- USS Katahdin (1861)
USS "Katahdin" (1861) — a 507-ton steamship — was acquired during the beginning of the
American Civil War by theUnion Navy ."Katahdin" was outfitted as a
gunboat with cannon and rifled gun for blockade duty and twohowitzers for shore bombardment.Built in Bath, Maine, in 1861
The "90-day gunboat" was launched by Larrabee & Allen of
Bath, Maine ,12 October 1861 , and commissioned atBoston Navy Yard 17 February 1862 , LieutenantGeorge Henry Preble in command.Civil War service
Assigned to the West Gulf blockade
"Katahdin" was assigned to the
West Gulf Blockading Squadron to bolster its strength as Flag OfficerDavid Farragut prepared for his epochal attack on New Orleans. After entering theMississippi River early in April, "Katahdin" assisted Farragut in his unprecedented effort to work the squadron's deep-draft, salt-water ships across the bar into the river.On
16 April she moved up the river with the fleet to a position below Fort Jackson andFort St. Philip guarding the approaches to New Orleans with over 100 guns. The next morning a Confederate steamer came down and fired at the fleet; but, when "Katahdin"' s guns answered briskly the Southern ship retired out of range. The following day the mortar flotilla opened an intensive bombardment of the forts which continued intermittently for the next six days until it reached a mighty crescendo in the small hours of24 April as the Union fleet got underway and headed up the river toward the forts.Racing past Forts Jackson and St. Philip
Half an hour later, when the Confederate guns opened fire, "Katahdin" steamed steadily ahead, replying with all her guns. Only two rounds struck the gunboat during the dash, one damaging the foremast and the other the smokestack.
After passing the forts and sailing beyond the range of their artillery, the Union ships anchored opposite
Quarantine abreast a Confederate encampment which raised awhite flag . During the morning she collected ordnance surrendered by Confederate troops ashore. The next day she proceeded up the river firing on and silencing Southern batteries on both banks. The afternoon, upon arriving New Orleans, Louisiana, with the fleet, she capturedschooner "John Gilpin" with a cargo of cotton.Lower Mississippi River operations
"Katahdin" operated in the vicinity of New Orleans until
16 May when she got underway up river to join the squadron, which had proceeded her toVicksburg, Mississippi . While moving up stream, she gathered valuable information about conditions in the Mississippi valley; and, throughout Farragut's operations above Vicksburg, she continued to perform reconnaissance missions as she convoyed vessels which supplied the force at Vicksburg from New Orleans.In July, when Farragut withdrew from the Mississippi River to attend to his blockaders in the gulf, he left "Katahdin" in the river with "Essex", "Sumter", and "Kineo" to protect Army units in the area and to police the river. During much of this time "Katahdin" was stationed at Baton Rouge.
5 August Confederates attacked the Union encampment at Baton Rouge in force. The gunboats supported the badly outnumbered Northern soldiers enabling them to repulse the attack. Then they fired over the town into the Confederate camp, forcing them to withdraw out of range. The next morning "Kineo" and "Katahdin" guarded the right flank of theUnion Army while "Essex’' and "Cayuga" got underway to engage ironclad ram CSS "Arkansas". However, as the Union warships were closing on "Arkansas", the ram's engines failed leaving her unable to flee or fight; she was set afire by her officers and abandoned before she blew up.For the next fortnight the threat of an attack kept the ships constantly on the alert to protect the troops which depended upon naval fire support. Finally, upon orders from General Butler, the Union Army evacuated Baton Rouge
21 August . Just before embarking the troops, the gunboats beat off an attack on the Union pickets with rapid and heavy fire. "Katahdin" brought up the rear as the ships steamed to New Orleans, where they arrived the following morning.Supporting Union troops at Donaldsonville
After repairs at New Orleans, the gunboat stood up the river
5 September with "Kineo" and "Scioto" scouring the banks for information. With "Itasca" she covered the landing of Army troops22 September atDonaldsonville, Louisiana . While the expedition was ashore, the gunboats protected them; and, shortly before the soldiers reembarked, naval gunfire beat back a Southern attack which threatened to cut off the landing party. This support prevented annihilation of the landing party by vastly superior forces and enabled it to retreat to "Laurel Hill" for passage to safety in New Orleans.Capturing a large herd of cattle
In the months that followed, the gunboats constantly patrolled the river to protect Union communications, to gather information on Confederate activity, and to cut the flow across the Mississippi River of food and men to Confederate armies in the East. With 3 other gunboats "Katahdin" intercepted a drove of some 1,500 cattle from
Texas and loaded them on transports for passage to New Orleans. The value of this beef to the South can be attested by the fact that, four miles below Donaldsonville, about 3,000 infantrymen supported by ninefield piece s struck back at the ships in a desperate attempt to recapture the cattle. The gunboats opened promptly and in about 20 minute drove the Confederates from their position.The months that followed were a period of constant stress and peril for the gunboats. "We are constantly under fire ... as we pass up and down the river," Lt. Roe, the
commanding officer of "Katahdin", reported.:"Our fighting is a savage Indian warfare. The troops and guns are concealed, and watch for us as we pass along and fire and flee."
Blockading the Texas coast
In January
1863 "Katahdin" was ordered to reinforce the blockade offGalveston, Texas after that port had been recaptured by the Confederacy onNew Year's Day . While serving in the Gulf off theTexas coast, "Katahdin" and "Owasco"' chased, captured, and burned blockade running schooner "Hanover"10 May 1863. She captured schooner "Excelsior"13 July offSan Luis Pass, Texas .Thereafter "Katahdin" continued to serve in the blockade of the Texas coast, cutting off supplies sorely needed by the Confederates. On
30 April 1864 she chased the formerrevenue cutter "Harriet Lane" and steamer "Alice" as they escaped from Galveston; but, after a brisk and lengthy race, "Katahdin" was finally outdistanced. She was more successful31 October when the gunboat overtook "Albert Edward" as the British schooner tried to slip out of the same port with a cargo of cotton.Post-war decommissioning
After the Confederate collapse in April
1865 , the veteran gunboat returned north and decommissioned14 July 1865 . "Katahdin" was sold atNew York City 30 November and documented as "Juno"20 October 1866 .References
ee also
American Civil War
*Union Navy
*Confederate States Navy External links
* [http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/k2/katahdin-i.htm USS Katahdin]
* [http://www.history.navy.mil/photos/sh-usn/usnsh-k/katahdin.htm USS Katahdin (1862-1865)]
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