Siamese revolution (1688)

Siamese revolution (1688)

The Siamese revolution (1688) was a major popular upheaval in the Kingdom of Siam (modern Thailand) which led to the overthrown of the pro-foreign Siamese king Narai by the Mandarin Petracha, and the ousting of French influence and military forces from Siam. As a consequence, Siam virtually severed all ties with the West, until some level of contacts were renewed in the 19th century. A contemporary who participated in the events, the French engineer Jean Vollant des Verquains, wrote in 1691 about its historical significance: "The revolution which occurred in the Kingdom of Siam in the year 1688 is one of the most famous events of our times, whether it is considered from the point of view of politics or religion." [Jean Vollant des Verquains, "History of the revolution in Siam in the year 1688", in Smithies 2002, p. 98]

Foreign policy focus of King Narai

King Narai's reign saw a major expansion of diplomatic missions to and from Western powers, most notably France, England, and the Vatican. Missions were also sent and received from Persia, India and China, as well as other neighbouring states. Another notable feature of Narai's reign was the unprecedented influence of foreigners at the Siamese court, embodied in the meteoric rise of Constantine Phaulkon, a Greek adventurer who would eventually hold the modern equivalent of the post of Prime Minister.

King Narai especially sought to expand relations with the French, as a counterweight to Portuguese and Dutch influence in his kingdom, and at the suggestion of his Greek councillor Phaulkon. Numerous embassies were exchanged in both directions. A first Siamese ambassador to France was sent in the person of Phya Pipatkosa on board the "Soleil d'Orient", but the ship was wrecked off the coast of Africa after leaving Mauritius, and he disappeared. [Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs [] ] ["Mission Made Impossible: The Second French Embassy to Siam, 1687", by Michael Smithies, Claude Céberet, Guy Tachard, Simon de La Loubère (2002) Silkworm Books, Thailand ISBN 9747551616 , p. 182] A second embassy was sent to France in 1684 (passing through England), led by Khun Pijaiwanit and Khun Pijitmaitri, requesting the dispatch of a French embassy to Thailand. [Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs [] ] They met with Louis XIV in Versailles. In response, Louis XIV sent an embassy led by the Chevalier de Chaumont. A second Thai embassy to France was led by Kosa Pan in 1686.

French intervention (1687)

These first exchanges led to a major involvement by the French with the dispatch of an embassy in March 1687Smithies 2002, p.10] organized by Colbert. The embassy consisted of a French expeditionary force of 1,361 soldiers, missionaries, envoys and crews aboard five warships, and brought the Siamese embassy home.Smithies 2002, p.10] The military wing was led by General Desfarges, and the diplomatic mission by Simon de la Loubère and Claude Céberet du Boullay, director of the French East India Company.

Desfarges had instructions to negotiate the establishment of troops in Mergui and Bangkok rather than the southern Songkla, and to take these locations if necessary by force.Smithies 2002, p.10] King Narai agreed to the proposal, and a fortress was established in each of the two cities, which were commanded by French governors. [Smithies 2002, p.99, Note 5.] Desfarges was in command of the fortress of Bangkok, with 200 French officers and men,Desfarges, in Smithies 2002, p.25] as well as a Siamese contingent provided by King Narai, and Du Bruant was in command of Mergui with 90 French soldiers.Desfarges in Smithies 2002, p.25] [De la Touche, in Smithies 2002, p.76] Another 35 soldiers with 3 or 4 French officers were assigned to ships of the King of Siam, with a mission to fight piracy.Desfarges in Smithies 2002, p.25]

The diplomatic mission, however, achieved little apart from the reaffirmation of the 1685 commercial treaty. The Jesuit Father Tachard had obtained secret instructions from Seignelay, which allowed him to deal directly with Phaulkon.Smithies 2002, p.11] Hopes for the conversion of King Narai to Catholicism, which had largely motivated the embassy sent by Louis XIV, did not materialize.Smithies 2002, p.11]

Nationalistic upheaval

The disambarkment of French troops in Bangkok and Mergui led to strong nationalist movements in Siam directed by the Mandarin and Commander of the Elephant Corps, Phra Petratcha. By 1688 anti-foreign sentiments, mainly directed at the French and Phaulkon, were reaching their zenith. The Siamese courtiers resented the dominance of the Greek Phaulkon in state affairs, along with his Japanese wife and European lifestyle, whilst the Buddhist clergy were uneasy with the increasing prominence of the French Jesuits. The courtiers eventually formed themselves into an anti-foreign faction. It is also notable, however, that other foreigners who had established themselves in Ayutthaya before the French, in particular the Protestant Dutch and English as well as the Persians, resented the growing political and economic influence of the Catholic French. Even other established Catholic factions, such as the Portuguese, had reason to resent the French presence, a violation of the Treaty of Tordesillas. The increasing French influence not only increased competition but was also an unwelcome reminder of the declining fortunes of Portugal.

Matters were brought to a head when King Narai fell gravely ill in March 1688.

In April 1688, Phaulkon requested military help from the French in order to neutralize the plot. Desfarges responded by leading 80 troops and 10 officers out of Bangkok to the Palace in Lopburi, [Vollant des Verquains, in Smithies 2002, p.110] but he stopped on the way in Ayutthaya and finally abandoned his plan and retreated to Bangkok, fearing that he could be attacked by Siamese rebels and troubled by false rumors that the king had already died. [Desfarges, in Smithies 2002, p.18] Desfarges could have eliminated the conspiracy at this point if he had pursued his mission towards Lopburi, but his judgement failed him, partly influenced by the false rumours spread by Véret, the Director of the French East India Company in Ayutthaya. [Desfarges, in Smithies 2002, p.18]

uccession crisis

On May 10, the dying King Narai, aware of the coming succession dispute, called together his closest councillors – Phaulkon, Phra Petracha and Mom Pi – and nominated his daughter, Kromluang Yothathep, to succeed him. The three councillors were to act as regents until the princess took on a partner of her choice from one of the two Siamese councillors. [cite book | author=Cruysse, Dirk van der | title=Siam and the West | pages=p. 444]

Far from calming the situation, Narai's decision spurred Petracha to act. With Narai essentially incapacitated by his illness, Petracha was given a free hand to stage a coup d'etat with the support of a resentful court as well as the Buddhist clergy. The events spurred Petracha to execute the long-planned coup immediately, initiating the 1688 Siamese revolution. [Smithies 2002, p.184] On May 17-18, 1688, King Narai was arrested, and on June 5 Phaulkon was executed. Six French officers were captured in Lopburi and mobbed, one of them dying as a result. [Desfarges, in Smithies 2002, p.39-40] Many members of Narai's familly were assassinated (the king's brothers, his successors by right, were killed on July 9), [Desfarges, in Smithies 2002, p.46] and King Narai himself died in detention on July 10-11. Phra Petratcha was crowned king on August 1. [Smithies 2002, p.184] Kosa Pan, the 1686 former ambassador to France, was one of the strongest supporters of Petratcha, and became his Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade. [Desfarges, in Smithies 2002, p.35]

Princess Kromluang Yothathep ultimately had to marry Petracha and become his queen.

Ousting of French forces (1688)

Large-scale attacks were launched on the two French fortresses in Siam, and on June 24, 1688, the French under du Bruant and the Chevalier de Beauregard soon had to abandon their garrison at Mergui. [Smithies 2002, p.184] Du Bruant managed to escape under fire and with many casualties by seizing a Siamese warship, the "Mergui". [De la Touche, in Smithies 2002, p.76] He and his troops were stranded on a deserted island for four months before being captured by a British warship. They ultimately returned to Pondicherry by way of Madras.

In the Siege of Bangkok, Petratcha besieged the French fortress in Bangkok with 40,000 men, [De la Touche, in Smithies 2002, p.66] and over a hundred cannon, [Smithies 2002, p.70] during a period of four months. [De la Touche, in Smithies 2002, p.71] The Siamese troops apparently received Dutch support in their fight against the French. [De la Touche, in Smithies 2002, p.70] On September 9, the French warship "Oriflamme", carrying 200 troops and commanded by de l'Estrilles, arrived at the mouth of the Chao Phraya River, but was unable to dock at the Bangkok fortress as the entrance to the river was being blocked by the Siamese. [Desfarges, in Smithies 2002, p.49]

Phaulkon's Catholic Japanese-Portuguese wife, named Maria Guyomar de Pinha, [Vollant des Verquains, in Smithies 2002, p.100] who had been promised protection by being ennobled a countess of France, took refuge with the French troops in Bangkok, but Desfarges returned her to the Siamese under pressure from Petracha on October 18. [Smithies 2002, p.11/p.184] Despite the promises that had been made regarding her safety, she was condemned to perpetual slavery in the kitchens of Petracha. [Smithies 2002, p.51, note 101] Desfarges finally negotiated to return with his men to Pondicherry on November 13, onboard the "Oriflamme" and two Siamese ships, the "Siam" and the "Louvo", provided by Petracha. [De la Touche, in Smithies 2002, p.73] [Smithies 2002, p.184]

Some of the French troops remained in Pondicherry to bolster the French presence there, but most left for France on February 16 1689 aboard the French Navy "Normande" and the French Company "Coche", with the engineer Vollant des Verquains and the Jesuit Le Blanc aboard. The two ships were captured by the Dutch at The Cape, however, because the War of the Augsburg League had started. After a month in the Cape, the prisoners were sent to Zeeland where they were kept at the prison of Middelburg. They were able to return to France through a general exchange of prisoners. [Smithies 2002, p.19]

On April 10 1689, Desfarges – who had remained in Pondicherry – led an expedition to capture the island of Phuket in an attempt to restore some sort of French control in Siam. ["A History of South-east Asia" p. 350, by Daniel George Edward Hall (1964) St. Martin's Press] [Dhivarat na Pombejra in Reid, p.267] The occupation of the island led nowhere, and Desfarges returned to Pondicherry in January 1690. [Smithies 2002, p.185] Recalled to France, he left 108 troops in Pondicherry to bolster defenses, and left with his remaining troops on the "Oriflamme" and the Company ships "Lonré" and "Saint-Nicholas" on February 21 1690. [Smithies 2002, p.179] Desfarges died on his way back trying to reach Martinique, and the "Oriflamme" later sank on February 27 1691, with most of the remaining French troops, off the coast of Britanny. [Smithies 2002, p.16/p.185]


Petraja had managed to expel most of the French from Siam. After an initial confinement, missionaries were allowed to continue their work in Ayutthaya, albeit with some restrictions. The Bishop of Ayutthaya Monseigneur Louis Laneau was only released from jail in April 1691. A few French employees of the king, such as René Charbonneau, former governor of Phuket, were also allowed to remain. [Dhiravat na Pombejra, in Reid p.267] France was unable to stage a comeback or organize a retaliation due to its involvement in major European conflicts: the War of the League of Augsburg (1688-1697), and then the War of the Spanish Succession (1701-1713/1714). [Dhiravat na Pombejra, in Reid, p.267]

Not all contacts with the West were severed however. On November 14th, immediately after the French retreat, the 1644 Treaty and Alliance of Peace between Siam and the VOC was renewed, guaranteeing the Dutch the deerskin export monopoly they had had, and giving them freedom to trade freely in Siamese ports with anyone. They also obtained a renewal of their export monopoly on Ligor for tin (originally granted by king Narai in 1671). [Dhivarat na Pombejra in Reid, p.265] Dutch factors ("Opperhoofden") were also stationed at Ayutthaya, such as Pieter van den Hoorn (from 1688 to 1691), or Thomas van Son (from 1692 to 1697). [Dhiravat na Pombejra, in Reid p.265-266] Contact between Siam and the West remained sporadic, however, and would not return to the level seen in the reign of King Narai until the reign of King Mongkut in the mid-19th century. [ [ Background Note: Thailand] , US Department of State: Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, March 2008 ]

Overall, Siamese foreign trade does not seem to have stagnated, as trade relations with Asian countries remained buoyant. Siam remained especially involved in the Sino-Siamese-Japanese trade. During the reign of Petracha, about 50 Chinese junks are recorded to have visited Ayutthaya, and during the same period as many as 30 junks left Ayutthaya for Nagasaki, Japan. [Dhivarat na Pombejra in Reid, p.266]

The official resumption of contacts with the West started with the Treaty of Amity and Commerce with the United Kingdom in 1826, and diplomatic exchanges with the United States started in 1833. [US Department of State [] ] France only resumed official contacts in 1856, when Napoleon III sent an embassy to King Mongkut led by Charles de Montigny in 1856. A Treaty was signed on August 15 1856 to facilitate trade, guarantee religious freedom, and allow the access of French warships to Bangkok. In June 1861, French warships brought a Thai embassy to France, led by Phya Sripipat (Pae Bunnag). [Thai Ministry of Foreign Affairs [] ]



* Hall, Daniel George Edward (1964) "A History of South-east Asia" St. Martin's Press
* Reid, Anthony (Editor), "Southeast Asia in the Early Modern Era", Cornell University Press, 1993, ISBN 0801480930
* Smithies, Michael (1999), "A Siamese embassy lost in Africa 1686", Silkworm Books, Bangkok, ISBN 9747100959
* Smithies, Michael (2002), "Three military accounts of the 1688 "Revolution" in Siam", Itineria Asiatica, Orchid Press, Bangkok, ISBN 9745240052

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