- AirLaunch LLC
company_name = AirLaunch LLC.
company_type = Private
company_slogan = "Launch Anywhere ... Global Reach"
foundation = 2000-2003
location =Kirkland, Washington ,USA
key_people = Ms. Debra Facktor Lepore (President),Gary Hudson (Founder)
industry =Aerospace and defense
products = Orbitalrocket launch ;Aerospace Hardware
homepage = [http://www.airlaunchllc.com/ www.airlaunchllc.com]AirLaunch LLC is an
aerospace design and development company headquartered inKirkland ,Washington . They hope to provide launch services for launchingpayloads into orbits around theEarth . This is to be realized through a method calledair launch where a rocket is carried within anaircraft and then dropped from altitude. The rocket engine is then ignited where the rocket (with its payload) enter into alow earth orbit . On June 14, 2006, the firm, in aDARPA sponsored test, dropped a 65,000 lb dummy payload from the back of a C-17, the largest single load ever dropped from an airplane. [ [http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summary_0286-15614350_ITM DARPA, Air Force and AirLaunch LLC Drop Test Sets New C-17 Record] ] Airlaunch is currently undergoing upper stage propulsion development for the QuickReach orbital launch vehicle. The QuickReach vehicle is part of the Air Force and DARPA Falcon Small Launch Vehicle Program.References
External links
* [http://www.airlaunchllc.com/ Company web site] .
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