

Obvio! is a Brazilian automobile manufacturer. The company is specialized in the production of microcars. They produce the 828 and the 012. These cars were planned to be distributed through ZAP in the USA.[1][2]

The cars are mid-engined using a continuously variable transmission (CVT) that can also mimic a 6 speed sequential gearbox, and powered by a 4 cylinder, inline 16 valve 1.6 litre 115 hp (86 kW) Tritec engine (high power version with either 170 hp (130 kW) or 250 hp (190 kW) are also available). They are described as "high performance urban cars". Fuel consumption is 12.5 km/L (35 mpg-imp; 29 mpg-US) in the city or 17.3 km/L (49 mpg-imp; 41 mpg-US) in highway. It is a flexible-fuel vehicle that runs on either pure ethanol fuel (E100) or gasoline or any mix thereof.

The chassis is designed as a series of ellipses (a system called "Niess Elliptical Survival Rings") to be strong, yet low in weight. The cars have one bench seat that seats three, and are fitted with airbags. It has McPherson suspension and disc brakes all round. The internal and external panels of the bodyshell are made in ABS/PMMA plastic. It uses scissor doors and also has a Boblbee backpack space integrated into the design.

The 828 has a list price of US$14,000 and the 012 has a list price of US$28,000. Extras offered are air conditioning (hot/cold), individual seats, power windows/rear mirror/central locking, leather seats and an iMobile Carputer.

The Obvio! 828H is hybrid electric concept car that runs on a flex-fuel engines and was presented in Rio de Janeiro on November 2010.[3][4]


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