Admiral assigned to Twelfth Fleet HH9
(first name unknown)
RMN(?) Lieutenant, electronics specialist aboard the Pirate's Bane HH10
Fernandez, Kyle RMN Lieutenant Commander, communications officer, HMS Artemis . SI2

Ferrero to Flairty

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Erica Ferrero RMN Captain, CO of the heavy cruiser HMS Jessica Epps HH10
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Captain, CO of PNS Voyager and flag captain to Citizen Commodore Yang HH8
(first name unknown)
SS Citizen Corporal, shuttle crewman assigned to the StateSec garrison on Hades HH8
Filareta, Massimo SLN Fleet Admiral, CO, Task Force 891. SI2
"Firebrand" ?? See Damien Harahap SI1
Fisher (Swift Striker) SKM Treecat, hunter of the Laughing River Clan. Bonded with Dr. Scott MacDellan. Saved McDallan's life at first encounter when McDallan fell on some rocks, concussed, and nearly drowned. Assisted in bringing murder of three men in an aircar accident and with killing the person responsible. One of the first treecat human bonds, only a few months after Stephanie Harrington's discovery. Story: The stray HHA2
Lord William Allen Hillman Fitzclarence GR Lord Burdette, Steadholder of Burdette Steading on Grayson and a leader of the extreme conservatives opposed to Protector Benjamin's reforms. Conspired with Steadholder Mueller and others to ruin Grayson Sky Domes, Ltd. by means of sabotage during construction of a school dome in Mueller Steading. Ordered the attempted murder of Honor Harrington by missile attack on her shuttle at Harrington Field. Resulted in the death of Reverend Hanks among others. Killed during a sword duel between the Protector's Champion (HH) on planet wide broadcast from the Council of Steadholders Chamber HH5
FitzGerald, Ansten RMN Commander, executive officer aboard the heavy cruiser HMS Hexapuma SI1, SI2
Lord Akahito Fitzpatrick SKM Duke of Gray Water, Manticoran peer of the realm and a close political associate of Baron High Ridge. Cousin of Admiral Chakrabarti HH10
(first name unknown)
- Masadan mercenary and a member of Gideon Templeton's band. Killed by Victor Cachat during interrogation aboard Wages of Sin WS01

Flanagan to Fontein

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Flanagan, Ian RMN Senior Chief Petty Officer, Bosun aboard HMS War Maiden HHA3
Flanagan, Sarah RMN Lieutenant Commander, CO of HMLAC Switchblade HH10
(first name unknown)
RMMC Major, deputy commander of the Marine contingent aboard HMS Nike HH3
Flanders, Hannah SS Citizen Private assigned to the People's Tower security detachment. Killed during Admiral McQueen's coup HHA3
Fleet Wind - Treecat of the Bright Water Clan, around the time of first contact between treecats and humans. HHA1
(first name unknown)
SKM Tourist at the time of the Attica Avalanche HHA2
(first name unknown)
- Solarian League liaison officer on Air HHA1
Flynn, Sheila MAN Commander, chief of staff, Task Group 1.1. SI2
Fontein, Erasmus SS Citizen General, Senior State Security officer assigned as People's Commissioner to Admiral Esther McQueen. Present with the Admiral while she put down the Leveler Revolt. Died with the Admiral when a nuclear device detonated under the Octagon HH5, HH7-HH9, HHA1, HHA3
Fonzarelli, Vincenzo RMN Lieutenant, chief engineer, HMS Tristram. SI2

Foraker to Fraser

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Shannon Foraker RHN Vice Admiral, Head of Research and Development for the Havenite Navy. Previously served as tactical officer aboard PNS Vaubon under Citizen Commander Warner Caslet, and as operations officer on the staff of Citizen Admiral Lester Tourville. Single-handedly engineered the destruction of two StateSec naval squadrons. Reputed to have been a single-minded "techno-nerd" and "tac witch" during her early career for her considerable technical prowess. Perhaps most famous for 'Oops!' comment. HH5-HH10
Foreman, Clement MAN Commander, operations officer, Task Group 1.1. SI2
(first name unknown)
GR Captain, Grayson Planetary Security and head of Protector Benjamin's personal security detail. Died defending the Protector during the Maccabean assassination attempt HH2
Harrison Fraiser PN Citizen Lieutenant, communications officer aboard the battlecruiser PNS Count Tilly HH7, HH9
Frank, Jeremy Maya
Governor Barregos' senior aide WS02, Ch. 2
Walter Frankel PRH Secretary of Economy of the People's Republic during President Harris' administration. Murdered by a radical after merely suggesting reductions in the Basic Living Stipend HH1, HH3
George Franklin - "Marine Major" aboard the Predator HHA4
(first name unknown)
RMMC Private, member of the Marine detachment aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56) HH1
Ernst Franks - Admiral, senior officer in the Masadan Navy HH2
Lady Deborah Fraser SKM Countess, Manticoran ambassador to Erewhon during the High Ridge government. Cousin to both Baron High Ridge and Captain Michael Oversteegen, and considered by the latter to be a not only a cretin, but brainless WS01

Freemantle to Fulbright

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Freemantle, (first name unknown) RMN Lieutenant, pinnace pilot assigned to HMS Broadsword HHA2
Freisner, (first name unknown) RMN Admiral, Commander of the Manticoran forces assigned to the Gregor system HH6
George Fremont SKM Manticoran Deputy Commissioner for Planetary Affairs on Medusa HH1
Charles Froidan PRH Havenite political activist and leader of the Zeroists, a radical faction which advocates the complete abolition of money HH7
Margaret Fuchien RMMS Captain of the Hauptman Lines passenger vessel RMMS Artemis HH6, Ch. 24+
Jack Fuentes - Member of Erewhon's de facto ruling triumvirate
(See also: Alessandra Havlicek, Thomas Hall, Walter Imbesi.)
WS01, WS02
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Captain, CO of the battlecruiser PNS Yavuz HH8
(first name unknown)
RMN Captain, CO of HMS Incubus HH10


Gaines to Genda

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Gaines, Heinrich O. RMN Lieutenant, Senior Officer on HMSS Seaford Nine HH8
Garcia, Jane RMSN Rear Admiral, senior officer, Monica Traffic Control. SI2
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Major, returned with Citizen Vice Admiral Lester Tourville from Hades HH8
(first name unknown)
RMN Chief Petty Officer, former superior to Aubrey Wanderman, HMAMS Wayfarer HH6
Garner, Marti - lieutenant, Biological Survey Corps, ____________ She served as Hugh Arai's executive officer See also Hugh Arai, Haruka Takano WS02
Garret, Leon GSN Admiral. After High Admiral Yanakov's death, L.G. was temporarily in charge of the Grayson Space Navy, until the promotion of Commodore Matthews to Admiral in charge of Grayson's mobile forces.

Desc. from HH2, Ch. 22: "... a craggy-faced man whose hooded eyes..."

(first name unknown)
RMN Captain, senior simulation programer for ATC HH9
(first name unknown)
GR Grayson Steadholder. One of the 5 keys, prior to the Grayson Civil War HH5
Gaunt, Richard RMN Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. XO, HMS Hercules. SI1
Gazi, Andrija TC Chairman, Kornatian parliamentary Special Committee on Annexation. SI1
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Corporal, aboard the shuttle which is captured by HH on Hades HH8
Gearman, Michael RMN Lieutenant, engineer aboard HMS Minotaur Killed in battle. HH8
Genda SKM crewmember of Hauptman Lines freighter Bonaventure HH6

Georgides to Gisborne

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Aristophones Georgides SKM Admiral of space port Vulcan HH6
Adam Gerrick GR Designer of the skydome on Grayson, Chief Engineer of Grayson Sky Domes, Ltd. HH4, HH5, HH7
(first name unknown)
RMN petty officer; Andromeda's number one pinnace SI2, Ch. 7
Arnold Giancola RH Secretary of State, former Dolist Manager, chief contender for the Presidency. Killed by a drunk driver HH10, HH11
Jason Giancola RH Senator, brother to Arnold Giancola. Killed by a drunk driver HH11
Lady Gifford,
(first name unknown)
SKM Manticoran Peer HH9
Taylor Gillespie RMN Commander, HMS Prince Adrian's executive officer HH7
Kerry Gilley RMN Lieutenant (jg), LAC Cutthroat's astrogator HH10
(first name unknown)
RMN Male Midshipman from Alizon, student in HH's class HH9
(first name unknown)
PN (Male) Admiral, shot for losing Trevor's Star HH7
Claude Gisborne SS Citizen General, ex-Marine, one of the commanders of the ground forces that should investigate the situation on Hades HH8

Giscard to Gower

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Javier Giscard RH Citizen Admiral PN; Admiral, RH; assigned to commerce raiding (HH5), High Admiral of the RH. Commanded fleets just before the ceasefire between PRH and SKM, during McQueen's offensive before White Haven nearly won the war militarily before being leased by the cease-fire, and at the beginning of the restoration of hostilities. Assigned Eloise Pritchart as a People's Commissioner, but became her lover and co-conspirator against PRH HH5, HH6, HH8, HH10, HH11
Cal Giuliani RMN Ensign, coxswain aboard the LAC Switchblade HH10
(first name unknown)
GR Admiral (Grayson fleet) HH10
Patricia Givens RMN Vice Admiral of the Green, Second Space Lord, Member of the Weapons Development Board, Director of ONI
HH9, Ch. 19:Not only was she, as head of the Office of Naval Intelligence, the officer specifically charged with providing the data Caparelli needed, she was also Second Space Lord. In the event that anything happened to him, it would be her job to make decisions until the civilians got around to appointing a new First Space Lord
Desc. from HH3, Ch. 23: "...brown hair..."
HH3; HH7; HH8?; HH9, Ch. 19; HH10?; HH11; HHA4; WS01; SI1; SI2, Ch. 8
Huang Glockauer IANS Kapitän der Sterne, CO of heavy cruiser IANS Gangying HH10
Cynthia Gonsalves GSN Rear Admiral, commander of Admiral Brentworth's First Battlecruiser Squadron, former POW on Hades HH8-HH11
Craig "Wraith" Goodrick RMN Captain (Senior Grade), Admiral Truman's chief of staff HH10, HH11
Gold Peak, Admiral _ see: Henke, Michelle. SI2
Gold Peak, Countess _ see: Henke, Michelle. SI2
Gortz, Guangfu IAN (Male) Kapitän der Sternen, CO of IANS Hellbarde HH10
Goulard, Rochelle ("Roxy") RMN Commander, CO, HMS Kay . SI2
(first name unknown)
RMN (Male) Lieutenant, Jason Ackenheil's com officer aboard HMS LaFroye HH10

Gozzi to Gregory

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Marius Gozzi RN Captain, chief of staff under Admiral Javier Giscard HH10, HH11
Vesna Grabovac TC Kornatian Secretary of the Treasury. SI1
Alyson Granston-Henley RMN Lady, Captain (Junior Grade), Admiral White Haven's chief of staff HH8, HH9
Sampson Grant GSN Captain, Chief of Staff to Alfredo Yu HH10
(Baron Grantville) - See Prime Minister William Alexander -
Amanda Graveson PN Citizen Admiral, commander of Capital Fleet, replaced by Admiral Thomas Theisman, who saved her from being executed by Oscar Saint-Just HH9, HHA3
Oliver Gray RMMC Colonel, Royal Manticoran Marines. CO, Marine battalion assigned to Dame Estelle Matsuko. HH1, SI1, HH11
(first name unknown)
RMN Admiral HH7
Thomas Greentree GSN Captain, CO of GNS Jason Alvarez, Captain of the ship 'the Harrington' that returned HH to Grayson at beginning of HH9, HH's flagship for squadron 18 HH7, HH9, Ch. 2+
Stan Gregory RH Secretary of Urban Affairs HH10, HH11

Griggs to Gutierrez

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Griggs, Ahmed SKM Member of the Queen's own. Killed on assignment. Received the Adrienne Cross. CoS
Grimm, Stephania ex-RMN Admiral; current commanding officer of the Junction ACS SI2, Ch. 12
Griswold, Hector PN Citizen Captain, CO of PNS Citizen Admiral Tascosa HH8
Groenewold, John "BJ" PN Citizen Vice Admiral, member of Twelfth Fleet's senior command team, replacing Citizen Vice Admiral Shallus HH9
Groenhuijen, Arjan TC Captain, Rembrandt System Navy. SI1
de Groot, Agnes RHN Vice Admiral, commander of the Havenite task force sent to attack the Tequila System during Operation Thunderbolt HH10
Grosclaude, Yves RH Havenite ambassador to the Star Kingdom HH10, HH11
Gruber, Jinchu - Commander, executive officer aboard Pirate's Bane HH10
(first name unknown)
IAN Kapitän, flag captain of Herzog Rabenstrange HH6
Guédon, Josette NTN Admiral, chief of naval operations, New Tuscan Navy. SI2
Gutierrez, Mateo OSG Lieutenant, Owens Steadholder's Guard. Abigail Hearns personal armsman. SI1, SI2
Gyulay, Shona _ Prime Minister, Solarian League. SI2


Hagen to Hamer

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Habib, Edie Maya
Captain, Chief of Staff to Rear Admiral Luiz Rozsak. WS02, Ch. 2
(probably WS01 as well)
Haftner, Abednego _ Henri Krietzmann's chief of staff. SI2
(first name unknown)
SC Governor of the planet Walter in the Silesian Confederacy HH6
Haggerston, Trevor RMN Commander of the Erewhon Navy, Eighth Fleet ops officer HH8, HH9
Haines, Jasmine PRH The Schiller System trade attaché HH6
Hairston, Roberta SC Lieutenant, tac officer of Pirates' Bane HH10
(first name unknown)
RMN Senior Chief Petty Officer, died on Hades HH7, HH8
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Commissioner of Citizen Commodore Gianna Ryan, PNS Rene d'Aiguillon HH9
Hall, Joanne PN Citizen Captain, Oliver Diamato's mentor, and hero. Killed in battle HH8
Hall, Thomas - Member of Erewhon's de facto ruling triumvirate
(See also: Jack Fuentes, Alessandra Havlicek, Walter Imbesi.)
WS01, WS02
(first name unknown)
SKM Brigadier, CO of the King's Own Regiment of the Royal Army HHA2
Lewis Hallowell RMMC Battalion Sergeant Major, senior noncom aboard HMAMS Wayfarer.
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 23: "...a giant in a faded sweat suit. The black-haired, dark-eyed man stood at least two meters tall, and heavy eyebrows seemed to meet across the bridge of his nose. His face was darkly weathered, his shoulders were preposterously broad, and his hairy hands looked like cargo grapples, but he moved with a sort of lazy grace which looked out of place in such a big man. ...Like the Bosun, the giant had a distinct Gryphon accent, and his voice was even deeper than the senior chief's. It was also soft, almost gentle, as if its owner seldom needed to raise it... Hallowell grinned. It made his dark, weathered face look suddenly like a mischievous little boy's..."Desc. from HH6, Ch. 28: "...Tall as the Captain was, the Marine was ten centimeters taller, and Aubrey knew from painful experience just how fast he could be..."
(first name unknown)
RMN Captain; Manned simulator for 'Apollo', briefed Adm. Henke SI2, Ch. 12
Halstead, Raymond RMN Captain, one of Project Apollo's project officers. SI2
Hamer, Ira PN Citizen Commander, executive officer aboard PNS Schaumberg. Killed in battle HH8

Hammitt to Harahap

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Hammitt, Trixie ACS Admiral Reynaud's secretary aboard HMSS Hephaestus HH10
(first name unknown)
RMN Crew member aboard HMAMS Wayfarer HH6
Hammond, Denise RMMC Captain, senior officer of the assault force boarding the solarian merchant ship Wayfarer HH10
(first name unknown)
RMN Female Rear Admiral. HH8
Hanks, Julius GR Reverend, 1st Elder of the Church of Humanity Unchained. Killed in an assassination attempt on HH HH2, HH5
Hanriot, Rachel RH Secretary of the Treasury HH10, HH11
(first name unknown)
RMN Lieutenant, Fusion One Damage Control, HMAMS Wayfarer HH6
Harahap, Damien OFS (aka Firebrand) Captain, Solarian Gendamerie. Assigned to a top secret assignment under the joint authority of Manpower director Aldona Anisimovna, Jessyk Combine director Isabela Bardasano, and OFS commissioner Lorcan Verrochio. His role in the operation was to coordinate with, and supply terrorist and resistance factions on Kornati and Montana in an effort to stonewall the SKM annexation of the Talbott Cluster and the Lynx Terminus.
A former officer of the Solarian League Gendarmerie now working for Valery Ottweiler.
SI1, SI2

Harding to Harper

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
RMN Captain, psychologist in BuMed HH3
Samuel Marchant Harding GR (aka Lawrence Maguire) Saboteur and employee of Grayson Sky Domes Ltd. HH5
Helen Harken PN Citizen Captain, CO of PNS Rapier HH8
Sir Horace Harkness RMN Chief Warrant Officer, recipient of the PMV for his work on Tepes assisting the Manticoran party to escape undetected to the surface of Hades. Married to Iris Babcock. Specialist in flight ops after meeting Ensign Tremaine. Mentored Prescott Tremaine and Aubrey Wanderman. Formerly a long serving non-com with a spotty record for brawling with Marines and a number of less than above concerning smuggling and such. Now reformed (more or less) HH1, HH6-HH12
Jacquelyn "Jackie" Harmon RMN Senior LAC commander on Wayfarer; COLAC (Commanding Officer, LACs) on Minotaur. Developed, with Admiral Alice Truman and assistance from HH and Scotty Tremaine, among others, most of the operational doctrine that made SKM's new LACs so effective. Killed in battle. HH6, HH8
Leona Harpe RMN Bosun, of the destroyer HMS L'Imperieuse. She was the ranking member of thirty-seven survivors of an attack in Solarian League space by a Peep heavy-cruiser. With the aid of retired RMN ensign Sir Hakon Nessler, she and the survivors crewed the Melungeon light-cruiser Colonel Araby, rechristened the HMS Ajax, and tracked down and destroyed the PNS Rienzi. HHA1
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Captain HH8
Lord Theodore Harper SKM Planetary Grand Duke of Manticore HH10

Harrington, Dr. Alfred to Harrington, Stephanie

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Dr. Alfred Harrington GR Surgeon Commander (Ret.). HH's father, graduate of Semmelweiss University, former assistant medical chief of RMN Basington Medical Center. Neurosurgeon in private practice after leaving the RMN. Husband of Allison Harrington. HH2, HH7, HH8, HH11
Dr. Allison Benton-Ramirez y Chou Harrington GR Native of Beowulf, geneticist. Member of the most illustrious Beowulfian medical dynasty. a direct ancestor signed the Cherwell Convention and several worked on Old Earth to alleviate the damage caused by the Final War with the Ukrainian 'supermen'. Mother of Honor, Faith, and Jason Harrington, wife of Alfred Harrington. A social bomb thrower, especlally with regard to stodgy social and cultural systems. HH2, HH4, HH7, HH8, HH9, HH11
Faith Katherine Honor Stephanie Miranda Harrington GR HH's younger sister. Briefly Steadholder Harrington, during the time Honor was believed dead. Elder twin of James Harrington. HH8, HH10, HH11
Lord Devon Harrington SKM Second Earl Harrington, HH's first cousin. Historian. Succeeded to the title after HH's "execution" by PRH. Retained it after her return from Hades HH8, HH9
Lady Dame Honor Stephanie Alexander-Harrington RMN; GSN Duchess of Harrington (Gryphon), Steadholder Harrington (Grayson). Recipient of the Parliamentary Medal of Valor (HH10), Monarch's Thanks (HH3, HH11); first and only female recipient of the Star of Grayson (HH2), only the second ever to be awarded it twice. Knight Grand Cross of the Order of King Roger (HH11), Captain of HMS Unconquered (HH11). First female member, and second ranking officer, of the Grayson Navy. Admiral of the Red and Commander of RMN Eighth Fleet. Fleet Admiral of the GSN, Commander of the Protector's Own. Wife to Hamish Alexander-Harrington and Emily Alexander-Harrington of White Haven, Manticore. Mother of two. HH1-HH11
James Andrew Benjamin Harrington GR HH's younger brother. Faith Harrington's twin. HH8, HH10, HH11
Stephanie Harrington SKM HH's ancestress. Discovered treecats. First human to bond with a treecat, Lionheart (Climbs Quickly of Bright Water Clan). Only human ever to survive an encounter with a hexapuma armed only with a vibroknife. Youngest human ever to discover an intelligent species. Effective founder of the Sphinx Forestry Service. Drafted the 9th Amendment to the SKM Constitution. HHA2

Harris to Haughton

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
SS Female Citizen Major General. Died of brain hemorrage. Unrelated to Legislaturist Harris clan. HH8
Shawn Harris RMN Lieutenant Commander, HMMS Jessica Epps tactical officer. Killed in battle. HH10
(first name unknown)
RMN HMAMS Wayfarer HH6
Sidney Harris - Sidney Harris was the Hereditary President of the People's Republic of Haven. He, along with most of his government, was assassinated on President's Day in 1905 P.D. in a coup d'etat coordinated and executed by Rob S. Pierre, Oscar Saint-Just, and Cordelia Ransom. A group of naval shuttles dropped four five-thousand-kilo precision guided warheads onto the People's Palace where almost every member of the Legislaturalist class had gathered to celebrate Sidney Harris's birthday. Father of three. HH1, HH3
(first name unknown)
Harrison, Dwayne RMN Commander, tactical officer, battlecruiser HMS Ajax . SI2
(first name unknown)
SC Warnecke's pirate navy; personal pilot for Warnecke HH10
(first name unknown)
RMN Commandant at Saganami Island Naval Academy HH1
Jason Haskins GSN Captain Isaiah MacKenzie's skipper HH9
Megan Hathaway PN Theisman's chief of staff HH5, HH7
Haughton, John RMN Executive Officer, HMS Minotaur. Native of Gryphon HH8

Hauptman to Haynesworth

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Eric Hauptman SKM father of Klaus Hauptman. President and CEO of the Hauptman Cartel HH1.
Klaus Hauptman SKM CEO of the Hauptman Cartel. Wealthiest man in Star Kingdom of Manticore. Early opponent of HH, later supporter of HH.

Desc. from HH1, Ch._: ... The voice was... a deep, rolling baritone too velvety to be real. ...the blue eyes were hard in that too-handsome face.... Desc. from HH6, Ch.1: ...dark-haired man with the dramatically white sideburns and bulldog jaw...

HH1, HH6, HH10, HH11.
Stacey Hauptman SKM Klaus Hauptman's daughter, and his assistant in the administration of the Hauptmann Cartel. Owner of the Landing Tattler HH6, HH10, HH11.
(first name unknown)
IAN Commander, intelligence officer HH6
Alessandra Havlicek - Member of Erewhon's de facto ruling triumvirate
(See also: Jack Fuentes, Thomas Hall, Walter Imbesi.)
Spencer Hawke HSG personal armsman to Honor Harrington HH10, HH11
Solomon Hayes SKM writer of a gossip column for the Landing Tattler. Now dismissed HH10, HH11
(first name unknown)
SS cell guard aboard the PNS Tepes; deceased HH7
(first name unknown)
RMN Bad Penny's EW officer HH9 (?)
Haynesworth ACS Admiral HH10

Hearns to Helpern

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Hearns, Lord Aaron GR Steadholder Owens, father of Abigail Hearns, GSN HH9
Hearns, Abigail GSN/RMN Lieutenant (Senior-Grade). Daughter of Aaron Hearns, Steadholder Owens. Second native female in the Grayson Space Navy, first to attend the RMN Academy at Saganami Island; HH's protégé HH9, HHA4, SI1
Hearns, Abigail GSN Lieutenant, Miss Owens. Assistant tactical officer, HMS Hexapuma . Later tactical officer, HMS Tristram. SI2
Heathrow, Edgar PNS Citizen Lieutenant Commander PNS courier boat HH8
Hegedusic, Isidor MO Admiral, Monican Navy. CO Eroica Station and designated CO battlecruiser strike force. Killed during the Manticoran attack on Eroica Station. SI1
Hedges, William RMN Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Marines. CO, 2nd Platoon, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma. Killed aboard the pinnacle piloted by Midshipwoman Ragnhild Pavletic when they were fired upon by the Jessyk Combine Freighter Marianne. SI1
Heemskerk, Alasdair PN/SS HH9
(first name unknown)
RMN HMS Majestic communication officer
(first name unknown)
SS Citizen Commodore HH9, HHA3
(first name unknown)

Hemphill to Hernando

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Sonja Hemphill RMN Admiral of the Green. Nicknamed "Horrible Hemphill"; leading spokesperson of the jeune ecole strategy and tactics faction in RMN. Formerly chairwoman of the Weapons Development Board; former member of ONI; member of the Court Martial for RMN Captain Lord Pavel Young. Became Fourth Space Lord (head of BuWeaps) in the White Haven Admiralty. Baroness Low Delhi in most recent novel, Mission of Honor. HH4
(first name unknown)
- Manticoran Ambassador to Old Earth around the time of HH's escape from Hades. Member of the Conservative Association. HHA3
Lady Caitrin Winton-Henke SKM Dowager Duchess of Gold Peak; younger sister of King Roger (deceased); Queen Elizabeth's and Prince Michael's aunt. Married Earl Gold Peak (deceased); mother of Michelle and Calvin Henke (deceased). HHA3, HH9, HH11
Lord Calvin Henke SKM Eldest son of Earl of Gold Peak and Caitrin Winton-Henke, and brother of Michelle Henke. Assassinated HHA3, HH9
Lady Michelle Henke RMN Queen Elizabeth's first cousin. Countess of Gold Peak after father and brother's assassination, HH's room mate at the RMN Academy, XO of Nike; captain of HMS Agni; Rear Admiral of the Red and Battlecruiser squadron commander in 8th Fleet; Briefly a Haven POW HH3, HH4, HH8-HH11
Henke, Gloria Michelle Samantha Evelyn, Countess Gold Peak RMN Vice Admiral, CO 10th Fleet; Elizabeth Winton's first cousin; fifth in succession for the throne of Manticore. SI2
Henke, Gloria Michelle Samantha Evelyn, Countess Gold Peak RMN Rear Admiral, CO, battlecruiser squadron 81. Later vice admiral. SI2
Henke's other officers RMN Captain Conner, Commodore Onasis, Commander Houseman and Commander McIver.
Dominica, and Commander Dallas and Commander Diego
SI2, Ch. 13
Roland Henneman PRH/RH former employee of Public Information under the CPS HH11
(first name unknown)
RMN Vice Admiral. Replaced at Seaford 9 by Admiral Santino. HH9, HH9
Alfred Henries RMN Admiral, knight HH5
(first name unknown)
PN Commander HH5
(first name unknown)
Masada Commander of MNS Scheherezade HH6

Herrick to Hill

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
PN PNS Kerebin HH6
Anson Hewitt RMN Rear Admiral, CO of Sidemore station, replaced by HH HH10
(first name unknown)
SC Governor in Brennan System HH10
Susan Hibson RMMC Survivor of Gryphon Avalanche; Became a Royal Marine, went to OCS and became an officer. Served with Honor Harrington several times.
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 23: "...The major was a little bitty thing, less than half the size of her opponent, but she was built for speed, and for all her small size, she appeared to have been assembled from leftover battle armor parts..."
HHA2, HH2, HH4, HH6
(first name unknown)
GR Corporal, one of Steadholder Mueller's armsmen HH9
(first name unknown)
RMN Admiral. CO of Grendelsbane depot. Forced to destroy the Yards, and all ships docked, mothballed, or under construction, when the Haven War resumed with Operation Thunderbolt and an overwhelming RH task force attacked HH10
Lord Hightower,
(first name unknown)
SKM Baron. Dame Estelle's predecessor on Medusa HH1
Lord Gray Hill,
(first name unknown)
SKM Earl HH1
(first name unknown)
HSG Colonel, later Brigadier General; CO of the Harrington Steadholder's Guard SI2, Ch. 7
Tanith Hill RMN Bureau of Training HH8

Hines to Holtz

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Judson Hines GSN Lieutenant, CO of GNS Intrepid HH9
Hipper Treecat in Nimitz's immigrant clan, named for a wet navy admiral, Old Earth. Adopted Rachel Mayhew. HH8, HH9
Avram Hiroshio RMN tech on HMAMS Wayfarer HH6
Sanura Hobbard SL Xenobiologist. Came to SKM when the treecats were discovered. Learned little about them as the 'cats had made a decision not to cooperate, and those humans who had bonded with a cat were playing dumb HH9, HHA2
Bryce Hodgkins RMN Rear Admiral of the Green
(One of the watch commanders in "the Pit".)
HH9, Ch. 19
Hoffner IAN Kapitan Lieutenant HH10
Gregor Hofschulte Andermani Marines Attempted assassination of Prince Huang of the Anderman Royal family. Succeeded in killing one of Huang's children. Killed during the attempt, which was never satisfactorily explained. Believed much later to have been under the control of Mesa. Assassination attempt resulted in the Imperial decree that no armed person ever be allowed in the same room as a member of the Royal family HH10
George Holderman RMN Rear Admiral of the Green HH8
(first name unknown)
RMN SBAs charged down it with Lieutenant Holmes running at their head HH6
Stephen Holtz PN PNS Achmed's CO HH6

Honeker to Howard

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Honeker, Everard SS/RH Admiral Lester Tourville's People's Commissioner. HH7, HH8 & HH9
Hongbo Junyan OFS Vice Commissioner; Office of Frontier Security, associated with Lorcan Verrochio SI2, Ch. 16
Hood Treecat in Nimitz' emigrant clan on Grayson. HH7
Hooja, Arswendo RMN HMS Harvest Joy's chief engineer HH10
(first name unknown)
Horn, Alexandra RMN Commander; Formerly HMS Ajax's executive officer, then ship's commanding officer.
(a stocky, short-haired, gray-eyed brunette)
SI2, Ch. 2
(first name unknown)
Falsely pronounced dead by CPS/SS of PRH HH8
Horton, Glenn Maya
Briefly mentioned by Rozsak, Luiz, Rear Admiral in Ch. 1. See also (Admiral) Chapman. WS02
(first name unknown)
PN PNS Vaubon, keeps diary. Captured by Weyfarer HH6
Jacqueline Houseman SKM Sister of Reginald Houseman HH10
Reginald Houseman RMN A leading theorist of the Liberal Party; not a friend of the military. In HH2, second in command of Raoul Courvosier's diplomatic mission to Grayson. Later served as Second Space Lord during the High Ridge Government, in charge of financial build-down of the RMN. HH2, HH10
Irene Howard PN Citizen Ensign courier boat HH8
Eddie Howard HSG died aboard HMAMS Wayfarer HH6

Howell to Hurston

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Ambrose Howell - reporter, Yawata Crossing Dispatch
Joan Huertes - Interstellar News anchor for the Haven Sector HH8, HH9
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Commander. HH8
Huggins MA Senior Elder in the Church of Humanity Unchained on Masada prior to its conquest by the SKM after the second attack on Grayson. HH2, HHA4
Caroline Hughes RMN Captain of HMS Majestic HH10
Jennifer Hughes HH6
(Samuel in Ch. 12; Steve in Ch. 28.)
GR Armsman sergeant for Steadholder Mueller, actually working undercover for Sword Intelligence. Murdered by Masadan agents HH10, Ch's. 12 & 28
Christina 'Chris' Hurlman SKM Keel plate owner and XO of Hauptman Lines freighter Bonaventure. Captured by pirates, rescued by PNS, and repatriated, after PNS cruiser captured by HMAMS Wayfarer under HH command HH6
Albert Hurston Commander, Helmsport Navy (conquered by Haven). Former prisoner of Hades. Served on courts-martial of Hades staff. HH8


Illyushin to Ito

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Ed Illyushin RMN Crew member aboard HMAMS Wayfarer, hangs out with Randy Steilman HH6
Naomi Imbesi ER Niece of Erewhon's Imbesi Family Leader Walter Imbesi. WS01
Walter Imbesi ER Head of the Imbesi Family, officially part of the Erewhonese political opposition, not one of the families represented in the existing government. Despite this, little gets done on Erewhon without the Imbesi Family's leverage. He is "...a fourth not quite officially acknowledged member..." of the government's leadership triumvirate.
(See also: Alessandra Havlicek, Thomas Hall, Walter Imbesi.)
WS01, WS02, Ch. 1 (mentioned in)
Alyson Inch - Commander, Chief engineer aboard Elysian Navy Ship Farnese HH8
Ingemar _ (See Ingemar Cassetti) WS01 & WS02, Ch. 1
Calvin Innis SS Citizen Sergeant, prison guard aboard PNS Tepes HH7
Innokentiy Solarian (See Kolokoltsov, Innokentiy Arsenovich) SI2, Ch. 47
Zhenting Isenhoffer IAN Kapitän der Sterne, Herzog Rabenstrange's chief of staff HH10
(first name unknown)
SS Citizen Captain, CO of PNS Mordred HH8
Barney Isvarian SKM Former command sergeant major for the Marine detachment on Saganami, major of the Medusan Native Protection Agency (NPA), stationed under Dame Estelle HH1
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Commander HH7


Jackson to Jankowski

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Commander aboard PNS Schaumberg HH8
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Lieutenant, CO of a dispatch boat HH9
(first name unknown)
RH Ambassador in the Horus System HH10
Abraham Jackson GN Lieutenant Commander, staff chaplain aboard GNS Terrible HH5, HH7
Mai-ling Jackson RMN Ensign, stationed aboard the destroyer HMS Madrigal, briefly Masadan POW HH2
Tatiana Jamieson RMN Senior Chief Steward, steward of Hamish Alexander HH8
Sir Edward Janáček RMN Admiral of the Green. Twice first space lord. Assigned HH to Basilisk Station. Allowed Manticore to lose technological edge during short cease-fire. Committed Suicide HH1, HH9, HH10
(first name unknown)
PN doctor HH6
(first name unknown)
- (cartel owner) HH8

Janseci to Jeffers

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
SS Citizen Lieutenant HH7
(first name unknown)
RHN PO, HMS Wayfarer HH6
(first name unknown)
RHN Lieutenant, HMS Wayfarer Missile defense officer. Killed in battle against PNS Achmed. HH6
Lord Michael Janvier SKM Ninth Baron of High Ridge. Former Prime Minister. (Resigned) HH9, HH10
Allen Jardine - Citizen Lieutenant HH8
Andrea Jaruwalski RMN Tactical officer aboard HMS Hadrian. Career nearly destroyed by Admiral Elvis Santino {deceased} (HH8). "Rehabilitated" by Honor Harrington at Saganami Island (HH9). Eighth Fleet Operations Officer. HH8, HH9 Ch. 11+, HH11
Jason - Treecat, kitten to Nimitz and Samantha HH7-HH9
(first name unknown)
RMN logistics officer, on the newer Nike.

Desc. from HH3, Ch. 2: "...deep baritone..." (no mention elsewhere in HH3.)

(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Commander HH8
(first name unknown)
- Lieutenant Commander, HMS Starcrest's CO. SI1

Jefferson to Jones

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Wilson Jefferson - Commander, executive officer on HMS Harvest Joy HH10
(last name unknown)
PN Citizen Commander, Citizen Admiral Dimitri's com officer at Barnett HH9
(first name unknown)
RMN Commander HH8
Jessup, Duncan Peep Haven's Secretary of public information (pre-revolution)
Desc. from HH3, Prologue: "...a stocky, perpetually disheveled man who cultivated the public image of a grumpy but golden-hearted uncle...."
HH3, Prologue
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Commander HH7
M. Johannsen
(full first name unknown)
RMMC Master Sergeant, Saganami Island range officer HH10
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Commissioner. Chenrov's commissioner HH5
Heinrich Johnson PN Citizen Corporal. Leader of gambling ring aboard PNS Tepes keeper for RMN defector, Horace Harkness. Murdered by Harkness. HH7
(first name unknown)
- political leader on planet Everest HH5

Jordan to Justin

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Captain, CO aboard PNS Conquistador HH5
(first name unknown)
RMN Senior Chief. (relief for Ginger Lewis) HH6
Leander Joubert PN Citizen Captain. Giscard's chief of staff HH8
Brother Jouet - Grayson Burdette Cathedral loyalist HH5
Denis Jourdain PNS Vaubons People's Commissioner, Secretary of the Treasury, RH. HH6
Juliet - ops officer for Admiral Higgins. HH10
Hongbo Junyan OFS Vice Commissioner; Office of Frontier Security, associated with Lorcan Verrochio SI2, Ch. 16
Jurgens, Abraham
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Commodore, commanded a task force aboard PNS Achmed HH6
(first name unknown)
- Manticoran who views Honor Harrington as a loose warhead HH4
Francis Jurgensen RMN Admiral. Second Space Lord during High Ridge's regime. HH9, HH10
Justin, PN Citizen Commodore HH9, HHA3


Kaczmarczyk to Kellet

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Tadislaw Kaczmarczyk RMN Captain, Royal Manticoran Marines. CO, Marine Detachment, HMS Hexapuma. SI1
Aikawa Kagiyama RMN Ensign, Royal Manticoran Navy, assigned HMS Hexapuma. SI1
Yinsheng Reinshagen von Kaiserfest - Andermani Ambassador to the Republic of Haven HH10
Albert Kaminski RMN Lieutenant, communications officer (brief mention). SI2, Ch. 2
Everett Kanamashi - Member of the CRU. Assassinated Walter Frankel. HH3
Kanehama, John - Lieutenant, astrogator of HMAMS Wayfarer. Killed in battle against PNS Achmed. HH6
Gabrijela Kanjcevic - Captain; a Solarian HH10
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Lieutenant Commander. Assistant engineer, PNS Schaumberg Fourth in chain of command. HH9
Naomi Kaplan RMN Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Tactical Officer, HMS Hexapuma. SI1
Jordin Kare RMAIA Astronomer. RMAIA HH10
Jane Kellet PN Citizen Rear Admiral. PNS Schaumberg. Killed in battle. HH8, HH9

Kennedy to Kirkegard

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Brian Kennedy MAS co-conspirator with Mueller HH9
Jeffery Kersaint PRH Citizen Secretary, foreign minister HH9
Winston Kershaw GR Governor HH9
Lord Jonathan Kershaw GR Steadholder Denby, strong supporter of Benjamin IX HH9
Theophile Kgari RMN Lieutenant, later Lieutenant Commander, staff astrogator for Task Force Thirty-Four and Eighth Fleet, both under Honor Harrington, HH10, HH11
The Hon. Augustus Khumalo RMN Rear Admiral, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, Talbott Station. Distant relative of the House of Winton. A firm member of the Conservative Association, however he distinguished himself to the Grantville Administration with his actions in supporting Captain Terekhov during the Monica situation.
"...a large, rather beefy hand, ...a large man, with powerful shoulders and a middle which was beginning to thicken. His complexion was considerably lighter than Michelle (Henke)'s own — in fact, it was almost as light as the Queen's — but there was no mistaking the Winton chin."
SI1; SI2, Ch. 8 & Ch. 14
New Kiev, (Marissa) SKM Countess New Kiev, leader of the Liberal Party of the House of Lords in the SKM, apparently so eager to take political power that she was willing to sacrifice principle for a Cabinet post under High Ridge. Opposed for leadership of the Liberals by Catherine Montaigne who renounced her title of Countess of the Tor to run as a commoner for Parliament. Was Minister for Medusan Affairs HH1, HH9, HH10
(first name unknown)
RMN CPO. Helmsman aboard both incarnations of HMS Fearless'' (CL-56 and CA-286). Two commissions previous to his service on the original HMS Fearless, he did a stint as the regular helmsman for a super dreadnought's boarding shuttle. HH1, HH2, HHA4
Wilson Kirkegard RMN Admiral HH10

Kleinmeuller to Kuzak

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
- Lieutenant Colonel, Commander of the Marine detachment on the newer Nike.

Desc. from HH3, Ch. 2: "...His was the sort of face that revealed very little..."||HH3

(first name unknown)
- Justice Kleinmeuller (Grayson politics) Harrington Steading's senior jurist HH8
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Secretary of War, replaced by Admiral Esther McQueen. HH7
(first name unknown)
- Lieutenant Klontz (takes over for Silvetti) HH6
(first name unknown)
RMN Admiral HH5
Kolokoltsov, Innokentiy Arsenovich Solarian permanent senior undersecretary for foreign affairs. One of a quintet of permanent bureaucrats who actually control the Solarian government's actions.
(See also Nathan MacArtney, Omosupe Quartermain, Malachai Abruzzi and Agatá Wodoslawski)
SI2, Ch. 47
Elaine Komandorski - Manpower genetic slave. Escaped. Paid by Mesa for her betrayal of a ship full of fellow escapees. Used the payoff when she came to SKM to begin a criminal career of commercial espionage, financial crimes, etc. Believed by LCPD to have murdered at least two people before changing her name to Georgia Sakristos after abandoning criminal career, just ahead of the police. 'Security specialist' to Dmitri Young, Earl of North Hollow. One time lover of Pavel Young, Earl of North Hollow, after his father's death. Married Stephan Young, Earl of North Hollow, minister in High Ridge cabinet. Effectively the eminence grise (and dirty tricks strategic planner) for the High Ridge Cabinet. After his return from Congo/Torch, 'encouraged' by Anton Zilwicki and Catherine Montaigne to leave SKM—permanently. She had been a very high priority Ballroom target since the betrayal. HH5, HH10, WS01
Jackson Kriangsak RMN Rear Admiral of the Red. Served with Earl White Haven early in the War at Second Yeltsin. On Honor Harrington's staff at the ATC while HH was Commandant. HH9
Henri Krietzmann TC President, Talbott Constitutional Convention.
Later, the Quadrant's Minister of War.
(...Krietzmann was a short, compact, solid-looking man with brown hair and gray eyes. His left hand had been mangled in some long-ago accident, and although Michelle knew he was actually the youngest person in the room, he looked like the oldest, because prolong had been unavailable on his native planet of Dresden in his youth...")
SI1; SI2, Ch. 16
Kuttner, Timothy PN Citizen Commissioner, Commissioner for Helen Zachary HH7
Theodosia Kuzak RMN Admiral. Supporter of the White Haven led traditionalist school (in opposition to Hemphill led jeune ecode faction). Childhood friend and (briefly) lover of Earl White Haven. Left in charge of 6th fleet's struggle to take Trevor's Star during Hamish Alexander's visit to Manticore (HH6, Ch. 1). Killed in the Battle of Manticore HH4, HH6, HH8-HH11
(Full name unknown)
RMN? Admiral. brief mention IS2, Ch. 7


Lababibi to Langtry

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
President Samiha Lababibi TC President of the Spindle System and its senior delegate to the Talbott Constitutional Convention. Later, "resigned as the Spindle System President to take the Treasury Ministry" (of the Talbott Quadrant). SI1; SI2, Ch. 16
LaBoeuf - Head of the "Leveler" a group of anarchists. Lead an uprising against the Committee of Public Safety.
Andrew LaFollet HSG Major, Harrington Steadholders Guard. Close friend and longtime personal armsman of HH. Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and now personal guard for HH's son. HH4-HH11
Jennifer LaFollet GR maid/nanny for HH's younger two siblings, cousin to Miranda LaFollet HH9, Ch. 14; HH11
Miranda LaFollet GR Andrew LaFollet's sister. Jennifer LaFollet's cousin. Personal maid and assistant to Honor Harrington. Functions as her chief of staff. First Grayson to bond with a treecat. HH5, HH8-HH11
Doug Lampert - Commander Captain Reumann's tactical officer HH10
Landow - PO works with Henry Stevens HH10
Sir Anthony Langtry RMM Colonel (retired). Ambassador to Grayson. Later foreign Secretary in 1st Grantville Administration.

Desc. from HH2, Ch. 18: "...Langtry had been a Marine colonel... ...deep-set eyes... ...a tall man, but much of his bulk was in his torso, and he had to half-trot to match (Honor Harrington's) long-legged stride...."

HH2, HH11

Lao Than to Lecter

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Lao Than - Historical figure who invented a vaccine against lung cancer, seventeen centuries before the events of the HH stories Mentioned in HH2
Julia Lapisch PN Citizen Lieutenant Commander, com officer HH8
George Larabee - Lord Altamont, Catherine Montaigne's brother-in-law HH10
Lady Altamont Larabee - George Larabee's mother HH10
(first name unknown)
- Captain Bachfisch's Pirates' Bane's astrogator. HH10
Ron Larson RMN Commander; Exec to Flag Captain Armstrong
(Voice- a highland Gryphon burr... raised on the other side of the planet from what had become the Duchy of Harrington. "half a head shorter than the flag captain. He was as dark-haired as Adenauer, but his eyes were a curious slate-gray, not brown, and he sported a luxuriant but neatly trimmed beard that made him look vaguely piratical. There was something about him that reminded Michelle of Michael Oversteegen, though she couldn't put her finger on what it was.")
SI2, Ch. 11
Howard Latham GSN Commander (GNS), HH's staff com officer (on GNS Alvarez) HH7
Lawrence - Chief Petty Officer under Sarah Flanagan HH10
András Lázló
- Commodore; senior officer of the Spindle System Navy SI2, Ch. 15
Leahy RMN Captain senior intelligence officer, Third Fleet HH8
Cynthia ('Cindy') Lecter RMN Captain (junior-grade); Adm. Henke's chief of staff. Had previously served as Henke's executive officer.
("...a trim blonde at least twelve or thirteen centimeters shorter than Michelle")
SI2, Ch. 8

Lemaitre, Antoinette to Lewis

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Antoinette Lemaitre RMN Captain (SG) who views HH as a loose warhead HH4
George LeMoyne GSN Lieutenant (Senior-Grade) Logistics and Supply Officer (on GNS Alvarez) HH7
(first name unknown)
SS Citizen Commissioner to Citizen Rear Admiral Darlington during Operation Icarus. HH8
Denis LePic RH Senior Peoples Commissioner at Barnett, assigned to Admiral Theisman. Not a fan of the Pierre - Saint-Just regime and its policies; became Attorney General after restoration of the Haven Constitution HH5, HH7, HH9-HH11
Anson Lethridge ESN Lieutenant Commander Honor Harrington's Erewhonese astrogator (on GNS Alvarez) H7, HH8
Levitt PN Citizen Commander HH8
Izrok Levakonic SOL Technodyne Industries of Yildun's representative to the Republic of Monica. Killed in the Manticoran attack on Eroica Station. SI1
Ginger Lewis RMN Electronics Tech, later Commander (RMN) Friend and classmate of Aubrey Wanderman, Gravitics specialist, DCC Chief on Wayfarer, promoted out of the zone. Victim of Steilman's retaliation. Attended OCS, became an officer and was Chief Engineer on Hexapuma's tour to the Lynx Cluster under Captain Terekhov.
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 8: "...a gravitics specialist like Aubrey. The trim redhead had graduated nineteenth in their class of a hundred... ...twelve years older than he was... ...She wasn't anywhere near as strong as he on theory, yet she had an uncanny instinct for troubleshooting, as if she could actually feel where the problem lay. She also had the added maturity of her age, and the fact that she was extremely attractive hadn't..." Later by 1922AD, she became captain (JG) appointed to admiral Yeager staff at HMSS Wayland.
HH6, HH12, HHA4
Victor Lewis PN Rear Admiral; "...would have made formidable interrogators" & "Lewis commanded the Office of Operational Research, the Bureau of Planning's primary analysis agency," SI2, Ch. 4

Lionheart to Luchner

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(Climbs Quickly)
SKM The first treecat to bond with a human, Stephanie Harrington. Lost a true arm in a battle with a hexapuma defending the injured Stephanie, after a hang glider crash. HHA3
(first name unknown)
PRH Holdout against the Republic of Haven Mentioned in HH10
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Colonel (PNS) CO of PNS Tepes's ground force and security detachments HH7
(first name unknown)
SKM Associate of Denver Summervale, presumably a lawyer, who acts as a witness and a second during Summervale's duels HH4
Robert Llewellyn RMN Commander. Executive Officer for HMS Jessica Epps. Killed in action. HH10
Sabrina Longmont PN Citizen Admiral. Supported Committee of Public Safety. Imprisoned on Hades after defeat in battle. Served on courts-martial of Hades staff under conditions. HH8
(first name unknown)
RMN? Commander, Exec. to Commodore Van Slyke on the HMS Crusader
Desc. from HH3, Ch. 22: "...the slender commander's intricately-braided chestnut hair and attractively curved figure and gave her a gracious smile. ...on her hips and nicely filled trousers..."
Karen Lowe PN Citizen Commander HH7, HH8
Luchner PN Citizen Commander. Executive officer of PNS Katana HH7


MacAfee to Maddison

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Lawrence MacAfee PN Citizen Vice Admiral PNS HH9
Nathan MacArtney Solarian permanent senior undersecretary of the Interior (back on Old Earth). One of a quintet of permanent bureaucrats who actually control the Solarian government's actions.
(See also Innokentiy Arsenovich Kolokoltsov, Omosupe Quartermain and Malachai Abruzzi and Agatá Wodoslawski)
SI2, Ch. 47
Sally MacBride RMN Senior Master Chief Boatswain's Mate (Bosun : senior non-commissioned officer) aboard Fearless (CL-56?, probably not CA-286), has served in the Royal Manticoran Navy (RMN) for over 15 Manticoran years. She is a native to Gryphon. HH1, HH6, HH8
Niall MacDonnell GSN Admiral HH10
James 'Mac' MacGuiness RMN Senior Chief Steward, First Class Steward. Later head butler at Harrington Steading.
Allen MacGuire - Captain (Junior-Grade) Gudrid's CO and the squadrons third in command.
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 7: "...MacGuire was a small man, twenty-five centimeters shorter than Honor, and another blond. ...he had a lively sense of humor which would probably stand a Q-ship's commander in good stead. He was also sharply intelligent..."
{See also Exec. officer Courtney Stillman.}
Andrew MacIntosh PN Citizen Captain, PRH ops officer, and Javier Giscard's chief of staff. HH8, HH9
Sir Harrison MacIntosh SKM Home Secretary HH10
John Mackenzie - (Grayson, steadholder) HH5, HH11
Allison MacMurtree PN Caslet's XO HH6
(first name unknown)
RMN CPO. Teacher of Neue-Stil Handgemenge martial art at Saganami Island HH10

MaGuire to Mangrum

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Magilen, Julie Maya
"...(Gov.) Barregos' private secretary, guarded the approaches like a deceptively demure looking dragon." WS02, Ch. 1
(first name unknown)
- Master Chief; responsible for the work party that cleared HMS Ajaxs aft boat bay in the battle of Solon. SI2, Ch. 2
Theresa Mahoney - Supreme Court Justice in the PRH. Sentence's HH to death. HH8
Maintaigne; Catherine - See Catherine Montaigne (incorrect spelling) -
Sir Ronald Maitland RMN Rear Admiral HH10
(first name unknown)
- Ambassador HH9
Dame Melina Makris SKM the Exchequer's personal representative on the RMAIA board Harvest Bounty HH10
Laurel Malachi - Captain, armed merchant ship Ambuscade's skipper HH10
Malinski RMN CPO, aboard HMMS Jessica Epps HH10
Frederick Malone RMN Vice Admiral of the Red HH9
Mancuso - assistant to Leonard Boardman. HH9
Oliver Manfredi RMN "Battlecruiser Squadron Eighty-One's golden-haired chief of staff," (in Battle of Solon) SI2, Ch. 1
Kenneth Mangrum PN Citizen Lieutenant PNS HH8

Manning, Allen to Marston

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Allen Manning RMN engineer aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56). Killed in battle against Havenite Q-ship Sirius. HH1
George Manning PN Commander, PNS, Executive Officer on PNS Salidan HH2
Sir Allen Mannock RMN Vice Admiral, Surgeon General HH9, HH11
Manson, _________ Maya
Presumably on the staff of Rozsak, Luiz, Rear Admiral
Has not been entrusted with Rozsak's actual long range plans. Referred to as "...that little snot Manson".
WS02, near end of Ch. 1
(probably WS01 as well.)
Mantooth - CPO HH8
Brother Edmond Augustus Marchant GR cleric, protester, personal chaplain to Lord Burdette HH5
Solomon Marchant GSN Commander. Thomas Greentree's exec on Jason Alvarez Captured, and sent to Hades. Escaped. HH7, HH8
Silas Markham RMN Vice Admiral of the Red HH8
Theresa Markovic RMN Midshipwoman HH9
Arnaud Marquette RHN Admiral RN chief of Naval Staff under Theisman HH10, HH11
Marston RHN Commander in RHN's second fleet (exec for Tourville?) HH10

Martin to Maybach

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Leonard Masterman RH Havenite ambassador to Grayson HH2
Estelle Matsuko
Baroness Medusa
SKM "Lady Dame Estelle Matsuko, Baroness Medusa, and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore's Imperial Governor for the Talbott Quadrant".
Knight of the Order of King Roger and Resident Commissioner for Planetary Affairs on the planet Medusa in the name of Her Majesty Elizabeth III, Queen of Manticore and Defender of the Realm. (in HH1)
The Empress' direct representative and viceroy in the Quadrant.
Interim system governor for the Talbott Cluster.
Expected to be appointed as the first imperial governor.
HH1, HHA4; SI2, Ch. 15
Wesley Matthews GSN High Admiral. Received sudden promotion to be in charge of Grayson's mobile forces/fleet.

Desc. from HH2, Ch. 22: "...short, even for a Grayson, stocky and solid, with an intelligent, mobile face..."

HH2, HH5, HH7, HH9, HH10, HHA4
Stephen Matthews GSN (logistics officer, GNS Terrible) HH5
Stuart Matthews - (Sky Domes) HH5, HH7
Simon Mattingly HSG Lieutenant, HH's armsman. Murdered in the line of duty. HH5-HH7 HH9-HH11
Lady Francine Maurier SKM Baroness Mourncreek and First Lord of the Admiralty. With the formation of the Grantville Administration, was made a countess and Chancellor of the Exchequer. HH3, HH4, HH10 (Mentioned only)
Richard "Silver Spanner" Maxwell RMN PO, Flight engineer aboard Harpy One. Killed in action. HH8
Richard Maxwell SKM lawyer for HH
HH9, Ch. 20: "...I've been practicing almost exclusively before the criminal bar for the last twenty or thirty T-years. Although I've handled a few business matters for Willard (Neufsteiler), primarily when he wanted someone he'd known for years and knew to be discreet, my commercial law is actually fairly rusty."
HH9, Ch. 20; HH10?; HH11
Bruce Maxwell - Power Tech Drive specialist; Drive room chief. HH6
Alex Maybach - McKeons personal steward, HH7

Mayhew, Alexandra to Mayhew, Theresa

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Alexandra Mayhew GR Benjamin Mayhew's daughter HH9
Protector Bernard III Mayhew GR (assassinated Protector of Grayson, early history)
Cyrus the Weak GR (early Mayhew family Protector of Grayson, imprisoned)
Elaine Mayhew GR (Benjamin Mayhew's second wife) Mother of Jeanette and Honor Mayhew. HH2, HH5, HH8, HH9, HH11
Jared Mayhew GR Second Maccabeus. Minister of Industry prior to the Mayhew Restoration. Second in line for the Protectorship, prior to the attempted Maccabeus coup. HH2
Jeanette Mayhew GR (Benjamin Mayhew's daughter through Elaine) HH5, HH8, HH9, HH11
Katherine Mayhew GR (grayson) Protector Benjamins senior wife, effectively the Queen Consort of Grayson. HH2, HH4, HH7, HH8, HH9, HH11
Jasper Mayhew GR Lieutenant (Senior-Grade) HH7-HH9
Michael Mayhew GR Younger brother of Benjamin Mayhew IX HH2, HH3
Oliver Mayhew GR Father of Jared Mayhew. First Maccabeus. HH2
Protector Oliver IV Mayhew GR (assassinated Protector of Grayson, early history)
Lord Oliver Mayhew GR (Mayhew steadholder (first Protector?), early Grayson history)
Protector Benjamin II Mayhew GR (assassinated Protector of Grayson, early history)
Protector Benjamin IV Mayhew (Benjamin the Great) GR Grayson early history, sole escapee of Bancroft's assassinations. Expelled Faithful to Masada
Protector Benjamin Mayhew IX GR Current Protector of Grayson and ally of HH and by extension, Queen Elizabeth and the Star Kingdom of Manticore
Protector John II Mayhew GR (early grayson history)
Theresa Mayhew GR Benjamin Mayhew's daughter through Katherine HH5

Maynard to McKee

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Maynard PN Citizen Chief HH7
Mazyrak PN Citizen Private HH7
McBryde, Jack Mesan "I am a high muckety-muck in security...", ___, brother of Zachariah
Appearance (WS02, Ch. 5): "Both brothers were red-haired and blue-eyed, but of the two, Jack had the greater number of freckles and the more infectious smile. ...Both of them had lively senses of humor, ...Jack had always been the extrovert of the pair... ...Jack the joker, the raconteur of hilarious stories, the guy with the irresistible grin and the devastating ability to attract women,..."
WS02, Ch. 5
McBryde, Zachariah Mesan scientist, one of Anastasia Chernevsky's key research directors, brother of Jack
Appearance (WS02, Ch. 5): "Both brothers were red-haired and blue-eyed, but of the two, ...Zachariah, six T-years younger and three centimeters shorter than his brother, had always been the straight man when they were younger. Both of them had lively senses of humor, and Zachariah had probably been even more inventive than Jack when it came to devising elaborate practical jokes..."
WS02, Ch. 5
James McClelland RMN astrogator for Erica Ferrero HMS Jessica Epps HH10
Dame Beatrice McDermott RMN Baroness Alb, Vice Admiral Royal Manticoran Navy, CO Saganami Island Naval Academy. SI1
Marcia McGinley GSN ops officer (on GNS Alvarez) HH7
Ivan McGregor RMMC Lieutenant Colonel;
...born and raised on the planet of Gryphon, less than five hundred kilometers from what had since become the Duchy of Harrington, was (Commodore Arlo) Turner's antithesis in almost every way. Where Turner was fair-haired and blue-eyed, McGregor had black hair, dark brown eyes, and a swarthy complexion. Where Turner was heavyset—chunky, not overweight—and stood only a little more than a hundred and sixty-two centimeters in height, McGregor had a runner's build and topped a hundred and ninety-three centimeters... ...Turner had been the senior officer of Camp Charlie-Seven, and McGregor, as the senior Marine officer in the camp, had been his adjutant and the commander of Camp Charlie's internal police service. He continued to hold both of those posts, and Turner had become Michelle's executive officer.
SI2, Ch. 3
Jackson McGwire SKM Earl of White Haven's butler HH11
Samson McGwire RH Senator HH10
Bruce McGyver RMN LAC wing, HMS Minotaur HH8
Andre McIntyre PN Citizen Captain HH9
Mecia McKee RMN HMMS Jessica Epps communications officer HH10

McKeon to Mincio

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Alistair McKeon RMN Rear Admiral of the Red. HH Executive Officer aboard the light cruiser, Fearless (CL-56, not CA-286). Captain of Troubador, Prince Adrian. Captured and sent to Hades with HH. Killed in the Battle of Manticore.
Desc. from HH1, Ch. 1: ...tall, heavyset exec... ...His gray eyes ...
HH1-HH4, HH7-HH11
Esther McQueen PN Trevor's Star. Committee of public safety, Citizen Secretary of War HH5-HH10, HHA1, HHA3
McReynolds, Hester __ Author of 'Origins of the Maya Crisis' (Ceres Press, Chicago, 2048 PD) WS02
Timothy Meares RMN HH's flag lieutenant. Killed in a Mesa plot HH10, HH11
Baroness Medusa M? See Estelle Matsuko. (#Martin to Maybach) SI2, Ch. 13
Eloise Meiner RMN (RMN on HMS Hector) Rear Admiral of the Green HH5
Geraldine Metcalf RMN Alistair McKeon's tactical officer HH7, HH8
Joyce Metzinger RMN Lt, Communications Officer on HMS Fearless (CA-286) HH2
Michaelson GR (Grayson, steadholder) HH5
Silas Mikasinovich SS Citizen General, longest surviving major SS dissenter of the Republic of Haven HH10
Diego Mikhailovic RMN Captain of the battlecruiser (probably 'Ajax'?) that Admiral Michelle Henke manned (KIA in Battle of Solon). SI2, Ch. 1
Edith Mincio SKM Scholar and former tutor for Sir Hakon Nessler of Greatgap. Recently attained post as Reader in Pre-human Civilizations at Skanderbeg University on Manticore. HHA1

Monroe to Mueller

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Monet, George RMN Lieutenant Commander, Communications section
Desc. from HH3, Ch. 2: "...the antithesis of her new tac officer: a tall, thin, almost colorless man with humorless features. His handclasp was firm enough, but almost mechanical...."
HH3, Ch. 2 & 6
Monroe SKM Treecat to Justin Zyrr-Winton, previously to King Roger. HH9, HH11, HHA2
Irene Montague RMN chief of staff on HMS Hector HH11
Lord Henry Montaigne SKM Count(Earl) of Tor HH10
Catherine Montaigne SKM formerly Countess of the Tor, galactic anti-slavery advocate (through the Anti-Slavery League); known as a 'loose cannon' {Please correct with actual phrase} due to her affiliation with the 'Audubon Ballroom'; Member of the Manticoran Liberal Party (and likely candidate for its leadership); native of SKM, lover of Anton Zilwicki HH10, HH11, HHA3, WS01, SI1
Fritz Montoya RMN Physician assistant aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56), ship's doctor aboard Fearless (CA-286). Later, Surgeon Commander Fritz Montoya (on GNS Alvarez) HH1-HH3, HH7-HH10
Montoya RMN Physician. passing mention, may or may not be Fritz Montoya SI2, Ch. 8
Sybil Moorehead TC Chief of Staff to Prime Minister Alquezar. SI2, Ch. 17
Olivia Morris PN Citizen Commander. Tac officer. PNS Schaumberg. HH8
Mosley PRH Citizen Secretary of Public Information HH9
Samuel Mueller GR Grayson, steadholder HH5, HH9


Nagchaudhuri to Nordbrandt

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Amal Nagchaudhuri RMN Lieutenant Commander; Hexapuma's communications officer.
Desc.- "tall, almost albino-pale"
SI2, Ch. 5
Nazari - skipper on RMMS Chantilly HH10
Nelson SKM Treecat in Nimitz's Grayson immigrant clan HH7, HH8, HH9
Tony Nesbitt RH Secretary of Commerce HH10, HH11
Sir Hakon Nessler RMN/SKM Ensign (Resigned), Royal Manticoran Navy. Fourteenth Earl of Greatgap. Undertook an expedition, along with his mentor Edith Mincio, to Hope (fmr. Salamis) in the outskirts of the Solarian League to study the Alphane Worlds. While there he took command of the Melungeon light-cruiser Colonel Araby, rechristened the HMS Ajax and crewed by the thirty-seven survivors of the destroyer HMS L'Imperieuse. He and "his" crew and tracked down and destroyed the heavy-cruiser the PNS Rienzi which was attacking RMN ships in Sollie space. HHA1
Willard Neufsteiler SKM Honor Harrington's chief financial manager HH4, HH6-HH11
Francis 'Frank' Ney SKM personal bodyguard of Prime Minister Allen Summervale, died in the assassination at Grayson. HH9
Nico SKM A servant in White Haven, likely a footman or possibly the junior butler HH10, HH11
(Laughs Brightly)
SKM Treecat. Adopted Honor Harrington at the age of 13 (14??), attended RMN Naval Academy on Saganami Island with her, and has been with her ever since, save while imprisoned aboard Tepes with Cordelia Ransom. His injuries in connection with that episode have prevented him from telepathically speaking to other treecats. Mate of Samantha and father of Jason, Achilles, Andromeda, and Cassandra, who were taken to Grayson to grow up, along with a party from Nimitz' Bright Water Clan.
Agnes Nordbrandt TC Leader of the Kornati National Redemption Party (NRP) and as such was a close ally of current President Vuk Rajkovic; organizer and leader of the Freedom Alliance of Kornati (FAK), a terrorist group backed unknowingly by Mesa through a contact named "Firebrand". SI1
Eugene Nordbrandt RMN Lieutenant, Bad Penny's com officer HH9


Obrien to Olivetti

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
O'Brien RMN Honor's tracking yeoman on the first SD she served aboard, a Shinto priest Mentioned in HH5
Jennifer O'Brien RMN White Haven's 8th Flt intelligence officer HH8
Merlin Odom SKM Willard Neufsteiller's deputy at Manticore HH10
Odysseus SKM Aristophones Georgides' treecat partner HH6
Lasrina O'Faolain PN Citizen Commissioner HH9
Sir Clarence Oglesby SKM public relations director and press secretary for High Ridge HH10
Kendrick O'Halley RMN Senior Chief Coxswain on HMS Wayfarer (helmsman). Killed in battle against PNS Achmed HH6
Tamara O'Jorgenson RMN Sphinxian SCPO on HMS Prince Adrian, senior environmental tech and qualified small craft gunner. Imprisoned on Hades with the rest of Prince Adrian's crew HH8
Fugimori Okamura PN Citizen Lieutenant Commander, ops officer to Citizen Admiral Groenewold HH9
Frances Olivetti RMN Lieutenant, Royal Manticoran Navy. Assistant Engineer, HMS Hexapuma. SI1

Olson to Oversteegen

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Olson PN Citizen Captain, CO of the small PN patrol detachment HH8
Quentin O'Malley RMN Vice Admiral, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO of RMN task force dispatched to Monica to support Terekhov. (His command was originally intended as a screening element at the Lynx junction.) SI1; SI2, Ch. 8 & Ch. 13
Shulamit Onasis RMN Commodore; commands BCS 106's second division SI2, Ch. 13
Pakow Oovvic SKM Dempsey's restaurant manager at Manticore-B
Lajos Orban RMN Surgeon Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Ship's doctor, HMS Hexapuma. Temporarily replaced by Surgeon Lieutenant Ruth Sarkozy SI1; SI2, Ch. 5
Lord Orloff Maxwell VE Captain of the light cruiser the Colonel Araby. Noble of the Grand Duchy of Melungeon, a Verge system to the galactic south of the Solarian League. Responsible for the destruction of a priceless archaeological artifact when he attempted to move one of the "Alphane Columns" off of the planet Hope. HHA1
Roslee Orndorff RMN chief of staff for Admiral Alistair McKeon HH10, HH11
Gregor O'Shaughnessy SKM Baroness Medusa's civilian senior intelligence analyst. "...and, effectively, her chief of staff, as well"
("...slightly built and a good ten centimeters shorter than Augustus Khumalo, with thinning gray hair...")
SI1; SI2, Ch. 16 & Ch. 17.
Oselli, Charlotte RMN Lieutenant Commander, Astrogator on the newer Nike.
Desc. from HH3, Ch. 2: "...Oselli's hair and eyes were as dark as Honor's own, and her thin, almost foxy features looked both confident and intelligent...."
Oswald GR (grayson early history, survivor of Bancroft's assassinations, leader of the Faithful) Steadholder HH5
Valery Ottweiler ME Diplomatic representative, Mesa System. SI1
The Hon. Michael Oversteegen RMN Rear Admiral. Distant relative of the Baron High Ridge. Former commander of HMS Gauntlet and HMS Nike. Commanding officer of Battlecruiser Squadron 83 after Michelle Henke's capture at the Battle of Solon. HH11, HHA4, WS01


Pacelot to Panokulous

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Helen Pacelot PN Citizen Commander, tac officer aboard PNS Achmed HH6
(first name unknown)
- Commodore HH8
Nikola Pakovic SKM Manager of Dempsey's on HMSS Weyland. HH9
Luis Palacios TC Stephen Westman's ranch foreman and second-in-command, Montana Independence Movement (MIM). SI1
Thandi "The Great Kaja" Palane SMC Lieutenant, frmr. A native of Ndebele, a heavy-G planet in the Mcafene system, she was a Solarian citizen only by proxy. Citizens of planets under the jurisdiction of the OFS could join the military but were often overlooked for advancement. Career prospects picked up for her when she was recruited into Captain Luis Rozsak's covert ops detachment. She was affectionately dubbed "Great Kaja" by her charges, a strike team of Ukrainian-developed genetic superwomen whom she trained personally, known as scrags, aka "Amazons". Her own capabilities include superhuman strength and agility as well as her Solarian Marine Corps training. At the end of Crown of Slaves she resigned her Solarian commission to take up the post as CO of the Torch Royal Military. WS01
(first name unknown)
- Prince Adrian's chief engineer HH7
Constance Palmer-Levy InSec Secretary for Internal Security in President Harris's cabinet, under the Legislaturist regime of the People's Republic of Haven. She was assassinated by Kevin Usher and other members of the CRP in HH3. HH3
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Captain HH8
Cal/Carl Panokulous RMN Honor's boyfriend on Sanganami Island Mentioned in HH3 & HH10

Panowski to Perot

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
RMN Lieutenant, acting astrogator aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56). Killed in battle against the Havenite Q-ship Sirius HH1
Nikos Papadapolous RMMC Serving in the RMMC aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56 (probably not ALSO CA-286)), Captain Papadapolous heads the marine division assigned to Honor's ship.

Desc. from HH1, Ch. 4: ...meticulously neat in the green and black of the Royal Manticoran Marines... Desc. from HH1, Ch. 18: ...The Marine was dark, despite his auburn hair, with quick, alert eyes, ...but he looked like an untested recruit...

Amos Parnell PN PRH Chief of Naval Operations who planned the initial attacks of the Manticore-Haven war. Admiral (CNO) Amos Parnell of (Peep) Naval Intelligence was a firm man supporting the war effort. Court martialed and convicted of treason for involvement in the coup which overthrew the RH, sent to Hades, freed during HH's breakout, went to Earth to testify on the circumstances of that coup and related events. Regarded by White Haven as a very good battle planner and commander. HH3, HH8, HH9, HH10
Mark Paulk RMN PO 2/c, LAC Cutthroat's helmsman HH9
Ragnhild Pavletic RMN Midshipwoman, Royal Manticoran Navy, assigned HMS Hexapuma. Close friend of fellow "Middie" Helen Zilwicki. Killed in an attack by the Jessyk Combine Transport Freighter Marianne. SI1
Gregory Paxton GSN staff intelligence officer, GNS Admiral Harrington, aboard GNS Terrible HH5, HH10
Ludmilla Penevski PN Citizen Commissioner HH8
Perot, Russell PRH Commodore, chief of staff to Admiral Amos Parnell HH3, HH8

Pete to Porter

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(surname unknown)
RMN HMS Majestic HH5
(first name unknown)
GR Councilman prior to the Mayhew Restoration. HH2
Susan Phillips PRH computer specialist, Sarawak System Navy (Conquered by PRH) HH8-HH11
Robert S. Pierre PRH Dolist member of RH Legislature. Chief organizer of the coup which brought the RH government down. Chairman of the Committee which established the PRH, and which put Saint-Just in charge of State Security. Effective, if brutal (mostly via Saint-Just) leader. Killed during a coup led by PRN Admiral (and War Minister) Esther McQueen. HH3-HH11
Bianca Polanco PN Citizen Captain, CO of PNS Timoleon HH9
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Corporal HH7
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Rear Admiral HH8, HH9

Preston to Pyne

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Jayne Preston PN Citizen Captain. CO of PNS Subutai. HH8
Preston of the Spaceways - Famous fictional character in Honorverse.
Lord Henry Prestwick GR Grayson; Chancellor, Steadholder HH2, HH5, HH7-HH10
Lady Ellen Prevost RMN Lieutenant Commander, Apollo's Exec,
Desc. in HH2, Ch. 3: "...both of them as golden-haired as Honor was dark..."
Michael Preznikov PRH (PRH citizen, aboard PNS Conquistador, resident commissioner for Committee of Public Safety) Citizen Commissioner HH5
Minerva Prince SKM liberal, co-host of "Into the Fire" HH4
President Eloise Pritchart RH PRHN Admiral Javier Giscard's Peoples Commissioner, former Aprilist opponent of the RH regime, (twin sister Estelle brutally killed in the streets of Nouveau Paris). Very close relationship with Giscard, concealed from StateSec and most others. After the Theisman coup, became President of the revived (pre-Legislaturalist) Republic of Haven. HH6, HH8-HH11, HHA3, HHA4
Estelle Pritchart PRH sister to Eloise Pritchart. Killed, inspiring Eloise Pritchart to join the CRU HH6
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Lieutenant Commander, courier boat skipper assigned to Hades. Attempted to get off planet to inform the PRH of Honor Harrington's takeover of Camp Charon, but was shot down and killed. HH8
Audrey Pyne RMN Ensign, Tremaine's tac officer aboard LAC-1901 HH9


Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Omosupe Quartermain Solarian Permanent Senior Undersecretary of Commerce (back on Old Earth). One of a quintet of permanent bureaucrats who actually control the Solarian government's actions. Unlike the other four, she had spent twenty years in the private sector before joining the Solarian bureaucracy.
(See also Innokentiy Arsenovich Kolokoltsov, Nathan MacArtney, and Malachai Abruzzi and Agatá Wodoslawski)
SI2, Ch. 47


Rabenstrange to Ramirez, R

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Chien-lu Anderman, Herzog von Rabenstrange IAN fifth in succession to throne, renowned combat commander of IAN, Emperor's first cousin. HH6, HH10
President Vuk Rajkovic TC Leader of the Reconciliation Party (RP). Recently appointed Planetary President of Kornati and the Split System. Was Vice-President until the impeachment and subsequent resignation of former President Aleksandra Tonkovic. SI1
Tomas Ramirez
Tomas Santiago Ramirez
RMMC Royal Manticoran Marine Corp. Son of Jesus Ramirez. Brigadier General HH2, HH4, HH8, HH9
Elena Ramirez SKM Ramirez's kids Mentioned in HH8
Jesus Ramirez SMN a commodore from San Martin, POW, senior surviving officer from the SMN task force that covered the Trevor's Star, imprisoned on Cerberus HH8
Josepha Ramirez SKM Ramirez's kids Mentioned in HH8
Manuel Ramirez - father to Jesus Ramirez HH9
President Hector Ramirez - uncle to Jesus Ramirez HH9
Rosario Ramirez - Wife of Jesus Ramirez, mother of Elena, Josepha, and Tomas Mentioned in HH8

Randal to Rhodes

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(full name unknown)
PN Citizen Commissioner HH8
Cordelia Ransom PRH Led the coup against Haven's Legislaturalist government with the aid of Rob S. Pierre and Oscar Saint-Just. Became a senior member of the Committee of Public Safety set up in place of the previous regime HH3, HH7-HH9
Ravicz, Ivan RMN Commander, engineer on new Nike (CA-286)
Desc. from HH2, Ch. 2 & 6: "...deep-set eyes..."
HH3, Ch. 2
Pierre Redmont PN Admiral, in charge of 'Bogey two' in the Battle of Solon SI2, Ch. 2
Frank Reidel PN aboard PNS Kerebin for Cpt Stellingetti Peoples Commissioner HH6
Patrick M. Reumann, - RHNS Sovereign of Space's captain, disguised as a neutral courier boat. HH10, HH11
Michel Reynaud SKM Manticore Astro-Control Service (ACS). Later Vice Admiral, Manticore Astro-Control Service.
Desc. from HH1, Ch. 8: ...bristly gray hair...
HH1, Ch. 8+, HH8
George Reynolds SKM HH's staff intelligence officer HH10, HH11
(full name unknown)
PN Citizen Commissioner HH9

Rice to Rontved

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Robert Rice - Sergeant-Major
"Major Rice had been the Protector's personal armsman for over ten years, since his predecessor's death during the Maccabean coup attempt, and he had not been selected for his position for his social skills. Indeed, his social skills were a bit rudimentary. But back before joining Palace Security, Sergeant-Major Robert Rice, known to his fellows as "Sparky" for some reason Matthews had yet to ferret out, had been the senior noncom of the Orbit Dogs. Officially known as the 5019th Special Battalion, the Orbit Dogs were the elite battalion (except that the outsized "special" battalion was bigger than a normal regiment) of the Grayson Space Marines. After the Protector's hairbreadth escape from assassination, Palace Security had decided he needed an especially nasty guard dog, and "Sparky" Rice had been their choice. It was not, Matthews suspected, a post the slightly graying, red-haired veteran had accepted without some severe qualms. On the other hand, his long, distinguished, and risky military career had..."
HH9, Ch. 3.
Maxwell Riogetti SS State Security Ground Forces Citizen Sergeant HH8
Hal Roach RMN? commander, Judge Advocate's Corps; briefed Adm. Henke on complications re her parole.
"...a solidly-built fellow, with dark hair, and probably somewhere in his mid-forties"
SI2, Ch. 8
Nathan Robards GSN Lieutenant, White Haven's aide aboard GNS Benjamin the Great HH7-HH9
Robert Roden - Lieutenant Commander, CO of 1906th LAC Squadron of Scotty Tremaine's Nineteenth LAC Wing aboard HMS Hydra HH9
(full name unknown)
PN Citizen Sergeant HH8
Guillermo Rodham SS Citizen Lieutenant HH8
(full name unknown, possibly Yuri?)
- Admiral. Falsely pronounced dead by CPS/SS of PRH HH3, HH8
(full name unknown)
- Commodore HH10

Rosenfeld to Ryder

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Rivka Rosenfeld - Seeing Prince Roger Winton, admired by Ariel (Queen Elizabeth's treecat) thought of as possible consort for Roger. Mentioned in HH9
(full name unknown)
RMN Chief flight ops Mentioned in HH6
Rozsak, Luiz Maya
Rear Admiral
Appearance (WS02, Ch. 1): "...dark, trim man in the uniform of a Solarian League Navy rear admiral..." (WS02, Ch. 2):"...Rozsak's own hundred and seventy-five centimeters..."
WS01 & WS02
(full name unknown)
- HH10
(full name unknown)
PN Citizen Captain. CO of PNS Pappenheim. Mentioned in HH8
Edward Rutledge - director of RN Bureau of Logistics HH10
Gianna Ryan PN PNS Rene dAiguillonCitizen Commodore HH8, HH9
Angela Ryder - Surgeon Lieutenant Commander
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 17: " dark-haired as Hibson, with a thin, studious face. She was also a bit absentminded and tended to prefer a white smock to proper uniform, but she was a first-class physician...."


Saganami to Sanderson, W

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Saburo Torch _____ WS2, ~Ch. 33?
Edward Saganami RMN Commodore in the RMN leader of a brilliant defense of a merchant convoy in Silesia against a much larger force, during which he lost his ship and his life. Regarded as one of the best fighting officers the RMN has ever had. The first recipient of the PMV, posthumously. His last ship, the cruiser Nike, became the first member of the RMN honor list, meaning that there will always be a ship of that name on the active commissioned roster. 'Buried' in the King Michael's Cathedral, Landing City, as a mark of honor. The RMN Naval Academy is located on Saganami Island.
Oscar Saint-Just PRH former 2nd ranking member of PRH Security Service, betrayed RH by coup in partnership with ex-Dolist Legislature member R S Pierre, to found the People's Republic of Haven. Became Chief of State Security (the PRH Gestapo equivalent), survived at least two coup attempts, and the death of all other Committee members in the last to become dictator of the PRH. Killed in a final coup led by Admiral Thomas Theisman. HH3, HH5, HH7, HH8, HH9, HHA3
Georgia Sakristos SKM see also Elaine Komandorski and Lady Georgia Young, Countess of North Hollow. Former employee of Dmitri Young, Earl of North Hollow and later his son Pavel Young. Planned the deaths of Paul Tankersly and Honor Harrington as well as the demise of her former employer and lover. Later married his younger brother, Stefan. Disappeared towards the end of War of Honor after burning down the North Hollow residence. Current whereabouts are unknown. HH4
(first name unknown)
- Mentioned in HH9
Samantha (Golden Voice) SKM Treecat. A memory singer of exceptional ability who declined to serve officially, and co-instigator of The People's decision to abandon the concealment masquerade initiated by Sings Truly at the time of the discovery of treecat to human bonding. Adopted RMN Cmdr Harry Tschu (killed). Adopted Hamish Alexander, Earl White Haven. Mate of Nimitz, Treekittens: Jason, Achilles, Andromeda, and Cassandra, with Nimitz. HH6-HH11, HHA3
(first name unknown)
Doctor Mentioned in HH9
Ronald Sands - Spymaster of Masada One of the youngest Deacons ever in the Church of the Faithful on Masada. HH2
Regina Sanderman SS? Citizen Major HH8
Sanderson GR personal aide to Reverend Sullivan Mentioned in HH7
Walter Sanderson RH Interior Secretary. HH10, HH11

Sanford to Schubert

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Sanford RMN HMS Minotaur HH9
de Sangro SS Citizen Captain (SS) HH7
Russell Sanko RMN Lt. (RMN) Prince Adrian's com officer. HH8
Sanmicheli RMN One of Honor's Sanganami Island students HH9
Santerro - Mentioned in HH10
Elvis Santino RMN Admiral. Asst. Tactical officer and OCTO (officer candidate training officer) aboard War Maiden during HH's snotty cruise. Replacement for Vice Admiral Hennesy at Seaford 9. Killed in battle. HH8, HHA3
Dominica Santos RMN Lt. Commander. Chief Engineer and Damage Control Officer aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56). Killed in battle.
Desc. from HH1, Ch. 8: ...Dark hair...
Ruth Sarkozy RMN Surgeon Lieutenant ; formerly HMS Vigilant's ship's surgeon before Battle of Monica, then replaced/assisted Hexapuma's surgeon Surgeon Commander Lajos Orban during his recovery from injuries. SI2, Ch. 5
Mark Sarnow RMN Admiral. Convinced Alizon to join the Manticore Alliance. Commanding Officer of Hancock Station during station's construction. Squadron commander at Hancock Station. Commander at Sidemore Station.
Desc. from HH3, Ch. 6: "...His complexion was darker than she'd expected, a darkness emphasized by his green eyes, chestnut hair, and the pronounced eyebrows, several shades darker than his hair or mustache, which met in a straight line above the bridge of his high-arched nose... ...His tenor voice was gentler than his strong-jawed face, almost soft...."
HH3, HH4, HH11
Victoria Saunders RMN Captain, Hercules's commanding officer.
(auburn-haired... fifteen T-years older than Terekhov... Sphinxian accent)
SI2, Ch. 6
Tian Schoeninger IAN Commander. Operations officer to Rabenstrange HH6
Frank Schubert RMN Commander. The officer in charge of Wayfarer's overhaul HH6

Schumacher to Shemais

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Schumacher - the system CO over al-Salil HH10
Schweikert IAN HH10
Seifert PN Peoples Commissioner (for Capt Waters) (on PNS Falchion) HH6
Elijah Sennett SKM chief of security, Hauptman Cartel Mentioned in HH10
Sewell RMN CPO Mentioned in HH6
Allen Sewell GSN Commander GNS (Grayson; astrogator, GNS Terrible) HH5
James Shackleton GR True name for Anthony Baird, conspirator on Grayson. HH9
Ellen Shalus PN Citizen Vice Admiral (PNS) HH8
Terrence Shaw RMN Captain; Cortez's chief of staff SI2, Ch. 8
Gary Shelton RMN LAC Cutthroat's com officer Killed in battle. HH9
Ellen Shemais - Colonel, head of Queen Elizabeth's personal security force. HH9, HH10

Sherman to Silvetti

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Rayna Sherman - Admiral pirate, CO of President Warnecke (Warnecke's pirate navy) based at Sidemore HH6
Azadeh Shirafkin ME Purser, Jessyk Combine freighter Marianne. SI1
Loretta Shoupe RMN Captain, Royal Manticoran Navy. Chief of staff for Rear Admiral Augustus Khumalo. SI1; SI2, Ch. 6
Elizabeth Showforth RMN hangs out with Steilman. Plotted desertion. Killed during battle. HH6
Eliza Shumate SS Citizen Captain (SS) HH9
Aaron Sidemore GR Councilman Grayson Minister of Justice HH5
Sigourney PN Citizen Commissioner (PRH/PN) HH5
Joseph Silvetti RMN Lt. (RMN) Commanding officer of Damage Control Center HMS Wayfarer HH6

Simmons, G to Snellgrave

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Gaston Simmons Commodore, Jameston System Navy, former prisoner of Hades. HH8
Simões, Herlander Mesan mathematician & theoretical astrophysicist, Gamma Center project leader, becomes one of the main secondary characters in WS02. (wife Harriet & daughter Francesca 'Frankie') WS02, Ch. 6+
Simonds GR Steadholder during Grayson Civil War. HH5
Matthew Simonds - He was the younger brother of the Masadan head of state, Thomas Simonds, and an elder of the Church of Humanity Unchained. He held the rank of Sword of the Faithful (commander-in-chief) of the Masadan military, and led Masada's assaults on Grayson. He died in a space battle with Honor Harrington. HH2
Thomas Simonds - Chief Elder of the Church of Humanity Unchained and head of state on Masada.
Desc. from HH2, Ch. 17: "...rheumy old eyes flat as a snake’s..."
Tobias Simonds - father of Matthew and Thomas Simonds. HH2
Holden Singer RMN Lieutenant. HMS Enchanter tac officer HH7
Singleterry RMN Lieutenant. RHNS Hecate HH10
Slattery RMN Corporal (RMN) HH6
Sam "Scooter" Smith RMN PO HMS Minotaur. LAC Cutthroats electronics warfare specialist HH8, HH9
Snellgrave PN Citizen Captain Mentioned in HH8

Sorbanne to Steiner

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Dame Madeleine Sorbanne RMN Vice Admiral of the Red. Senior officer on Clairmont Station HH7
(first name unknown)
SS Citizen Captain. CO of PNS Morrigan. HH8
Spangen, Vegar Maya Oravil Barregos' "...personal security chief for decades and the governor trusted him implicitly.... ...the tall, red-haired bodyguard..." WS02, Ch. 1
Abraham Spencer - Chairman of CCFA HH10
Barbara Stackowitz - Lt. Commander Stackowitz tac branch officer reputed to be a missile genius HH8
John Stackpole RMN Battlecruiser Squadron Eighty-One's operations officer (Battle of Solon); Lieutenant Commander SI2, Ch. 1
Stephen Stahler - HD program host HH10
Ludwig Stanton RMN Vice Admiral of the Red. HMS Majestic HH5
Sandra Staunton RH Secretary of Biosciences HH10
Randy Steilman RMN power tech, 3rd class worked in Impeller One aboard Wayfarer. Bully. Plotted desertion. Killed during battle. HH6
Hieronymus Stein ___ Hieronymus Stein was the Erewhonese leader of the Renaissance Association, until he was assassinated. WS01, WS02
Jessica Stein ___ Daughter of Hieronymus Stein. Believed to have acquiesced to the assassination of her father. WS01, WS02
Kirios Steinbach RMN Lt. LAC HMS Cutthroat's executive officer HH9
Ceilia Steiner PN Citizen Major. Hades HH8

Stellingetti to Stokes

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Marie Stellingetti PN Citizen Captain PNS Kerebin HH6
Al Stennis RMN HMS Wayfarer hangs out with Steilman. Plotted desertion. HH6
Stephanopoulos PN Citizen Admiral Mentioned in HH9
Stephens, Brent Maya
senior industrial planner to (Solarian) Maya Sector Governor Oravil Barregos.
Appearance (WS02, Ch. 2): ...on the large size, seven centimeters taller than Rozsak's own hundred and seventy-five centimeters, with blond hair and brown eyes. He was also a direct descendent of the first wave of Mayan colonists...
Stephenson - Lt. Lowell Space Navy POW on Hades HH8
Xiaohu Pausch von Sternhafen IAN Graf Admiral. Anti-Manticoran chauvinist—CO of (IAN) station in Silesia HH10
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Captain PNS Poignard HH9
Henry Stevens RMN Lieutenant. HH10
Courtney Stillman RMN Commander RMN Capt. MacGuire's Exec on the Gudrid.
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 7: "...was considerably taller than he was. She might be ten or twelve centimeters short of Honor's height, but that still made her seem to tower over her CO. They were an odd-looking pair, and not just because of the altitude differential. Stillman was dark-skinned, with eyes an even darker brown than Honor's, and she wore her close-cropped black hair at least as short as Honor had worn hers up until four years ago. She also seemed to have absolutely no sense of humor, yet she and MacGuire obviously got along together well...."
Allen Stokes RMN Admiral (Manticore Astro Control) Junction officer HH10

Stone to Sukowski

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Angus Stone GR true name for Brian Kennedy conspirator on Grayson HH9
Anson Stone GR conspirator on Grayson (Brother to Angus Stone?) HH9
Maxwell (Max) Artois Stromboli RMN Lieutenant (Senior Grade). from Manticore, serves as an astrogator aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56 (probably not also CA-286)).
Desc. from HH1, Ch. 4: ...fleshy, dark-browed, and physically powerful...
Harold Styles RMN Rear Admiral. Senior (RMN) POW officer on RH/PRH prison planet Hades until arrival of Admiral Harrington. Allowed to resign rather than face court-martial after return to the SKM.
HH8, Ch. 26+: They'd had him for over eight T-years, since the day they'd destroyed his entire picket squadron in the Yalta System in one of the probing attacks with which they had opened the present war.
HH9, near end of Ch. 8: His voice turned darker with the last words, and Honor understood perfectly. Rear Admiral Harold Styles had been allowed to resign his commission rather than face trial on the charges of insubordination and cowardice she'd laid against him, but not everyone felt that was sufficient punishment.
HH8, Ch. 26+; HH9, Ch. 8
(first name unknown)
RMN Admiral HH5
Lois Suchon RMN Surgeon Commander. Doctor aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56). Because of her annoyance in carrying out her duties concerning the health of the crew aboard HMS Fearless -- she falls in bad favor with Honor..
Desc. from HH1, Ch. 4: ...thin-faced, petulant...
Harold Captain Sukowski RMN Hauptman Lines freighter Bonaventure -- Cmdr (RMN)R—captured by a Warnecke pirate ship, rescued by PNS xxx, recovered by Wayfarer; provided intelligence about Warnecke's naval strength and plans. HH6

Sullivan, L to Sydon

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Leonard Sullivan GSN Captain, CO of Grayson One HH9
Jeremiah Sullivan GR (spiritual head of the Church of Humanity Unchained)
Frederick Sully HSG Died in pinnace crash at Harrington space port HH5
Prime Minister Allen Summervale SKM Prime Minister of SKM, Duke of Cromarty. Leader of the Centerist political party—and of the coalition under Roger III and the first years of Elizabeth III's reign—which built up the (RMN) and prepared for war with RH. A politician of great ability and integrity who held that coalition together while building an anti-RH Alliance and conducting the first years of the war. Assassinated by Masadans.
Desc. from HH3, Ch. 11: "...tall and slim, like all the Summervales, and, despite prolong, his hair was silver and his handsome face deeply lined..."
The Hon. Denver Summervale SKM Employed in a plot on Medusa by Haven. Professional duelist. Former Captain in RMMC—cashiered for conduct unbecoming. Hired by Lord Pavel Young to kill Paul Tankersley (succeeded) and Honor Harrington (failed). Shot by Honor Harrington in a formal duel. Distant cousin of Allen Summervale. HH1, HH4
Jared Sutton GSN Lieutenant. HH's flag lieutenant. Killed during assassination attempt. HH5
Earl of Sydon - (husband of Lady Zidaru?) HH9


Takahashi to Templeton, G

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Ernest Takahashi RMN On HMS Minotaur, modified flight simulator in school, earning a reputation HH8
Takano, Haruka - lieutenant, Biological Survey Corps, "...he'd have been described as the unit's intelligence officer in another armed force...", ____________ See also Hugh Arai, Marti Garner.
Appearance (WS02, Ch. 9) " eyes, very dark skin, features which seemed more south Asian than anything else—and the complete absence of even a trace of an epicanthic fold."
(first name unknown)
PN? Citizen Commander HH8
Ernest Talbot - Werewolf's communications officer HH10
Paul Tankersley RMN Distant relative of the Michelle Henke, formerly XO for Captain Pavel Young. A BuShips yard specialist after his tour aboard Warlock with Young. Became HH's first love, designed and had built the first treecat vac suit (for Nimitz), killed at Pavel Young's order by Denver Summervale in a duel.
Desc. from HH3, Ch. 6: "...He was short, the crown of his head just topping Honor's shoulder, but solid and chunky, and his dark hair, longer than current fashion decreed, was drawn back in a neat ponytail under his black beret. His cuffs bore the same four gold rings as her own, but his collar carried the four gold pips of a junior grade captain, not the single planet of a captain of the list,... ...Tankersley's voice was deeper than she remembered, rumbling about in his chest..."
HH1, HH3, HH4.
Justin Tasco RMN Captain, CO of HMS Hadrian and flag captain to Admiral Elvis Santino HH8
William Tatnall - Commander, Niall MacDonnell's exec HH10
Yoshiro Tatsumi RMN convicted drug user, RMN. SBA Saved Ginger Lewis's life HH6
Austin Vincent Taylor GR (conspirator/saboteur, Grayson Sky Domes Ltd.) Burdette steader HH5
Abraham Templeton Masada Member of the Church of Humanity Unchained (Defiant). Killed on the Wages of Sin CoS
Gideon Templeton Masada Member of the Church of Humanity Unchained. Ruth Winton's half brother. Led an attempt to kidnap Ruth Winton. CoS

Tennard, J to Theodore

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Jeremiah Tennard HSG Corporal, Harrington Steadholders Guard, Faith's personal armsman HH9, HH11
Michael Tennard RMN Rear Admiral of the Green HH8
Aivars Aleksovitch Terekhov RMN Captain, Royal Manticoran Navy. CO, HMS Hexapuma. SI1; SI2, Ch. 5
Sinead Patricia O'Daley Terekhov SKM Wife of Captain Aivars Terekhov. SI1
Madison Thaddeus PN Intelligence officer. Citizen Lieutenant, sister Sabrina Thaddeus was hung by People's Courts HH8, HH9
Tharwan - Commodore, head of RecDiv (Marsh) HH10
Rochelle Thatcher RMN HMS Harvest Joy Lieutenant HH10
Thayer RMN Admiral, formerly commanded space port Vulcan Mentioned in HH2 & HH6
Thomas Theisman PN (PNS Conquistador books 2 and 5) Current Secretary of War, Republic of Haven HH2, HH3, HH5, HH7-HH11
Theodore - Midshipman HH9

Therret to Thurgood

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Brigham Therret SS Citizen Colonel, stationed at Danak HH8
Luke Thiele RMN PO 3/c, Cutthroat's assistant engineer HH9
(first name unknown)
- Captain HH9
(first name unknown)
SS Citizen Chief HH7
(first name unknown)
RMN Ensign, LAC squadron HH8
(first name unknown)
RMN Master at Arms HH6
(first name unknown)
GMC Colonel, a grayson, loyal to Benjamin Mayhew HH9
Susan Thorn SKM HH's cook at Harrington Steading. HH9
Prestwick Thornegrave SS Citizen Major General, PNS Farnese HH8, HH9
Angela Thurgood RMN Commander, Parnassus Exec, sat beside Alice
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 7: "...Blondes weren't all that rare in the Star Kingdom, but they weren't especially common, either. Yet it seemed to be a tradition that whenever Honor saw Truman, her senior subordinate—male or female—would be one of them."

Thurman to Tobias

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Amanda Thurman - Lieutenant HH8
(first name unknown)
RMN Captain, Rafael Cardones' COLAC HH10
(first name unknown)
RMMC Lieutenant, deceased. Iris Babcock's first CO. The first known victim of Denver Summervale. HH4
Alexander Thurston PN Citizen Vice Admiral, CO of Task Force 14 aboard PNS Conquistador. KIA at the Fourth Battle of Yeltsin. HH5
Francis Tibolt RHN Commander, chief of staff for RHN Task Force Eleven HH10
Hanson Timmons SS Citizen Lieutenant, cell guard, SS HH7
Jane Timmons RMN Captain; CO, HMS Andromeda SI2, Ch. 7
President Jacomina Tinkhof TC System President, Rembrandt System. SI1
(first name unknown)
GSN Commander, Grayson light cruiser Nathan; helmsman HH6
Eric Tobin GR Grand Swordmaster, Grayson HH5
(first name unknown)
RMN Chief, HMS Harvest Joy HH10

Tobin to Trajan, Wi

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
GR Brother Tobin, the Mueller Steading chaplain HH9
Togo SKM Treecat in Nimitz's immigrant clan HH7, HH9
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen General HH8
(first name unknown)
GR Councilman before the Mayhew Restoration. HH2
Aleksandra Tonkovic TC Former Planetary President of Kornati, Split System. Split System's senior delegate to the Talbott Constitutional Convention. Leader of the Liberal Constitutional Party in the Convention. Resigned the office of President after she was impeached for withholding knowledge of an SKM imposed deadline on the convention from her own government. SI1
Tor; Countess of the See Catherine Montaigne (NOT spelled: 'Maintaigne'.)
Lester Tourville RH Citizen Rear Admiral Lester Tourville HH7-HH11 & SI2, Ch 4
Adam Towson GSN Commander HH9
(first name unknown)
GSN Rear Admiral, CO of BatDiv Twelve of the First Battle Squadron under the command of Honor Harrington. KIA at the Fourth Battle of Yeltsin HH5
Walter Trajan RH HH10
Wilhelm Trajan RH the FIS director HH11, WS01

Tremaine to Truman

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Prescott David Tremaine RMN 'Scotty' (Ops Officer, HH6) (Electronics Officer, HH7) (Commander, HH8) Ensign Tremaine was HMS Fearless's (CL-56 or CA-286 ?) boat bay control officer. Taken under PO Harkness' wing at that time. Specialist in small boat operations, became one of first squadron leaders for the new LACs and LAC carriers under Admiral Truman. HH1, HH2, HH4, HH6-HH11
Linda Trenis RH Vice Admiral, director of RN Bureau of Planning (the equivalent of Second Space Lord). "would have made formidable interrogators" & "the Republic of Haven's senior command staff had a depressingly high level of general competence." (SI2) HH11, SI2, Ch. 4
Dennis Tresca SS Citizen Brigadier, Warden of Hades prison planet, sadistic thug who likes to play correspondence chess when not torturing or killing prisoners. HH7, HH8, HH9
(first name unknown)
- Admiral, Falsely pronounced dead by CPS/SS of PRH HH8
Mirdula Trikoupis - Wife of Aristides, senior member of Manticoran Foreign Office, and permanent staff HH9
Aristides Trikoupis GSN Rear Admiral, aboard GNS Isaiah MacKenzie HH9
Gilbert Troubridge GSN Master Chief Coxswain (GSN, cutter/pinnace pilot), died in crash at Harrington space port HH5
(first name unknown)
RMN Rear Admiral Truitt HH8
(first name unknown)
- Commander in Warnecke's pirate navy HH6
Dame Alice Truman RMN Vice Admiral, Dame Honorable. Honor's second in command in First Yeltsin, later assigned to organize and develop operational doctrine for the SKM LAC carriers and new LACs
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 7: "...golden blonde and green-eyed, still the same sturdily built woman..."
HH2, HH3, HH6, HH8-HH11

Truscot to Tyler

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Truscot RMN Captain, HMS Majestic chief of staff HH5
Harold ('Harry') Tschu RMN Engineering, Commander. aboard Wayfarer. Bonded with Samantha. Killed aboard Wayfarer in combat. HH6
Jeff Tullingham RH HH10
Avram Turner PRH Citizen Secretary of the Treasury HH9, HH10
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Captain HH7
(first name unknown)
RMN Lieutenant, astrogator aboard HMS LaFroye HH10
Arlo Turner RMN Commodore, aide to Henke when she was in the Hospital.
...a heavyset, fair-haired man in his mid-fifties, ...from the planet of Manticore itself. ...from the City of Landing, the Star Kingdom' capital, ...he was one of the more efficient administrators she'd ever worked with, and she had no doubt he was a competent tactician, too...
SI2, Ch. 3
Marisa Turner SKM Countess of New Kiev and Chancellor of the Exchequer for the High Ridge Cabinet; see New Kiev HH1, HH8, HH9, HH10
Sensei Robert Tye SOL Sensei of Neue-Stil Handgemenge, one of the two or three most respected martial arts masters anywhere. Teaches on Terra and became friends with Helen Zilwiki and Anton Zilwiki in the years before the Peep-Manpower War Incident. HHA3
"Franny" Tyler PN Citizen Commander, Citizen Admiral Giscard's staff astrogator HH9
President Robert Tyler MO President, Republic of Monica. SI1


Ukovski to Usher, Kevin

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
RMN Rear Admiral Mentioned in HH7
(first name unknown)
- Lieutenant Commander HH8
(first name unknown)
Neville Underwood ACS Number three man on the fourth watch at Basilisk Astro-Control. HH8
Hermelinda Urizar RMN Sergeant-Major, Royal Manticoran Marines. Company sergeant-major, HMS Hexapuma. SI1
Gene Usher RMN Commander. CO HMS Hawkwing, a destroyer which was HH's first hyper-capable command. Ship destroyed in action in Silesia while 'informally' (though under orders) accompanying a small convoy carrying Klaus Hauptmann. Wayfarer happened by in time to attempt a decoy operation during which she was destroyed. HH6
Kevin Usher RH Committed Aprilist opponent of the Legislaturalist regime, close associate of Eloise Pritchart while in the Aprilists, active and effective participant in the Pierre coup, joined the PRH Marines when Saint-Just made it clear the Aprilist program would not be followed, served on Terra while drinking heavily and maintaining a covert opposition to the PRH regime. Became aware of an opportunity to strike a blow against Mesa/Manpower Inc, save a kidnapped girl, and take on the worst of StateSec on Terra. With Jeremy X of the Ballroom, and a raw SS officer named Cachat, planned and executed the complete destruction of Manpower's Terran HQ. After the Theisman coup, became head of the revived RH's FIS. Married Ginny (ex-manpower slave) while on Terra. Extremely skilled black ops operator, at the top of the list, according to RMN Captain Zilwiki (inactive). General, head of FIA (Federal Investigation Agency) HH3, HH10, HH11, HHA3, HHA4, WS01


Vale to Venizelos

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
- Lieutenant, System Command Central HH6
Jim Valentine PN Commander, PN, Chief Engineer on PNS Salidan. Invented practice of towing LACs. HH2
Ineka Vaandrager TC Former Chairwoman of the Rembrandt Trade Union (RTU). Hand picked and later removed by Bernardus Van Dort. SI1
Bernardus Van Dort TC Founder, majority shareholder, and former chairman of the Rembrandt Trade Union (RTU). Was principally responsible for the plebiscite issuing a request for annexation into the Star Kingdom of Manticore for the Talbott Cluster. Was tapped by Baroness Medusa to assist Captain Aivars Terekhov on board the HMS Hexapuma as a diplomat/negotiator, during which time the two men forged a close working relationship.
(Height- shorter than two meters, but still considerably taller than Michelle {Henke}.
He was also fair-haired and blue-eyed, and his Standard English had a distinctly different accent from Alquezar's.)
SI1; SI2, Ch. 5
Paul Van Scheldt TC Introduced Lieutenant Archer to Helga Boltitz. Joachim Alquezar’s appointment secretary.
(suave, dark-haired Rembrandter... ...youthful appearance, was at least ten or fifteen T-years older than Gervais)
SI2, Ch. 15
Van Slyke, Stephen RMN Commodore, CO of Heavy Cruiser Squadron Seventeen under Admiral Mark Sarnow's Hancock task group HH3, Ch. 22
Andreas Venizelos RMN The slim Venizelos served under Honor Harrington as Lieutenant and tac officer aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56) and as Lieutenant Commander and XO aboard HMS Fearless (CA 286). Was later promoted to Commander and given command of the light cruiser HMS Apollo, and eventually become HH's chief of staff when she assumed command of Battlecruiser Squadron 18 of Admiral White Haven's Eighth Fleet. Catured aboard HMS Prince Adrian and died helping Honor escape from Tepes. HH1, HH2, HH4, HH7, HHA4

Verrochio to Vorland

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Lorcan Verrochio OFS Commissioner, Office of Frontier Security, Solarian League. OFS administrator for the Madras Sector which borders on the Talbott Cluster. Authorized OFS involvement in the Mesan plot to derail the SKM annexation of the cluster. SI1
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Commander Mentioned in HH8
Henri Vladovich PN Citizen Captain, Tepes's captain HH7
Jack Vojonovic - Lieutenant HH10
Dame Erica Vonderhoff RMN General. Commanding Officer, Fleet Marine Force, (COFMF). Mentioned in HH4 & HH6
Michael Vorland GSN Lieutenant Commander. Staff chaplain HH7


Walker to Waters

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Enrico Walker RMN Surgeon Lieutenant. HMS Prince Adrian's doctor HH7
Sir Sheridan Wallace - Heads the Manticoran "New Men" political party Mentioned in HH7, HH9, HH10, HHA2, HHA1 & HHA3
Lord Waltham,
(first name unknown)
- Duke Waltham Mentioned in HH9
Aubrey Wanderman - Electronics Technician First-Class, gravitics specialist. Now Senior Chief Petty Officer, RMN, Engineering, HMS Hexapuma under Commander (and friend) Ginger Lewis
Desc. from HH6, Ch. 8: "...almost as young as prolong made him look. He was brown-haired and slim, with the wiry, half-finished look of his youth, and he'd dropped out of Mannheim University's physics program half-way through his freshman form to enlist..."
HH6, SI1
James Wanderman - Aubrey Wanderman's father Mentioned in HH6
Watanapongse, Jiri Maya
Lieutenant Commander, Rozsak's staff intelligence officer WS02, Ch. 2
(probably WS01 as well)
Annabelle Ward RMN Lieutenant. Tactical officer aboard the HMMS Artemis (armed passenger liner). HH6
Adrienne Warshawski Famous scientist, inventor of the Warshawski sail.
Andre Warnecke SIL Crazy revolutionary in Silesian space who runs a pirate navy HH6
Craig Warner RMN Vice Admiral, Commandant of Hephaestus HH1
Jerome Waters PN Citizen Captain, PNS Falchion HH6

Webster to Wexler

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Sir James Bowie Webster RMN Admiral of the Green (RMN, traditionalist). Served as First Space Lord during the first Janáček Admiralty; CO of Home Fleet during the Mourncreek Admiralty; was the Star Kingdom's ambassador to Old Earth by HH11. Assassinated presumably by Haven, but in fact was killed as part of a Mesa plot to cause a breakdown in peace negotiations. He has the trademark 'Webster chin.' HH1, HH3, HH4, HH6, HH11
Samuel Houston Webster RMN Captain (Junior Grade). Scheherazade's CO. (RMN) served with HH in Basilisk, Hancock. Started out as a lieutenant communications officer aboard the HMS Fearless (CL-56). He is the third cousin of Duke of New Texas and the grandnephew of the First Space Lord James Webster. Prior to the Second Havenite War, he was promoted to Rear Admiral in command of the Sixteenth Battle Squadron.
Desc. from HH?, Ch. ?: "...A cheerful young and overly tall (almost lanky) redhead, Samuel has the trademark Webster craggly chin and a homely face...." Desc. from HH6, Ch. 7: "...the tall, gangling redhead... ...He had the distinctive "Webster Chin" that marked him as a scion of one of the RMN's more powerful naval dynasties; fortunately, he also had the ability to deserve the advantages that chin brought with it...."
HH1, HH3, HH6, HH10
Travis Webster - Mentioned in HH7
(first name unknown)
RMN Chief, worked with Ginger Lewis HH6
(first name unknown)
RMN Ensign, Fusion Two Damage Control, Wayfarer HH6
Shilan Weiss IAN Kapitän Leutnant HH10
Wellerman - Colonel Mentioned in HH8
Stephen Westman TC Organizer and leader of the Montana Independence Movement aimed at halting the SKM's annexation of the Talbott Cluster. Was singular in his efforts to avoid casualties. Ended his guerrilla movement when it was discovered that his weapons supplier, "Firebrand", was operating on the behalf of Mesa. SI1
Alberto Wexler TC Personal assistant to Pontifex Planetary President George Adolfsson. SI1

White to Wilson

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Colonel. The system's senior StateSec officer of Lois, the sole inhabited planet of the Clarke System HH8
(Earl of White Haven) - See Hamish Alexander or #Akimoto to Allman -
Anthony Whitehead HSG Senior Corporal HH5
Robert Whitman HSG HH's security team following Eddy Howard's death HH7
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Commander, Achmeds assistant engineer, survivor of PNS Achmed HH6
Miguel Williams SKM Bartender at Dempsey's on HMSS Weyland Mentioned in HH9
(first name unknown)
- Captain, Masadan Navy; commander of Blackbird Base. Hanged by the Graysons for war crimes. HH2
Alfred Willis GSN Lieutenant (Junior Grade), tac officer on GNS Intrepid HH9
(first name unknown)
RMN Electronics Mate Second Class (chief) (under command of Ginger Lewis) HH6

Winton-Henke, Anson to Wright

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Anson Winton-Henke SKM Mentioned in HH9
Winton, King Roger III SKM Father and predecessor of Queen Elizabeth III; Prince Roger's grandfather.
Ariel (Winton) SKM Treecat. Bonded to Queen Elizabeth III. HH4, HH9, HH10, HH11, HHA2, HHA4, WS01
Prince Roger Winton SKM Crown Prince Roger, son of Queen Elizabeth
Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore SKM Elizabeth Adrienne Samantha Annette Winton, Queen of Manticore
Princess Joanna Winton SKM Princess Joanna, daughter of Queen Elizabeth
Ruth Winton SKM
Frederick James Winton-Travis M The Honorable; CEO and majority stockholder of the Apex Industrial Group "card-carrying member of the Conservative Association" SI2, Ch. 9
Prince Justin Zyrr-Winton SKM Prince Consort of the Star Kingdom of Manticore, husband to Queen Elizabeth III of Manticore HH9, HH11, HHA2, HHA4
Wise, Richard Maya
heads Barregos' civilian intelligence operations WS02, Ch. 2
Dr. Richard 'TJ' Wix SKM RMAIA HH10
Wodoslawski, Agatá Solarian permanent senior undersecretary for Treasury (back on Old Earth). One of a quintet of permanent bureaucrats who actually control the Solarian government's actions.
(See also Innokentiy Arsenovich Kolokoltsov, Nathan MacArtney, Omosupe Quartermain and Malachai Abruzzi)
SI2, Ch. 47
WS02, Ch. 1
Carolyn Wolcott RMN Ensign, served her first tour of duty with Honor Harrington on HMS Fearless (CA-286). Would again serve under HH as assistant tac officer aboard HMAMC Wayfarer at the rank of Lieutenant, but was killed in battle against PNS Achmed
Desc. from HH2, Ch. 31: "...chestnut hair..."
HH2, HH6
Tobias Wright RMN Lieutenant Commander, Royal Manticoran Navy. Astrogator, HMS Hexapuma. SI1


X, Isaac to X, Jeremy

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Isaac X See Isaac Douglas
Jeremy X KT Current leader of the Audubon Ballroom, a terrorist organization fighting genetic slavery. Escaped Manpower slave. Eventually serves as one of the founders, and the first Secretary of War, of the Kingdom of Torch. HH10, WS01, HHA3


Yammata to Yanakov, Rachel

TOC - Explanation of abbreviations - A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z - Ref's
Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Hiro Yammata RMN Sensor Technician First Class, Sensor technician aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56). HH1
Yana KT Former "Scrag" and one of Lieutenant Thandi Palane's "Amazons". WS01
(first name unknown)
GSN Commander. Staff logistics officer assigned to Admiral White Haven while commanding Eighth Fleet. HH8
(first name unknown)
GR General, Grayson Planetary Security Commander of the Office of Planetary Security of the Protectorate of Grayson. HH9
Anna Yanakov GSN High Admiral Yanakov's third wife. HH2
Esther Yanakov GR High Admiral Yanakov's second wife. HH2
Bernard Yanakov GSN High Admiral, Commander of the Grayson Space Navy and fifth cousin of Protector Benjamin IX. Led the combined Grayson-Manticoran fleet that tried to stand up to the Masadan invasion force. Died on the bridge of GNS Austin Grayson with Admiral Courvosier. HH2
Dietmar Yanakov GR Historical figure on Grayson; during the Protectorship of Thomas II, he smuggled one of the wives (pregnant at the time) of the Protector's late brother out of palace. HH8
Hugh Yanakov GR Captain of the original colony ship that landed on Grayson. One of the planet's five original Steadholders and founder of the Steading of Yanakov. HH2
Judah Yanakov GSN Admiral. Grayson admiral and commander of the GSN contingent assigned to Eighth Fleet. As Rear Admiral, led the First Battle Squadron's BatDiv Thirteen during the Fourth Battle of Yeltsin. On board 'the Harrington' when HH was returned to Grayson at beginning of HH9. HH5; HH8; HH9, Ch. 2+
Rachel Yanakov GR High Admiral Yanakov's first wife. HH2

Yang, Rachel to Yestremensky

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Rachel Yang PN Citizen Commodore Co-commander (with Citizen General Thornegrave) of the joint Navy-StateSec force sent to Cerberus III. HH8
Arthur Yard HSG Armsman, Harrington Steadholder's Guard Armsman occasionally assigned to Honor Harrington's personal security detail. HH5
(first name unknown)
SS Citizen Colonel, StateSec. State Security officer who defects to Citizen Admiral McQueen's side during her attempted coup. HHA3
Frances Yeargin RMN Commodore. Commander of the Allied picket at the Adler System. Died with almost all her entire command during a sneak attack led by Citizen Rear Admiral Tourville. Described as arrogant, contemptuous of the People's Navy and ultimately overconfident. HH7
Paul Yearman PN Citizen Rear Admiral. Co-commander (with Citizen General Chernock) of the Havenite task group destroyed at the Battle of Cerberus. HH8
(first name unknown)
RMN Commander, Admiral White Haven's staff astrogator. HH8
Andrew Yerensky RMN Commodore. Manticoran officer assigned to the Weapons Development Board. HH1
Jonathan Yerensky GSN Captain. Commanding officer of the GSN superdreadnought Benjamin the Great and Admiral White Haven's flag captain during Operation Buttercup. HH9
(first name unknown)
RMMC Major. Commander of the Marine contingent aboard the heavy cruiser HMS Prince Adrian. HH4
Leslie Yestremensky RMN Admiral, Manticoran ACS Senior officer of the Manticoran Astro Control Service. HH8

Younce to Young, Lord Stefan

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
(first name unknown)
SS Citizen Major, StateSec Officer at the StateSec garrison on Hades. Tried and convicted for war crimes, but not condemned to death. HH8
(first name unknown)
PM (rank unknown), People's Marines. Havenite Marine assigned to MNS Thunder of God. (a.k.a. PNS Saladin) HH2
(first name unknown)
PN Citizen Commander. Tactical officer aboard PNS Schaumberg. HH8
Lord Dmitri Young SKM Tenth Earl of North Hollow Manticoran peer of the realm and powerful political figure of the Conservative Association. Father of Pavel Young. Dies of a stroke after hearing his son's conviction by a court martial. HH1, HH3, HH4
Edwin Young RMN Rear Admiral. Naval attaché in the Manticoran embassy to the Solarian League on Old Earth. Convicted for violation of the Articles of War for his use of Manpower Inc.'s "services". Stripped of rank and sentenced to decades of incarceration. HHA3, HH10
Lady Georgia Young
(see Sakristos)
SKM Former senior aide to Pavel and Dimitri Young. Wife of Stefan Young. In WS01, she is identified as the same person as Elaine Komandorski In book 10, she left abruptly. HH4, HH10, WS01
Lord Pavel Young SKM Eleventh Earl of North Hollow. Earl of North Hollow, former Captain in the RMN. Lord. Cashiered out of the Royal Navy for cowardice under fire. Tried to rape Honor Harrington while at Saganami Island Naval Academy, but was never charged due to HH failure to testify against him. Former commanding officer of the heavy cruiser HMS Warlock. Son of Dimitri Young. Killed by Honor Harrington in a duel. Description: Flashy, handsome man, slightly overweight. Short beard, beginnings of a double chin. HH1, HH3, HH4
Lord Stefan Young SKM Twelfth Earl of North Hollow, former Secretary of Trade of the Star Kingdom under the High Ridge Administration, brother of Pavel Young, married to Georgia Sakristos HH4, HH10

Younger to Yviernau

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Eleanor Younger PRH First Deputy Director for Public Information of the People's Republic of Haven. HH8
Gerard Younger RH Representative in the Congress of the Republic of Haven. Cousin of Arnold Giancola. HH10
(first name unknown)
RMN Senior Master Chief Petty Officer. Ran the marina at Saganami Island Naval Academy while Honor Harrington was a midshipwoman. HH4
Janine Yountz RMN Lieutenant. Officer aboard HMS Fearless (CL-56), later transferred to HMS Madrigal. HH1, HH2
Alfredo Yu GSN Admiral; Captain, PN Currently second-in-command, under nominal commander HH, of the Protector's Own Squadron of the Grayson Space Navy. Formerly a Havenite PN captain assigned as an advisor to the Masadan Navy during their shooting war with Grayson (just prior to the start of the Haven War). Defected to Manticore and later relocated to Grayson where he became a citizen and entered the Grayson Navy. Commanded the superdreadnought GSN Terrible during the Fourth Battle of Yeltsin. HH2, HH5, HH9, HH10
(first name unknown)
PMC (Rank unknown), People's Marines. Havenite Marine assigned to one of Citizen Major Gricou's assault team during Admiral McQueen's attempted coup. HHA3
Francisca Yucel SOL Brigadier General, Solarian Gendarmerie. Senior Solarian Gendarmerie officer assigned to the Madras Sector. SI1
(first name unknown)
PN Commodore. Division Commander in Rear Admiral Edward Pierre's battlecruiser squadron. HH3
Andrieaux Yviernau TC Chairman of the New Tuscany delegation to the Talbott Constitutional Convention. SI1


Zachary to Zidaru

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Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Josepha Zachary RMN Captain, CO of the exploration ship HMS Harvest Joy which first passed through the Lynx ternimus of the Manticore Wormhole Junction. HH10
Helen Zachary PN Citizen Captain HH7
Anna Zahn RMN Lieutenant Commander, Sidemore Navy, HMS LaFroye's tactical officer HH10
Tim Zahn - Civilian analyst for Fleet Operations, Marsh/Sidemore, husband of Anna Mentioned in HH10
(first name unknown)
- Governor of the Horus system, planet Osiris, Silesian space HH10
Zidaru, SKM Lady Zidaru (wife of Earl Sydon?) HH9

Zilwicki to Zrubek

Character Affiliation Description Appeared in
Anton Zilwicki RMN Captain. Husband of Helen Zilwicki (died). Ex-Spy, currently on half pay. Father of Helen, Lars, and Berry. {See also: Catherine Montaigne}
Zilwicki's first appearance takes place in The Short Victorious War, when he and his daughter must witness the death of his wife Captain Helen Zilwicki, who sacrificed herself to protect the convoy they were traveling onboard from a group of Havenite warships. He was born in the Gryphon highlands, and as almost all natives of Gryphon, Zilwicki has a deep seated hatred of the Manticoran aristocracy. He reappeared in the short story Changer of Worlds - From the Highlands (Honorverse anthology #3) as a captain in the Royal Manticoran Navy's intelligence service assigned to the Manticoran embassy on Earth; since the events of that story, where he associated with Audubon Ballroom terrorists to rescue his daughter, he has been placed on half pay (effectively being removed from the service). His actions led to a brief political scandal on Manticore and the destruction of the Mesan corporation Manpower Incorporated's headquarters on Earth. While he claims his specialty was electronic intelligence (breaking into computer systems), he has proved himself to be an adequate field intelligence officer. He is the lover of Catherine Montaigne, the former Manticoran Countess of the Tor, and a notable anti-slavery activist and prominent figure of the Manticoran Liberal Party. Zilwicki is the father of Midshipwoman Helen Zilwicki, and the adoptive father of Berry Zilwicki, Queen Berry of the planet Torch (formerly the Mesan slave-world called Congo) of the House of Zilwicki, and Berry's brother Lars. (see: Crown of Slaves).
HH3, HH10, HH11, HHA3, WS01
Berry Zilwicki KT Adopted daughter of Anton Zilwicki. Queen of Torch HHA3, HH11, WS01.
Lars Zilwicki RMN Adopted son of Anton Zilwicki.
Description (WS02, Ch. 3): "...Once he got past puberty, Berry's younger brother Lars had turned into something of a Lothario. The secret of his attraction to young women remained mysterious to Cathy. Lars was a pleasant looking boy, but he wasn't really what you'd call "handsome."
HHA3, WS01, WS02.
Helen Zilwicki RMN Captain. Killed in action at the beginning of the Haven War, recipient of the Parliamentary Medal of Valor. Mother of Helen Zilwicki. HH3
Helen Zilwicki RMN Daughter of Anton and Helen Zilwicki. Ensign. Served her Middie cruise aboard the HMS Hexapuma.
She is the daughter of Captain Anton Zilwicki and the late Captain Helen Zilwicki. Her adopted siblings are Berry Zilwicki and Larens ("Lars") Zilwicki. Her de facto stepmother is Catherine Montaigne, former Countess of the Tor. Helen's first appearance was as a 4-year old girl in The Short Victorious War, when her mother sacrificed herself and her ship to protect the convoy Helen and Anton were escaping in. Helen Sr was posthumously awarded the Parliamentary Medal of Valor (the Manticoran equivalent of a Victoria Cross or the Medal of Honor). She subsequently appeared at age 14 in From the Highlands. She was kidnapped and held for ransom by slavers in the catacombs under Chicago. An expert in Neue-Stil Handgemenge, she killed three men barehanded after escaping, and saved the lives of Berry and Lars. Helen also appeared in War of Honor where she was attending the Saganami Naval Academy. She had a brief appearance in Crown of Slaves, a book which mostly concerned Anton and Berry's adventures on Erewhon and Torch. The Shadow of Saganami had Helen as a major character. She served as a Midshipwoman (an Honorverse variant of Midshipman) aboard the heavy cruiser HMS Hexapuma, under the command of Captain Aivars Terekhov. Her Officer Candidate Training Officer was Lieutenant (junior grade) Abigail Hearns. She developed a romantic interest in Paulo d'Arezzo, a fellow midshipman. She is effectively Crown Princess (Heiress Presumptive) of Torch according to the Torch constitution. She is the oldest sibling of her sister Queen Berry, who currently has no children.
HH3, HH10, HHA3, WS01, SI1
Zrubek RHN Admiral HH10
Scott Zrubek - Commodore HH10


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