Konkani words from other languages

Konkani words from other languages

Konkani, the language of Goa and of many diaspora on the western coast of India, has come into contact with many local languages and incorporated words from these languages in it.

With the Kannada Kadambas ruling Goa and its close proximity to Maharashtra a lot of Kannada and Marathi words have been incorporated.

The konkani community with its trade links with the Arabs and Persians have also incorporated many Arabic and Persian words into their vocabulary.

A large section of the Konkani community have resided in the canara and malabar coasts and have thus incorporated many Kannada and Malayalam words.

With Portuguese colonization a large number of Portuguese loan words have been incorporated into Konkani. Also with the use of English as the Lingua franca and with South Canara coming under British Occupation many English words are also incorporated and have even replaced Portuguese words.

Portuguese words in Konkani:

Fruit and vegetables

*(H)Appus- Alphanso(Variety of mango)
*Caju - Cashew
*Popai- Papaya
*Tomat- Tomato
*Bottatto- Potato
*Paer/per- Guava fruit
*Avnas- Annanas- Pineapple

Catholic Religious terms

*Miss- Mass
*Sakrament- Sacrament
*Natalam- Christmas
*Bensaum- Blessing
*Igorz- Church

Words denoting family relationship

*Pai- father
*Tiv- Uncle

Professional terms

*Adogad- Lawyer
*Ord- order
*Selad fol-Stamped paper
*Dotor- Doctor

Education terms

*Prosor- professor
*Lisavn- Lesson
*Kadern - Excercise book
*tint- Ink

Architectural terms

*Pared- Wall
*Galeri- Gallery
*Varand- Verandah

Miscellaneous words

*Govet- drawer
*Pixol- Brush
*Tizulo- Tile
*Kulchanv- Mattress
*Burak- hole
*Sabun-Sabão (Soap)
*Julab-Julapa (Laxative)
*Lilanv-Leilão (Auction) Cognate with Hindi 'Nilam'

French words in Konkani Language

*Lafaddem- affair(From the french l'affair)
*Parval-from parole
*tamret- stool
*Voltaire-easy chair from Voltaire(French writer)

Kannada words in Konkani

*Duddu- Money
*Bhangar - Gold
*Rokhdo - Cash
*Poiso addko - Wealth
*Hallsande/alsando- Kind of bean
*Boraup-borouchain-to write
*Tantim- Eggs
*Kemp(u)- ruby
*modd- cloud / storm
*Bageel - door
*Chilki - latch

"The following words are used by konkanis is South Kanara only."
*gurtu mellchey- to recognise (Vollakley)
*sann- small


*Anna-elder brother
*amma- mother
*tai- sister
*Akka- elder sister/father's sister
*Tangi-younger sister
*mama/mamu-mothers brother
*manv- father in law

Telugu words

*Sambarem- sambharu-curry
*tutio- hammer

= Arabic-Persian words =

*Dukan- shop
*fasal- crop
*jawab- answer
*kabul- agree
*karz- debt
*chabuk- whip
*chugli- gossip
*dang- engrossed
*hak- right
*had'd- boundary
*fakt- only
*akkal- intelligence
*baag- garden
*arz- request
*ajap- wonder
*xar- city
*saitan- satan
*hajir- present
*garib- poor
*goroz- necessity
*virasat- heritage
*saib- master
*tazviz- arrangement
*khobor- news
*vogot- time
*ondu/avndu-this year
*farik- repay
*bazar- market
*tarikh- date

Some words are also used wherin the original meaning has been changed or distorted
*Mustaiki(clothes) from 'mustaid'= ready
*bekar bahas(idle talk)gives bhikar bhaso(useless philosophysing)
*kapan khairo -eater of ones own shroud- miser

English influence

Besides the direct use of english words for modern items such as tv-radio etc some words have been modified into konkani.

*spanner- panno
*tank- tanki
*false - phaals


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