Sea robin

Sea robin

name = Sea Robin

image_caption = Red gurnard, "Chelidonichthys spinosus"
regnum = Animalia
phylum = Chordata
classis = Actinopterygii
ordo = Scorpaeniformes
familia = Triglidae
subdivision_ranks = Genera
subdivision = "Aspitrigla" "Bellator" "Chelidonichthys" "Eutrigla" "Lepidotrigla" "Prionotus" "Pterygotrigla" "Trigla" See text for species.

Sea robins are bottom-feeding scorpaeniform fishes in the family Triglidae. They get their name from their large pectoral fins, which, when swimming, open and close like a bird's wings in flight. Sea robins have six spiny "legs," three on each side. These legs are really flexible spines that were once part of the pectoral fin. Over time, the spines separated themselves from the rest of the fin, developing into feeler-like "forelegs." The pelvic fins have been thought to let the fish "walk" on the bottom, but are really used to stir up food. When caught, it makes a croaking noise similar to a frog. The first three rays of the pectoral fins are membrane free and used for chemoreception.

Sea Robin flesh is described as firm and tender when cooked. The fish serves as an adequate replacement to rascasse, or scorpionfish, in bouillabaisse.


There are 114 species in eight genera:
* Genus "Aspitrigla"
** East Atlantic red gurnard, "Aspitrigla cuculus" (Linnaeus, 1758).
* Genus "Bellator"
** Shortfin searobin, "Bellator brachychir" (Regan, 1914).
** Streamer searobin, "Bellator egretta" (Goode & Bean, 1896).
** "Bellator farrago" Richards & McCosker, 1998.
** Naked-belly searobin, "Bellator gymnostethus" (Gilbert, 1892).
** Barred searobin, "Bellator loxias" (Jordan, 1897).
** Horned searobin, "Bellator militaris" (Goode & Bean, 1896).
** "Bellator ribeiroi" Miller, 1965.
** Splitnose searobin, "Bellator xenisma" (Jordan & Bollman, 1890).
* Genus "Chelidonichthys"
** Cape gurnard, "Chelidonichthys capensis" (Cuvier, 1829).
** Gabon gurnard, "Chelidonichthys gabonensis" (Poll & Roux, 1955).
** "Chelidonichthys ischyrus" Jordan & Thompson, 1914.
** Bluefin gurnard, "Chelidonichthys kumu" (Cuvier, 1829).
** Streaked gurnard, "Chelidonichthys lastoviza" (Bonnaterre, 1788).
** Tub gurnard, "Chelidonichthys lucernus" (Linnaeus, 1758).
** Longfin gurnard, "Chelidonichthys obscurus" (Bloch & Schneider, 1801).
** Lesser gurnard, "Chelidonichthys queketti" (Regan, 1904).
** Red gurnard, "Chelidonichthys spinosus" (Gomon, 1987).
* Genus "Eutrigla"
** Grey gurnard, "Eutrigla gurnardus" (Linnaeus, 1758).
* Genus "Lepidotrigla"
** "Lepidotrigla abyssalis" Jordan & Starks, 1904.
** "Lepidotrigla alata" (Houttuyn, 1782).
** "Lepidotrigla alcocki" Regan, 1908.
** "Lepidotrigla annamarae" del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
** Long-finned gurnard, "Lepidotrigla argus" Ogilby, 1910.
** "Lepidotrigla argyrosoma" Fowler, 1938.
** Twohorn gurnard, "Lepidotrigla bentuviai" Richards & Saksena, 1977.
** Bullhorn gurnard, "Lepidotrigla bispinosa" Steindachner, 1898.
** Scaly gurnard, "Lepidotrigla brachyoptera" Hutton, 1872.
** Scalebreast gurnard, "Lepidotrigla cadmani" Regan, 1915.
** "Lepidotrigla calodactyla" Ogilby, 1910.
** Carol's gurnard, "Lepidotrigla carolae" Richards, 1968.
** Large-scaled gurnard, "Lepidotrigla cavillone" (Lacépède, 1801).
** "Lepidotrigla deasoni" Herre & Kauffman, 1952.
** Spiny gurnard, "Lepidotrigla dieuzeidei" Blanc & Hureau, 1973.
** "Lepidotrigla eydouxii" Sauvage, 1878.
** Scalybreast gurnard, "Lepidotrigla faurei" Gilchrist & Thompson, 1914.
** Supreme gurnard, "Lepidotrigla grandis" Ogilby, 1910.
** "Lepidotrigla guentheri" Hilgendorf, 1879.
** "Lepidotrigla hime" Matsubara & Hiyama, 1932.
** "Lepidotrigla japonica" (Bleeker, 1854).
** "Lepidotrigla jimjoebob" Richards, 1992.
** "Lepidotrigla kanagashira" Kamohara, 1936.
** "Lepidotrigla kishinouyi" Snyder, 1911.
** "Lepidotrigla larsoni" del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
** "Lepidotrigla lepidojugulata" Li, 1981.
** "Lepidotrigla longifaciata" Yatou, 1981.
** "Lepidotrigla longimana" Li, 1981.
** "Lepidotrigla longipinnis" Alcock, 1890.
** "Lepidotrigla macrobrachia" Fowler, 1938.
** "Lepidotrigla marisinensis" (Fowler, 1938).
** "Lepidotrigla microptera" Günther, 1873.
** Grooved gurnard, "Lepidotrigla modesta" Waite, 1899.
** Rough-snouted gurnard, "Lepidotrigla mulhalli" Macleay, 1884.
** Indian Ocean spiny gurnard, "Lepidotrigla multispinosa" Smith, 1934.
** "Lepidotrigla musorstom" del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
** "Lepidotrigla nana" del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
** "Lepidotrigla oglina" Fowler, 1938.
** Oman gurnard, "Lepidotrigla omanensis" Regan, 1905.
** Australian spiny gurnard, "Lepidotrigla papilio" (Cuvier, 1829).
** "Lepidotrigla pectoralis" Fowler, 1938.
** Eastern spiny gurnard, "Lepidotrigla pleuracanthica" (Richardson, 1845).
** "Lepidotrigla punctipectoralis" Fowler, 1938.
** "Lepidotrigla robinsi" Richards, 1997.
** "Lepidotrigla russelli" del Cerro & Lloris, 1995.
** "Lepidotrigla sayademalha" Richards, 1992.
** "Lepidotrigla sereti" del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
** Spotwing gurnard, "Lepidotrigla spiloptera" Günther, 1880.
** "Lepidotrigla spinosa" Gomon, 1987.
** "Lepidotrigla umbrosa" Ogilby, 1910.
** Butterfly gurnard, "Lepidotrigla vanessa" (Richardson, 1839).
** "Lepidotrigla vaubani" del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
** "Lepidotrigla venusta" Fowler, 1938.
* Genus "Prionotus"
** Spiny searobin, "Prionotus alatus" (Houttuyn, 1782).
** Whitesnout searobin, "Prionotus albirostris" Jordan & Bollman, 1890.
** Bean's searobin, "Prionotus beanii" Goode, 1896.
** Two-beaked searobin, "Prionotus birostratus" Richardson, 1844.
** Northern searobin, "Prionotus carolinus" (Linnaeus, 1771).
** Striped searobin, "Prionotus evolans" (Linnaeus, 1766).
** Bristly searobin, "Prionotus horrens" Richardson, 1844.
** Bigeye searobin, "Prionotus longispinosus" Teague, 1951.
** Gulf of Mexico barred searobin, "Prionotus martis" Ginsburg, 1950.
** Galapagos gurnard, "Prionotus miles" Jenyns, 1840.
** "Prionotus murielae" Mowbray, 1928.
** Red searobin, "Prionotus nudigula" Ginsburg, 1950.
** Bandtail searobin, "Prionotus ophryas" Jordan & Swain, 1885.
** Mexican searobin, "Prionotus paralatus" Ginsburg, 1950.
** Bluewing searobin, "Prionotus punctatus" (Bloch, 1793).
** Bluespotted searobin, "Prionotus roseus" Jordan & Evermann, 1887.
** Blackwing searobin, "Prionotus rubio" Jordan, 1886.
** Common searobin, "Prionotus ruscarius" Gilbert & Starks, 1904.
** Leopard searobin, "Prionotus scitulus" Jordan & Gilbert, 1882.
** Shortwing searobin, "Prionotus stearnsi" Jordan & Swain, 1885.
** Lumptail searobin, "Prionotus stephanophrys" Lockington, 1881.
** Long-ray searobin, "Prionotus teaguei" Briggs, 1956.
** Bighead searobin, "Prionotus tribulus" Cuvier, 1829.
* Genus "Pterygotrigla"
** "Pterygotrigla acanthomoplate" (Fowler, 1938).
** "Pterygotrigla andertoni" Waite, 1910.
** Mauritius gurnard, "Pterygotrigla guezei" Fourmanoir, 1963.
** Blackspotted gurnard, "Pterygotrigla hemisticta" (Temminck & Schlegel, 1843).
** "Pterygotrigla hoplites" (Fowler, 1938).
** Black-finned gurnard, "Pterygotrigla leptacanthus" (Günther, 1880).
** "Pterygotrigla macrolepidota" (Kamohara, 1938).
** "Pterygotrigla macrorhynchus" (Fowler, 1938).
** "Pterygotrigla megalops" (Fowler, 1938).
** Antrorse spined gurnard, "Pterygotrigla multiocellata" (Matsubara, 1937).
** "Pterygotrigla multipunctata" Yatou & Yamakawa, 1983.
** Yellow spotted gurnard, "Pterygotrigla pauli" Hardy, 1982.
** Spotted gurnard, "Pterygotrigla picta" (Günther, 1880).
** Latchet, "Pterygotrigla polyommata" (Richardson, 1839).
** "Pterygotrigla robertsi" del Cerro & Lloris, 1997.
** "Pterygotrigla ryukyuensis" Matsubara & Hiyama, 1932.
** "Pterygotrigla spirai" Golani & Baranes, 1997.
** "Pterygotrigla tagala" (Herre & Kauffman, 1952).
* Genus "Trigla"
** Piper gurnard, "Trigla lyra" Linnaeus, 1758.
** "Trigla lucerna"



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