- USS Albatross (1858)
USS "Albatross" (1858) was a screw steamer rigged as a three-masted
schooner acquired by theUnion Navy during the beginning of theAmerican Civil War . She was outfitted as agunboat with heavy guns and used in theUnion blockade of the waterways of theConfederate States of America .Built in Mystic, Connecticut
"Albatross" was built at
Mystic, Connecticut in1858 . She was purchased by the Navy atBrooklyn, New York onMay 23 ,1861 , and commissioned at theNew York Navy Yard onJune 25 ,1861 ,Commander George A. Prentiss in command.Civil War operations
Assigned to the Atlantic blockade
Acquired during the Union Navy's efforts to expand the Fleet early in the Civil War to carry out the blockade of the Confederate coast established by
U.S. President Abraham Lincoln 's proclamation ofApril 19 , "Albatross" was assigned to theAtlantic Blockading Squadron . She soon sailed for theVirginia Capes , and reported to the squadron’s commander,Flag Officer Silas Stringham , atHampton Roads, Virginia onJuly 1 .Following a week's service in the
Chesapeake Bay along its eastern shore and off the mouth of theRappahannock River , the steamer roundedCape Henry onJuly 10 and proceeded south to waters outside the bar offHatteras Inlet to assist in sealing off theNorth Carolina coast. The ship's first action came onJuly 11 after a Confederate shore battery nearOregon Inlet opened fire on her. She answered with all her guns, knocked out one of the Confederate cannon, and drove the Southern soldiers from the area."Albatross" made her first capture on
July 18 , when a party from the steamer boarded and seized the schooner "Velasco" ofGalveston, Texas , which was carrying false papers while sailing under the Lone Star flag fromMatanzas, Cuba with a cargo of sugar. "Albatross" took the prize to Hampton Roads and turned her over to Flag Officer Stringham onJuly 20 . The next day, while returning to her station, "Albatross" exchanged fire with theNorth Carolina steamer "Beaufort" lying offBodie Island and forced the Southern ship to retire through Oregon Inlet to safety inPamlico Sound .Capturing “pirates”
"(Line engraving published in "
Harpers Weekly ", 1861)"]On
July 22 , while "Albatross" was chasing a sailing vessel nearHatteras Inlet , a black man jumped overboard and shouted, "Save me, captain, she's bound to Charleston." While lowering a boat to pick up the man, "Albatross" turned her guns on the schooner and ordered her to heave to. That vessel, "Enchantress", a schooner ofNewburyport, Massachusetts which had been captured onJuly 6 by Confederateprivateer "Jefferson Davis", promptly surrendered. Commander Prentiss, considering the five crewmen captured with the schooner to bepirate s, had them put in double irons. He placedMaster's Mate Tunis D. Wendell in charge of the prize over a crew consisting of five Union sailors and the rescued man who had been on "Enchantress" when she surrendered to the Southern privateer."Albatross" took the
schooner to Hampton Roads where they arrived onJuly 24 . Since the Union steamer was in need of repairs, Stringham sent the two vessels on toPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania . En route north onAugust 1 , a party from "Albatross" boarded "Elizabeth Ann" ofAccomac, Virginia and bound fromPenns Grove, New Jersey forChincoteague, Virginia , and, upon finding her papers to be incorrect, seized that vessel and took her in tow. OnAugust 2 , the three ships reachedPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania where the schooners were turned over to theprize court and "Albatross" entered the shipyard for repairs.After completion of the machinery work late in the month, the steamer returned to Hampton Roads on the evening of
August 31 and began cruising in Chesapeake Bay where she took the schooner "Alabama" off the mouth of thePotomac River onSeptember 14 . Next ordered back to waters off the outer banks of North Carolina, "Albatross", except for periodic runs to Hampton Roads for fuel and provisions and a trip toBaltimore, Maryland for repairs, operated nearBeaufort, North Carolina until April1862 when she was transferred to theSouth Atlantic Blockading Squadron .Reassigned to the South Atlantic blockade
The highlight of this stint of service off Beaufort was her discovery and destruction of the grounded 800-ton British ship "York" of
Dublin ,Ireland , nearBogue Inlet onJanuary 16 ,1862 . After reporting to Flag OfficerSamuel Francis du Pont , the ship spent May and June inWinyah Bay ,South Carolina , blockadingGeorgetown, South Carolina . There, onJune 20 , two boats from "Albatross" captured steam tug "Treaty" and schooner "Louisa".Reassigned to the West Gulf blockade
Early in July, the steamer proceeded to
Boston, Massachusetts where she arrived onJuly 10 for repairs. When ready again for sea, "Albatross", commanded by Commander Henry French sinceAugust 1 , was reassigned to theWest Gulf Blockading Squadron . She stood out to sea on the evening ofAugust 7 and, after reporting toRear Admiral David Farragut , was stationed off the mouth of theRio Grande nearBrownsville, Texas . There, onSeptember 21 , she captured the schooner "Two Sisters" ofGalveston, Texas , flying theConfederate flag as she was sailing from Sisal,Mexico , toward Galveston with 87 bales ofgunny cloth for Southerncotton gin s and one case ofcrinoline s probably intended for a less utilitarian purpose.Breakout of yellow fever
Late in September,
yellow fever broke out in "Albatross". Upon the recommendation of the ship's surgeon, Commander French sailed toPensacola, Florida where she arrived onOctober 4 . Farragut placed the steamer inquarantine , and she was forbidden to communicate with the rest of the squadron. Nevertheless, the Admiral reprimanded French for leaving his station before his ship had been properly relieved and, onOctober 29 , sent him North in USS "Rhode Island" with orders to report to Secretary of the NavyGideon Welles .Lieutenant Commander John E. Hart took command of "Albatross".After the health of her crew had been restored, the steamer began patrolling off the
Gulf of Mexico shore in mid-November. FromNovember 24 untilDecember 8 , boat crews from the ship made a series of raids againstsalt works along the Florida coast betweenSt. Andrews Bay and Pensacola, during which they destroyed over 300 salt pans.Mississippi River operations
December 11 , "Albatross" sailed for theMississippi River where the tempo of operations to free the river for Union shipping was increasing. OnDecember 17 , she, USS "Richmond", USS "Cayuga", USS "Katahdin", and USS "Winona" supported the uncontested landing ofMajor General Nathaniel Prentiss Banks ' troops atBaton Rouge, Louisiana . Ever since the previous spring, when his thrusts upriver had been nullified by lack of ground forces, Farragut had been awaiting Army support for clearing the Mississippi. After the surrender of Baton Rouge, he was eager to move on to the next Confederate river stronghold,Port Hudson, Louisiana , but no soldiers were made available for the operation.Finally, with the approach of the spring, misfortunes to Rear Admiral
David Dixon Porter 's Mississippi Squadron, which had been attempting to send some of its gunboats pastVicksburg, Mississippi to patrol the river between that strongly fortified position and Port Hudson, prompted Farragut to brave the guns of Port Hudson without help from Banks. On the evening ofMarch 13 ,1863 , he moved seven of his warships - four saltwater men-of-war and threegunboat s - some 15 miles above Baton Rouge and anchored for the night.During the next day, he gave careful attention to the readiness of each ship in the force for battle. He had three of the heavy warships lashed to the port and soon-to-be-engaged sides of the smaller gunboats, pairing his flagship, USS "Hartford", with "Albatross", "Richmond" with USS "Genesee", and USS "Monongahela" with USS "Kineo". USS "Mississippi", proceeding alone, brought up the rear. Farragut later explained his selection of "Albatross" as "Hartford"'s partner:
:"Albatross being the most vulnerable of the gunboats, and her speed being about equal to that of this ship, was assigned to her. ..."
Braving the fire of Port Hudson
Shortly after 10:00 p.m., the fleet got underway. Moving up the river "in good style," "Hartford" and "Albatross" weathered the hail of shot from the batteries. Major General
Franklin Gardner , commanding Confederate forces at Port Hudson, noted: "She returned our fire boldly." While the flagship and her consort were passing the lower batteries, the current nearly swung the pair around and grounded them; "but," Farragut reported, "backing the "Albatross", and going ahead strong on this ship, we at length headed her up the river." Though able to bring only two guns to bear on the upper batteries, Farragut successfully passed those works.Following the
flagship closely, "Richmond" took a hit in her steam plant, disabling her. "The turning point (in the river) was gained," CommanderJames Alden, Jr. reported, "but I soon found, even with the aid of the "Genesee", which vessel was lashed alongside, that we could make no headway against the strong current of the river, and suffering much from a galling cross fire of the enemy's batteries, I was compelled though most reluctantly, to turn back, and by the aid of the "Genesee" soon anchored out of the range of their guns."Next in line, "Monongahela" ran hard aground under Port Hudson's lower batteries where she remained for nearly half an hour, taking severe punishment. At least eight shots passed entirely through the ship. The bridge was shot from underneath Captain
James P. McKinstry , wounding him and killing three others. With "Kineo"'s aid, "Monongahela" was refloated; and she attempted to resume her course upriver. "We were nearly by the principal battery," wroteLieutenant Nathaniel W. Thomas , theexecutive officer , "when the crank pin of the forward engine was reported heated, and the engine stopped. ..." The ship became unmanageable and drifted downstream, where she anchored out of range of the Confederate guns.USS "Mississippi" is lost after grounding
Meanwhile, on board "Mississippi", Captain Melancton Smith saw "Richmond" coming downstream but, because of the heavy smoke of the battle, was unable to sight "Monongahela". Thinking that she had steamed ahead to close the gap caused by "Richmond"'s leaving the formation, he ordered his ship "go ahead fast." In attempting to do so, "Mississippi" ran aground and, despite every effort, could not be brought off. After being set afire in four places, she was abandoned. At 3:00 a.m., "Mississippi" was seen in flames floating slowly down river; and, two and one-half hours later, she blew up. Thus ended one of the war's fiercest engagements. Only "Hartford" and "Albatross" had succeeded in running the gauntlet.
Commenting on "Albatross" role, Farragut stated,
:"... although it was not in Lieutenant Commander Hart's power to do much, still he did all that was in his power, and whenever he could bring a gun to bear, ahead or astern, on the port side, it was instantly fired." "Albatross" only casualty in the action was Charles Raick, the captain's steward, who according to the ship's deck log, "... was killed while nobly fighting his gun."
But for a Parrott gun which lost a part of its trunnion when struck by a shell, the ship suffered little material damage.
Beyond the reach of Port Hudson’s guns
After reaching comparative safety beyond the range of Port Hudson's guns, the two Union warships operated in the stretch of the Mississippi between that Southern fortress and Vicksburg until both of these Confederate riverbank strongholds had fallen almost four months later. While plying these waters which bristled with hostile batteries, they denied the Southern armies fighting in the East the steady flow of men, food, horses, and miscellaneous supplies which had supported Confederate troops since the onset of the conflict.
In the middle of March, "Albatross" engaged the Confederate batteries at
Grand Gulf, Mississippi , and suffered one man killed and nine wounded. OnMay 4 , she attacked the ConfederateFort De Russy and engaged two Confederate steamers moored to the earthworks, CSS "Grand Duke" and "Mary T".James Brown wins Medal of Honor
In the engagement, "Grand Duke" was set on fire five times and suffered seven wounded, while "Albatross" was badly shot up and suffered heavy casualties when a 32-pounder ball came through the wheelhouse carrying the wheel away and causing the relieving tackles to be manned by men in plain view of the enemy. Two men from the ship were killed and four wounded. On the bright side,
Quartermaster James Brown displayed most unusual courage during the action. After the steering wheel and wheel ropes had been shot away, Brown stood on the gun platform of the quarterdeck, exposing himself to close fire from musketry ashore and rendered invaluable assistance by his expert management of the relieving tackles. By doing so, he was instrumental in extricating the vessel from a perilous position and thereby aided in the capture of Fort De Russy's heavy works. Brown later received theMedal of Honor for his valor.Following the surrender of Port Hudson on
July 9 , "Albatross" dropped down river and briefly operated on patrol out ofNew Orleans before beginning a repair period which lasted until mid-September when the ship joined the blockading forces offMobile Bay . A month later, yellow fever was again raging and compelled the ship to be placed in quarantine at Pensacola.Returned to the Gulf blockade
When again ready for duty, "Albatross" served as a dispatch vessel, then returned to blockade duty off
Mobile, Alabama . Late in the year, she resumed cruising in the Gulf of Mexico. OnJanuary 9 ,1864 , the ship shelled a large steamer lying under the guns of Fort Morgan, Alabama, at the entrance toMobile Bay . Thereafter, other than periods of repairs, she alternated blockade duty with dispatch service untilMay 21 , 1864 when she was ordered north for major repairs at thePortsmouth Navy Yard where she was decommissioned onJune 6 .Recommissioned on the day after
Christmas 1864 , the steamer was ordered back to theWest Gulf Blockading Squadron . However, while sailing south, she encountered "... a fierce storm some 100 miles south ofCape Cod and was severely damaged, losing her smokestack and her top foremast. Her boats were also badly battered." Proceeding "with the aid of sails and what small amount of steam we could make without a pipe," the ship managed to reach theDelaware River breakwater and entered thePhiladelphia Navy Yard for repairs. When once more seaworthy, she headed for the gulf and was stationed at Mobile where she served through the end of the war.Post-war sale and subsequent maritime career
Following the collapse of the Confederacy, "Albatross" sailed to the
Boston Navy Yard where she was decommissioned onAugust 11 ,1865 . She was sold at public auction there onSeptember 8 , 1865 to C. P. Stickney. Redocumented onSeptember 23 , 1865, the ship operated in merchant service until her engines were removed in1888 , and she was dropped from shipping registers.References
See also
United States Navy
*American Civil War
*Confederate States Navy External links
* [http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh-usn/usnsh-a/albatros.htm USS Albatross (1861-1865)]
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